image slider using programming language called Processing - processing

I don`t know how to create an image slideshow with processing. Can someone please create a slideshow for me to use as a sample? And can you briefly explain the codes using"statements"?

Since, you didn't try anything and you don't provide any code, consider the below as a beginning:
Slideshow is a list/array of images appearing at the exact position in a
specific order. At any given time, only one image must be visible.
Also, consider PIMAGE data type and image() method.
You can find more in Processing reference.
And just be creative. There is not any rule to make a slideshow. You can do it in many different ways.


Identify logos on PNG without AI Services

So, I don't believe that exists someway to "read" a PNG through its binary code, or something like that, but I have zero knowledge on Image Processing or Computer Vision, and so, I can't be sure if that are ways to do it or not.
To be clear: I want to know if there are ways to identify the image of a Logo using an image of the Logo as reference but through methods that use only the binary of the image.
Thanks in advance
If the logo is known, and not distorted a lot (logo printed on a scarf is not as good as on a flat surface), there is technologies that can achieve that:
It is a template matching problem, see

Overidding imshow

When I use the following,
I got only image named image6.jpg in the output figure.
There is also an option figure,imshow(...); to view all the images each in new window.
But writing figure in each line where I need to view the image is a repeated and tedious process. Is there any other solution to get the same output as with figure,imshow(..);
without using figure function.
I mainly put on this question because while programming a lot somewhere we forget to use the figure function and so the image that we need to view wont be visible. It would have been overwritten by other image. So provide me some solution.
I ask this only for simplicity in writing the code. So if there is any solution, please mention.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure, but I don't think that there's a workaround to that. MATLAB basically changes the current figure handle to that of a new image when you use imshow. One thing you can do however is to make a copy of imshow in your local directory and edit it accordingly to make your own UDF.
What I would recommend however (so as to preserve functionality across systems) is that you open your code is an editor and replace all imshows with figure, imshow. This should be easy enough and it'll be easy to revert back as well.

how to create image viwer in matlab dynamically?

I have many images to display and do paint on them. I want to use axes objects in the matlab gui for individual images which should off course be scrollable. I dont know that how to create axes objects for individual images programmatically. Second is that I wanna create only one callback for all of them. I am wondering if someone can really help or point to some link as I did not find any good information.
This should be a helpful start : Plotting Dynamic MRI Slice Images in MATLAB

How to easily crop the same image multiple times

I have a set of really big images out of which I need to crop little snippets. These snippets are all exactly the same size but don't follow a strict pattern so I can't do this programatically.
Ideally I would like to open up one of the big files and be able to point and click on say, the top left corner of a snippet and have that automatically be saved to disk without even having to enter a file name, and then continue on with the rest. (Of course this would be the ideal way which I know is probably way off the real possible way!).
I started doing this in Photoshop CS4 but cropping a snippet, saving, undoing (to get to the full image), and starting over again takes way too long.
Maybe someone has a better way to do this in photoshop or in some other software.
Thanks for reading!
Instead of cropping and undoing, you could:
make (or resize) a selection
copy the selection to a new image
save the image
close the image
You might need to split it into two actions, I don't know enough about programming Photoshop.
Thank you everyone for your input.
I ended up doing this with a suggestion a colleague of mine came up with. It consisted of creating a Photoshop "slice" over the first region I wanted to crop and then cloning that region over the rest of the other sections. After that, using Save For Web (and ofter hitting Continue when PS complained about how that image was way beyond Save For Web's capabilities) I could save all images at once.
This was the fastest and easiest method I could find. Until then I was going with Mark Ransom's method.

Image registration

any ideas on how to do a simple image registration (I have IMAGE1 and IMAGE2 takes from the same subject, but with camera moving a little and want to match IMAGE2 with IMAGE1)?
I checked MANY softwares to do that, but they're all focused on medical images, so I couldn't input a simple JPEG (one even allowed PGM, but didn't work).
There is an excellent package called "ANTS", which you should refer to:
You may also like to look into a popular package called "ITK":
To solve this problem you need to break it up into managable steps.
1. You have to have a set of similar points (this is typically found by feature detection) or user selection.
2. Once you have the points needed you need to find the transformation matrix between the two images (based on the given points you recieved).
3. Use the transformation matrix to translate one image onto another.
Things That Should Help:
Feature Detection Algorithms: SIFT
Topic that this is under in computer vision: Photo stitching, Homographies, Image Registration
There is a very easy way to perform it on slicer, look at the package: general registration
you can simply insert your images, define your registration type and your transformation file and then run it.
Simple ITK, primarily for medical, will read .jpg's and has the full suite of registration tools.
reader = sitk.ImageFileReader()
image = reader.Execute();
