Append and replace using awk/sed - bash

I have this file:
2016,05,P,0002 ,CJGLOPSD8
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,051000100,GBP, , -2705248.00
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,059999998,GBP, , -3479679.38
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,061505141,GBP, , -0.40
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,061505142,GBP, , 6207621.00
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,061505405,GBP, , -0.16
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,061552000,GBP, , -0.24
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,061559010,GBP, , -0.44
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,062108021,GBP, , -0.34
00,BBF,BBDFTP999,063502007,GBP, , -0.28
I want to programmatically (in unix, or informatica if possible) grab the first two fields in the top row, concatenate them, append them to the end of each line and remove that first row.
Like so:
This is my current attempt:
awk -vvar1=`cat OF\ OPSDOWN8.CSV | head -1 | cut -d',' -f1` -vvar2=`cat OF\ OPSDOWN8.CSV | head -1 | cut -d',' -f2` 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=","} {print $0, var 1var2}' OF\ OPSDOWN8.CSV> OF_OPSDOWN8.csv
Any pointers? I've tried looking around the forum but can only find answers to part of my question.
Thanks for your help.

Use this awk:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} NR==1{val=$1$2;next} {gsub(/ */,"");print $0,val}' file
BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} - This block will set FS (Field Separator) and OFS (Output Field Separator) as ,.
NR==1 - Working with line number 1. Here, $1 and $2 denotes field number.
print $0,val - Printing $0 (whole line) and stored value from val.

I would use the following awk command:
awk 'NR==1{d=$1$2;next}{$(NF+1)=d;gsub(/[[:space:]]/,"")}1' FS=, OFS=, file
NR==1{d=$1$2;next} applies on line 1 and set's a variable d(ate) to the value of the first and the second field. The variable is being used when processing the remaining lines. next tells awk to go ahead with the next line right away without processing further instructions on this line.
{$(NF+1)=d;gsub(/[[:space:]]/,"")}1 appends a new field to the line (NF is the number of fields, assigning d to $(NF+1) effectively adds a field. gsub() is used to removing spaces. 1 at the end always evaluates to true and makes awk print the modified line.
FS=, is a command line argument. It set's the input field delimiter to ,.
OFS=, is a command line argument. It set's the output field delimiter to ,.

With sed :
sed '1{s/\([^,]*\),\([^,]*\),.*/\1\2/;h;d};/.*/G;s/\n/,/;s/ //g' file
in ERE mode :
sed -r '1{s/([^,]*),([^,]*),.*/\1\2/;h;d};/.*/G;s/\n/,/;s/ //g' file
Output :

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '1s/,//;1s/,.*//;1h;1d;s/ //g;G;s/\n/,/' file
For the first line only: remove the first comma, remove from the next comma to the end of the line, store the amended line in the hold space (HS) and then delete the current line (the d abruptly ends processing). For subsequent lines: remove all spaces, append the HS and replace the newline (from the G command) with a comma.
Or if you prefer:
sed '1{s/,//;s/,.*//;h;d};s/ //g;G;s/\n/,/' file

If you want to use Informatica for this, use two Source Qualifiers. Read the file twice - just one line in one SQ (filter out the rest) and in the second SQ read the whole file except the first line (skip header). Join the two on dummy port and you're done.


Extract the last three columns from a text file with awk

I have a .txt file like this:
ENST00000000442 64073050 64074640 64073208 64074651 ESRRA
ENST00000000233 127228399 127228552 ARF5
ENST00000003100 91763679 91763844 CYP51A1
I want to get only the last 3 columns of each line.
as you see some times there are some empty lines between 2 lines which must be ignored. here is the output that I want to make:
64073208 64074651 ESRRA
127228399 127228552 ARF5
91763679 91763844 CYP51A1
awk  '/a/ {print $1- "\t" $-2 "\t" $-3}'  file.txt.
it does not return what I want. do you know how to correct the command?
Following awk may help you in same.
awk 'NF{print $(NF-2),$(NF-1),$NF}' OFS="\t" Input_file
Output will be as follows.
64073208 64074651 ESRRA
127228399 127228552 ARF5
91763679 91763844 CYP51A1
EDIT: Adding explanation of command too now.(NOTE this following command is for only explanation purposes one should run above command only to get the results)
awk 'NF ###Checking here condition NF(where NF is a out of the box variable for awk which tells number of fields in a line of a Input_file which is being read).
###So checking here if a line is NOT NULL or having number of fields value, if yes then do following.
print $(NF-2),$(NF-1),$NF###Printing values of $(NF-2) which means 3rd last field from current line then $(NF-1) 2nd last field from line and $NF means last field of current line.
' OFS="\t" Input_file ###Setting OFS(output field separator) as TAB here and mentioning the Input_file here.
You can use sed too
sed -E '/^$/d;s/.*\t(([^\t]*[\t|$]){2})/\1/' infile
With some piping:
$ cat file | tr -s '\n' | rev | cut -f 1-3 | rev
64073208 64074651 ESRRA
127228399 127228552 ARF5
91763679 91763844 CYP51A1
First, cat the file to tr to squeeze out repeted \ns to get rid of empty lines. Then reverse the lines, cut the first three fields and reverse again. You could replace the useless cat with the first rev.

Unix Shell Scripting-how can i remove particular characers inside a text file?

I have an one text file. This file has 5 rows and 5 columns. All the columns are separated by "|" (symbol). In that 2nd column(content) length should be 7 characters.
If 2nd column length is more than 7 characters. Then,I want to remove those extra characters without opening that file.
For example:
cat file1
For the above case 2nd and 3rd rows having 2nd column length is more than 7 characters. Now i want to remove those extra characters without open the input file using awk or sed command
I'm waiting for your responses guys.
Thanks in advance!!
Take a substring of length 7 from the second column with awk:
awk -F'|' -v OFS='|' '{ $2 = substr($2, 1, 7) }1' file
Now any strings longer than 7 characters will be made shorter. Any strings that were shorter will be left as they are.
The 1 at the end is the shortest true condition to trigger the default action, { print }.
If you're happy with the changes, then you can overwrite the original file like this:
awk -F'|' -v OFS='|' '{ $2 = substr($2, 1, 7) }1' file > tmp && mv tmp file
i.e. redirect to a temporary file and then overwrite the original.
First try
sed 's/\(^[^|]*|[^|]\{7\}\)[^|]*/\1/' file1
What is happening here? We construct the command step-by-step:
# Replace something
sed 's/hadb123_udcvb/replaced/' file1
# Remember the matched string (will be used in a later command)
sed 's/\(hadb123_udcvb\)/replaced/' file1
# Replace a most 7 characters without a '|' (one time each line)
sed 's/\([^|]\{7\}\)/replaced/' file1
# Remove additional character until a '|'
sed 's/\([^|]\{7\}\)[^|]*/replaced/' file1
# Put back the string you remembered
sed 's/\([^|]\{7\}\)[^|]*/\1/' file1
# Extend teh matched string with Start-of-line (^), any-length first field, '|'
sed 's/\(^[^|]*|[^|]\{7\}\)[^|]*/\1/' file1
When this shows the desired output, you can add the option -i for changing the input file:
sed -i 's/\(^[^|]*|[^|]\{7\}\)[^|]*/\1/' file1

Need to convert single text column to a single row and then split the row based on the pattern

I am very new to the bash programming and need to convert a single text column to a single row and then separate the characters in the row based on the pattern.
I have text document with the column, which has one letter with six digits
in each line:
I need to transform the column above into the following row:
Could someone please advise how this can be achieved?
You can use awk with printf:
awk -v ORS=, 'NR>1{printf "%s", ORS} {printf "\x27%s\x27", $0}' file
\x27 prints a single quote.
For the 2nd record onwards it will prints ORS (which is set to comma) at start and then the quoted line will be printed.
Another approach:
sed -r 's/^|$/\x27/g' file | paste -sd,
sed adds the single quotes at the beginning and end of each line, and paste joins the line together with commas
Or, print a comma for each line, and when you're done back up 1 character and overwrite the last comma with a space:
awk '{printf "'\''%s'\'',", $0} END {printf "\b \n"}' file

Concatenating characters on each field of CSV file

I am dealing with a CSV file which has the following form:
Since the BLAS routine I need to implement on such data takes double-floats only, I guess the easiest way is to concatenate d0 at the end of each field, so that each line looks like:
In pseudo-code, that would be:
For every line except the first line
For every field except the first field
Substitute ; with d0; and Substitute newline with d0 newline
My imagination suggests me it should be something like
cat file.csv | awk -F; 'NR>1 & NF>1'{print line} | sed 's/;/d0\n/g' | sed 's/\n/d0\n/g'
Any input?
Could use this sed
sed '1!{s/\(;[^;]*\)/\1d0/g}' file
Skips the first line then replaces each field beginning with ;(skipping the first) with itself and d0.
I would say:
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} NR>1 {for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) $i=$i"d0"} 1' file
That is, set the field separator to ;. Starting on line 2, loop through all the fields from the 2nd one appending d0. Then, use 1 to print the line.
Your data format looks a bit weird. Enclosing the first column in double quotes makes me think that it can contain the delimiter, the semicolon, itself. However, I don't know the application which produces that data but if this is the case, then you can use the following GNU awk command:
awk 'NR>1{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){$i=$i"d0"}}1' OFS=\; FPAT='("[^"]+")|([^;]+)' file
The key here is the FPAT variable. Using it use are able to define how a field can look like instead of being limited to specify a set of field delimiters.
preprocess script
head -n 1 big-prices.csv 1>output.txt; \
tail -n +2 big-prices.csv | \
sed 's/;/d0;/g' | \
sed 's/$/d0/g' | \
sed 's/"d0/"/g' 1>>output.txt;
note: would have to make minor modification to second sed if file has trailing whitespaces at end of lines..
Using awk
$ cat file
gsub (any awk)
$ awk 'FNR>1{ gsub(/;[^;]*/,"&d0")}1' file
gensub (gawk)
$ awk 'FNR>1{ print gensub(/(;[^;]*)/,"\\1d0","g"); next }1' file

Cut and replace bash

I have to process a file with data organized like this
Columns can have different length but lines always have the same number of columns.
I want to be able to cut a specific column of a given line and change it to the value I want.
For example I'd apply my command and change the file to
I know how to select a specific line with sed and then cut the field but I have no idea on how to replace the field with the value I have.
Here's a way to do it with awk:
Going with your example, if you wanted to replace the 3rd field of the 1st line:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"} {if (NR==1) {$3 = "XXXX"}; print}' input_file
awk: invoke the awk command
'...': everything enclosed by single-quotes are instructions to awk
BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"}: Use : as delimiters for both input and output. FS stands for Field Separator. OFS stands for Output Field Separator.
if (NR==1) {$3 = "XXXX"};: If Number of Records (NR) read so far is 1, then set the 3rd field ($3) to "XXXX".
print: print the current line
input_file: name of your input file.
If instead what you are trying to accomplish is simply replace all occurrences of CCC with XXXX in your file, simply do:
sed -i 's/CCC/XXXX/g` input_file
Note that this will also replace partial matches, such as ABCCCDD -> ABXXXXDD
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/^(([^:]*:?){2})CCC/\1XXXX/' file
awk -F: -vOFS=: '$3=="CCC"{$3="XXXX"};1' file
