Supercollider ERROR: can't set a control to a UGen - supercollider

I am trying to change the volume using but I get this error: ERROR: can't set a control to a UGen
Here is the code:
a = {arg freq=440, vol=0;*vol}.play
Any ideas?

This is actually such a basic issue/topic that a more elaborate answer is perhaps warranted. Basically, if you need/want "total flexibility" in what that \vol envelope is, you have to read it from a (server-side) bus or use one of the many client-side wrapper tricks that hide that (bus) plumbing under some syntactic sugar. A typical example of the latter would be JITLib. An example using the latter:
a = Ndef(\a, {arg freq=440, vol=0;*vol}).play;
a.set(\vol, Ndef(\v, {,1.0,3) }))
If you now do a.edit you'll see somthing like
Without using that JITLib sugar, you'd have allocate and map a bus yourself, such as in:
a = {arg freq=440, vol=0;*vol}.play;
b = Bus.control(s, 1); // "s" is the default-bound server variable\vol, b);
c = {,,1.0,3);) }.play;
With JITlib you can just set all over as it has "smarts" to detect the argument type, but with the basic SC you need to distinguish between mapping and setting... although you can also set something to a c-led bus-number string to achieve the same effect (map basically does that for you), i.e. the penultimate line above can be a.set(\vol, b.asMap); Just b.asMap evaluates to something like e.g. "c1", meaning control bus 1. (Audio busses use "a" prefixes instead, as you might expect.)
This bit may be somewhat more confusing, but keeping in mind that a and ~a are different types of variables (more or less function stack vs environment stack), the Ndef keys (first Ndef arguments) can be used "directly" in "shortcut" ~variables provided by the ProxySpace as in
p = ProxySpace.push(s);
~a = {arg freq=440, vol=0;*vol};; // play the NodeProxy, not the Function (Synth) directly
~a.set(\vol, ~v); // ~v is a NodeProxy.nil(localhost, nil) due to ProxySpace
~v = {,1.0,3) };
Under the hood this last example practically auto-issues Ndefs, i.e the 2nd line does the same as Ndef(\a ..., so you don't have to type Ndefs explicitly anymore. The way this works is that ProxySpace replaces the currentEnvironment (where ~variables live) with one in which put, which is triggered by assignments to ~variables, is now creating or modifying Ndefs and at is accessing them, e.g. if you evaluate currentEnvironment now it shows something like
ProxySpace ( ~a - ar(1) ~v - kr(1) )
(To get back to your prior environment issue a p.pop now.)

You can't use UGen to set some arg of a SynthDef, but you can set the arguments of
a = {arg freq=440, vol=0;*,sus,rel)}.play
please note that with you can't restart the envelope.
For a more specific control please see the EnvGen UGen:


How to do a prophecy for current testing class in PHPUnit?

I have this case that I want to run PHPUnit test and check behaviour of current testing class as follows:
public function it_allows_to_add_items()
// Create prophesies
$managerProphecy = $this->getProphet(ListingManager::class);
$listingItemProphecy = $this->getProphet(ListingItemInterface::class);
$listing = factory(\App\Misc\Listings\Listing::class)->create();
$manager = new ListingManager($listing);
$item = factory(\App\Misc\Listings\ListingItem::class)->make(['listing_id' => null]);
$item2 = factory(\App\Misc\Listings\ListingItem::class)->make(['listing_id' => null]);
is that even possible ?
Of course I'm getting
1) GenericListingManagerTest::it_allows_to_add_items
Some predictions failed:
Expected exactly 2 calls that match:
Double\App\Misc\Listings\ListingManager\P2->validate(exact(Double\ListingItemInterface\P1:00000000058d2b7a00007feda4ff3b5f Object (
'objectProphecy' => Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy Object (*Prophecy*)
but none were made.
I think your way to approach this test is a bit off. If I understand correctly you want to verify that addItem(object $item) works properly, i.e. the manager contains the item and the item is the same you added. For this you should not need prophecies and in fact your test does not actually use the prophecies you created. Depending on what your Manager looks like you could write something like this:
function test_manager_add_items_stores_item_and_increases_count()
$manager = new ListingManager(); // (2)
$item = new ListingIem(); // (3)
$initialCount = $manager->countItems(); // (1)
$this->assertEquals($initialCount + 1, $manager->countItems());
// Assuming offset equals (item count - 1) just like in a numeric array
$this->assertSame($item, $manager->getItemAtOffset($initialCount));
(1) Assuming your manager has a count()-method you can check before and after whether the count increased by the number of added items.
(2) We want to test the real manager - that's why we don't need a mock created by prophecy here - and we can use a real item because it's just a value.
(3) I'm not sure why you have a ListingItemInterface. Are there really different implementations of ListingItem and if so, do you really want a generic ListingManager that possibly contains all of them or do you need a more specific one to make sure that each Manager contains only it's specific kind of item? This really depends on your use case, but it looks like you might violate the I (Interface Segregation Principle) or L (Liskov Substitution Principle) in SOLID.
Depending on your use case you might want to add real items, e.g. 2 different types to make clear that it's intended that you can put 2 different implementations of the interface in there or you can do it like above and just add a ListingItem and verify that each item in the manager implements the interface - I leave finding the assertion for that to you ;). Of course you can use your factory to create the item as well. The important thing is that we test with assertSame() whether the managed object and the one we created initially are the same, meaning reference the exact same object.
You could add additional tests if you want to ensure additional behaviour, such as restricting the kind of items you can put in the manager or how it behaves when you put an invalid object in there.
The important thing is, that you want to test the actual behaviour of the Manager and that's why you don't want to use a mock for it. You could use a mock for the ListingItemInterface should you really require it. In that case the test should probably look something like this:
function test_manager_add_items_stores_item_and_increases_count()
$manager = new ListingManager();
$dummyItem = $this->prophecy(ListingIemInterface::class);
$initialCount = $manager->countItems();
$this->assertEquals($initialCount + 1, $manager->countItems());
$this->assertSame($dummyItem, $manager->getItemAtOffset($initialCount));
edit: If addItem checks the validation which you want to skip, e.g. because the empty item you provide is not valid and you don't care. You can use PHPUnit's own mock framework to partially mock the manager like this:
$item = new ListingItem();
$managerMock = $this->getMockBuilder(ListManager::class)
->with($this-> identicalTo($item))
You don't have to assert anything at the end, because expects() is already asserting something. Your Manager will work normally, except for validate(), meaning you will run the code in addItem() and if in there validate is called (once per item) the test will pass.

Coping with misleading error messages of the Swift compiler (context dependence, type inference)

While the Swift compiler (Xcode 7.2) seems perfectly correct in diagnosing an error for some source text equivalent to the following, it took long to detect the actual error made. Reason: the programmer needs to look not at the text marked, but elsewhere, thus mislead, wondering why an optional string and a non-optional string can not be operands of ??...
struct Outer {
var text : String
var opt : String?
var context : Outer
context = opt ?? "abc"
Obviously, the last line should have had context.text as the variable to be assigned. This is diagnosed:
confusion2.swift:9:19: error: binary operator '??' cannot be applied\
to operands of type 'String?' and 'String'
context = opt ?? "abc"
~~~ ^ ~~~~~
The message is formally correct. (I am assuming that type checking the left hand side establishes an expected type (Outer) for the right hand side, and this, then, renders the expression as not working, type-wise.) Taken literally, though, the diagnosis is wrong, as is seen when fixing the left hand side: ?? can be applied to operands of type String? and String.
Now, if this is as good as it gets, currently, in terms of compiler messages, what are good coping strategies? Is remembering
Type inference!
a start? Is there a more systematical approach? A check list?
Update (I'm adding to the list as answers come in. Thanks!)
break statements apart, so as to have several lines checked separately (#vacawama)
Beware of optionals (such as values got from dictionaries), see testSwitchOpt below
Another one
enum T {
case Str(String)
case Integer(Int)
func testSwitchOpt(x : T?) -> Int {
switch x {
case .Integer(let r): return r
default: return 0
The compiler says
optandswitch.swift:8:15: error: enum case 'Integer' not found in type 'T?'
case .Integer(let r): return r
A fix is to write switch x! (or a more cautious let), so as to make type checking address the proper type, I guess.
I could, perhaps should, file some report at Apple, but the issue seems to represent a recurring subject—I have seen this with other compilers—and I was hoping for some general and re-usable hints, if you don't mind sharing them.
Swift's type inference system is great in general, but it can lead to very confusing to outright wrong error messages.
When you get one of these Swift error messages that makes no sense, a good strategy is to break the line into parts. This will allow Swift to return a better error message before it goes too far down the wrong path.
For example, in your case, if you introduce a temporary variable, the real problem becomes clear:
// context = opt ?? "abc"
let temp = opt ?? "abc"
context = temp
Now the error message reads:
Cannot assign value of type 'String' to type 'Outer'

How do I downsample a control rate variable to a scalar value?

In SuperCollider: How do I downsample a control rate variable to a scalar value?
For instance, I have a scalar global called ~delay and a few functions care about that value. They assume it is a scalar. I wanted to set a envelope generator on that variable in order to change it via a control rate variable. Or use, if I could convert a single value of to a scalar value I would be happy.
Assume that I cannot refactor the code to allow for a k-rate global and thus I need to sample or downsample a single value from a control rate variable.
I can't do this:, 4, 1).rand.wait;
But I'd be happy with this:
downSample(, 4, 1)).rand.wait;
~mousex =, 4, 1)
This is the classic SuperCollider language-vs-server issue. You want to use MouseX (which represents the server's knowledge of mouse position) in a language-side calculation. ("Why the split? Why can't the language know it using the same object?" - well, imagine the two processes are running on different machines - different mice...)
To get the mouse position in the language, it's better to use one of:
Platform.getMouseCoords // SC up to 3.6
GUI.cursorPosition // SC recent versions
If you're sure you want to use server data in the language, then your own answer about sending via a Bus is one way to do it. Recent versions of SuperCollider have methods
which rely on the new "shared memory interface" between language and server. If the two are on the same machine, then this can be a nice way to do it which avoids the latency of asynchronously requesting the info.
After much research I came up with 1 solution: use a control Bus to grab values. We take a function as input (f) and then play it to a bus.
We then read from that bus by calling the get method on the bus and providing function that allows us to extract the value from the function thrown in.
~mkscalarfun = {
arg f={ 0 };
var last = 0.0;
var mbus = Bus.control(s, 1);
var pf =,mbus);
var scalarf = {
mbus.get({|v| last = v;});
scalarf; // This is a function
// Create a closure that includes the bus
~mousescalarf = ~mkscalarfun.({, 4, 1); });
I am not sure how idiomatic this solution or if it is appropriate or how well it performs.
One problem with this solution is that pf is hidden and thus you can't stop it.
One alternative is to use an OO solution where you make a class in your extension directory:
MakeScalarKR {
var last;
var mbus;
var pf;
var f;
*new { arg sbase,f;
init {
arg sbase,myf;
f = myf;
last = 0.0;
mbus = Bus.control(sbase, 1);
pf =, mbus);
v {
mbus.get({|x| last=x;});
free {
Then you can invoke this class like so:
~mkr = MakeScalarKR(s,{,400,1) });

Why/How to use passed constants in function?

I've seen classes where constants are passed to methods, I guess its done to define some kind of setting in that function. I cant find it anywhere now to try to find out the logic, so I though I could ask here. How and why do you use this concept and where can I find more information about it?
The example below is written in PHP, but any language that handles constants would do I guess..
// Declaring class
class ExampleClass{
const EXAMPLE_CONST_1 = 0;
const EXAMPLE_CONST_2 = 1;
function example_method($constant(?)){
if($constant == ExampleClass::EXAMPLE_CONST_1)
// do this
else if($constant == ExampleClass::EXAMPLE_CONST_2)
// do that
// Using class
$inst = new ExampleClass();
To me its more clear to pass "ExampleClass::EXAMPLE_CONST_1" than to just pass "1", but it's that the only reason to pass constant?
Simply passing 1 doesn't say much. By having a constant you can have a description about the settings in the name.
constant RAIN = 1;
method setWeather(RAIN);
Atleast that's how and why I use it.
It is always a good idea to avoid literals being passed around. By assigning a name, anyone reading your code has a chance to understand what that value means - a number has no meaning. It might also help you maintaining your code: If for some requirement the value has to be changed, you can easily do it in one place, instead of checking each and every value occurrence.

What's so great about Func<> delegate?

Sorry if this is basic but I was trying to pick up on .Net 3.5.
Question: Is there anything great about Func<> and it's 5 overloads? From the looks of it, I can still create a similar delgate on my own say, MyFunc<> with the exact 5 overloads and even more.
eg: public delegate TResult MyFunc<TResult>() and a combo of various overloads...
The thought came up as I was trying to understand Func<> delegates and hit upon the following scenario:
Func<int,int> myDelegate = (y) => IsComposite(10);
This implies a delegate with one parameter of type int and a return type of type int. There are five variations (if you look at the overloads through intellisense). So I am guessing that we can have a delegate with no return type?
So am I justified in saying that Func<> is nothing great and just an example in the .Net framework that we can use and if needed, create custom "func<>" delegates to suit our own needs?
The greatness lies in establishing shared language for better communication.
Instead of defining your own delegate types for the same thing (delegate explosion), use the ones provided by the framework. Anyone reading your code instantly grasps what you are trying to accomplish.. minimizes the time to 'what is this piece of code actually doing?'
So as soon as I see a
Action = some method that just does something and returns no output
Comparison = some method that compares two objects of the same type and returns an int to indicate order
Converter = transforms Obj A into equivalent Obj B
EventHandler = response/handler to an event raised by some object given some input in the form of an event argument
Func = some method that takes some parameters, computes something and returns a result
Predicate = evaluate input object against some criteria and return pass/fail status as bool
I don't have to dig deeper than that unless it is my immediate area of concern. So if you feel the delegate you need fits one of these needs, use them before rolling your own.
Disclaimer: Personally I like this move by the language designers.
Counter-argument : Sometimes defining your delegate may help communicate intent better. e.g. System.Threading.ThreadStart over System.Action. So it’s a judgment call in the end.
The Func family of delegates (and their return-type-less cousins, Action) are not any greater than anything else you'd find in the .NET framework. They're just there for re-use so you don't have to redefine them. They have type parameters to keep things generic. E.g., a Func<T0,bool> is the same as a System.Predicate<T> delegate. They were originally designed for LINQ.
You should be able to just use the built-in Func delegate for any value-returning method that accepts up to 4 arguments instead of defining your own delegate for such a purpose unless you want the name to reflect your intention, which is cool.
Cases where you would absolutely need to define your delegate types include methods that accept more than 4 arguments, methods with out, ref, or params parameters, or recursive method signatures (e.g., delegate Foo Foo(Foo f)).
In addition to Marxidad's correct answer:
It's worth being aware of Func's related family, the Action delegates. Again, these are types overloaded by the number of type parameters, but declared to return void.
If you want to use Func/Action in a .NET 2.0 project but with a simple route to upgrading later on, you can cut and paste the declarations from my version comparison page. If you declare them in the System namespace then you'll be able to upgrade just by removing the declarations later - but then you won't be able to (easily) build the same code in .NET 3.5 without removing the declarations.
Decoupling dependencies and unholy tie-ups is one singular thing that makes it great. Everything else one can debate and claim to be doable in some home-grown way.
I've been refactoring slightly more complex system with an old and heavy lib and got blocked on not being able to break compile time dependency - because of the named delegate lurking on "the other side". All assembly loading and reflection didn't help - compiler would refuse to just cast a delegate() {...} to object and whatever you do to pacify it would fail on the other side.
Delegate type comparison which is structural at compile time turns nominal after that (loading, invoking). That may seem OK while you are thinking in terms of "my darling lib is going to be used forever and by everyone" but it doesn't scale to even slightly more complex systems. Fun<> templates bring a degree of structural equivalence back into the world of nominal typing . That's the aspect you can't achieve by rolling out your own.
Example - converting:
class Session (
public delegate string CleanBody(); // tying you up and you don't see it :-)
public static void Execute(string name, string q, CleanBody body) ...
public static void Execute(string name, string q, Func<string> body)
Allows completely independent code to do reflection invocation like:
Type type = Type.GetType("Bla.Session, FooSessionDll", true);
MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod("Execute");
Func<string> d = delegate() { .....} // see Ma - no tie-ups :-)
Object [] params = { "foo", "bar", d};
methodInfo.Invoke("Trial Execution :-)", params);
Existing code doesn't notice the difference, new code doesn't get dependence - peace on Earth :-)
One thing I like about delegates is that they let me declare methods within methods like so, this is handy when you want to reuse a piece of code but you only need it within that method. Since the purpose here is to limit the scope as much as possible Func<> comes in handy.
For example:
string FormatName(string pFirstName, string pLastName) {
Func<string, string> MakeFirstUpper = (pText) => {
return pText.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + pText.Substring(1);
return MakeFirstUpper(pFirstName) + " " + MakeFirstUpper(pLastName);
It's even easier and more handy when you can use inference, which you can if you create a helper function like so:
Func<T, TReturn> Lambda<T, TReturn>(Func<T, TReturn> pFunc) {
return pFunc;
Now I can rewrite my function without the Func<>:
string FormatName(string pFirstName, string pLastName) {
var MakeFirstUpper = Lambda((string pText) => {
return pText.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + pText.Substring(1);
return MakeFirstUpper(pFirstName) + " " + MakeFirstUpper(pLastName);
Here's the code to test the method:
Console.WriteLine(FormatName("luis", "perez"));
Though it is an old thread I had to add that func<> and action<> also help us use covariance and contra variance.
