Repeat Annotation for TestNG at Spring - spring

I've migrated to TestNG from Junit within my Spring application. However I could not see that how can I repeat my test methods with TestNG?
I decided to use Spring's annotation and extended my classes super class from:
But, #Repeat annotation did not work. Any ideas?

How about invocationCount? If it is the same test that you want to run let's say a fixed number of times, then you can specify a invocationCount on the #Test annotation. Example here. You can even trigger in parallel.
#Test(threadPoolSize = 3, invocationCount = 10)
public void testMethod() {


writing load tests for junit springboot application

I have written the following junit test.
public class abc {
private ActorService actorService;
public void testCorrectIdHandlingForNewInsertedActors() {
int elementsInDb = 0;
for (Actor a : this.actorService.findAll()) {
Actor actor = this.actorService.saveAndSetId(new Actor());
assertEquals(elementsInDb + 1, actor.getId());
Now I want to write some load tests for performance testing but I don't know which tools I can use within my spring application. I am using gradle as my build tool. Any tutorial will be appreciated.
PS: I have already tried zerocode but does not work for me
You have some useful features out of the box such as #RepeatedTest and #Timeout (see the JUnit 5 annotations reference here) which respectively allow you to repeat a specific test method n times and set a maximum time limit before a test will fail automatically.
Other than that, for more complete and meaningful load testing you should consider relying on a full-fledged solution such as Apache JMeter or Gatling, rather than unit tests.

Spring boot test minimal test slice or manual configuration

I have many different SpringBoot tests running. So far the auto configuration slices were really helpful, especially in combination with #MockBean.
But in my current test no such slice fits and booting up the complete context using #SpringBootTest is too slow.
Is there a way to manually set the tip of the object tree to be started with and from there spring autowires all needed beans? Or is there a way to set all needed beans manually?
In my specific case i want to test a MapStruct generated mapper (using componentModel = "spring") this mapper uses two other mappers, each injecting a service to do their work.
The services are provided via #MockBean:
public class ProductResponsibleUnitMapperTest {
private PRUMapper mapper;
private TradingPartnerService tradingPartnerService;
private ProductHierarchyService productHierarchyService;
public void mapForthAndBack(){
//works but takes ages to boot
I could not use constructor injection on the mappers (for the services) because MapStruct won't generate correct implementations.
How to get a Spring-Context only containing the needed beans?
I found one way by explicitly declaring all implementation used:
#SpringBootTest(classes = {ProductResponsibleUnitMapperImpl.class, LegalEntityMapperImpl.class, ProductHierarchyMapperImpl.class})
For more complex setups it will be cumbersome and also dangerous to declare generated classes.
I am still searching for a better cleaner way to let Spring decide what classes needed. It should be possible to set the class in hand and let Spring decide what classes needed and to be instantiated.

Spring auto populate list with mocks

I would like to know if anybody has successfully #Autowired an auto-populated list of objects, injecting mocks, with Spring during the test phase of the build? What I want to be able to do is override Spring's auto-population of a list during test time and have it populated with mocks within a unit test, instead of the implementation classes. I have successfully accomplished this by specifying #Resource within the code instead of #Autowired, but then when I deploy the Spring web app, the auto-population does not execute with #Resource specified for my list (it's just empty). The oppposite happens when I specify #Autowired on the list. The list is auto-populated when the app runs, but then I cannot populate the list with mocks when the unit tests run. It seems to be a catch-22...
So how do I use #Resource on a List type and have Spring still do the auto-population at runtime? Has anybody done this successfully - use auto-population at runtime, but substitute mocks into the list during the test phase? If so, could you possibly post relevant parts of your test #Configuration class? (Java annotations please, not XML). Thanks..
This works for injecting mocks, but then auto-population of the list doesn't kick in at runtime:
#Resource(name = "myServices")
private List<MyService> myServices;
And in my test config:
public List<MyService> myServices() {
List<MyService> myServices = new ArrayList<>();
MyService mockService1 = Mockito.mock(MyService.class, Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);
MyService mockService2 = Mockito.mock(MyService.class, Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);
return myServices;
And then with the following, auto-population is active all the time (at runtime and during the test phase), but I cannot override and inject the mocks during the test phase with #Autowired, as it ignores the myServices #Bean definition from the test config:
private List<MyService> myServices;
Thanks in advance for any insight on this.

Multiple tests with autowired MockHttpServletRequest not working?

I use an #Autowired MockHttpServletRequest in some of my Spring tests. TestNG is used as testing framework. If I only have one test method in the class this works fine. However, if there are multiple test methods, only the first run test uses my MockHttpServletRequest. Let me illustrate with an example:
public class FooTest extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {
private MockHttpServletRequest servletRequest;
public void test1() {
assertEquals(((ServletRequestAttributes)RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes()).getRequest(), servletRequest);
public void test2() {
assertEquals(((ServletRequestAttributes)RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes()).getRequest(), servletRequest);
In this example, test1() passes, but test2() fails! If you run the test methods individually, they both pass. Why does one test fail if they are run together?
I tried to dig in the code, there seems to be some kind of reset of the request attributes after a test method have run, but I didn't find a way to turn it off. My Spring version is 3.2.8.RELEASE.
UPDATE: This has been fixed in Spring Framework 3.2.9, 4.0.4, and 4.1. See SPR-11626 for details.
Well, my friend... you have discovered a bug in the Spring TestContext Framework.
The reason for this behavior is that ServletTestExecutionListener resets the request attributes after each test method, but DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener does not re-inject dependencies before each test method (by default). When the second test method is executed, the servletRequest field is still referencing the MockHttpServletRequest that was created for the previous test method; whereas, ServletTestExecutionListener creates a new instance of MockHttpServletRequest for each test method and sets it in the request attributes. Thus, the injected request and the one stored in the RequestContextHolder are only the same for the first test method that executes in TestNG.
Since I am the author of this code, I have to personally apologize, but... I'll make sure it gets fixed ASAP. See SPR-11626 for details on the status of the fix. ;)
Note: this bug only applies to TestNG tests; this does not apply to JUnit tests.
As a work-around, you can annotate the affected test methods with #DirtiesContext (or annotate your test class with #DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD)). This will allow your tests to pass as you expect.
The use of #DirtiesContext will make Spring close your test ApplicationContext after each test method, and this will likely have a negative impact on the speed of your tests; however, as of Spring 3.2.8 and 4.0.3, this is the only non-custom solution.
Having said that, the following is a much more efficient work-around. Just define this custom TestExecutionListener in your project:
public class AlwaysReinjectDependenciesTestExecutionListener extends AbstractTestExecutionListener {
public void afterTestMethod(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
testContext.setAttribute(DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.REINJECT_DEPENDENCIES_ATTRIBUTE, Boolean.TRUE);
And then annotate your test class like this:
That should clear up any issues and keep your test suite running quickly.

#Autowired gives different object in each time of JUnit test

I have a class named TestedClass that is annotated with #Service("service").
I want to inject this class in my JUnit Test Class.
#ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:/META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml"})
public class JUnitTest {
TestedClass testedClass;
public void test() {
And then I start my server and run this JUnitTest class.
I think that the output should be same in each time of test without stop the server. But it print different results.
If you are running the test multiple times, different instances of the bean will get injected. Once you run the test the first bean will get destroyed. When you run the test again a new instance (singleton) must be made. The test framework will fire up an IOC container once per run of the test, the beans will not persist across multiple runs.
