Timing effects in slides made with LaTeX - image

I'm trying to create a presentation with class Beamer in LaTeX. I learnt how to use command like \pause, \only and \onslide but I don't understand how to program with a specific time the effects I've inserted in the slide.
For example, I've the following piece of code
What I want is... "Dear LaTeX, show me first photo1.eps and after 5 seconds, for example, photo2.eps, on the same slide, of course", automatically, without my action.
Is it possibile to do that??? Can anyone help me??? Thank you in advance

I think you can use the \transduration command, as explained on page 142 in the beamer manual:
You can also specify how long a given slide should be shown, using the
following overlay-specification-aware command: \transduration<⟨overlay
specification⟩>{⟨number of seconds⟩} In full screen mode, show the
slide for ⟨number of seconds⟩. If zero is specified, the slide is
shown as short as possible. This can be used to create interesting
pseudo-animations. Example: \transduration<2>{1}


Where can I find documentation on how to use the PhotoShop UI Toolkit?

I am trying to create a script for drawing a frame around my photographs. I already have actions that will do that, but they're not perfect. I always have to tweak them after the frame is created.
The main fundamental problem I see with actions is that there can be no user interface. I want the user to be able to select parameters such as frame size, color, line width, and so on, before the frame is actually drawn. I would also like to give the user the ability to save their selections and recall them the next time the script is used.
The PhotoShop Scripting Guide just has a tiny section at the end about user interfaces. It says "Adobe provides the ScriptUI component, which works with the ExtendScript JavaScript interpreter to provide JavaScript scripts with the ability to create and interact with user interface elements." And it provides this link. But that link only goes to a page that describes, very incompletely, recent changes to that component. Can anyone tell me where I can find documentation that will teach me to use that component?
And in case it matters to anyone, I posted this identical question on Reddit.
The most comprehensive source is the ScriptingUI for Dummies pdf book by Peter Kahrel.
There's also an amasing WYSIWYG editor by Joonas Pääkkö — it makes the process so much easier.
There is also the scriptUI from Adobe.
And funnily enough, in the Adobe document, it states: "If you want to create your own ScriptUI dialogs but reading this guide is too much for you, head for Joonas Pääkkö’s excellent dialog builder at https://scriptui.joonas.me/"

image slider using programming language called Processing

I don`t know how to create an image slideshow with processing. Can someone please create a slideshow for me to use as a sample? And can you briefly explain the codes using"statements"?
Since, you didn't try anything and you don't provide any code, consider the below as a beginning:
Slideshow is a list/array of images appearing at the exact position in a
specific order. At any given time, only one image must be visible.
Also, consider PIMAGE data type and image() method.
You can find more in Processing reference.
And just be creative. There is not any rule to make a slideshow. You can do it in many different ways.

Why only 1 image out of 2 is correctly read by tesseract?

It's my first experience with tesseract, I'm trying to read the digits contained in these tiff images:
As you can see they are in the same format and also same width/height. I don't know why tesseract returns the correct output only for the second image ("150") instead for the first one returns a blank output.
Maybe I should modify them to best fit tesseract? How? I can use Imagemagick if needed.
Thanks in advance.
In the readme they say:
In the executable, page layout analysis is enabled by default. You may need to turn it off to process small images. No command-line control for this yet. Sorry. See tesseractmain.cpp.
I think your images are too small, try editing the code (and recompile).

PDF generation under ruby - block should not cut by page separator

My PDF consists of a number of blocks (actually, a list of quotations), they go one after another till the end of the document. If the text of a quotation
does not fit on the page, the whole quotation should start from the top of the next page, instead of being torn apart. How can I implement that on any library under ruby?
Try PrinceXML - this is a standalone executable that generates PDF out of HTML or XML. It supports a lot of special CSS properties that will even help you to control page breaks. Refer to http://www.princexml.com/doc/6.0/page-breaks/
This application is available for windows and linux. I was using it for generation of a pretty complicated PDF documents with headers and footers on every page except first one. And since you don't need to output a PDF with precise positioning of elements, it might be a perfect solution for you.
I haven't tried it, but in Prawn I would try using either the Document#text_box method or looking up the table methods and putting your text in cells with invisible borders. The documentation's unclear on how page break functionality fits in with the bounding box models, but it's worth a shot.
HTMLDoc which converts HTML to PDF has a page break facility.

How to use full-page background image leaving space for binding?

In Latex how can you make the background image to occupy the whole sheet on every page except a certain stripe on the inner side of each page? I can't figure it out.
I have a background image I'd like to be seen in whole on each page after printing/binding.
There's some rather scary LaTeX hackery involving putting a picture environment under every page and using \includegraphics to put an image into that environment. You'll have to adjust the size of the image using the width option, and if you want even and odd pages you'll have to check the page number to know whether to shift the image right or left by changing \put(0,0) to \put(3,0) for example.
For page number testing try something on the order of
\ifodd\count0 ...stuff for odd-numbered pages ...
\else ... stuff for even-numbered pages ...
This isn't really a full answer but will be enough to get you started.
Honestly, I'd just add the white space in the image :)
Well, I was thinking of something like this.
Is this really so rare need to have? I myself need such a thing for the first time now but I don't feel it a so big oddity. It's strange for me that if you want a background to change over even and odd pages, just like normal text do, you need to feel betraying Latex logics. Or maybe I'm too fanatic of this challenge of mine and I want to feel the whole tex world change to fulfill my wishes. :)
Thank you for the answers!
