Settings and accessing a pointer from concurrent goroutines - go

I have a map which is used by goroutine A and replaced once in a time in goroutine B. By replacement I mean:
var a map[T]N
// uses the map
func goroutineA() {
for (...) {
tempA = a
..uses tempA in some way...
//refreshes the map
func gorountineB() {
for (...) {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Seconds)
otherTempA = make(map[T]N)
...initializes other tempA....
a = otherTempA
Do you see any problem in this pseudo code? (in terms of concurrecy)

The code isn't safe, since assignments and reads to a pointer value are not guaranteed to be atomic. This can mean that as one goroutine writes the new pointer value, the other may see a mix of bytes from the old and new value, which will cause your program to die in a nasty way. Another thing that may happen is that since there's no synchronisation in your code, the compiler may notice that nothing can change a in goroutineA, and lift the tempA := a statement out of the loop. This will mean that you'll never see new map assignments as the other goroutine updates them.
You can use go test -race to find these sorts of problems automatically.
One solution is to lock all access to the map with a mutex.
You may wish to read the Go Memory Model document, which explains clearly when changes to variables are visible inside goroutines.

When unsure about data races, run go run -race file.go, that being said, yes there will be a race.
The easiest way to fix that is using a sync.RWMutex :
var a map[T]N
var lk sync.RWMutex
// uses the map
func goroutineA() {
for (...) {
//actions on a
//refreshes the map
func gorountineB() {
for (...) {
otherTempA = make(map[T]N)
//...initializes other tempA....
a = otherTempA


How to implement a singleton

I want to implement a singleton with Go. The difference between normal singleton is the instance is singleton with different key in map struct. Something like this code. I am not sure is there any data race with the demo code.
var instanceLock sync.Mutex
var instances map[string]string
func getDemoInstance(key string) string {
if value, ok := instances[key]; ok {
return value
defer instanceLock.Unlock()
if value, ok := instances[key]; ok {
return value
} else {
instances[key] = key + key
return key + key
Yes, there is data race, you can confirm by running it with go run -race main.go. If one goroutine locks and modifies the map, another goroutine may be reading it before the lock.
You may use sync.RWMutex to read-lock when just reading it (multiple readers are allowed without blocking each other).
For example:
var (
instancesMU sync.RWMutex
instances = map[string]string{}
func getDemoInstance(key string) string {
if value, ok := instances[key]; ok {
return value
defer instancesMU.Unlock()
if value, ok := instances[key]; ok {
return value
value := key + key
instances[key] = value
return value
You can try this as well: sync.Map
Map is like a Go map[interface{}]interface{} but is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines without additional locking or coordination. Loads, stores, and deletes run in amortized constant time.
The Map type is optimized for two common use cases: (1) when the entry for a given key is only ever written once but read many times, as in caches that only grow, or (2) when multiple goroutines read, write, and overwrite entries for disjoint sets of keys.
In these two cases, use of a Map may significantly reduce lock contention compared to a Go map paired with a separate Mutex or RWMutex.
Note: In the third paragraph it mentions why using sync.Map is beneficial rather than using Go Map simply paired up with sync.RWMutex.
So this perfectly fits your case, I guess?
Little late to answer, anyways this should help:
This shows two ways to implement singleton:
Using the sync.Mutex
Using sync.Once

Is there a race condition in the golang implementation of mutex the m.state is read without atomic function

In golang if two goroutines read and write a variable without mutex and atomic, that may bring data race condition.
Use command go run --race xxx.go will detect the race point.
While the implementation of Mutex in src/sync/mutex.go use the following code
func (m *Mutex) Lock() {
// Fast path: grab unlocked mutex.
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&m.state, 0, mutexLocked) {
if race.Enabled {
var waitStartTime int64
starving := false
awoke := false
iter := 0
old := m.state // This line confuse me !!!
The code old := m.state confuse me, because m.state is read and write by different goroutine.
The following function Test obvious has race condition problem. But if i put it in mutex.go, no race conditon will detect.
# mutex.go
func Test(){
a := int32(1)
go func(){
atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&a, 1, 4)
_ = a
If put it in other package like src/os/exec.go, the conditon race problem will detect.
package main
func main(){
sync.Test() // race condition will not detect
os.Test() // race condition will detect
First of all the golang source always changes so let's make sure we are looking at the same thing. Take release 1.12 at
as you said the Lock function begins
func (m *Mutex) Lock() {
// fast path where it will set the high order bit and return if not locked
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&m.state, 0, mutexLocked) {
//reads value to decide on the lower order bits
for {
//if statements involving CompareAndSwaps on the lower order bits
What is this CompareAndSwap doing? it looks atomically in that int32 and if it is 0 it swaps it to mutexLocked (which is 1 defined as a const above) and returns true that it swapped it.
Then it promptly returns. That is its fast path. The goroutine acquired the lock and now it is running can start running it's protected path.
If it is 1 (mutexLocked) already, it doesn't swap it and returns false (it didn't swap it).
Then it reads the state and enters a loop that it does atomic compare and swaps to determine how it should behave.
What are the possible states? combinations of locked, woken and starving as you see from the const block.
Now depending on how long the goroutine has been waiting on the waitlist it will get priority on when to check again if the mutex is now free.
But also observe that only Unlock() can set the mutexLocked bit back to 0.
in the Lock() CAS loop the only bits that are set are the starving and woken ones.Yes you can have multiple readers but only one writer at any time, and that writer is the one who is holding the mutex and is executing its protected path until calling Unlock(). Check out this article for more details.
By disassemble the binary output file, The Test function in different pack generate different code.
The reason is that the compiler forbid to generate race detect instrument in the sync package.
The code is :
var norace_inst_pkgs = []string{"sync", "sync/atomic"} //

Concurrent read/write of a map var snapshot

I encounter a situation that I can not understand. In my code, I use functions have the need to read a map (but not write, only loop through a snapshot of existing datas in this map). There is my code :
type MyStruct struct {
MyMap map[int]MyDatas
var MapVar = MyStruct{ &sync.RWMutex{}, make(map[int]MyDatas) }
func MyFunc() {
MapSnapshot := MapVar.MyMap
for _, a := range MapSnapshot { // Map concurrent write/read occur here
//Some stuff
main() {
go MyFunc()
The function "MyFunc" is run in a go routine, only once, there is no multiple runs of this func. Many other functions are accessing to the same "MapVar" with the same method and it randomly produce a "map concurrent write/read". I hope someone will explain to me why my code is wrong.
Thank you for your time.
edit: To clarify, I am just asking why my range MapSnapshot produce a concurrent map write/read. I cant understand how this map can be concurrently used since I save the real global var (MapVar) in a local var (MapSnapshot) using a sync mutex.
edit: Solved. To copy the content of a map in a new variable without using the same reference (and so to avoid map concurrent read/write), I must loop through it and write each index and content to a new map with a for loop.
Thanks xpare and nilsocket.
there is no multiple runs of this func. Many other functions are accessing to the same "MapVar" with the same method and it randomly produce a "map concurrent write/read"
When you pass the value of MapVar.MyMap to MapSnapshot, the Map concurrent write/read will never be occur, because the operation is wrapped with mutex.
But on the loop, the error could happen since practically reading process is happening during loop. So better to wrap the loop with mutex as well.
MapVar.Lock() // lock begin
MapSnapshot := MapVar.MyMap
for _, a := range MapSnapshot {
// Map concurrent write/read occur here
// Some stuff
MapVar.Unlock() // lock end
Here is my response to your argument below:
This for loop takes a lot of time, there is many stuff in this loop, so locking will slow down other routines
As per your statement The function "MyFunc" is run in a go routine, only once, there is no multiple runs of this func, then I think making the MyFunc to be executed as goroutine is not a good choice.
And to increase the performance, better to make the process inside the loop to be executed in a goroutine.
func MyFunc() {
for _, a := range MapVar.MyMap {
go func(a MyDatas) {
// do stuff here
main() {
MyFunc() // remove the go keyword
If you really want to copy the MapVar.MyMap into another object, passing it to another variable will not solve that (map is different type compared to int, float32 or other primitive type).
Please refer to this thread How to copy a map?

Goroutine only works when fmt.Println is executed

For some reason, when I remove the fmt.Printlns then the code is blocking.
I've got no idea why it happens. All I want to do is to implement a simple concurrency limiter...
I've never experienced such a weird thing. It's like that fmt flushes the variables or something and makes it work.
Also, when I use a regular function instead of a goroutine then it works too.
Here's the following code -
package main
import "fmt"
type ConcurrencyLimit struct {
active int
Limit int
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Block() {
for {
fmt.Println(, c.Limit)
// If should block
if == c.Limit {
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Decrease() int {
if > 0 {
func main() {
c := ConcurrencyLimit{Limit: 1}
go func() {
Clarification: Even though I've accepted #kaedys 's answer(here) a solution was answered by #Kaveh Shahbazian (here)
You're not giving c.Decrease() a chance to run. c.Block() runs an infinite for loop, but it never blocks in that for loop, just calling continue over and over on every iteration. The main thread spins at 100% usage endlessly.
However, when you add an fmt.Print() call, that makes a syscall, which allows the other goroutine to run.
This post has details on how exactly goroutines yield or are pre-empted. Note, however, that it's slightly out of date, as entering a function now has a random chance to yield that thread to another goroutine, to prevent similar style flooding of threads.
As others have pointed out, Block() will never yield; a goroutine is not a thread. You could use Gosched() in the runtime package to force a yield -- but note that spinning this way in Block() is a pretty terrible idea.
There are much better ways to do concurrency limiting. See for one example
What you are looking for is called a semaphore. You can apply this pattern using channels
The idea is that you create a buffered channel of a desired length. Then you make callers acquire the resource by putting a value into the channel and reading it back out when they want to free the resource. Doing so creates proper synchronization points in your program so that the Go scheduler runs correctly.
What you are doing now is spinning the cpu and blocking the Go scheduler. It depends on how many cpus you have available, the version of Go, and the value of GOMAXPROCS. Given the right combination, there may not be another available thread to service other goroutines while you infinitely spin that particular thread.
While other answers pretty much covered the reason (not giving a chance for the goroutine to run) - and I'm not sure what you intend to achieve here - you are mutating a value concurrently without proper synchronization. A rewrite of above code with synchronization considered; would be:
type ConcurrencyLimit struct {
active int
Limit int
cond *sync.Cond
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Block() {
for == c.Limit {
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Decrease() int {
defer c.cond.Signal()
defer c.cond.L.Unlock()
if > 0 {
func main() {
c := ConcurrencyLimit{
Limit: 1,
cond: &sync.Cond{L: &sync.Mutex{}},
go func() {
fmt.Println(, c.Limit)
sync.Cond is a synchronization utility designed for times that you want to check if a condition is met, concurrently; while other workers are mutating the data of the condition.
The Lock and Unlock functions work as we expect from a lock. When we are done with checking or mutating, we can call Signal to awake one goroutine (or call Broadcast to awake more than one), so the goroutine knows that is free to act upon the data (or check a condition).
The only part that may seem unusual is the Wait function. It is actually very simple. It is like calling Unlock and instantly call Lock again - with the exception that Wait would not try to lock again, unless triggered by Signal (or Broadcast) in other goroutines; like the workers that are mutating the data (of the condition).

Thread Safe In Value Receiver In Go

type MyMap struct {
data map[int]int
func (m Mymap)foo(){
//insert or read from
go func f (m *Mymap){
for {
//insert into
Var m Mymap
When I call, as we know , there is a copy of "m",value copy ,which is done by compiler 。 My question is , is there a race in the procedure? It is some kind of reading data from the var "m", I mean , you may need a read lock in case someone is inserting values into when you are copying something from
If it is thread-safe , is it guarenteed by compiler?
This is not safe, and there is no implied safe concurrent access in the language. All concurrent data access is unsafe, and needs to be protected with channels or locks.
Because maps internally contain references to the data they contain, even as the outer structure is copied the map still points to the same data. A concurrent map is often a common requirement, and all you need to do is add a mutex to protect the reads and writes. Though a Mutex pointer would work with your value receiver, it's more idiomatic to use a pointer receiver for mutating methods.
type MyMap struct {
data map[int]int
func (m *MyMap) foo() {
defer m.Unlock()
//insert or read from
The go memory model is very explicit, and races are generally very easy to reason about. When in doubt, always run your program or tests with -race.
