Famo.us - triggering event and piping - events

Let's say I have three Views. AppView, MenuView and StripView. MenuView contains multiple StripViews and AppView contains one MenuView. How can I trigger event from StripView and listen on that event on AppView.
Let's say I want to click on ImageSurface on StripView and reigster that event on AppView, and then do some transitionig.
Everything is based on Timbre app, created in Famou.us Starter Kit Reference Tutorials
// StripView.js (_setListeners() is called in StripView constructor and bodySurface is defined in code)
function _setListeners() {
var eventScope = this._eventOutput;
eventScope.emit('test', { somedata:'some value'} );
// MenuView.js (_createStripViews() is called in MenuView constructor)
function _createStripViews() {
this.stripModifiers = [];
var yOffset = this.options.topOffset;
for (var i = 0; i < this.options.stripData.length; i++) {
var stripView = new StripView({
iconUrl: this.options.stripData[i].iconUrl,
title: this.options.stripData[i].title
var stripModifier = new StateModifier({
transform: Transform.translate(0, yOffset, 0)
yOffset += this.options.stripOffset;
//AppView.js (menuView is defined in code and _setListeners() is called in AppView constructor)
function _setListeners() {
console.log("IT WORKS");

You want to use Views built in handlers to achieve this. These are _eventInput and _eventOutput.. Here is an example using an ImageSurface in StripView and responding to a click in AppView..
Hope it helps!
// In StripView.js
var imageSurface = new ImageSurface();
this._eventOutput.trigger('image-click', { somedata:'some value'} );
// In AppView.js
var stripView = new StripView();
// Do Something


WebGL THREE: changing position of obj, but the object doesn't move

I am working with an object which i loaded like this (I save it as a global variable such that I can change it later):
model1 = null;
var mtlLoader = new THREE.MTLLoader();
mtlLoader.load("http://blabla.mtl", function(materials) {
var objLoader = new THREE.OBJLoader();
objLoader.load("http://blabla.obj", function(object) {
object.scale.x = 0.0004;
object.scale.y = 0.0004;
object.scale.z = 0.0004;
object.rotateX(Math.PI / 2);
object.rotateZ(Math.PI / 2);
object.add(new THREE.AxisHelper(2))
model1 = object; //save in global variables
When I am rendering I want to change the position of the model, based on a box's change in position:
function render(ms: number) {
if (lastTime) {
lastTime = ms
renderer.render( scene, camera )
var pos_current;
var pos_new;
var trans;
function update(dt: number) {
if (pause.on) return
//save position of box before it is transformed
pos_current = box.position.clone();
//save new position of box
pos_new = box.position.clone();
//transform the 3D-model according to the box's transformation
trans = pos_current.sub(pos_new);
I can in the console see that the position of model1 changes, but the object just doesn't move at all, and I can't really figure out why.
Any help is very appreciated :)
Got it to work - the problem was that I was trying to update the position of model1, before it was actually done loading in the obj-loader :D
I have a query. I too made a global variable and equaled it to object when loading. but it says in console log that variable in null. Is there a something I am missing.
I understood the part where I am making the humanModel equal to object before it loaded but then how to handle it then?
let humanModel = null;
// resource URL
// called when resource is loaded
function(object) {
humanModel = object; //adding the humanModel to the global variable
// called when loading is in progresses
function(xhr) {
console.log((xhr.loaded / xhr.total) * 100 + "% loaded");
// called when loading has errors
function(error) {
console.log("An error happened " + error);
you can keep the object(obj file) in x,y or z direction, for it you need to set its position as:
var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader();

Clicking or hovering over multiple images in canvas?

I am working on a project for my programming class. I'd like to essentially have a canvas with a background element (say a room.jpg) and then maybe three interactive objects in the room (lamp.jpg, couch.jpg, desk.jpg). I'd like for it to be that if you hover over the lamp a small box or text pops out, giving you some information. Or maybe have it so if you click an image, the same concept happens. You know, something interactive with the objects in the canvas. Again, I'm new to canvas but we have to use it in our assignment. My current code is:
function loadImages(sources, callback) {
var images = {};
var loadedImages = 0;
var numImages = 0;
// get num of sources
for(var src in sources) {
for(var src in sources) {
images[src] = new Image();
images[src].onload = function() {
if(++loadedImages >= numImages) {
images[src].src = sources[src];
var sources = {
room: 'room.jpg',
title: 'title.jpg'
loadImages(sources, function(images) {
context.drawImage(images.room, 0,0);
context.drawImage(images.title, 0,0);
But from what I understand, it makes the two jpegs a "permanent" canvas element (unable to be messed with). I had been trying to get it so that when I clicked I'd go from the title.jpg to the room.jpg but I've since given up. Essentially, all I want now is just to have the room.jpg appear when the page is first loaded, and have three other png objects on top (as objects in the room). Are these able to be interacted with, or do I have to put the images into the canvas in another way? Thanks for all your help and your patience!
// --- Image Loader ----
var images = {};
var loadedImages = 0;
var pictures = {
room: 'room.jpg',
title: 'title.jpg'
lamp1: 'lampoff.jpg'
lamp2: 'lampon.jpg'
function loadImages(sources, callback) {
var numImages = 0;
for(var src in sources)numImages++;
for(var src in sources) {
images[src] = new Image();
images[src].onload = function() {
if(++loadedImages >= numImages) {
images[src].src = sources[src];
// --- Mouse Down Functionality ----
$('#canvas').addEventListener('mouseDown', function(e){
var rect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
if(rect) clickCanvas(e.clientX - rect.left, e.clientY - rect.top)
else clickCanvas(e.clientX - this.offsetLeft, e.clientY - this.offsetTop);
}else if(e.offsetX) clickCanvas(e.offsetX, e.offsetY);
else if(e.layerX) clickCanvas(e.layerX, e.layerY);
else console.warn("Couldn't Determine Mouse Coordinates");
var lampOn;
function drawCanvas(showLamp){
lampOn = showLamp;
canvas.width = canvas.width //clears canvas
context.drawImage(images.room, 0,0);
context.drawImage(images.title, 0,0);
context.drawImage(images.lamp2, 100,100);
context.drawImage(images.lamp1, 100,100);
function clickCanvas(x,y){
console.log('clicked canvas at:',x,y)
loadImages(pictures, function(images) {
Make sure to replace "clickedLamp" and "#canvas"! The idea here is that you redraw the same canvas, using the same function. Everytime you modify any of it, you rerender ALL of it. See if you can get this example working, it will help clarify alot. If you don't understand something comment

Adding events is not working correctly

I'm trying to add an event for all elements with "p" tag.
But instead of adding an event script colors all links in red
//create links
var code = ""
for (i=0;i<10;i++){
code += "<p><a href='#'>Link " + i + "</a></p>"
document.getElementById('links').innerHTML = code;
//add Events
document.getElementsByTagName("p")[i].onmouseover = document.getElementsByTagName("p")[i].childNodes[0].style.color="green"
document.getElementsByTagName("p")[i].onmouseout = document.getElementsByTagName("p")[i].childNodes[0].style.color="red"
There is My code
Event handlers need to be functions. So you need something like this:
document.getElementsByTagName("p")[i].onmouseover = function() {
// You don't want to use i in a function in a loop since i will
// be different by the time the function gets called
// this is document.getElementsByTagName("p")[i]
You should probably also create the nodeList for the <p> tags outside of the loop so you're not traversing the DOM each time.
var paras = document.getElementsByTagName('p');
paras[i].onmouseover = function() { /* */ };
paras[i].onmouseout = function() { /* */ };

set an id at "Raphaeljs set"

i want to set an id to Raphael set because i want to display it after an event click.
this is my set:
var divResult = document.getElementById('printResult');
var space2Draw = Raphael(divResult, 1600, 900);
var st = space2Draw.set();
space2Draw.circle(newXCoordinates, newYCoordinates, 20).click((function (valore) {
return function () {
window.open("index-point.html?id=" + (valore) + "&type=" + type + "&description=" + description + "&name=" + name);
}(valore))).mouseover(function () {
this.attr({ 'cursor': 'pointer' });
this.attr({ 'opacity': '.50' });
}).mouseout(function () {
this.attr({ 'opacity': '1' });
in my page i have a button:
function show(){
var element = space2Draw.getById(-1);
Is not possible to set an id in this way : set.id = -1?
How can I set an id and then I find the set?
Thanks in advance for the help.
You can try using setAttribute() to add a CLASS for the elements you want to access later, and then modify their CSS propperties. The first step would be to change the CLASS of each element:
myElement.node.setAttribute("class", "class_name");
Unfortunately, Raphael does not allow you to handle sets as unique HTML objects, so you cannot do this for the entire set at once. Instead, you might have to do this for each element in your set, possibly with a for cycle, something like this:
for (var i=0; i<st.length; i++) {
st[i].node.setAttribute("class", "class_name");
Then, using JQuery, you can modify the CSS properties of the CLASS you created in order to display the elements in your set.
function show(){
$('.class_name').css('display', 'block');
I hope this helps.
Maybe you can use Raphael data() function to assign any data to your element/set.
// you can keep global var for your id and increment it within your code
var id = 0;
var p = Raphael(100, 100, 500, 500),
r = p.rect(150, 150, 80, 40, 5).attr({fill: 'red'}),
c = p.circle(200, 200, 70).attr({fill: 'blue'});
var set = p.set(r,c).data("id", id);
// then in your click event to get the id you can do
var whichSet = this.data("id");
// data("id") will return you the global id variable
Good Luck

I want to combine the FormCode and AutomaticAdvance rotator types

How can I create a rotator with "FormCode" mode while being able to start that rotator automatically when the page loads? In other words, to start the rotator automatically while enabling end user to stop/start/move next/move back.
I need a complete sample code for the call.
I've used the following JavaScript/JQuery code for FormCode management:
<script type ="text/javascript">
startRotator(clickedButton, rotator, direction)
refreshButtonsState(clickedButton, rotator);
rotator.autoIntervalID = window.setInterval(
}, rotator.get_frameDuration());
stopRotator(clickedButton, rotator)
refreshButtonsState(clickedButton, rotator)
rotator.autoIntervalID =
showNextItem(clickedButton, rotator, direction)
refreshButtonsState(clickedButton, rotator);
// Refreshes the Stop and Start buttons
refreshButtonsState(clickedButton, rotator)
jQueryObject = $telerik.$;
var className = jQueryObject(clickedButton).attr("class"
case "start"
// Start button is clicked
// Find the stop button. stopButton is a jQuery object
var stopButton = findSiblingButtonByClassName(clickedButton, "stopSelected"
// Changes the image of the stop button
case "stop"
// Stop button is clicked
// Find the start button. startButton is a jQuery object
var startButton = findSiblingButtonByClassName(clickedButton, "startSelected"
// Changes the image of the start button
// Finds a button by its className. Returns a jQuery object
findSiblingButtonByClassName(buttonInstance, className)
jQuery = $telerik.$;
var ulElement = jQuery(buttonInstance).parent().parent();
// get the UL element
var allLiElements = jQuery("li", ulElement);
// jQuery selector to find all LI elements
for (var
i = 0; i < allLiElements.length; i++)
currentLi = allLiElements[i];
var currentAnchor = jQuery("A:first", currentLi);
// Find the Anchor tag
And the following code for the calls:
a href="#" onclick="stopRotator(this, $find('<%= MyRotator.ClientID %>
')); return false;"
class="stopSelected" title="Stop">Stop
'), Telerik.Web.UI.RotatorScrollDirection.Left); return false;"
class="start" title="Start">Start
However, I cannot start the rotator on the page load. Tried to use this code in the in the MyRotator_DataBoud event, but did not work either:
protected void rrMyRotator_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs
"MyScript", " startRotator(this, $find('<%= MyRotator.ClientID %>'), Telerik.Web.UI.RotatorScrollDirection.Left);"
There are a couple of examples available in the Telerik online demos for this functionality and they have code you can use. See http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/rotator/examples/clientapicontrol/defaultcs.aspx and http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/button/examples/slideshow/defaultcs.aspx
