Migrating to Spring MVC 4 - spring

We are migrating our mvc code to Spring 4. Previously we had a a method formBackingObject which we converted to get method initForm.
But trouble is - in previous controller which was extending SimpleFormController, formBackingObject was getting called even before submit method. We have now removed SimpleFormController. But initForm is getting called only only once on page load. It doesn't get called before submit. And there is some custom logic of creating user object and adding to UserProfileForm object.
Have you faced similar issue.
Old code
protected Object formBackingObject(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
final UserProfileForm userProfileForm = new UserProfileForm();
final String id = request.getParameter("id");
if (id != null && !id.trim().equals("")) {
final User user = authenticationServices.findUser(ServletRequestUtils.getLongParameter(request, "id"));
} else {
final User user = new User();
return userProfileForm;
new code
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String initForm(HttpServletRequest request, ModelMap model) throws Exception{
final UserProfileForm userProfileForm = new UserProfileForm();
final String id = request.getParameter("id");
if (id != null && !id.trim().equals("")) {
final User user = authenticationServices.findUser(ServletRequestUtils.getLongParameter(request, "id"));
} else {
final User user = new User();
addToModel(request, model);
model.addAttribute("userProfileForm", userProfileForm);
return "user-management/user-profile";

Create a method annotated with #ModelAttribute to fill your model.
public UserProfileForm formBackingObject(#RequestParam(value="id", required=false) Long id) throws Exception{
final UserProfileForm userProfileForm = new UserProfileForm();
if (id != null) {
final User user = authenticationServices.findUser(id);
} else {
final User user = new User();
return userProfileForm;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String initForm() {
return "user-management/user-profile";
This way you can also use the #RequestParam annotation instead of pulling out parameters yourself.
See the reference guide for more information on the subject.

Certain inter-module dependencies are now optional at the Maven POM level where they were once required. For example, spring-tx and its dependence on spring-context. This may result in ClassNotFoundErrors or other similar problems for users that have been relying on transitive dependency management to pull in affected downstream spring-* . To resolve this problem, simply add the appropriate missing jars to your build configuration.


SPRING MVC: Defined HttpSession in One Method is Not Available to Another Method

I am facing a problem regarding to the Httpsession that I implementing in the Spring MVC project.
First of all, after the user successfully login, I will take the Httpsession object in loginAuthentication controller and set attribute with the name and value I want. (Shown in following figure).
A.java controller file,
#RequestMapping(value="login-authentication", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String authentication(#Valid #ModelAttribute("systemAccount") SystemAccount systemAccount,
BindingResult bindingResult, Model model, HttpServletRequest request){
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
model.addAttribute(GenericConstant.MessageAttributeName.ERROR_MSG_NAME.toValue(), SystemMessage.SystemException.LOGIN_INCORRECT_USERNAME_PASSWORD.toValue());
model.addAttribute("systemAccount", new SystemAccount());
return "index";
}else {
if (systemAccountService.authenticate(systemAccount.getUsername(), systemAccount.getPassword()) != null &&
!"".equals(systemAccountService.authenticate(systemAccount.getUsername(), systemAccount.getPassword()))) {
SystemAccount dbSystemAccount = systemAccountService.authenticate(systemAccount.getUsername(), systemAccount.getPassword());
//check account role
if(dbSystemAccount.getCounterStaff()!= null && !"".equals(dbSystemAccount.getCounterStaff())){
CounterStaff counterStaff = dbSystemAccount.getCounterStaff();
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_NAME.toValue(), counterStaff.getStaffName());
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_ROLE.toValue(), GenericConstant.SystemRole.COUNTER_STAFF.toValue());
}else if(dbSystemAccount.getCustomer()!= null && !"".equals(dbSystemAccount.getCustomer())){
Customer customer = dbSystemAccount.getCustomer();
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_NAME.toValue(), customer.getCustomerName());
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_ROLE.toValue(), GenericConstant.SystemRole.CUSTOMER.toValue());
}else if(dbSystemAccount.getManager()!= null && !"".equals(dbSystemAccount.getManager())){
Manager manager = dbSystemAccount.getManager();
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_NAME.toValue(), manager.getManagerName());
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_ROLE.toValue(), GenericConstant.SystemRole.MANAGER.toValue());
}else if(dbSystemAccount.getDoctor()!= null && !"".equals(dbSystemAccount.getCounterStaff())){
Doctor doctor = dbSystemAccount.getDoctor();
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_NAME.toValue(), doctor.getDoctorName());
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_ROLE.toValue(), GenericConstant.SystemRole.DOCTOR.toValue());
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_DATE.toValue(), DateTimeUtil.getCurrentDate());
return "mainPage";
}else {
model.addAttribute(GenericConstant.MessageAttributeName.ERROR_MSG_NAME.toValue(), SystemMessage.SystemException.LOGIN_INCORRECT_USERNAME_PASSWORD);
model.addAttribute("systemAccount", new SystemAccount());
return "index";
After everything is ready, the controller will navigate user to the main page and the main page able to access all the defined variable without issue. (The following figure shown the controller that mapped with mainPage).
A.java controller file,
#RequestMapping(value = "/mainPage", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String renderMainPageView(Model model, HttpServletRequest request) {
if(request.getAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_CHECK.toValue()) != null) {
return "mainPage";
}else {
model.addAttribute("systemAccount", new SystemAccount());
return "index";
In the navigation menu of main page, I click on the selection to direct me to add manager web page. (The following shown the link).
<a href="addManager" target="ifrm" >Add New Account</a>
The controller that mapped with the link (GET) able to detect. However, this controller (renderAddManagerView) does not recognised the HTTP session that I defined earlier when I try to access using the getAttribute method in the if condition. It keep showing null value (Shown in the following figure.
B.java controller file,
#RequestMapping(value = "/addManager", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String renderAddManagerView(Model model, HttpSession httpSession) {
if(httpSession.getAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_CHECK.toValue()) != null) {
model.addAttribute("manager", new Manager());
model.addAttribute(FormSelectionValue.FormSelectionAttributeName.COUNTRY_SELECTION.toValue(), FormSelectionValue.COUNTRY_SELECTION_LIST);
model.addAttribute(FormSelectionValue.FormSelectionAttributeName.GENDER_SELECTION.toValue(), FormSelectionValue.GENDER_SELECTION_LIST);
return "addManager";
}else {
model.addAttribute("systemAccount", new SystemAccount());
return "index";
So I am not sure what is the issue for my code and there is no error message is displayed.
I have solved the issue by using the HttpServletRequest instead of HttpSession.
Now my session will not be loss even redirect or navigate to any pages in JSP.
Something like this:
#RequestMapping("/renderview", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public class TestController {
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String myMethod(HttpServletRequest request)
request.getSession().setAttribute("mySession", "XXX");
return "jspview";
Reference: Set session variable spring mvc 3

How to load a JavaScript file using thymeleaf + springboot

I have 2 methods that return a ModelAndView Object.
The first one gets the mapping from the browser and returns a modelandview that links to to an html file.
On that html file on the end I link a script tag to a spring root like this:
<!-- Calendar Js -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../static/assets/vendor/netcorr/calendar/calendar.js"
In the controller, I have the second method that loads based on this call that I'm making just above:
This method throws into the modelandview some objects that i need in the view.
This modelandview has root to a js file.
The problem is that the html does not load the js file that is called above.
Tried some solutions found on Stackoverflow, the solutions were to handle all of this in the mvdconfig controller.
And go throw the dependencies and make sure the dependencies are for Spring 4.
I m using Spring 1.5.9 and spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf
#GetMapping(value = "/customer/web/wall/calendar", params = {"wallId"})
public ModelAndView calendar(#RequestParam(value = "wallId") long wallId,
Authentication auth,
RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes){
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("/customer/wall/calendar");
return modelAndView;
#GetMapping(value = "/customer/web/wall/calendarItems", params = {"wallId"})
public ModelAndView calendarItems(#RequestParam(value = "wallId") long wallId,
Authentication auth,
RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes){
User currentUser = (User) auth.getPrincipal();
Set<Long> wallIds = new HashSet<>();
PlaybookFilters playbookFilters = new PlaybookFilters();
List<Playbook> playbooks = playbookService.getPlaybooks(playbookFilters);
Date dateBegin = calendarService.getDateBegin();
Date dateEnd = calendarService.getDateEnd();
List<CalendarItem> calendarItems = calendarService.fetchPbiForPlaybooks(playbooks, dateBegin, dateEnd);
ArrayNode items = objectMapper.createArrayNode();
calendarItems.forEach(item -> items.add(item.toJsonNode()));
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("/customer/wall/calendarItems");
modelAndView.addObject("events", items);
return modelAndView;

How to keep request parameters after redirect?

I'm trying to resolve a bug when I send a form with an empty input.
This is my methode:
#RequestMapping(value = "/modifier.html", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String modifier(ModelMap map, #ModelAttribute("FormObject") FormObject formObject, BindingResult result, HttpServletRequest req) {
String idParam = req.getParameter("idTypeOuverture");
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return "redirect:/gestion.html?section=Configuration&panel=4&ouvrir=modifier";
} else {
When there are errors (empty input) the controller redirects to this link to tell user to correct errors. The problem is when I check parameters here they look correct (id, name ...), but the id becomes null in the following method:
public ModelAndView dispatcher(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws RorException {
Map<String, Object> myModel = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute(EnumParam.R_MY_MODEL.getKey());
Enumeration<?> keys = request.getParameterNames();
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
String paramName = (String) keys.nextElement();
String value = request.getParameter(paramName);
myModel.put(paramName, value);
GlobalSession globalSession = (GlobalSession) getApplicationContext().getBean(Utilities.GLOBALSESSION_BEAN_REF);
myModel.put("module", globalSession.getModule().getKeyMessage());
String section = request.getParameter("section");
// This instruction returns null
String idForm = request.getParameter("id");
id = Integer.parseInt(idForm);
// This instruction returns NumberFormatException
ObjectForm of = getForm(id);
// ...
Well, I don't know why parameter id changed after redericting? do you have any idea? I tried to redifine parameters in the first method but still got the same NFE.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you
Although the previous answer is accepted, I am adding this answer just for your information.
You can also use RedirectAttributes with and without FlashAttributes also Before issuing redirect, post method should take RedirectAttributes as argument These attributes will be passed as request parameters Look at my code example and see if its helpful.
Way 1 :
#RequestMapping(value={"/requestInfo.html"}, method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String requestInfoPost1(
#ModelAttribute("requestInfoData") RequestInfoData requestInfoData,
BindingResult result,
RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes,
SessionStatus status
) {
// some logic
redirectAttributes.addAttribute("name", requestInfoData.getName());
redirectAttributes.addAttribute("age", requestInfoData.getAge());
// some logic
return "redirect:requestInfoSuccessRedirect";
public String requestInfoSuccessRedirect()
return "requestInfoSuccess";
Way 2:
Whatever data is added in flash attribute will be added in session It will be in session only till redirect is successful On redirect, data is retrieved from session and added to Model for new Request. Only after redirect is successful, data is removed
#RequestMapping(value={"/requestInfo.htm"}, method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String requestInfoPost(
#ModelAttribute("requestInfoData") RequestInfoData requestInfoData,
BindingResult result,
RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes,
SessionStatus status
) {
// some logic
// some logic
return "redirect:requestInfoSuccessRedirect";
public String requestInfoSuccessRedirect()
return "requestInfoSuccess";
The request parameter is only for one request.
You make a redirect, it means that you make another new "request".
You should add it to the redirect:
return "redirect:/gestion.html?section=Configuration&panel=4&ouvrir=modifier&idTypeOuverture="+idParam;

Spring-MVC using a Converter to load object from path variable, but need to return 404 for unfound

TL;DR - Is there a way to throw an error from a registered type converter during the MVC databinding phase such that it will return a response with a specific HTTP status code? I.e. if my converter can't find an object from the conversion source, can I return a 404?
I have a POJO:
public class Goofball {
private String id = "new";
// others
public String getName () { ... }
public void setName (String name) { ... }
and am using a StringToGoofballConverter to create an empty object when "new".equals(id) or try to load a Goofball from the database if it exists:
public Goofball convert(String idOrNew) {
Goofball result = null;
log.debug("Trying to convert " + idOrNew + " to Goofball");
if ("new".equalsIgnoreCase(idOrNew))
result = new Goofball ();
result = this.repository.findOne(idOrNew);
catch (Throwable ex)
log.error (ex);
if (result == null)
throw new GoofballNotFoundException(idOrNew);
return result;
That converter is used by spring when the request matches this endpoint:
#RequestMapping(value = "/admin/goofballs/{goofball}", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String createOrEditGoofball (#ModelAttribute("goofball") #Valid Goofball object, BindingResult result, Model model) {
// ... handle the post and save the goofball if there were no binding errors, then return the template string name
This all works quite well insofar as GET requests to /admin/goofballs/new and /admin/goofballs/1234 work smoothly in the controller for both creating new objects and editing existing ones. The hitch is that if I issue a request with a bogus id, one that isn't new and also doesn't exist in the database I want to return a 404. Currently the Converter is throwing a custom exception:
#ResponseStatus(value= HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, reason="Goofball Not Found") //404
public class GoofballNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 422445187706673678L;
public GoofballNotFoundException(String id){
super("GoofballNotFoundException with id=" + id);
but I started with a simple IllegalArgumentException as recommended in the Spring docs. In either case, the result is that Spring is returning a response with an HTTP status of 400.
This makes me think I'm misusing the Converter interface but that approach appears to be recommended by the #ModelAttribute docs.
So, again the question: is there a way to throw an error from a registered type converter during the databinding phase such that it will return a response with a specific HTTP status code?
Answering my own question:
Change StringToGoofballConverter to simply return null for the unfound entity instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException or a custom exception. The #Controller method will then be given a Goofball object that has a null id (e.g. the id is not "new" nor the path element value). At that point I can throw a GoofballNotFoundException or any other #ResponseStatus exception from there, within the controller method to affect the response status code.

Reference Data is lost from Form when Validation Fails (Spring 3 MVC)

I am new to Spring
I am having a page addContact,in that I am getting dropDown Data from Database in the following way
public ModelAndView registerContact(#ModelAttribute Contact contact) {
List<ContactType> contactTypeList = contactdao.getContactTypeList();
Map<Integer,String> contactTypeSelect = new LinkedHashMap<Integer,String>();
Iterator<ContactType> iterator = contactTypeList.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
ContactType ct = iterator.next();
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("contactTypeSelect", contactTypeSelect);
return new ModelAndView("addContact", "map", map);
Now to Insert the Data into Database, I am having following method,
public String insertData(#Valid Contact contact, BindingResult result, HttpServletRequest request ) {
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return "addContact";
else {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute("path", request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/WEB-INF"));
if (contact != null){
return "redirect:/getList";
When the validation fails, the drop down data is lost (which is obvious), what is the correct way of achieving the validation.
Create a method annotated with #ModelAttribute which loads the reference data. This method will be called before each #RequestMapping method.
public List<ContactType> registerContact() {
return contactdao.getContactTypeList();
In your form you can use the <form:select ../> tag to render the itemValue and itemLabel.
<form:select items="${contactTypeSelect}" itemLabel="contactTypeName" itemValue="contactTypeId" />
With this you can refactor your addContact method to the following
public String registerContact(#ModelAttribute Contact contact) {
return "addContact";
You lose the drop down data because you're not adding in the contact map in the insertData method. Pull out the code where you grab the contact data into a separate (private) method and use it in the result.hasErrors() if block as such:
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return new ModelAndView("addContact", "map", map);
Also, I strongly suggest adding a method to the #RequestMapping annotation as such:
#RequestMapping("/insert", method=RequestMethod.POST)
This keeps people from making GET calls to this method.
