Swift: masks as type properties - macos

my problem. I'm working with a NSEvent, which happens to have a var modifierFlags of type NSEventModifierFlags.
I want to check whether the user had a modifier key pressed (Command), so basically I want to check if CommandKeyMask is on.
What's the best/right way to do this in Swift ?

The following works in Xcode7-beta3, Swift 2
In Swift 2, bit field style enums like NSEventModifierFlags have been updated to conform to the OptionSetType protocol.
If you want to check if an option set contains a specific option, you no longer need to use bitwise & and a nil check. You can simply ask the option set if it contains a specific value in the same way that you would check if an array contained a value.
if theEvent.modifierFlags.contains(.CommandKeyMask) {

Xcode6-Beta6 changed this again I believe, the following will now work:
if theEvent.modifierFlags & .CommandKeyMask != nil {

This is from an earlier Xcode 6 beta, the correct answer now (Xcode 7/Swift 2) is https://stackoverflow.com/a/32004398/669586
The following is possible:
if (theEvent.modifierFlags & NSEventModifierFlags.CommandKeyMask).value != 0 {
because there is a definition of & for RawOptionSet
func &<T : RawOptionSet>(a: T, b: T) -> T
However, note that RawOptionSet also implements LogicValue, so the following is possible, too:
if theEvent.modifierFlags & NSEventModifierFlags.CommandKeyMask {
Although I consider the first solution to be a bit more clear for the readers


Supercollider ERROR: can't set a control to a UGen

I am trying to change the volume using Line.kr but I get this error: ERROR: can't set a control to a UGen
Here is the code:
a = {arg freq=440, vol=0; SinOsc.ar(freq)*vol}.play
Any ideas?
This is actually such a basic issue/topic that a more elaborate answer is perhaps warranted. Basically, if you need/want "total flexibility" in what that \vol envelope is, you have to read it from a (server-side) bus or use one of the many client-side wrapper tricks that hide that (bus) plumbing under some syntactic sugar. A typical example of the latter would be JITLib. An example using the latter:
a = Ndef(\a, {arg freq=440, vol=0; SinOsc.ar(freq)*vol}).play;
a.set(\vol, Ndef(\v, { Line.kr(0,1.0,3) }))
If you now do a.edit you'll see somthing like
Without using that JITLib sugar, you'd have allocate and map a bus yourself, such as in:
a = {arg freq=440, vol=0; SinOsc.ar(freq)*vol}.play;
b = Bus.control(s, 1); // "s" is the default-bound server variable
a.map(\vol, b);
c = { Out.kr(b, Line.kr(0,1.0,3);) }.play;
With JITlib you can just set all over as it has "smarts" to detect the argument type, but with the basic SC you need to distinguish between mapping and setting... although you can also set something to a c-led bus-number string to achieve the same effect (map basically does that for you), i.e. the penultimate line above can be a.set(\vol, b.asMap); Just b.asMap evaluates to something like e.g. "c1", meaning control bus 1. (Audio busses use "a" prefixes instead, as you might expect.)
This bit may be somewhat more confusing, but keeping in mind that a and ~a are different types of variables (more or less function stack vs environment stack), the Ndef keys (first Ndef arguments) can be used "directly" in "shortcut" ~variables provided by the ProxySpace as in
p = ProxySpace.push(s);
~a = {arg freq=440, vol=0; SinOsc.ar(freq)*vol};
~a.play; // play the NodeProxy, not the Function (Synth) directly
~a.set(\vol, ~v); // ~v is a NodeProxy.nil(localhost, nil) due to ProxySpace
~v = { Line.kr(0,1.0,3) };
Under the hood this last example practically auto-issues Ndefs, i.e the 2nd line does the same as Ndef(\a ..., so you don't have to type Ndefs explicitly anymore. The way this works is that ProxySpace replaces the currentEnvironment (where ~variables live) with one in which put, which is triggered by assignments to ~variables, is now creating or modifying Ndefs and at is accessing them, e.g. if you evaluate currentEnvironment now it shows something like
ProxySpace ( ~a - ar(1) ~v - kr(1) )
(To get back to your prior environment issue a p.pop now.)
You can't use UGen to set some arg of a SynthDef, but you can set the arguments of Line.kr:
a = {arg freq=440, vol=0; SinOsc.ar(freq)*Line.kr(atk,sus,rel)}.play
please note that with Line.kr you can't restart the envelope.
For a more specific control please see the EnvGen UGen:

Coping with misleading error messages of the Swift compiler (context dependence, type inference)

While the Swift compiler (Xcode 7.2) seems perfectly correct in diagnosing an error for some source text equivalent to the following, it took long to detect the actual error made. Reason: the programmer needs to look not at the text marked, but elsewhere, thus mislead, wondering why an optional string and a non-optional string can not be operands of ??...
struct Outer {
var text : String
var opt : String?
var context : Outer
context = opt ?? "abc"
Obviously, the last line should have had context.text as the variable to be assigned. This is diagnosed:
confusion2.swift:9:19: error: binary operator '??' cannot be applied\
to operands of type 'String?' and 'String'
context = opt ?? "abc"
~~~ ^ ~~~~~
The message is formally correct. (I am assuming that type checking the left hand side establishes an expected type (Outer) for the right hand side, and this, then, renders the expression as not working, type-wise.) Taken literally, though, the diagnosis is wrong, as is seen when fixing the left hand side: ?? can be applied to operands of type String? and String.
Now, if this is as good as it gets, currently, in terms of compiler messages, what are good coping strategies? Is remembering
Type inference!
a start? Is there a more systematical approach? A check list?
Update (I'm adding to the list as answers come in. Thanks!)
break statements apart, so as to have several lines checked separately (#vacawama)
Beware of optionals (such as values got from dictionaries), see testSwitchOpt below
Another one
enum T {
case Str(String)
case Integer(Int)
func testSwitchOpt(x : T?) -> Int {
switch x {
case .Integer(let r): return r
default: return 0
The compiler says
optandswitch.swift:8:15: error: enum case 'Integer' not found in type 'T?'
case .Integer(let r): return r
A fix is to write switch x! (or a more cautious let), so as to make type checking address the proper type, I guess.
I could, perhaps should, file some report at Apple, but the issue seems to represent a recurring subject—I have seen this with other compilers—and I was hoping for some general and re-usable hints, if you don't mind sharing them.
Swift's type inference system is great in general, but it can lead to very confusing to outright wrong error messages.
When you get one of these Swift error messages that makes no sense, a good strategy is to break the line into parts. This will allow Swift to return a better error message before it goes too far down the wrong path.
For example, in your case, if you introduce a temporary variable, the real problem becomes clear:
// context = opt ?? "abc"
let temp = opt ?? "abc"
context = temp
Now the error message reads:
Cannot assign value of type 'String' to type 'Outer'

Swift optionals - warning on conditional cast from 'x' to 'x' always succeeds

I was wondering if there is a way to turn off/avoid 'yellow' warnings in xcode on if let...NSUserDefaults constructs where the key is of a known value.
For example:
if let x = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().integerForKey("myKey") as? Int {...}
Because of the if let I have to use as?. However, as I am using a known value type (in this case integer) the as? Int is effectively redundant - which is why I am getting the 'yellow warning'.
Thoughts? Is there a better way to code these types of constructs?
My suggestion would be to address the issue instead of silencing the warnings. :)
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().integerForKey("myKey") does not return an Optional, and the type is known, so you don't need neither optional binding with if let nor type casting with as?.
Just this:
let x = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().integerForKey("myKey")
will suffice, since .integerForKey just returns 0 if it can't get the actual value.
If you don't like this behavior of getting a default value (I don't), then don't use .integerForKey and use objectForKey with optional binding and type casting instead. Like you were doing first but with .objectForKey replacing .integerForKey. That way you'll get an actual nil if the value for the key is unreachable, not a default value.
if let x = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults(). objectForKey("myKey") as? Int {...}
First of all check always the signature:
⌥-click on the symbol integerForKey: or look at Quick Help.
You will see:
func integerForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> Int
It reveals the return value is a non optional.
Non optionals can retrieved directly as described in Eric's answer without any type casting, optional binding causes an error.
That's one of the essential semantics in Swift.

How do you convert optional text input to Int in Swift 2, Xcode 7 beta using if let - toInt does not work

I'm having trouble converting optional input String to Int in order to do calculations on it.
let odoField = UITextField() // allows entry of text to iOS field
odoField.text = "12500" // simulated input
let odoString = odoField.text
// now here is where I get trouble...
if let odoInt = odoString.toInt() {
distance = Double(odoInt)
Apparently the toInt suffix is no longer part of Swift. I have tried the following:
if let odoInt = Int(odoString)() {
But then I get the error "Optional type String? is not unwrapped" and a suggestion to put a ! or ?, as in:
if let odoInt = Int(odoString!)() {
But then I STILL get the euro about unwrapping, with the suggestion that I add yet another !, then when I do that, another error that I get rid of the parens, like this:
if let odoInt = Int(odoString!)! {
And then I get ANOTHER error that "Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'Int'."
I'm trying to create conditional unwrapping, here.
First thing to understand is that UITextField.text returns an optional string, so in your code, odoString is of type String?. Also, keep in mind that the Int constructor takes a String, not a String? so you have to unwrap the String? before you can use it. Just putting a ! after the variable (as in Int(odoString!)) will crash your app if the odoString is nil. Better would be something like this:
if let s = odoString, odoInt = Int(s) {
// odoInt is of type Int. It is guaranteed to have a value in this block
I've tested Daniel T's answer and it worked.
I have a situation where I want to get the result of a text field back as an optional Int. You can extend this to cover your case using the following code:
let odoInt = odoField.text != nil ? Int(odoField.text!) : nil
if let odoInt = odoInt {
// Use unwrapped odoInt here
Another option - for a more compact solution - is to use a flatMap:
let number = odoString.flatMap { Double($0) } ?? 0.0
In fact, it appears that the answer in Swift 2 (Xcode 7 beta 6) is simpler than anything above. The code does not choke on a nil value for odoString when I do e.g. the following:
if let odoInt = Int(odoString!) {
distance = Double(odoInt)
I therefore surmise, barring deeper knowledge to the contrary, that the compiler does treat this as "if the statement is True (the right side is valid), then define and initialize the variable, and continue with execution." I welcome further feedback. This does render unnecessary a lot of the extra code that is suggested above.

Swift: Check if variable is nil

I am currently learning Swift and I am experimenting with Core Data where I would like to save a linked list. To add an element at the end of the list I have a while-loop like this:
var curr = start
while (curr.nextElem != nil) {
curr = curr.nextElem
The problem is though that curr.next != nil seems to be invalid, following error is shown: 'ListElem' is not convertible to UInt8
I noticed this error a few times before but always found a way around comparing but how can this be done in this case?
Your ListElem.nextElem property seems to be returning an actual ListElem, so it can never be nil. For it to be able to be nil, it has to be of optional type (ListElem?).
Also, try the Xcode 6.3 beta — most of the error messages where Swift 1.1 said "I dunno what you're doing, so I'll just say you can't convert it to UInt8" have been replaced with better diagnostics in Swift 1.2.
