How to grep the last occurrence of a line pattern - bash

I have a file with contents
I want to grep the last occurrence,
when I try
sed -n "/x/,/b/p" file
it lists all the lines, beginning x to c.

I'm not sure if I got your question right, so here are some shots in the dark:
Print last occurence of x (regex):
grep x file | tail -1
tac file | grep -m1 x
Print file from first matching line to end:
awk '/x/{flag = 1}; flag' file
Print file from last matching line to end (prints all lines in case of no match):
tac file | awk '!flag; /x/{flag = 1};' | tac

grep -A 1 x file | tail -n 2
-A 1 tells grep to print one line after a match line
with tail you get the last two lines.
or in a reversed way:
tac fail | grep -B 1 x -m1 | tac
Note: You should make sure your pattern is "strong" enough so it gets you the right lines. i.e. by enclosing it with ^ at the start and $ at the end.

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 'H;/x/h;$!d;x' file
Saves the last x and what follows in the hold space and prints it out at end-of-file.

not sure how to do it using sed, but you can try awk
awk '{a=a"\n"$0; if ($0 == "x"){ a=$0}} END{print a}' file

POSIX vi (or ex or ed), in case it is useful to someone
Done in Command mode, of course
:set wrapscan
Go to the first line and just search Backwards!
Slower way, without :set wrapscan
G go to the last line
Move to the end of that line $
? search Backwards for pattern
The first backwards match will be the same as the last forward match
Either way, you may now delete all lines above current (match)
You could also delete to the beginning of the matched line prior to the line deletions with d0 in case there were multiple matches on the same line.
POSIX awk, as suggested at
get last line from grep search on multiple files
awk '(FNR==1)&&s{print s; s=""}/PATTERN/{s=$0}END{if(s) print s}'

if you wanna do awk in truly hideous one-liner fashion but getting awk to resemble closer to functional programming paradigm syntax without having to keep track when the last occurrence is
mawk/mawk2/gawk 'BEGIN { FS = "=7713[0-9]+="; RS = "^$";
} END { print ar0[split($(0 * sub(/\n.+$/,"",$NF)), ar0, ORS)] }'
Here i'm employing multiple awk short-hands :
sub(/[\n.+$/, "", $NF) # trimming all extra rows after pattern
g/sub() returns # of substitutions made, so multiplying that by 0 forces the split() to be splitting $0, the full file, instead.
split() returns # of items in the array (which is another way of saying the position of last element), so even though I've already trimmed out the trailing \n, i still can directly print ar0[split()], knowing that ORS will fill in the missing trailing \n.
That's why this code looks like i'm trying to extract array items before the array itself is defined, but due to flow of logic needed, the array will become defined by the time it reaches print.
Now if you want something simpler, these 2 also work
mawk/gawk 'BEGIN { FS="=7713[0-9]+="; RS = "^$"
} END { $NF = substr($NF, 1, index($NF, ORS));
FS = ORS; $0 = $0; print $(NF-1) }'
mawk/gawk '/=7713[0-9]+=/ { lst = $0 } END { print lst }'
I didn't use the same x|c requirements as OP just to showcase these work regardless of whether you need fixed-strings or regex based matches.

The above solutions only work for one single file, to print the last occurrence for many files (say with suffix .txt), use the following bash script
for fn in `ls *.txt`
result=`grep 'pattern' $fn | tail -n 1`
echo $result
where 'pattern' is what you would like to grep.


Grep a line from a file and replace a substring and append the line to the original file in bash?

This is what I want to do.
for example my file contains many lines say :
I want to copy the second line and replace a substring EF(all occurrences) and make it XY and add this line back to the file so the file looks like this:
how can I achieve this in bash?
EDIT : I want to do this in general and not necessarily for the second line. I want to grep EF, and do the substition in whatever line is returned.
Here's a simple Awk script.
awk -F, -v pat="EF" -v rep="XY" 'BEGIN { OFS=FS }
$1 ~ pat { x = $1; sub(pat, rep, x); y = $0; sub($1, x, y); a[++n] = y }
END { for(i=1; i<=n; i++) print a[i] }' file
The -F , says to use comma as the input field separator (internal variable FS) and in the BEGIN block, we also set that as the output field separator (OFS).
If the first field matches the pattern, we copy the first field into x, substitute pat with rep, and then substitute the first field of the whole line $0 with the new result, and append it to the array a.
1 is a shorthand to say "print the current input line".
Finally, in the END block, we output the values we have collected into a.
This could be somewhat simplified by hardcoding the pattern and the replacement, but I figured it's more useful to make it modular so that you can plug in whatever values you need.
While this all could be done in native Bash, it tends to get a bit tortured; spending the 30 minutes or so that it takes to get a basic understanding of Awk will be well worth your time. Perhaps tangentially see also while read loop extremely slow compared to cat, why? which explains part of the rationale for preferring to use an external tool like Awk over a pure Bash solution.
You can use the sed command:
sed '
/EF/H # copy all matching lines
${ # on the last line
p # print it
g # paste the copied lines
s/EF/XY/g # replace all occurences
s/^\n// # get rid of the extra newline
As a one-liner:
sed '/EF/H;${p;g;s/EF/XY/g;s/^\n//}' file.csv
If ed is available/acceptable, something like:
ed -s file.txt <<-'EOF'
Or in one-line.
printf '%s\n' '$kx' "g/^.*EF.*,.*/t'x" "'x+;\$s/EF/XY/" ,p Q | ed -s file.txt
Change Q to w if in-place editing is needed.
Remove the ,p to silence the output.
Using BASH:
declare -a new_lines
while read -r line ; do
if [[ "$line" == *EF* ]] ; then
done <"$src"
printf "%s\n" "${new_lines[#]}" >> "$src"
Contents of f.dat before:
Contents of f.dat after:
Following on from the great answer by #tripleee, you can create a variation that uses a single call to sub() by outputting all records before the substitution is made, then add the updated record to the array to be output with the END rule, e.g.
awk -F, '1; /EF/ {sub(/EF/,"XY"); a[++n]=$0} END {for(i=1;i<=n;i++) print a[i]}' file
Example Use/Output
An expanded input based on your answer to my comment below the question that all occurrences of EF will be replaced with XY in all records, e.g.
$ cat file
Use and output:
$ awk -F, '1; /EF/ {sub(/EF/,"XY"); a[++n]=$0} END {for(i=1;i<=n;i++) print a[i]}' file
Let me know if you have questions.

Replace every 4th occurence of char "_" with "#" in multiple files

I am trying to replace every 4th occurrence of "_" with "#" in multiple files with bash.
would become
#perl -pe 's{_}{++$n % 4 ? $& : "#"}ge' *.txt
I have tried perl but the problem is this replaces every 4th _ carrying on from the last file. So for example, some files the first _ is replaced because it is not starting each new file at a count of 0, it carries on from the previous file.
I have tried:
#awk '{for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) if($i=="_") if(++count%4==0) $i="#"}1' *.txt
but this also does not work.
Using sed I cannot find a way to keep replacing every 4th occurrence as there are different numbers of _ in each file. Some files have 20 _, some have 200 _. Therefore, I cant specify a range.
I am really lost what to do, can anybody help?
You just need to reset the counter in the perl one using eof to tell when it's done reading each file:
perl -pe 's{_}{++$n % 4 ? "_" : "#"}ge; $n = 0 if eof' *.txt
This MAY be what you want, using GNU awk for RT:
$ awk -v RS='_' '{ORS=(FNR%4 ? RT : "#")} 1' file
It only reads each _-separated string into memory 1 at a time so should work no matter how large your input file, assuming there are _s in it.
It assumes you want to replace every 4th _ across the whole file as opposed to within individual lines.
A simple sed would handle this:
sed -E 's/(([^_]+_){3}[^_]+)_/\1#/g' <<< "$s"
(: Start capture group #1
([^_]+_){3}: Match Match 1+ of non-_ characters followed by a _. Repeat this group 3 times to match 3 such words separated by _
[^_]+: Match 1+ of non-_ characters
): End capture group #1
_: Match a _
Replacement is \1# to replace 4th _ with a #
With GNU sed:
sed -nsE ':a;${s/(([^_]*_){3}[^_]*)_/\1#/g;p};N;ba' *.txt
-n suppresses the automatic printing, -s processes each file separately, -E uses extended regular expressions.
The script is a loop between label a (:a) and the branch-to-label-a command (ba). Each iteration appends the next line of input to the pattern space (N). This way, after the last line has been read, the pattern space contains the whole file(*). During the last iteration, when the last line has been read ($), a substitute command (s) replaces every 4th _ in the pattern space by a # (s/(([^_]*_){3}[^_]*)_/\1#/g) and prints (p) the result.
When you will be satisfied with the result you can change the options:
sed -i -nE ':a;${s/(([^_]*_){3}[^_]*)_/\1#/g;p};N;ba' *.txt
to modify the files in-place, or:
sed -i.bkp -nE ':a;${s/(([^_]*_){3}[^_]*)_/\1#/g;p};N;ba' *.txt
to modify the files in-place, but keep a *.txt.bkp backup of each file.
(*) Note that if you have very large files this could cause memory overflows.
With your shown samples, please try following awk program. Have created an awk variable named fieldNum where I have assigned 4 to it, since OP needs to enter # after every 4th _, you can keep it as per your need too.
awk -v fieldNum="4" '
val=(val?val:"") $i (i%fieldNum==0?"#":(i<NF?OFS:""))
print val
' Input_file
With GNU awk
$ cat ip.txt
$ awk -v RS='(_[^_]+){3}_' -v ORS= '{sub(/_$/, "#", RT); print $0 RT}' ip.txt
-v RS='(_[^_]+){3}_' set input record separator to cover sequence of four _ (text matched by this separator will be available via RT)
-v ORS= empty output record separator
sub(/_$/, "#", RT) change last _ to #
Use -i inplace for inplace editing.
If the count should reset for each line:
perl -pe's/(?:_[^_]*){3}\K_/\#/g'
$ cat a.txt
$ perl -pe's/(?:_[^_]*){3}\K_/\#/g' a.txt a.txt
If the count shouldn't reset for each line, but should reset for each file:
perl -0777pe's/(?:_[^_]*){3}\K_/\#/g'
The -0777 cause the whole file to be treated as one line. This causes the count to work properly across lines.
But since a new a match is used for each file, the count is reset between files.
$ cat a.txt
$ perl -0777pe's/(?:_[^_]*){3}\K_/\#/g' a.txt a.txt
To avoid that reading the entire file at once, you could continue using the same approach, but with the following added:
$n = 0 if eof;
Note that eof is not the same thing as eof()! See eof.

delete lines if firstline matches expression, but next 2 lines do not match different expression

I have a test file in this format:
M98P9001 (OFF)****
M98P8051 (FAST CUT)
I am trying to make a bash or MSDOS script that will :
Find all lines in the file that match : M98P9001
if the NEXT 2 LINES do not contain the code { M98P8050, M98P8080 OR M09 } Delete all 3 lines . which would result in the output :
I've tried solutions with SED or AWK, but haven't gotten the right one yet:
sed -e '/M98P9001/,+2d' input.txt >> output.txt
this one will always delete all 3 lines after finding the match , but I need to only delete the lines if the next 2 lines following the match do not have a match with { M98P8050, M98P8080 OR M09 }.
a mark and sweep approach
$ awk 'NR==FNR {if(!(/M98P80[58]0|M09/ && p~/M98P80[58]0|M09/) && pp~/M98P9001/)
{a[NR]; a[NR-1]; a[NR-2]}
pp=p; p=$0; next}
!(FNR in a)' file{,}
This seems to give your desired output:
awk '
/M98P9001/ {
getline l2; getline l3;
if((l2 l3)~/M98P8050|M98P8080|M09/) printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n", $0, l2, l3;
{ print; }'
If first line pattern match, read in next two lines to variables.
Check concatenation of both lines for any of the 3 secondary patterns
If match, print all three lines, else print nothing.
go to next record.
on all other lines, print.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E ':a;N;s/\n/&/2;Ta;/^[^\n]*M98P9001/{/\n.*(M98P8050|M98P8080|M09)/!d};P;D' file
Open a three line window throughout the length of the file.
If the first line of the window contains M98P9001 and either of the second or third lines do not contain M98P8050, M98P8080 or M09 delete the entire window and repeat.
Otherwise, print/delete the first line of the window and repeat.
N.B. The idiom :a;N;s/\n/&/2;Ta tops up the three line window.

Append and replace using awk/sed

I have this file:
2016,05,P,0002 ,CJGLOPSD8
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,051000100,GBP, , -2705248.00
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,059999998,GBP, , -3479679.38
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,061505141,GBP, , -0.40
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,061505142,GBP, , 6207621.00
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,061505405,GBP, , -0.16
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,061552000,GBP, , -0.24
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,061559010,GBP, , -0.44
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,062108021,GBP, , -0.34
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,063502007,GBP, , -0.28
I want to programmatically (in unix, or informatica if possible) grab the first two fields in the top row, concatenate them, append them to the end of each line and remove that first row.
Like so:
This is my current attempt:
awk -vvar1=`cat OF\ OPSDOWN8.CSV | head -1 | cut -d',' -f1` -vvar2=`cat OF\ OPSDOWN8.CSV | head -1 | cut -d',' -f2` 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=","} {print $0, var 1var2}' OF\ OPSDOWN8.CSV> OF_OPSDOWN8.csv
Any pointers? I've tried looking around the forum but can only find answers to part of my question.
Thanks for your help.
Use this awk:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} NR==1{val=$1$2;next} {gsub(/ */,"");print $0,val}' file
BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} - This block will set FS (Field Separator) and OFS (Output Field Separator) as ,.
NR==1 - Working with line number 1. Here, $1 and $2 denotes field number.
print $0,val - Printing $0 (whole line) and stored value from val.
I would use the following awk command:
awk 'NR==1{d=$1$2;next}{$(NF+1)=d;gsub(/[[:space:]]/,"")}1' FS=, OFS=, file
NR==1{d=$1$2;next} applies on line 1 and set's a variable d(ate) to the value of the first and the second field. The variable is being used when processing the remaining lines. next tells awk to go ahead with the next line right away without processing further instructions on this line.
{$(NF+1)=d;gsub(/[[:space:]]/,"")}1 appends a new field to the line (NF is the number of fields, assigning d to $(NF+1) effectively adds a field. gsub() is used to removing spaces. 1 at the end always evaluates to true and makes awk print the modified line.
FS=, is a command line argument. It set's the input field delimiter to ,.
OFS=, is a command line argument. It set's the output field delimiter to ,.
With sed :
sed '1{s/\([^,]*\),\([^,]*\),.*/\1\2/;h;d};/.*/G;s/\n/,/;s/ //g' file
in ERE mode :
sed -r '1{s/([^,]*),([^,]*),.*/\1\2/;h;d};/.*/G;s/\n/,/;s/ //g' file
Output :
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '1s/,//;1s/,.*//;1h;1d;s/ //g;G;s/\n/,/' file
For the first line only: remove the first comma, remove from the next comma to the end of the line, store the amended line in the hold space (HS) and then delete the current line (the d abruptly ends processing). For subsequent lines: remove all spaces, append the HS and replace the newline (from the G command) with a comma.
Or if you prefer:
sed '1{s/,//;s/,.*//;h;d};s/ //g;G;s/\n/,/' file
If you want to use Informatica for this, use two Source Qualifiers. Read the file twice - just one line in one SQ (filter out the rest) and in the second SQ read the whole file except the first line (skip header). Join the two on dummy port and you're done.

Grep and returning only column of match

if i want to search from a file with various number of columns like this:
ppl:apple age:5 F add:blabla love:dog
ppl:tom M add:blablaa love:cat
ppl:jay age:3 M love:apple
ppl:jenny acc:jen age:8 F add:blabla
the file is tab separated, and the output i want is:
using grep age: will return the entire row, while
using cut -f2 will return some unwanted column:
and neither cut -f2|grep age: nor grep age|cut -f2: work
My data may range from 11-23 columns,
will there be any simpler way to handle it using grep sed or awk,
many thanks
grep itself can do this, with no additional tools, by using the -o/--only-matching switch. You should be able to just do:
grep -o '\<age:[0-9]\+'
To explain the less common parts of the regex:
\< is a zero-width assertion that you're at the beginning of a word (that is, age is preceded by a non-word character or occurs at the beginning of the line, but it's not actually matching that non-word character); this prevents you from matching, say image:123. It doesn't technically require whitespace, so it would match :age: or the like; if that's a problem, match \t itself and use cut or tr to remove it later.
\+ means "match 1 or more occurrences of the preceding character class" (which is [0-9], so it matches one or more digits). \+ is equivalent to repeating the class twice, with the second copy followed by *, e.g. [0-9][0-9]*, except it's shorter, and some regex engines can optimize \+ better.
You can use script below:
cat file|grep age|awk '{for(i=1;i<22;i++){if($i ~ /^age:/)print $i}}'
You can also use sed
sed -nr 's/^.*(age:.).*$/\1/p' input_pattern.txt
Where input_pattern.txt contains you data.
ShadowRanger's simple grep-based answer is probably the best choice.
A solution that works with both GNU sed and BSD/OSX sed:
sed -nE 's/^.*[[:blank:]](age:[0-9]+).*$/\1/p' file
With GNU sed you can simplify to:
sed -nr 's/^.*\t(age:[0-9]+).*$/\1/p' file
Both commands match the entire input line, if it contains an age: field of interest, replace it with that captured field (\1), and print the result; other lines are ignored.
Original answer, before the requirements were clarified:
Assuming that on lines where age: is present, it is always the 2nd tab-separated field, awk is the best solution:
awk '$2 ~ /^age:/ { print $2 }' file
$2 ~ /^age:/ only matches lines whose 2nd whitespace-separate field starts with literal age:
{ print $2 } simply prints that field.
Limit search for regexp to columns 11 to 23:
awk '{ for(i = 11; i <= 23; i++) { if ($i ~ /^age:/) print $i } }' file
