I've been looking into this and cannot figure out a good way to do it, most things that I do end up with the camera becoming disorientated.
Essentially I want the user to be able to pan around the scene but only to maximum and minimum distance both in x and y. By default the user seems to be able to pan indefinitely which can result in the scene becoming miles away from where the user is actually looking so I want a way to prevent this, does anyone have any ideas on how to achieve this.
I'm using the TracballControls with the adding touch support by Eberhard Graether and Mark Lundin.
I have a game that requires the player to roll two die. As this is a multiplayer game, the way I currently do this is have 6 animations (1 for each die's outcome). When the player clicks a button, it sends a request to my server code. My server code determines the die's outcome and sends the results to the client. The client then plays the corresponding animations.
This works ok, but has some issues. For instance, if the server sends back two of the same values (two 6's, for example) then the animations don't work correctly. As both animations are the same, they overlay each other, and it looks like only one die was rolled.
Is there a better way to do this? Instead of animations, using "real" dice? If that's the case, I always need to be sure to "pre-determine" the outcome of the dice roll, on the server. I also need to make sure the dice don't fall off the table or jostle any of the other player pieces on the board.
thanks for any ideas.
The server only needs to care about the value result, not running physics calculations.
Set up 12 different rolling animations:
Six for the first die
Six for the second die
Each one should always end with the same modeled face pointing upwards (the starting position isn't relevant, only the ending position). For the latter steps you'll probably want to adjust the model's UV coordinates to use a very tall or very wide texture (or just a slice of a square one). So not like this but rather all in a line 1-2-3-4-5-6.
The next step is picking a random animation to play. You've already got code to run a given animation, just set it to pick randomly instead of based on the die-roll-value from the server:
int animNum = Mathf.Floor(Random.Next()*6);
Finally, the fun bit. Adjusting the texture so that the desired face shows when the animation is done. I'm going to assume that you arrange your faces along the top edge of your square texture. Material.SetTextureOffset().
int showFace = Mathf.Floor(Random.Next()*6); //this value should come from the server
die.renderer.material.SetTextureOffset(1f/6 * showFace,0);
This will set the texture offset such that the desired face will show on top. You'll even be able to see it changing in the inspector. Because of the UVs being arranged such that each face uses the next chunk over and because textures will wrap around when reaching the edge (unless the texture is set to Clamp in its import settings: you don't want this here).
Note that this will cause a new material instance to be instantiated (which is not very performant). If you want to avoid this, you'll have to use a material property block instead.
You could simulate the physics on the server, keep track of the positions and the orientations of the dice for the duration of the animation, and then send the data over to the client. I understand it's a lot of data for something so simple, but that's one way you can get the rolls to appear realistic and synced between all clients.
If only Unity's physics was deterministic that would be a whole lot easier.
I'm a CS scrub and I thought I understood everything until now. I'm being prompted to make anything I want, so I'm choosing to make a little game I've been thinking about for a few months. The problem is that I don't know where to start. We've been using JavaFX and we've done some animation but I don't fully understand everything. I don't really understand mouse events but the idea I have depends on them. Anyway, here's the idea:
The main (2D) game is about reducing fractions.
Imagine the window being split horizontally into top and bottom.
Now, imagine boxes spawning out of view and moving into view toward the horizontal center line. The boxes will only be moving vertically and each box has a random integer. When a box gets to the center, it'll stay there and allow for other boxes to land on top of it (or below it if it came from the bottom).
Boxes are eliminated by "reducing" a number in the numerator with a number in the denominator. Several boxes may be selected on one side before reducing them with the other side. Here's a picture that might help convey what I want to do:
Crude Three Frames of the Gameplay Drawn In Paint
Hopefully that all makes sense.
I've been trying to use an extension of Rectangle but I don't really know what else to do. I figure I'll need to create some ArrayLists to keep track of the boxes and some other lists to keep track of factors as well. Anyway, any help would be fantastic. Thank you guys very much!
I have a simple 2D game and I have a strange problem whenever a level is loaded several of the objects that include platforms and enemies won't display on screen and neither do the 2D background but all the objects are there, I can see it in the hierarchy and they are functioning as they should like killing the player and such. They just don't show up on the screen. I was finally able to show them while pausing the player during gameplay and set the z position of the camera to -11 and above but every time the level reloads like after the death of player, the same problem happens.
I even tested it on the mobile device but the same problem occurs furthermore I can't even interact with any of the UI buttons on the level, even though I check that all the code for them is appropriate.
Please help.
Okay after reading, your replies, I thought may be this will help. O always get these errors every time I load up this project in unity but they disappear once the game is running.
As you can see the platforms and enemies does appear on the camera frustum but when I start the game they disappear.
Okay, I finally found the problem. After lot of head scratching and testing I found that the objects that weren't appearing on screen has their z-position set to -10 which is the same of that of camera's z-position.
The problem was I was using this code to set the position of objects in the Awake method:
transform.position = camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(x, y, 0));
What's actually happening is all the x, y, and z co-ordinates were setting related to the camera's position. So setting the z-position to 10 fixed it for me.
Thanks everyone for helping me.
It's probably because near clipping of your cam is to high; Set it to 0.1 and try it again.
I am working with huge vertice objects, I am able to show lots of modells, because I have split them into smaller parts(Under 65K vertices). Also I am using three js cameras. I want to increase the performance by using a priority queue, and when the user moving the camera show only the top 10, then when the moving stop show the rest. This part is not that hard, but I dont want to put modells to render, when they are behind another object, maybe send out some Rays from the view of the camera(checking the bounding box hit) and according hit list i can build the prior queue.
What do you think?
Also how can I detect if I can load the next modell or not.(on the fly)
Option A: Occlusion culling, you will need to find a library for this.
Option B: Use a AABB Plane test with camera Frustum planes and object bounding box, this will tell you if an object is in cameras field of view. (not necessarily visible behind object, as such a operation is impossible, this mostly likely already done to a degree with webgl)
Google it, three js probably supports this
Option C: Use a max object render Limit, prioritized based on distance from camera and size of object. Eg Calculate which objects are visible(Option B), then prioritize the closest and biggest ones and disable the rest.
if(object is in frustum ){
var priority = (bounding.max - bounding.min) / distanceToCamera
Make sure your shaders are only doing one pass. As that will double the calculation time(roughly depending on situation)
Option D: raycast to eight corners of bounding box if they all fail don't render
the object. This is pretty accurate but by no means perfect.
Option A will be the best for sure, Using Option C is great if you don't care that small objects far away don't get rendered. Option D works well with objects that have a lot of verts, you may want to raycast more points of the object depending on the situation. Option B probably won't be useful for your scenario, but its a part of c, and other optimization methods. Over all there has never been an extremely reliable and optimal way to tell if something is behind something else.
I have an actor that i need to rotate 2 times. Each time around a different origin. But it seems the actor just saves the origin set with setOrigin() and and the rotation set with setRotation() and calculates it when drawing. So if i simply set these values 2 times its just overwriting the old one and doesnt calculate it when drawing. Is there any way to chain multile rotations around different origins ?
Yes you are right, you will not see the result until you draw your actor, it is because the rotation doesn't make any transformation on actor's coordinates or something else. Rotation just a plain value that uses only when actor draws it's graphics or someone queries for actor BoundingBox e.g. So all the rotation transformations happens each time someone need in it.
Back to your question... If you want to apply several transformations to your actor you should somehow accumulate them and then change actor's state only once.
As solution you may have a look at Group#applyTransform() method, it supplied with Matrix4 where your can flexible configure all your transformations. Of course you will have to place your actor inside Group object, which is a some kind of cons, but in profit you will have a deal with a matrix transformations whose are not available for a plain Actor.
Hope this will helpful, good luck.