Magento - admin and frontend calling https URL's incorrectly - magento

I have recently downloaded a site from my hosting server to my localhost. I have set up everything on localhost to use the local db, however when I run the frontend, the image files don't load as Magento is looking for them under https:// instead of http://, the same goes for the entire back-end. The pages load in the backend but also no styles are applied as Magento is looking for them under https://. I'm not running secure_url, only unsecure_url on both back and frontend.
Here is a screenshot of Web Inspector.
How can I fix this?
// edit
Well, my backend is a mess, here is a screenshot of the Config->Web section, specifically the URLs:

It's always a good idea to clear out var/cache if you haven't done so already. Do you have a trailing slash on your base_url too?

If you already emptied your var/cache folder, there is one other possible source for your problem.
Go to System/Developer/ and disable Javascript Settings/Merge JavaScript Files and CSS Settings/Merge CSS Files. Then go to System/Cache and press the Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache button.

If there are no redirection-rules that redirect HTTP->HTTPS in .htaccess or httpd.conf, you can also check the configuration in Magento:
Magento Admin area: Menu -> System -> Configuration -> Web
There, too, you can configure secure/non-secure connection


Magento 1.9: frontend pages are blank (only header is visible)

I am new to Magento, We have one Magento 1.9 version website. Actually I want to change the host, for this, I took all files backup from the server and also exported the database and then I have uploaded all files into another host(Godaddy) and imported the database. Everything working fine at the admin panel or backend pages, but front end pages not loading properly, just its loading header part of the page.
I didn't change anything in the files, I just transferred the files from one host into another hosting, but I don't know why frontend pages are not loading.
Please anyone give me a solution to fix that issue. Please see the below screenshot for reference. Thank you in advance.
This behavior could be due to a PHP error that is not being printed to the screen because of the PHP configuration. Try enabling print error on PHP and see if anything shows up. Contact your provider (Godaddy) for guidance.
Also, ensure that all configuration on admin panel is set. When you upload database and make a new installation, even when uploading the old database, if you do not specify the same old encryption key, some configuration will be missing, for example payment provider tokens and so on.
Check also if your home page CMS still exists and is configured to show on home page. Check this on CMS pages and maybe on your theme configuration.
system -> configuration -> general -> web -> homepage CMS
For any further guidance, would need more details.

Magento CSS & JS Paths Incorrect After Server Move - Tried Clearing Cache

I'm having a strange problem with a server move. We've recently moved from a development server to the live sever with a website. However upon moving to our new server, we've developed an issue.
Basically the CSS and the JS aren't loading. Looking at the source code, the issue is clear - no trailing slash at the end of domains, so for example, the favicon URL is this:-
A google search threw this issue up - Magento Admin CSS and JS paths incorrect after moving server and product pages empty? - and, whilst I've followed these steps, there is still the issue.
Any suggestions will be greatfully appreciated.
Are you 100% sure that your web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url configurations are correct? Make sure your new site (on the new host) is connecting to the correct database (look in app/etc/local.xml), and verify these values directly in the core_config table. Your urls should have a trailing forward slash /, like
If you can access the Magento admin, disable all caching under System > Cache Management
Are you using memcached on the new server? Try restarting the memcached service using shell: service memcached restart as it can cache Magento configurations.
Make sure you delete everything under var/cache, and double check that it was deleted.
Disable all 3rd party extensions. They could be affecting the path of your CSS files. you can disable them by removing the XML files under app/etc/modules

URL rewrites do not work after moving Magento installation to new server

After duplicating our web store onto a new server, copying the database over and changing the base url/safe base url in the db, all we get from the copied installation is the front page. That is, no custom url redirects work (for products, the admin panel, etc.), they all result in a 404 (and not the magento 404, the server default). Do you have any ideas what I could check out? Could there be an issue with one of the libraries included in magento?
I tried reindexing with /shell/indexer.php - which executed successfully but didn't fix the redirects.
Any ideas? Note I cannot access the admin panel via /admin because of this issue.
Edit: solution was .htaccess file missing in root directory
I added the sample htaccess file from the magento installation (I uploaded a copy in case someone finds it useful:, and mod_rewrite was activated the next time I visited the site.
Make sure your vhosts file is setup correctly to allow mod_rewrite
Make sure your .htaccess file is setup correctly
How to enable mod_rewrite for Apache 2.2
You can access your admin through /index.php/admin in the meanwhile.

Magento Use Web Server Rewrites in Multi Domain Setup

I have to two stores each having different domain. They are hosted on dedicated server with SuExec disabled. I have copied the .htaccess and index.php and everything works fine.
The problem I am having is with my 2nd store Web Server Rewrites. As soon I enabled this for the 2nd store which is using symbolic link to the root directory, it starts giving page not found error. ----- Works Fine with Use Web Server Rewrites Turned Off ----- Does not work with Use Web Server Rewrites Turned ON
The base store works without any problem.
Any help is much appreciated.
Farrukh Khan
-> Flush The Magento Cache
Goto System->Cache Management
Refresh the catalog rewrites
Goto All Cache and change drop down to Refresh.
Click save
On most server, this should take out the index.php in your URL’s.
If you are getting a 404 error, continue reading.
-> Fixed Mode_Rewrite Errors
Please check you webserver configuration.
Do you use Apache? Maybe there is something like "AllowOverride none" in your configuration which disables .htaccess-files (the .htaccess-file in your magento-root-directory defines the rewrite-rules).
The most common cause for this is that you have an incorrect .htaccess file in your ftp.
Goto the site and download the magento files again.
Extract the files, and ONLY upload the .htaccess file to your Magento root directory.
This should fix any problems related to enabling the use of web server rewrites in Magento.
I was facing the same problem above, but now i solved already. The main reason for that problem is .htaccess file. By replacing .htaccess file with magento default .htaccess file solve all the problem. Web Server Rewrites Turned on or off, you can do as you like.
After saving the configuration, don't forget to clear cache.

magento category url,admin 404 error

I am a magento newbie.
I've observed that when I make an installation of magento by copying all contents of the extraction directly to localhost.... i.e (when app, media, skin, index.php etc all pasted directly in localhost) I am unable to access the admin by simply typing in localhost/admin.
Whereas I have to type in localhost/index.php/admin to get into the admin panel.
Also when i click on any category i have the same problem.
I have to append index.php/ before the category name to get the category link working.
Can anyone please tell me how to get them working.
Check your Base URL in the Admin Panel, go to System | Configuration | Web and make sure the Secure and Unsecure Base URL does not include the 'index.php' part.
If you do not have index.php in my secure or unsecure web configuration and this happening on front end and back end, try to enable url rewrites and see if that solves it. You need mod_rewrite enabled on your localhost.
What is your local server?
