Magento From local server to live web server, links not working - magento

Now, the homepage is working fine but every link on it directs you to a 404 not found error. Can't even access "/admin".

Just add "index.php" next to the domain. For ex: If your website name is then try to access this as
This is due to the url rewrite in magento.
Permanent solution: Go to the admin and follow this:
System-> Configuration -> Web ->Search engine Optimization -> Url Web Server Rewrites. Make this to YES and SAVE the changes.
Now clear the cache and navigate to all the page in your website.


url rewriting issues on magento installed at my local machine

hi i`m very new to magento.i'm working on already developed eCommerce site which is developed by magento.i installed in my local machine.there is some url rewritings issues in is my live instance
every thing is working fine at my live instance but at my local machine it's not working fine,every time i need to put index.php at my url.even some pages were redirecting to my www folder it's like localhost/ me
I am not sure this solution would work but you can try.
Login to you admin panel.
Go to System->Configuration.and click on Web tab.
Under Search engine optimization set the web server rewrite
to "Yes".
Save the changes.
Now clear the cache if any enabled and check on frontend the problem of adding index.php should be fixed.
Hope this will help.

magento category url,admin 404 error

I am a magento newbie.
I've observed that when I make an installation of magento by copying all contents of the extraction directly to localhost.... i.e (when app, media, skin, index.php etc all pasted directly in localhost) I am unable to access the admin by simply typing in localhost/admin.
Whereas I have to type in localhost/index.php/admin to get into the admin panel.
Also when i click on any category i have the same problem.
I have to append index.php/ before the category name to get the category link working.
Can anyone please tell me how to get them working.
Check your Base URL in the Admin Panel, go to System | Configuration | Web and make sure the Secure and Unsecure Base URL does not include the 'index.php' part.
If you do not have index.php in my secure or unsecure web configuration and this happening on front end and back end, try to enable url rewrites and see if that solves it. You need mod_rewrite enabled on your localhost.
What is your local server?

Magento - admin and frontend calling https URL's incorrectly

I have recently downloaded a site from my hosting server to my localhost. I have set up everything on localhost to use the local db, however when I run the frontend, the image files don't load as Magento is looking for them under https:// instead of http://, the same goes for the entire back-end. The pages load in the backend but also no styles are applied as Magento is looking for them under https://. I'm not running secure_url, only unsecure_url on both back and frontend.
Here is a screenshot of Web Inspector.
How can I fix this?
// edit
Well, my backend is a mess, here is a screenshot of the Config->Web section, specifically the URLs:
It's always a good idea to clear out var/cache if you haven't done so already. Do you have a trailing slash on your base_url too?
If you already emptied your var/cache folder, there is one other possible source for your problem.
Go to System/Developer/ and disable Javascript Settings/Merge JavaScript Files and CSS Settings/Merge CSS Files. Then go to System/Cache and press the Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache button.
If there are no redirection-rules that redirect HTTP->HTTPS in .htaccess or httpd.conf, you can also check the configuration in Magento:
Magento Admin area: Menu -> System -> Configuration -> Web
There, too, you can configure secure/non-secure connection

Magento not using appropriate URL - 404 Page not found

I have a magento site running locally using WAMP and it works great. However I need to create a different site so I created a folder for this new site under htdocs.
In that folder I loaded the Magento files.
Created a new database for newsite with all rights in phpmyadmin.
Went to the localhost:8888/newsite and started Magento installation wizard.
In the configuration section of the wizard I entered all the info required: db name, user, password. For URL Base I used the default (http://localhost:8888/newsite). Selected allow charts and Allow apache rewrites. Finished installing magento.
Now magento is running on newsite. I can see the front and back-end of the site.
Here is the problem: When I create a category and/or subcategory, magento does create the menu link but when I click any category, the browser takes me to a 404 not found. Upon analyzing the URL that took me there i see that the URL is : http://localhost:8888/newsite/category.html BUT by adding "index.php" into the URL (http://localhost:8888/newsite/index.php/category.html , the page does work!
So this means magento IS creating the page for the category but the linking is somewhat wrong.
Now, I've been making sure that rewrite is enabled and after all, the other site I mentioned I have is working properly, so I assume rewrite is properly enabled.
So I need help finding:
Why is one site working and the other isn't?
How can I fix this issue?
Thank you!
Sounds like you haven't copied over the .htaccess file (in your Magento root folder). You need this file for the Apache rewrites to work.

index.php not found in url of cloned Magento Site on Development server?

I have cloned a live Magento site to my development server (windows wamp)
the development server does not have an .htaccess file in the roor directory but i have copied one into my root directory from another magento install?
Every thing seems to be configure ok the database is connected ok, I have set up alias which loads the index.php page ok but the url's do not work , so if i click on the contact us page the server error is:
The requested URL /vhosts/petextra/magento/index.php was not found on this server.
The adress bar url for the same is:
If I manualy type in the index.php in the address bar`
then the page loads ok.
Some how the url is not including the index.php?
Has anybody got any ideas why this is happening?
ensure that:
mod_rewrite is enabled on your dev site
.htaccess is in place
.htaccess file > RewriteEngine off
or turn off url rewriting from magento admin configuration>web> Search Engines Optimization > Use Web Server Rewrites > No
The same thing happened to me, The problem was that i enabled the search engines Optimization but later switched to NO. is working fine after that
