JsPlumb flowchart no self-connections - jsplumb

I have a problem where I'm more-or less using the jsPlumb flow-chart demo example but where there is only ever one drop target per window and there may be one or many drag targets. However I want to forbid self-connections so that a connection can be dragged from any window to any other window EXCEPT itself.
I was thinking that maybe you would use scopes but this would mean a different scope for each window which seems over the top. Does anyone have a tidy solution?

Thanks for the answers they pointed me in the right direction. In the end used "beforeDrop"
when binding the "connection" it was detaching the source endpoint of the window as well as the connection.
The final solution was:
instance.bind("beforeDrop", function (info) {
// console.log("before drop: " + info.sourceId + ", " + info.targetId);
if (info.sourceId === info.targetId) { //source and target ID's are same
console.log("source and target ID's are the same - self connections not allowed.")
return false;
} else {
return true;

from http://www.jsplumb.org/doc/connections.html#draganddrop
Preventing Loopback Connections
In vanilla jsPlumb only, you can instruct jsPlumb to prevent loopback connections without having to resort to a beforeDrop interceptor. You do this by setting allowLoopback:false on the parameters passed to the makeTarget method:
jsPlumb.makeTarget("foo", {

Bind an event to get notified whenever new connection is created. After connection creation check whether source and target of connection are same, if so detach that connection to avoid self loop. Code:
jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnection", function(ci) {
var s=ci.sourceId,c=ci.targetId;
if( s===c ){ //source and target ID's are same
else{ // Keep connection if ID's are different (Do nothing)
// console.log(s+"->"+c);


How to implement message passing callbacks in an all-in-one (Edge/Firefox/Chrome) browser extension's content script?

Development Environment OS: Windows 7 Enterprise LTS
Browser compatibility minimum requirements: Should support all Edge, Firefox, Chrome browsers, as of 2018.
Current ongoing issue: Unable to run VM on dev workstation; Cannot run Windows 10 VMs to debug Microsoft Edge extensions.
To explain:
An "all-in-one browser extension" refers to a browser extension code that uses the same code with minor differences to work on various WebExtensions / Chrome Extensions supported browsers. At bare minimum, the same codebase should work and run on Edge, Firefox, and Chrome with very minor changes.
Callbacks on the content scripts for Edge/Firefox/Chrome extensions are handled differently.
For unknown reasons, I cannot run VM on my workstation machine. When VM is running, VM client is black. This is a localized issue on my end that I cannot resolve, so I'm forced to find a different solution/alternative.
How are they handled differently on the content scripts:
Edge: browser.runtime.sendMessage uses callbacks, and returns undefined.
Firefox: browser.runtime.sendMessage uses Promises, and returns a Promise.
Chrome: chrome.runtime.sendMessage uses callbacks, and returns undefined.
According to various references:
Firefox / Chrome / MS Edge extensions using chrome.* or browser.*
On the content scripts, you can declare the following JavaScript snippet at the top in order to create a global variable that can be referenced everywhere else:
//Global "browser" namespace definition.
window.browser = (function() {
return window.msBrowser || window.browser || window.chrome;
Unfortunately, because of the issue I'm experiencing (VM not running), I cannot tell if window.msBrowser is still being used. And this solution is not helpful for me when handling message callbacks when using namespace.runtime.sendMessage.
With all that said, my main question is: How to write a message passing function that can handle callbacks properly?
Currently, I'm using the following code:
function sendGlobalMessage(messageRequest, callback) {
if (chrome && window.openDatabase) {
//This is Chrome browser
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(messageRequest, callback);
else if (browser) {
try {
//Edge will error out because of a quirk in Edge IndexedDB implementation.
//See https://gist.github.com/nolanlawson/a841ee23436410f37168
let db = window.indexedDB.open("edge", (Math.pow(2, 30) + 1));
db.onerror = function(e) {
throw new Error("edge is found");
db.onsuccess = function(e) {
//This is Firefox browser.
catch (e) {
//This is Edge browser
browser.runtime.sendMessage(messageRequest, callback);
I truly felt this is a hacky solution, because the code is based off of browser platform exclusive quirks in order to separate chrome.runtime.sendMessage and browser.runtime.sendMessage API calls, so as to handle callbacks in their respective platforms. I really wanted to change this.
So I'm asking what better ways are there, out there, that is useful to detect the different platforms, and handle message passing callbacks properly at the same time?
Thanks in advance.
I believed I solved it.
EDIT: The FINAL final version (updated and more stable, less message passing):
//Global "browser" namespace definition, defined as "namespace". Can be renamed to anything else.
window.namespace = (function() {
return window.browser || window.chrome;
function sendGlobalResponse(message, callback){
if (window.namespace === window.chrome) {
window.namespace.runtime.sendMessage(message, callback);
else if (window.namespace === window.browser) {
//Using instanceof to check for object type, and use the returned evaluation as a truthy value.
let supportPromises = false;
try {
supportPromises = window.namespace.runtime.getPlatformInfo() instanceof Promise;
catch(e) { }
if (supportPromises){
else {
window.namespace.runtime.sendMessage(message, callback);
(Original Post):
The final version (Now obsoleted):
//Global "browser" namespace definition.
window.namespace = (function() {
return window.browser || window.chrome;
function sendGlobalResponse(message, callback){
if (window.namespace === window.chrome) {
window.namespace.runtime.sendMessage(message, callback);
else if (window.namespace === window.browser) {
let returnValue = window.namespace.runtime.sendMessage({});
if (typeof returnValue === "undefined"){
window.namespace.runtime.sendMessage(message, callback);
else {
In the second if statement, by checking to see if the return value of a window.browser.runtime.sendMessage is a Promise or undefined, we can detect if the platform is Firefox or Edge.
I think this is the only solution to handle message passing callbacks/message responses on the content scripts.
I really couldn't think of a better solution than this. So I'll be using this from now on.
But if anyone else knows a better way, a way where you don't need to send out 1 extra dummy message for Firefox and Edge per function call, that would be great!
It sucks that anything inside the content script is not persistent, and even if you store information about what platform the code is being run on, you still have to fetch the information from the background script before filtering out which runtime.sendMessage function to call on, so it doesn't really save much time.

Event each time component becomes visible

Is there a way in Angular2 to have an event fired when my component becomes visible?
It is placed in a tabcontrol and I want to be notified when the user switches. I'd like my component to fire an event.
What I finally did (which is not very beautiful but works while I don't have a better way to do it...) is to use the ngAfterContentChecked() callback and handle the change myself.
#ViewChild('map') m;
private isVisible: boolean = false;
ngAfterContentChecked(): void
if (this.isVisible == false && this.m.nativeElement.offsetParent != null)
console.log('isVisible switched from false to true');
this.isVisible = true;
else if (this.isVisible == true && this.m.nativeElement.offsetParent == null)
console.log('isVisible switched from true to false');
this.isVisible = false;
There is no such event, but if you're using a tab control, the proper way to do this would be to create a tab change #Output for your tab control if it's custom, otherwise, most tab controls (like ng-bootstrap) have some tab change event as well.
If your component has to be aware of this, you can use this tab change event to detect which tab is visible, and if you know which tab is visible, you also know if your component is visible or not. So you can do something like this:
onTabChange(event) {
this.currentTab = /** Get current tab */;
And then you can send it to your component itself if you have an input:
#Input() activated: boolean = false;
And then you can apply it with:
<my-component [activated]="currentTab == 'tabWithComponent'"></my-component>
Now you can listen to OnChanges to see if the model value activated changed to true.
You can also refactor this to use a service with an Observable like this:
export class TabService {
observable: Observable<any>;
constructor() {
this.observable = Observable.create(function(observer) {
this.observer = observer;
When a component wishes to listen to these changes, it can subscribe to tabService.observable. When your tab changes, you can push new items to it with tabService.observer.next().
You can use the ngAfterViewInit() callback
The new Intersection Observer API can be used for that
See also https://stackoverflow.com/a/44670818/217408
For those watching at home, you can now use ngAfterContentInit() for this, at least on Ionic anyway.
Best way to work around this limitation of Angular is to use a shared service that provides a Subject your component can subscribe to. That way new values could be pushed onto the Observable and the components which subscribe get the newest data and can act accordingly.
Fyi: The difference between a normal Observable and a Subject is that a Subject is multicast whereas an Observable could only be subscribed to by one Subscriber.
As a small example I show you a possible implementation of a shared-service and following the subscription inside the component that needs this new data.
// ...
private actualNumberSubject = new Subject<number>()
public actualNumber$ = this.actualNumberSubject.asObservable()
constructor() {}
* #info Set actual number
setActualNumber(number: number) {
// ...
Push new value onto the subject from anywhere where shared.service is imported:
// ...
Subscribe to sharedService.actualNumber$ in component to process/display that new data:
// ...
this.sharedService.actualNumber$.subscribe(number => {
// e.g. load data freshly, etc.
// ...
I have the same purpose and cannot get a satisfy approach to it. The first answer will call so many times.
There is a compromised way I used, of course, not elegant either.
In parent component, I set a method:
parentClick() {
setTimeout(() => {
// TO-DO
}, time);
Maybe the method not accurate in time, but in some way, you reach the destiny.

How can I ensure the writable flag is true before send()?

I am creating an abstraction layer for Dart WebSocket who is also protocol compatible with Socket.IO, but it has a problem I can not solve.
The follow code convert the HttpRequest into a WebSocket and save the socket instance on the Transport... Here you can see I change the value of the writable flag to true in order to inform the socket is open.
WebSocketTransformer.upgrade(req).then((socket) {
this._socket = socket;
this.writable = true;
this._socket.handleError(() {
// start listen the socket;
socket.listen((packet) {
}).catchError((Exception e) {
this.onError('Can\'t conenct with the socket.', e.toString());
(The full code can be founded here.)
When I debug the code first the debugger stops inside that closure and only then stops here, where the check is make but writable still false :/
void flush([_]) {
if (this._readyState != SocketStates.closed && this.transport.writable &&
!this._writeBuffer.isEmpty) {
(The full code can be founded here)
I really need help...
Your constructor makes an async call but doesn't return a future (not possible in a constructor)
Use a static method instead which returns Future<WebSocketTransformer> or use an init method where you initiaize your class after creation.
There might be other problems but yor code does not show how you use your class therefore its hard to tell.

How to send message or establish 2 way communication between two XUL Overlay Firefox extensions/add-ons

I have an XUL Overlay Firefox extension, I need to develop a dummy XUL extension that establishes connection with the original extension and sends a set of parameters (message) to the original extension. In short, I have to trigger my original extension with my dummy extension.
Probably the easiest way to do this is to have the original extension listening for a custom event on the base browser window. The dummy extension can then create and dispatch the event with whatever custom data is desired.
Creating and dispatching the event from the dummy:
function sendDataToMainExtension(data) {
if (typeof window === "undefined") {
//If there is no window defined, get the most recent.
var window=Components.classes["#mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
//This assumes that this event is being both sent from
// and received by privileged (main add-on) code.
var event = new CustomEvent('MyExtensionName-From-Dummy', { 'detail': data });
You may need to take the same steps for making sure the data is visible on the receiving end as would be necessary when firing from privileged code to non-privileged code.
Listening for the event in main:
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
//Listen for the event on all windows as it is unknown on which one
// the event will be sent.
function loadIntoWindow(myWindow) {
receiveMessageFromDummy, false);
function unloadFromWindow(myWindow) {
receiveMessageFromDummy, false);
function forEachOpenWindow(fn) {
// Apply a function to all open browser windows
var windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
let windowCount =0;
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
function receiveMessageFromDummy(event) {
var dataFromDummy = event.detail;
//Do whatever was desired with the data.
var WindowListener = {
onOpenWindow: function(aWindow)
let domWindow = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
.getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowInternal || Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
function onWindowLoad()
if (domWindow.document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype")
== "navigator:browser") {
onCloseWindow: function(xulWindow) { }, // Each window has an unload event handler.
onWindowTitleChange: function(xulWindow, newTitle) { }
//Listen for the custom event on all current browser windows.
//Listen for the custom event on any new browser window.
The data sent should be available as event.detail within the receiveMessageFromDummy() function.
The code above provides one way communication. Two way communication is obtained just duplicating the code to communicate in the other direction with a different custom event. In other words, by having the main extension dispatching a different custom event called something like MyExtensionName-From-Main and having the dummy extension listening for that event. The code is exactly the same as above, but with the event name changed and the function called being receiveMessageFromMain().
Alternately, you could use Window.postMessage(). Doing so sends a "message" event for which you can listen. However, doing so leads to complications which are easier to avoid by using a custom event (e.g. you have to account for the fact that any code (i.e. some other random extension) could be using this event for their own purpose).
Note: The code to loop through windows was originally taken from Converting an old overlay-based Firefox extension into a restartless addon which that author re-wrote as the initial part of How to convert an overlay extension to restartless on MDN. It has been modified multiple times from that code. It may have even earlier versions from other sources.

Connection dropped but endPoints did not change or remained same

How will I come to know easily that an attempt was made by dragging one connection, left in between having no change in endpoints?
You need to get notified when a endpoint is dragged to make connection but dropped such that no connection was made. To attain this we need to handle 2 events:
1.event triggered when connection was made. (jsPlumbConnection)
2.event triggered when endpoint stopped dragging. (dragOptions: {stop})
NOTE: jsPlumbConnection event is triggered before stop event.
Maintain a global variable(FLAG) which is initially false and set to true when connection is made. While endpoint is stopped dragging we check FLAG for our result.
FLAG=false; //global variable
jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnection", function(ci) { //Register event when connection is made
flag=true; // set to true when connection is made
var e = jsPlumb.addEndpoint("DOM_ELEMENT", {
hoverPaintStyle:{ fillStyle:"red" },
dragOptions: {
stop:function() { //Register event when endpoint stopped dragging
alert("No connection was made");
FLAG=false; // Reset variable for next use
