Calculating pageRank in a searchEngine - pagerank

Can someone explain why this function does not calculate the pagerank but assigns 0.15 to everyone?
def calculatepagerank(self, iterations=20):
# clear out the current PageRank tables
self.con.execute('drop table if exists pagerank')
self.con.execute('create table pagerank(urlid primary key, score)')
# initialize every url with a PageRank of 1
self.con.execute('insert into pagerank select rowid, 1.0 from urllist')
for i in range(iterations):
print "Iteration %d" % (i)
for (urlid,) in self.con.execute('select rowid from urllist'):
pr = 0.15
# Loop through all the pages that link to this one
for (linker,) in self.con.execute('select distinct fromid from link where toid=%d' % urlid):
# Get the PageRank of the linker
linkingpr = self.con.execute('select score from pagerank where urlid = %d' % linker).fetchone()[0]
# Get the total number of links from the linker
linkingcount = self.con.execute('select count(*) from link where fromid = %d' % linker).fetchone()[0]
pr += 0.85 * (linkingpr/linkingcount)
self.con.execute('update pagerank set score = %f where urlid = %d' % (pr, urlid))
The default value is 1 then it should assign 0.15 + 0.85 * (....) but remains fixed 0.15 for everyone

This looks like Python code. I would say it is the line:
pr += 0.85 * (linkingpr/linkingcount)`
In Python, if you divide an integer by an integer the result is also an integer. This is happening because you initialise each page with 1 so linkingpr is an integer, 1. linkingcount will also be an integer because you can't have a fraction of a link.
If that is the problem you can fix it by forcing one of the integers to be a float e.g.:
pr += 0.85 * (float(linkingpr)/linkingcount)


Problem by dictionaries to use numba njit parallelization to accelerate the code

I have written a code and try to use numba for accelerating the code. The main goal of the code is to group some values based on a condition. In this regard, iter_ is used for converging the code to satisfy the condition. I prepared a small case below to reproduce the sample code:
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
rng = np.random.default_rng(85)
# --------------------------------------- small data volume ---------------------------------------
# values_ = {'R0': np.array([0.01090976, 0.01069902, 0.00724112, 0.0068463 , 0.01135723, 0.00990762,
# 0.01090976, 0.01069902, 0.00724112, 0.0068463 , 0.01135723]),
# 'R1': np.array([0.01836379, 0.01900166, 0.01864162, 0.0182823 , 0.01840322, 0.01653088,
# 0.01900166, 0.01864162, 0.0182823 , 0.01840322, 0.01653088]),
# 'R2': np.array([0.02430913, 0.02239156, 0.02225379, 0.02093393, 0.02408692, 0.02110411,
# 0.02239156, 0.02225379, 0.02093393, 0.02408692, 0.02110411])}
# params = {'R0': [3, 0.9490579204466154, 1825, 7.070272000000002e-05],
# 'R1': [0, 0.9729203826820172, 167 , 7.070272000000002e-05],
# 'R2': [1, 0.6031363088057902, 1316, 8.007296000000003e-05]}
# Sno, dec_, upd_ = 2, 100, 200
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------- UPDATED (medium and large data volumes) ---------------------------
# values_ = np.load("values_med.npy", allow_pickle=True)[()]
# params = np.load("params_med.npy", allow_pickle=True)[()]
values_ = np.load("values_large.npy", allow_pickle=True)[()]
params = np.load("params_large.npy", allow_pickle=True)[()]
Sno, dec_, upd_ = 2000, 1000, 200
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# values_ = [*values_.values()]
# params = [*params.values()]
# #nb.jit(forceobj=True)
# def test(values_, params, Sno, dec_, upd_):
final_dict = {}
for i, j in enumerate(values_.keys()):
Rand_vals = []
goal_sum = params[j][1] * params[j][3]
tel = goal_sum / dec_ * 10
if params[j][0] != 0:
for k in range(Sno):
final_sum = 0.0
iter_ = 0
t = 1
while not np.allclose(goal_sum, final_sum, atol=tel):
iter_ += 1
vals_group = rng.choice(values_[j], size=params[j][0], replace=False)
# final_sum = 0.0016 * np.sum(vals_group) # -----> For small data volume
final_sum = np.sum(vals_group ** 3) # -----> UPDATED For med or large data volume
if iter_ == upd_:
t += 1
tel = t * tel
values_[j] = np.delete(values_[j], np.where(np.in1d(values_[j], vals_group)))
Rand_vals = [np.array([])] * Sno
final_dict["R" + str(i)] = Rand_vals
# return final_dict
# test(values_, params, Sno, dec_, upd_)
At first, for applying numba on this code #nb.jit was used (forceobj=True is used for avoiding warnings and …), which will have adverse effect on the performance. nopython is checked, too, with #nb.njit which get the following error due to not supporting (as mentioned in 1, 2) dictionary type of the inputs:
cannot determine Numba type of <class 'dict'>
I don't know if (how) it could be handled by Dict from numba.typed (by converting created python dictionaries to numba Dict) or if converting the dictionaries to lists of arrays have any advantage. I think, parallelization may be possible if some code lines e.g. Rand_vals.append(vals_group) or else section or … be taken or be modified out of the function to get the same results as before, but I don't have any idea how to do so.
I will be grateful for helping utilize numba on this code. numba parallelization will be the most desired (probably the best applicable method in terms of performance) solution if it could.
medium data volume: values_med, params_med
large data volume: values_large, params_large
This code can be converted to Numba but it is not straightforward.
First of all, the dictionary and list type must be defined since Numba njit functions cannot directly operate on reflected lists (aka. pure-python lists). This is a bit tedious to do in Numba and the resulting code is a bit verbose:
String = nb.types.unicode_type
ValueArray = nb.float64[::1]
ValueDict = nb.types.DictType(String, ValueArray)
ParamDictValue = nb.types.Tuple([nb.int_, nb.float64, nb.int_, nb.float64])
ParamDict = nb.types.DictType(String, ParamDictValue)
FinalDictValue = nb.types.ListType(ValueArray)
FinalDict = nb.types.DictType(String, FinalDictValue)
Then you need to convert the input dictionaries:
nbValues = nb.typed.typeddict.Dict.empty(String, ValueArray)
for key,value in values_.items():
nbValues[key] = value.copy()
nbParams = nb.typed.typeddict.Dict.empty(String, ParamDictValue)
for key,value in params.items():
nbParams[key] = (nb.int_(value[0]), nb.float64(value[1]), nb.int_(value[2]), nb.float64(value[3]))
Then, you need to write the core function. np.allclose and np.isin are not implemented in Numba so they should be reimplemented manually. But the main point is that Numba does not support the rng Numpy object. I think it will certainly not support it any time soon. Note that Numba has an random numbers implementation that try to mimic the behavior of Numpy but the management of the seed is a bit different. Note also that results should be the same with the Numpy functions if the seed is set to the same value (Numpy and Numba have different seed variables that are not synchronized).
#nb.njit(FinalDict(ValueDict, ParamDict, nb.int_, nb.int_, nb.int_))
def nbTest(values_, params, Sno, dec_, upd_):
final_dict = nb.typed.Dict.empty(String, FinalDictValue)
for i, j in enumerate(values_.keys()):
Rand_vals = nb.typed.List.empty_list(ValueArray)
goal_sum = params[j][1] * params[j][3]
tel = goal_sum / dec_ * 10
if params[j][0] != 0:
for k in range(Sno):
final_sum = 0.0
iter_ = 0
t = 1
vals_group = np.empty(0, dtype=nb.float64)
while np.abs(goal_sum - final_sum) > (1e-05 * np.abs(final_sum) + tel):
iter_ += 1
vals_group = np.random.choice(values_[j], size=params[j][0], replace=False)
final_sum = 0.0016 * np.sum(vals_group)
# final_sum = 0.0016 * np.sum(vals_group) # (for small data volume)
final_sum = np.sum(vals_group ** 3) # (for med or large data volume)
if iter_ == upd_:
t += 1
tel = t * tel
# Perform an in-place deletion
vals, gr = values_[j], vals_group
cur = 0
for l in range(vals.size):
found = False
for m in range(gr.size):
found |= vals[l] == gr[m]
if not found:
# Keep the value (delete it otherwise)
vals[cur] = vals[l]
cur += 1
values_[j] = vals[:cur]
for k in range(Sno):
Rand_vals.append(np.empty(0, dtype=nb.float64))
final_dict["R" + str(i)] = Rand_vals
return final_dict
Note that the replacement implementation of np.isin is quite naive but it works pretty well in practice on your input example.
The function can be called using the following way:
nbFinalDict = nbTest(nbValues, nbParams, Sno, dec_, upd_)
Finally, the dictionary should be converted back to basic Python objects:
finalDict = dict()
for key,value in nbFinalDict.items():
finalDict[key] = list(value)
This implementation is fast for small inputs but not large ones since np.random.choice takes almost all the time (>96%). The thing is this function is clearly not optimal when the number of requested item is small (which is your case). Indeed, it surprisingly runs in linear time of the input array and not in linear time of the number of requested items.
Further Optimizations
The algorithm can be completely rewritten to extract only 12 random items and discard them from the main currant array in a much more efficient way. The idea is to swap n items (small target sample) at the end of the array with other items at random locations, then check the sum, repeat this process until a condition is fulfilled, and finally extract the view to the last n items before resizing the view so to discard the last items. All of this can be done in O(n) time rather than O(m) time where m is the size of the main current array with n << m (eg. 12 VS 20_000). It can also be compute without any expensive allocation. Here is the resulting code:
#nb.njit(nb.void(ValueArray, nb.int_, nb.int_))
def swap(arr, i, j):
arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]
#nb.njit(FinalDict(ValueDict, ParamDict, nb.int_, nb.int_, nb.int_))
def nbTest(values_, params, Sno, dec_, upd_):
final_dict = nb.typed.Dict.empty(String, FinalDictValue)
for i, j in enumerate(values_.keys()):
Rand_vals = nb.typed.List.empty_list(ValueArray)
goal_sum = params[j][1] * params[j][3]
tel = goal_sum / dec_ * 10
values = values_[j]
n = params[j][0]
if n != 0:
for k in range(Sno):
final_sum = 0.0
iter_ = 0
t = 1
m = values.size
assert n <= m
group = values[-n:]
while np.abs(goal_sum - final_sum) > (1e-05 * np.abs(final_sum) + tel):
iter_ += 1
# Swap the group view with other random items
for pos in range(m - n, m):
swap(values, pos, np.random.randint(0, m))
# For small data volume:
# final_sum = 0.0016 * np.sum(group)
# For med/large data volume
final_sum = 0.0
for v in group:
final_sum += v ** 3
if iter_ == upd_:
t += 1
tel *= t
assert iter_ > 0
values = values[:m-n]
for k in range(Sno):
Rand_vals.append(np.empty(0, dtype=nb.float64))
final_dict["R" + str(i)] = Rand_vals
return final_dict
In addition to being faster, this implementation as the benefit of being also simpler. Results looks quite similar to the previous implementation despite the randomness make the check of the results tricky (especially since this function does not use the same method to choose the random sample). Note that this implementation does not remove items in values that are in group as opposed to the previous one (this is probably not wanted though).
Here are the results of the last implementation on my machine (compilation and conversion timings excluded):
Provided small input (embedded in the question):
- Initial code: 42.71 ms
- Numba code: 0.11 ms
Medium input:
- Initial code: 3481 ms
- Numba code: 11 ms
Large input:
- Initial code: 6728 ms
- Numba code: 20 ms
Note that the conversion time takes about the same time than the computation.
This last implementation is 316~388 times faster than the initial code on small inputs.
Note that the compilation time takes few seconds due to the dict and lists types.
Note that while it may be possible to parallelise the implementation, only the most encompassing loop can be parallelised. The thing is there is only few items to compute and the time is already quite small (not the best case for multi-threading). <-- Additionally, the creation of many temporary arrays (created by rng.choice) will certainly cause the parallel loop not to scale well anyway. --> Additionally, the list/dict cannot be written from multiple threads safely so one need to use Numpy arrays in the whole function to be able to do that (or add additional conversion that are already expensive). Moreover, Numba parallelism tends to increase significantly the compilation time which is already significant. Finally, the result will be less deterministic since each Numba thread has its own random number generator seed and the items computed by the threads cannot be predicted with prange (dependent of the parallel runtime chosen on the target platform). Note that in Numpy there is one global seed by default used by usual random functions (deprecated way) and RNG objects have their own seed (new preferred way).

How to extract optimization problem matrices A,b,c using JuMP in Julia

I create an optimization model in Julia-JuMP using the symbolic variables and constraints e.g. below
using JuMP
using CPLEX
# model
Mod = Model(CPLEX.Optimizer)
# sets
I = 1:2;
# Variables
x = #variable( Mod , [I] , base_name = "x" )
y = #variable( Mod , [I] , base_name = "y" )
# constraints
Con1 = #constraint( Mod , [i in I] , 2 * x[i] + 3 * y[i] <= 100 )
# objective
ObjFun = #objective( Mod , Max , sum( x[i] + 2 * y[i] for i in I) ) ;
# solve
I guess JuMP creates the problem in the form minimize c'*x subj to Ax < b before it is passes to the solver CPLEX. I want to extract the matrices A,b,c. In the above example I would expect something like:
2×4 Array{Int64,2}:
2 0 3 0
0 2 0 3
2-element Array{Int64,1}:
4-element Array{Int64,1}:
In MATLAB the function prob2struct can do this
In there a JuMP function that can do this?
This is not easily possible as far as I am aware.
The problem is stored in the underlying MathOptInterface (MOI) specific data structures. For example, constraints are always stored as MOI.AbstractFunction - in - MOI.AbstractSet. The same is true for the MOI.ObjectiveFunction. (see MOI documentation:
You can however, try to recompute the objective function terms and the constraints in matrix-vector-form.
For example, assuming you still have your JuMP.Model Mod, you can examine the objective function closer by typing:
using MathOptInterface
const MOI = MathOptInterface
# this only works if you have a linear objective function (the model has a ScalarAffineFunction as its objective)
obj = MOI.get(Mod, MOI.ObjectiveFunction{MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}}())
# take a look at the terms
# from this you could extract your vector c
c = zeros(4)
for term in obj.terms
c[term.variable_index.value] = term.coefficient
This gives indeed: c = [1.;1.;2.;2.].
You can do something similar for the underlying MOI.constraints.
# list all the constraints present in the model
cons = MOI.get(Mod, MOI.ListOfConstraints())
in this case we only have one type of constraint, i.e. (MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64} in MOI.LessThan{Float64})
# get the constraint indices for this combination of F(unction) in S(et)
F = cons[1][1]
S = cons[1][2]
ci = MOI.get(Mod, MOI.ListOfConstraintIndices{F,S}())
You get two constraint indices (stored in the array ci), because there are two constraints for this combination F - in - S.
Let's examine the first one of them closer:
ci1 = ci[1]
# to get the function and set corresponding to this constraint (index):
moi_backend = backend(Mod)
f = MOI.get(moi_backend, MOI.ConstraintFunction(), ci1)
f is again of type MOI.ScalarAffineFunction which corresponds to one row a1 in your A = [a1; ...; am] matrix. The row is given by:
a1 = zeros(4)
for term in f.terms
a1[term.variable_index.value] = term.coefficient
#show(a1) # gives [2.0 0 3.0 0] (the first row of your A matrix)
To get the corresponding first entry b1 of your b = [b1; ...; bm] vector, you have to look at the constraint set of that same constraint index ci1:
s = MOI.get(moi_backend, MOI.ConstraintSet(), ci1)
#show(s) # MathOptInterface.LessThan{Float64}(100.0)
b1 = s.upper
I hope this gives you some intuition on how the data is stored in MathOptInterface format.
You would have to do this for all constraints and all constraint types and stack them as rows in your constraint matrix A and vector b.
Use the following lines:
using NLPModelsJuMP
nlp = MathOptNLPModel(model) # the input "< model >" is the name of the model you created by JuMP before with variables and constraints (and optionally the objective function) attached to it.
x = zeros(nlp.meta.nvar)
b = NLPModelsJuMP.grad(nlp, x)
A = Matrix(NLPModelsJuMP.jac(nlp, x))
I didn't try it myself. But the MathProgBase package seems to be able to provide A, b, and c in matrix form.

Fixed-Effects Regression with Panel Data - Dummy variable is excluded in Output

I'm rather new to statistics and R. I'm currently working on a paper and I'm really stuck with a coding problem right now. I suspect that the problem lays within my dummy variable.
I did a fixed-effects regression with my panel data which worked out fine. All my variables (the Y and the Xs) were numeric. I decided to add another variable that is a dummy variable with two levels (yes/no).
I set the variable as as factor variable but whenever I try to run the regression it does not show up in the output. As soon as I remove one specific numeric variable - it shows up in the output.
I obviously don't want to exclude that one numeric variable to include my dummy variable - there must be another way or something I did wrong...
regdata <- read_excel("LinRegData.xlsx")
regdata$eu <- as.factor(regdata$eu)
pdata <- pdata.frame(regdata, index=c("country","year"))
pdata$eu <-as.factor((pdata$eu))
plmwithin <- plm(subaus ~ employ + pref + + iEaeM + eu, data = pdata, model="within", family = poisson, effect = 'twoways', index = c('country', 'year'))
The output always excludes the eu-variable:
plm(formula = subaus ~ employ + pref + eu + iEaeM, data = pdata,
effect = "twoways", model = "within", index = c("country",
"year"), family = poisson)
Unbalanced Panel: n = 32, T = 8-11, N = 288
Min. 1st Qu. Median 3rd Qu. Max.
-0.4828507 -0.0867719 -0.0021724 0.0857117 0.7668712
Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
employ 0.03496136 0.00590717 5.9185 1.1e-08 ***
pref -0.02081850 0.00908030 -2.2927 0.02272 *
iEaeM -0.00010028 0.00070435 -0.1424 0.88690
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Total Sum of Squares: 9.4599
Residual Sum of Squares: 8.183
R-Squared: 0.13498
Adj. R-Squared: -0.021654
F-statistic: 12.639 on 3 and 243 DF, p-value: 1.0498e-07
If I exclude the iEaeM variable it shows:
plm(formula = subaus ~ employ + pref + eu, data = pdata, effect = "twoways",
model = "within", index = c("country", "year"), family = poisson)
Unbalanced Panel: n = 32, T = 8-23, N = 659
Min. 1st Qu. Median 3rd Qu. Max.
-1.04463 -0.18859 -0.01558 0.14696 1.46631
Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
employ 0.01346798 0.00525102 2.5648 0.01056 *
pref -0.00014268 0.00927955 -0.0154 0.98774
eu1 -0.27793656 0.06324072 -4.3949 1.31e-05 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Total Sum of Squares: 64.478
Residual Sum of Squares: 61.197
R-Squared: 0.050889
Adj. R-Squared: -0.037401
F-statistic: 10.7592 on 3 and 602 DF, p-value: 6.7744e-07

Implicit recommender Tuning hyper parameters Pyspark

computeMAPK function takes the model, Actual data and Validation data (user,product) to generate ratings. Then sort the predicted ratings for every user and take top K to compare with the actual data to calculate Mean Average Precision at K
I am using this function to tune the hyper parameters i.e. fit multiple models and select the best Lambda, Alpha, Ranks with highest MAPK. This works for small data sets but when the the matrix becomes 10 Million users * 200 products. It breaks especially with reduceByKey step and joins. Any better way to Tune the hyper parameters for ALS implicit ? and I am using Spark 1.3.
Actual RDD is of the form (user,product)
Valid RDD is of the form (user,product)
def apk(act_pred):
predicted = act_pred[0]
actual = act_pred[1]
k = act_pred[2]
if len(predicted)>k:
predicted = predicted[:k]
score =0.0
num_hits = 0.0
for i,p in enumerate(predicted):
if p in actual and p not in predicted[:i]:
num_hits += 1.0
score += num_hits / (i+1.0)
if not actual:
return 1.0
#return num_hits
return (score/min(len(actual),k))
def computeMAPKR(model,actual,valid,k):
pred = model.predictAll(valid).map(lambda x:(x[0],[(x[1],x[2])])).cache()
gp = pred.reduceByKey(lambda x,y:x+y)
#gp = pred.groupByKey().map(lambda x : (x[0], list(x[1])))
# for every user, sort the items by predicted ratings and get user, item pairs
def f(x):
s = sorted(x,key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)
sm = map(lambda x:x[0],s)
return sm
sp = gp.mapValues(f)
# actual data
ac = x:(x[0],[(x[1])]))
#gac = ac.reduceByKey(lambda x,y:(x,y)).map(lambda x : (x[0], list(x[1])))
gac = ac.reduceByKey(lambda x,y:x+y)
ap = sp.join(gac)
apk_result = x:(x[0],(x[1][0],x[1][1],k))).mapValues(apk)
mapk = x :x[1]).reduce(add) / ap.count()
return mapk

Psuedo-Random Variable

I have a variable, between 0 and 1, which should dictate the likelyhood that a second variable, a random number between 0 and 1, is greater than 0.5. In other words, if I were to generate the second variable 1000 times, the average should be approximately equal to the first variable's value. How do I make this code?
Oh, and the second variable should always be capable of producing either 0 or 1 in any condition, just more or less likely depending on the value of the first variable. Here is a link to a graph which models approximately how I would like the program to behave. Each equation represents a separate value for the first variable.
You have a variable p and you are looking for a mapping function f(x) that maps random rolls between x in [0, 1] to the same interval [0, 1] such that the expected value, i.e. the average of all rolls, is p.
You have chosen the function prototype
f(x) = pow(x, c)
where c must be chosen appropriately. If x is uniformly distributed in [0, 1], the average value is:
int(f(x) dx, [0, 1]) == p
With the integral:
int(pow(x, c) dx) == pow(x, c + 1) / (c + 1) + K
one gets:
c = 1/p - 1
A different approach is to make p the median value of the distribution, such that half of the rolls fall below p, the other half above p. This yields a different distribution. (I am aware that you didn't ask for that.) Now, we have to satisfy the condition:
f(0.5) == pow(0.5, c) == p
which yields:
c = log(p) / log(0.5)
With the current function prototype, you cannot satisfy both requirements. Your function is also asymmetric (f(x, p) != f(1-x, 1-p)).
Python functions below:
def medianrand(p):
"""Random number between 0 and 1 whose median is p"""
c = math.log(p) / math.log(0.5)
return math.pow(random.random(), c)
def averagerand(p):
"""Random number between 0 and 1 whose expected value is p"""
c = 1/p - 1
return math.pow(random.random(), c)
You can do this by using a dummy. First set the first variable to a value between 0 and 1. Then create a random number in the dummy between 0 and 1. If this dummy is bigger than the first variable, you generate a random number between 0 and 0.5, and otherwise you generate a number between 0.5 and 1.
In pseudocode:
real a = 0.7
real total = 0.0
for i between 0 and 1000 begin
real dummy = rand(0,1)
real b
if dummy > a then
b = rand(0,0.5)
b = rand(0.5,1)
end if
total = total + b
end for
real avg = total / 1000
Please note that this algorithm will generate average values between 0.25 and 0.75. For a = 1 it will only generate random values between 0.5 and 1, which should average to 0.75. For a=0 it will generate only random numbers between 0 and 0.5, which should average to 0.25.
I've made a sort of pseudo-solution to this problem, which I think is acceptable.
Here is the algorithm I made;
a = 0.2 # variable one
b = 0 # variable two
b = random.random()
b = b^(1/(2^(4*a-1)))
It doesn't actually produce the average results that I wanted, but it's close enough for my purposes.
Edit: Here's a graph I made that consists of a large amount of datapoints I generated with a python script using this algorithm;
import random
mod = 6
div = 100
for z in xrange(div):
s = 0
for i in xrange (100000):
a = (z+1)/float(div) # variable one
b = random.random() # variable two
c = b**(1/(2**((mod*a*2)-mod)))
s += c
print str((z+1)/float(div)) + "\t" + str(round(s/100000.0, 3))
Each point in the table is the result of 100000 randomly generated points from the algorithm; their x positions being the a value given, and their y positions being their average. Ideally they would fit to a straight line of y = x, but as you can see they fit closer to an arctan equation. I'm trying to mess around with the algorithm so that the averages fit the line, but I haven't had much luck as of yet.
