WebGL THREE: changing position of obj, but the object doesn't move - three.js

I am working with an object which i loaded like this (I save it as a global variable such that I can change it later):
model1 = null;
var mtlLoader = new THREE.MTLLoader();
mtlLoader.load("http://blabla.mtl", function(materials) {
var objLoader = new THREE.OBJLoader();
objLoader.load("http://blabla.obj", function(object) {
object.scale.x = 0.0004;
object.scale.y = 0.0004;
object.scale.z = 0.0004;
object.rotateX(Math.PI / 2);
object.rotateZ(Math.PI / 2);
object.add(new THREE.AxisHelper(2))
model1 = object; //save in global variables
When I am rendering I want to change the position of the model, based on a box's change in position:
function render(ms: number) {
if (lastTime) {
lastTime = ms
renderer.render( scene, camera )
var pos_current;
var pos_new;
var trans;
function update(dt: number) {
if (pause.on) return
//save position of box before it is transformed
pos_current = box.position.clone();
//save new position of box
pos_new = box.position.clone();
//transform the 3D-model according to the box's transformation
trans = pos_current.sub(pos_new);
I can in the console see that the position of model1 changes, but the object just doesn't move at all, and I can't really figure out why.
Any help is very appreciated :)

Got it to work - the problem was that I was trying to update the position of model1, before it was actually done loading in the obj-loader :D

I have a query. I too made a global variable and equaled it to object when loading. but it says in console log that variable in null. Is there a something I am missing.
I understood the part where I am making the humanModel equal to object before it loaded but then how to handle it then?
let humanModel = null;
// resource URL
// called when resource is loaded
function(object) {
humanModel = object; //adding the humanModel to the global variable
// called when loading is in progresses
function(xhr) {
console.log((xhr.loaded / xhr.total) * 100 + "% loaded");
// called when loading has errors
function(error) {
console.log("An error happened " + error);

you can keep the object(obj file) in x,y or z direction, for it you need to set its position as:
var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader();


Applying two different fragment shaders to two different materials (of the same type) using onBeforeCompile?

I've imported a GLTF file with two different meshes. My goal is to give each mesh a material with a unique custom fragment shader using onBeforeCompile. Each mesh has the same type of material (MeshNormalMaterial).
When I try to apply one fragment shader to one material and the other fragment shader to the other material, both materials wind up with the same fragment shader. The fragment shader each material has depends on which material I setup first.
Here's a few pictures showing what I'm talking about:
Below is all the relevant code.
Main code: This is the general structure of my code. I've enclosed the important part between "PRIMARY AREA OF INTEREST" comments. For simplicity, I've replaced my shader code with "..." or a comment describing what it does. They do work as shown in the pictures above.
// Three.JS Canvas
const threeDisplay = document.getElementById("threeDisplay");
// Globals
var displayDimensions = getElemDimensions(threeDisplay); // Uniform
var currentTime = 0; // Uniform
var helix = null; // Mesh
var innerHelix = null; // Mesh
var horseshoe = null; // Mesh
// Set the scene and camera up
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
const camera = initCamera();
// Setup a directional light
const light = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 1.0 );
light.position.set(-0.2, 1, -0.6);
// Setup WebGL renderer
const renderer = initRenderer();
threeDisplay.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
// Load the gltf model
new GLTFLoader().load( "./spiral_pillar_hq_horseshoe.glb", function (object) {
const helixFragmentShaderReplacements = [
from: ' ... ',
to: ' // rainbow '
const horseshoeFragmentShaderReplacements = [
from: ' ... ',
to: ' // white '
// Turn the horseshoe into a shader.
horseshoe = object.scene.children[1];
var horseshoeGeometry = horseshoe.geometry;
var horseshoeMaterial = shaderMeshMaterial(new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial(), horseshoeGeometry, horseshoeFragmentShaderReplacements);
var horseshoeMesh = new THREE.Mesh(horseshoeGeometry, horseshoeMaterial);
horseshoe = horseshoeMesh;
horseshoe.rotation.z = deg2rad(180); // Re-orient the horseshoe to the correct position and rotation.
horseshoe.position.y = 13;
// Turn the inner helix into a colorful, wiggly shader.
helix = object.scene.children[0];
var helixGeometry = helix.geometry;
var helixMaterial = shaderMeshMaterial(new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial(), helixGeometry, helixFragmentShaderReplacements);
var helixMesh = new THREE.Mesh(helixGeometry, helixMaterial);
helix = helixMesh;
}, undefined, function (error) {
Below are functions which are relevant.
shaderMeshMaterial: Constructs a new material based on the supplied materialType that supports editing the default shader. If it's not initProcessing, then the problem may stem from this function.
// Globals used: displayDimensions
function shaderMeshMaterial(materialType, geometry, fragmentShaderReplacements) {
var material = materialType;
material.onBeforeCompile = function ( shader ) {
// Uniforms
shader.uniforms.time = { value: 0 };
shader.uniforms.resolution = { value: new THREE.Vector2(displayDimensions.width, displayDimensions.height) };
shader.uniforms.bboxMin = { value: geometry.boundingBox.min };
shader.uniforms.bboxMax = { value: geometry.boundingBox.max };
fragmentShaderReplacements.forEach((rep) => {
shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace(rep.from, rep.to);
material.userData.shader = shader;
return material;
initRenderer: Sets up the renderer. Just showing you guys the renderer setup I have in case that's important.
// Globals used: displayDimensions
function initRenderer() {
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
alpha: true,
antialias: true,
precision: "mediump"
renderer.setClearColor( 0x000000, 0);
renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
renderer.setSize( displayDimensions.width, displayDimensions.height );
renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
renderer.toneMapping = THREE.ACESFilmicToneMapping;
renderer.toneMappingExposure = 1.25;
return renderer;
animate: Handles the animation frames.
// Globals used: renderer, currentTime, postprocessing
function animate (timestamp = 0) {
currentTime = timestamp/1000; // Current time in seconds.
scene.traverse( function ( child ) {
if ( child.isMesh ) {
const shader = child.material.userData.shader;
if ( shader ) {
shader.uniforms.time.value = currentTime;
} );
renderer.render( scene, camera );
postprocessing.composer.render( 0.1 );
One last thing to note is that when I inspected the console log of shader from the shaderMeshMaterial function, I can see that the fragment shaders are indeed different as they should be for each material. Also not sure why there are 4 console logs when there should only be 2.
Sorry for all the code, but I did condense it to where all irrelevant code was stripped out. I'm fairly new to Three.JS, so any possible explanations as to why this is happening are much appreciated!
EDIT: Removed vertex shader parameter from shaderMeshMaterial function to keep this question focused on just the fragment shaders. Though this problem does apply to both the vertex and fragment shaders, I figure if you fix one then you'll fix the other.
EDIT 2: Added language identifiers to code snippets. Also I removed the postprocessing function and the problem still persists, so I know the problem isn't caused by that. I've updated the code above to reflect this change. As a happy side effect of removing the postprocessing function, the console.log of the shader variable from shaderMeshMaterial new appears twice in the log (as it should).
EDIT 3: (Implementing WestLangley's suggestion) I tweaked the shaderMeshMaterial function by adding the customProgramCacheKey function. I had to condense the four parameters of shaderMeshMaterial into one for the sake of the customProgramCacheKey function. I believe I implemented the function correctly, but I'm still getting the same result as before where both materials display the same fragment shader.
horseshoe = object.scene.children[1];
var horseshoeGeometry = horseshoe.geometry;
var meshData = {
materialType: new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial(),
geometry: horseshoeGeometry,
fragmentShaderReplacements: horseshoeFragmentShaderReplacements
var horseshoeMaterial = shaderMeshMaterial(meshData);
var horseshoeMesh = new THREE.Mesh(horseshoeGeometry, horseshoeMaterial);
horseshoe = horseshoeMesh;
horseshoe.rotation.z = deg2rad(180); // Re-orient the horseshoe to the correct position and rotation.
horseshoe.position.y = 13;
// Turn the inner helix into a colorful, wiggly shader.
helix = object.scene.children[0];
var helixGeometry = helix.geometry;
var meshData2 = {
materialType: new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial(),
geometry: helixGeometry,
fragmentShaderReplacements: helixFragmentShaderReplacements
var helixMaterial = shaderMeshMaterial(meshData2);
var helixMesh = new THREE.Mesh(helixGeometry, helixMaterial);
helix = helixMesh;
New shaderMeshMaterial code:
// Globals used: displayDimensions
function shaderMeshMaterial(meshData) {
var material = meshData.materialType;
material.onBeforeCompile = function ( shader ) {
// Uniforms
shader.uniforms.time = { value: 0 };
shader.uniforms.resolution = { value: new THREE.Vector2(displayDimensions.width, displayDimensions.height) };
shader.uniforms.bboxMin = { value: meshData.geometry.boundingBox.min };
shader.uniforms.bboxMax = { value: meshData.geometry.boundingBox.max };
meshData.fragmentShaderReplacements.forEach((rep) => {
shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace(rep.from, rep.to);
material.customProgramCacheKey = function () {
return meshData;
material.userData.shader = shader;
return material;
WestLangley suggestion worked for me!
material.onBeforeCompile = ...
// Make sure WebGLRenderer doesnt reuse a single program
material.customProgramCacheKey = function () {
I believe your mistake is returning meshData from customProgramCacheKey.
I think customProgramCacheKey need concrete identifier like a number or string.
It would be nice to understand what exactly happening and why do we need to specify customProgramCacheKey.
EDIT: I discover that default value for customProgramCacheKey calculated as follow in Threejs source.
customProgramCacheKey() {
return this.onBeforeCompile.toString();
Perhaps this is explains this default caching behavior because calling toString on function returns that function body literally as string.
For example consider function const myFunc = () => { return 1 }. Calling myFunc.toString() returns "() => { return 1 }"
So if your calling onBeforeCompile in a for loop you function body as string never change.

Three.js - How the functions of object3D.children can be accessed?

I'm trying to use line like this
return pChild.position.multiplyScalar(myMultiplier)
and this
But for some reasons, functions in child elements of 'myObject3D' seems to be inexistent. ("Uncaught TypeError: pChild.position.multiplyScalar is not a function")
However, elements in 'myObject3D' are 'Mesh' objects.
Can anybody suggest what can I do?
First, your forEach callback shouldn't return anything.
There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with your second code segment.
The code below runs without errors.
var group = new THREE.Object3D();
var geo = new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry(10, 10, 10);
var mat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: "red"
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geo, mat);
var myVector3 = new THREE.Vector3();
group.children.forEach(function(pChild) {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/88/three.js"></script>
Please verify that you're populating your group with the correct kinds of objects. Also, you can always test if a function is available before using it:

Define prototype.updatePosition so that when an Object is clicked it animates/rotates/scales to certain value

Having problem understanding the class system in Three.js
I have a code in player.js :
function Player() {
var mesh = new THREE.Object3D();
this.player = null;
this.loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
this.name = 'player';
function ( geometry, materials ) {
var material = new THREE.MultiMaterial( materials );
this.player = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
this.player.position.set(0, 0, 0);
this.player.castShadow = true;
this.player.receiveShadow = false;
mesh.add( this.player );
Player.prototype.constructor = Player;
Player.prototype = Object.create(THREE.Object3D.prototype);
Player.prototype.updatePosition = function(){
this.mesh.position.y += 0.05;
And basically what I'm trying to achieve:
In main.js after all standard setup for init()/render()/animate() and all...
I create variable called johny:
var johny = new Player();
Now everything loads great and all, but in player.js i want to be able to define some prototype ? method, and in that method I want to listen for a click event. After that event is called I want my player mesh to animate to certain position or start rotating/scaling.
My pseudo code for better understanding is:
var Player = function(){
// define mesh and all
player.add.eventListener( 'click' ){
//code to animate player
Remember that all this; I want to be a part of player.js so that after calling:
var johny = new Player();
I don't have to add event listening functions to the main.js and all that.
And second of all I want my code to be modular, as You may already noticed :)
So I did managed to understand it.

Famo.us - triggering event and piping

Let's say I have three Views. AppView, MenuView and StripView. MenuView contains multiple StripViews and AppView contains one MenuView. How can I trigger event from StripView and listen on that event on AppView.
Let's say I want to click on ImageSurface on StripView and reigster that event on AppView, and then do some transitionig.
Everything is based on Timbre app, created in Famou.us Starter Kit Reference Tutorials
// StripView.js (_setListeners() is called in StripView constructor and bodySurface is defined in code)
function _setListeners() {
var eventScope = this._eventOutput;
eventScope.emit('test', { somedata:'some value'} );
// MenuView.js (_createStripViews() is called in MenuView constructor)
function _createStripViews() {
this.stripModifiers = [];
var yOffset = this.options.topOffset;
for (var i = 0; i < this.options.stripData.length; i++) {
var stripView = new StripView({
iconUrl: this.options.stripData[i].iconUrl,
title: this.options.stripData[i].title
var stripModifier = new StateModifier({
transform: Transform.translate(0, yOffset, 0)
yOffset += this.options.stripOffset;
//AppView.js (menuView is defined in code and _setListeners() is called in AppView constructor)
function _setListeners() {
console.log("IT WORKS");
You want to use Views built in handlers to achieve this. These are _eventInput and _eventOutput.. Here is an example using an ImageSurface in StripView and responding to a click in AppView..
Hope it helps!
// In StripView.js
var imageSurface = new ImageSurface();
this._eventOutput.trigger('image-click', { somedata:'some value'} );
// In AppView.js
var stripView = new StripView();
// Do Something

Using webgl-texture-utils with three.js for dds/crn support

I'm trying to use webgl-texture-utils ( https://github.com/toji/webgl-texture-utils ) with Three.js (r56) to take advantage of DDS and CRN (http://code.google.com/p/crunch/) textures.
I cannot figure out how to use the texture returned by textureLoader.load(src, callback); in THREE.Texture(image, mapping);
THREE.Texture expects javascript Image() object, but texture-utils returns something reported by Firebug to be XrayWrapper [Object WebGLTexture {} which I assume to be some native WebGL texture type.
Can I use that texture somehow as the image for THREE.Texture?
Here's some code I tried:
var mapping = new THREE.UVMapping();
var image = new Image();
var map = null;
var usetexturetools = true;
if (!usetexturetools) {
// normal way of loading
map = new THREE.Texture( image, mapping );
var loader = new THREE.ImageLoader();
loader.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) {
map.image = event.content;
map.needsUpdate = true;
loader.addEventListener( 'error', function ( event ) {
window.console.log("error loading " + texture);
loader.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
loader.load(texture, image);
} else {
// using webgl-texture-tools - not working because i don't know how to use the object returned by textureLoader.load() with THREE.Texture..
var textureLoader = new TextureUtil.TextureLoader(renderer.getContext());
map = new THREE.Texture(textureLoader.load(texture, function(loaded) {
map.needsUpdate = true;
}), mapping );
map.sourceFile = texture;
map.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
map.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
map.offset.x = this.getParameter("texture_offset_x");
map.offset.y = this.getParameter("texture_offset_y");
map.repeat.x = this.getParameter("texture_scale_x");
map.repeat.y = this.getParameter("texture_scale_y");
EDIT: I guess I could create a fork of webgl-texture-utils that instead of creating and returning WebGLTexture, would only return the raw data and as such, would allow me to use that data in THREE.DataTexture(). I'll try that when I get to it... Looking at the source looks like it might be quite a lot of work, but unless anything comes up, I'll try that.
