How to share/port a dashboard in QlikView over non-web content? - business-intelligence

ETL on source data from Excel, Access, Sql Server '8, .txt files.
Data Cloud is created
Dashboard is in progress
I have searched online because I remember seeing a marketting demo video by QlikView that it's possible to share the dashboard among other users. Not just a snapshot image or pdf. The real dashboard as a working file.
If client pcs receive a link to connect to the same data cloud via web - that's easy.
But what I want to know, is it possible to package and "port" the entire working file with underlying data to another person? (I am not asking for zipping!)

Depending on if you've purchased a license for Qlikview, there are several ways to approach this... Best case scenario for you is if you and the client you want to send the .qvw to both have Named licenses, you can just send them the file and they'll be able to open it in their licensed Personal Edition. I'm imagining this is not the case since you mentioned they are clients and not colleagues within your organization.
You need to know that if the client or you do not own licenses, you will not be able to share a working version of your dashboard with them.
The common implementation would be purchasing Qlikview Server Software and then deploying a Qlikview server in the cloud that would handle incoming web requests and provide clients with an access point from which to access your dashboards (and underlying data). This solution requires you (or your company) to have purchased a set of licenses from Qlik as well as Server software.
You can review Qlik's license structure here. You may also want to review their End User License Agreement to make sure their model works for what you are trying to do.


SalesForce Commerce Cloud. Intercept data of users and orders

I'm not so familiar with Commerce Cloud product but I need to know one point and I hope community can help me.
I need to implement a feature for customer who use SF Commerce Cloud and I would like to know it is possible or not. Customer wants to send some of data such as orders and users to an additional storage. This is requirement of local law and they have to implement it to do business.
Is it possible to intercept some actions like order placing, modifying, deleting and e-store customers creation, modifying, deleting? It would be great if you help me with direction where I can find additional information because after several attempts I can't get access to trial version of Commerce Cloud.
Thank you!
Yes, it is possible to do this in various ways. One way might be to implement a Javascript tracking integration that runs in the customer's browser and is referenced by the Storefront application that is running on SFCC. Another way would be to implement what is known as an Integration Cartridge which would implement several export jobs and/or service connections to your third party storage solution.
There is no trial version of the platform. In order to access an instance for development purposes, you will need to work through your customer's sandbox instances or become a Salesforce Partner.
Please review the Getting Started documentation. See also: Demandware/SFCC prerequisites

How to get user device type accessing skype for business bot built in MS Bot Framework

Does anyone know how to get the information about user device that access the bot deployed in S4B channel and built using MS Bot Framework (C#).
I need to know about the options to detect the user device (Device type and OS) accessing the Skype For Business Bot. If there's a way to know whether user device is desktop or mobile. In bot framework the User-Agent header formatted similar to the string below:
SFBUserAgent (Microsoft-BotFramework/3.1+
(The user agent from Connector returns the following:
fxversion/4.7.2563.0 osname/windowsserver2016datacenter osversion/6.3.14393
I want to know if UCWA can be used to detect the device type accessing Skype For Business bot.
UCWA is not able to do so, actually no client or client-facing api can provide such information. It's because User-Agent information is not part of the presence so the client doesn't publish it to other clients. The main purpose of this User-Agent information is for monitoring reporting purpose.
However there is still some space from server side to allow us to do something. If you have access to the Skype for Business server, you have several workarounds.
Get-CsConnections.ps1 is a well-known script to pull current logged in user from Lync server side. It was written in 2011 while we only had Lync 2010, but good news is it works fine with new version of Lync like Lync Server 2013, Skype for Business server 2015. This script needs to be run in Lync/Skype management shell or a Powershell session with Lync/Skype modules imported. It needs to run by using an Lync/Skype admin account.
To retrieve user agent for a particular user by using sip uri.
$UserHomePool = (Get-CsUser -Identity [sip address]).RegistrarPool
Get-CsConnections.ps1 -SipAddress [sip address] -Pool $UserHomePool
Connections.ps1 is the prototype script of the above Get-CsConnections.ps1, it's simpler but doesn't provide advanced features. You can look at it and decide which one you need.
Do it yourself. If you don't want to use 3rd party script or just want to do it in a simplest and pure way, it's possible to do it by querying it from server database. Lync/Skype server stores this user agent information in the dynamic database in Front End server. It's in the table dbo.RegistrarEndpoint of the database rtcdyn of the instance rtclocal.
Please notice that there is no public document about the database schema so you need to do a little guess and hacking yourself. Good news is all data in the database is strored in readable format so it shouldn't be a big issue.
In a very rare chance that you are not wanting this information in real-time, the monitoring report and database can be the best approach. It's not real-time data, the data is generated within 10 mins after a conversation is ended.
If you want to get it from monitoring database, you should look at SessionDetails view for P2P conversation and ConferenceSessionDetails for conference conversation. There are straighforward fields in the views called something like UserClientType to point out the user agent information for the certain session.
At last one thing I would like to remind is Skype allows user to logged in multiple clients simultaneously, so no matter how you make it work you still need to face the question which logged in client really matters to you if the user has multiple clients logged in.

How to move database to my own server and still use SDK?

I'm using SDK services for my Android app.
I've seen that Parse had released their Android SDK as an open source project on Github on this address.
My app is almost finished, and when I'm uploading it to the Play Store, I don't want to be controlled by (I mean that I don't want to be blocked someday, or I don't know that), so I want to move my whole database to my own server that hosted on a secure company.
I've checked the open source project on Github and realized that all I need to use it on my own server is to generate an Application ID and a client key.
So I want to ask if someone knows how to generate an Application ID and a client key of Parse to use it on my own server, or that you maybe knows another way of moving it to my server? And one more question: Today I'm using also Facebook SDK with my app. If I will move my database to my own server, will I still be able to use Facebook SDK on my app?
I have write an article about how to migrate parse to a custom server.
There's a massive difference between Parse open-sourcing their SDKs compared to revealing their entire backend architecture and its configuration.
The open-sourced SDKs are essentially wrappers for Parse's REST API along with some convenience functions and logic for natively interpreting the JSON data Parse is transmitting.
At a high level, Parse uses MongoDB for its core database and is entirely hosted using AWS (Amazon Web Services). The entire architecture is highly complex and is not something you could just drag and drop onto your own software stack or hardware backend.
To help give you a better idea of how Parse achieves all of their services, here's an interesting presentation their Dev Ops team gave at an AWS convention. Suffice it to say, hosting the backend services for over 180,000 apps requires a complex infrastructure and that is the "secret sauce" so to speak for Parse and is why Facebook purchased them for over $85 million two years ago.

How to copy the entire DB in CRM Dynamics?

It seems to me as a wise idea to test run my workflow on a local server before deploying in at the customer's. To be entirely sure, I'd like to copy all the data from their DB to my test organization (I have full access rights). The problem is that I can't see any straightforward way to export the whole shabang to a XML Spreadsheet.
What's the best way to export/import everything from/to a DB? The source and the target servers are not the same.
Of course I've got the option of backing up the clients DB and restore it, would the brown stuff hit the fan, but it'll far more professional if I won't have to.
The client's DB is in the cloud, which makes me suspect that perhaps I won't be able to access it at all and as far I can see, there's no way to back-up the data there. Am I missing it or is it that bad?
I fully agree that would be sensible. Usually we have a number development and test servers for all our work, generally we do not exactly mirror the data in the client database however.
We create a representative sample of data in our dev servers and then just move across the Crm solution for deployment.
As far as I know there is not straight forward way to get all the data, if you really want to do this I would suggest taking a back up of their database and importing to yours.
(As a side note, not all clients are happy for copies of their database - especially if its a live system - to be taken off site. Personally if it is a live database I wouldn’t put that risk on yourself, if the data gets lost or leaked you might suffer the consequences).
James raises good points about the business aspects of your request, however to get hold of the record-level data there are few options. The easiest by far is a wholesale export and import of the underlying SQL database. (For the record, the alternative is to do a data migration from live into a different db but this is no small task so I won't even entertain that any further here).
You mention that the client is using CRM Online ("...client's DB is in the cloud..."). You can raise a (free) support request with CRM Online Support who will provide you with a copy of the YourOrg_MSCRM database which can then be reimported into an on-premise deployment.
If you wish to simply have a test instance that has a copy of the Microsoft CRM Online organization, Microsoft does provide a means to do that. Depending on how many professional user licenses that the customer has, this may be free, but could be an extra cost and both instances would count against the storage limit for Microsoft CRM Online. You can see full details here - . You can see steps on how to setup a sandbox instance here - "Add an instance to your subscription". This is something that I have used with one of our Microsoft CRM customers as it was a very good way to help validate the Scribe Online migration and customization changes we were making before moving those into production. The nice thing about doing it this way is that everything is still contained in the same Office 365 tenant and you can limit which users have access to the Sandbox organization, which is important for customers in knowing that their data is safe and not on some unknown server or machine.

Windows Centralized Configuration for third party applications?

We are looking at a standard way of configuring the various "endpoints" of our application. Our application is a distributed system with Windows Desktop applications, Windows Server "services" and databases.
We currently configure each piece using XML files. This is getting a little out of hands as we work with larger customers who can have dozens of Servers running our application and hundreds of desktop clients.
Can anyone recommend a Microsoft technology or a third party that would allow us to centralize all that configuration information and manage it in a one place for all our applications? Any changes would be "pushed" to the endpoint(s) that are interested.
For example, if we were to change the login for one of our database, we would make that change on the database, then reflect that change in our centralized system. Following that last step, any service that needs to connect to the database would be notified of the change (and potentially receive the new data). How and what each endpoint does with that information is outside the scope of the system.
Our primary business is not "Centralized Configuration Services". We are a GIS company that provides solutions for various utilities worldwide.
I've done a couple of things to give myself this functionality over the years. I build enterprise applicatons that may be distributed across many servers. I don't want to bury config settings in each services config file or each web server's web.config file. For application specific stuff I usually create an application settings table in the app's database. The table only has two fields. SettingName and SettingValue. I then write a web or wcf service whose sole function it is to retrieve these settings. I write a function called GetSetting where you pass "SettingName" and it returns SettingValue or an empty string if your setting is not found. This way I can store all application settings for all components of the application in one spot. Maintenance and troubleshooting for this is really easy, I'm not hunting through scads of config files spread across a dozen web and app servers.
For larger scale apps I might create a separate AppSettings database where I add a new field to my table mentioned above. ApplicationName. My web or wcf service for this approach has the same method call (GetSetting) only at this scope I pass ApplicationName and SettingName and it returns SettingValue or an empty string.
Doing either of these things allows you to centralize all app settings for any size application or IT shop. It has worked really well for us.
You could use RSS together with BitTorrent to distribute changes. See Wikipedia. It is not MS specific however, but should provide the flexibility you need - a configuration server holding the configuration and providing the feeds needed to configure the clients and possibly servers.
Any VCS through a secure channel?
For example, git through ssh (both available in cygwin).
I think the first step is to have the secure channel (if you want the push ability, pulling might be different).
As for managing the "versions" in different "branches", what's better than a version control system?
As it goes for the Microsoft requirement, well the Microsoft sofwares in that exists in that area would suck pretty bad in your case (as in not the best tool for the job).
