SPRING MVC: Defined HttpSession in One Method is Not Available to Another Method - spring

I am facing a problem regarding to the Httpsession that I implementing in the Spring MVC project.
First of all, after the user successfully login, I will take the Httpsession object in loginAuthentication controller and set attribute with the name and value I want. (Shown in following figure).
A.java controller file,
#RequestMapping(value="login-authentication", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String authentication(#Valid #ModelAttribute("systemAccount") SystemAccount systemAccount,
BindingResult bindingResult, Model model, HttpServletRequest request){
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
model.addAttribute(GenericConstant.MessageAttributeName.ERROR_MSG_NAME.toValue(), SystemMessage.SystemException.LOGIN_INCORRECT_USERNAME_PASSWORD.toValue());
model.addAttribute("systemAccount", new SystemAccount());
return "index";
}else {
if (systemAccountService.authenticate(systemAccount.getUsername(), systemAccount.getPassword()) != null &&
!"".equals(systemAccountService.authenticate(systemAccount.getUsername(), systemAccount.getPassword()))) {
SystemAccount dbSystemAccount = systemAccountService.authenticate(systemAccount.getUsername(), systemAccount.getPassword());
//check account role
if(dbSystemAccount.getCounterStaff()!= null && !"".equals(dbSystemAccount.getCounterStaff())){
CounterStaff counterStaff = dbSystemAccount.getCounterStaff();
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_NAME.toValue(), counterStaff.getStaffName());
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_ROLE.toValue(), GenericConstant.SystemRole.COUNTER_STAFF.toValue());
}else if(dbSystemAccount.getCustomer()!= null && !"".equals(dbSystemAccount.getCustomer())){
Customer customer = dbSystemAccount.getCustomer();
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_NAME.toValue(), customer.getCustomerName());
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_ROLE.toValue(), GenericConstant.SystemRole.CUSTOMER.toValue());
}else if(dbSystemAccount.getManager()!= null && !"".equals(dbSystemAccount.getManager())){
Manager manager = dbSystemAccount.getManager();
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_NAME.toValue(), manager.getManagerName());
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_ROLE.toValue(), GenericConstant.SystemRole.MANAGER.toValue());
}else if(dbSystemAccount.getDoctor()!= null && !"".equals(dbSystemAccount.getCounterStaff())){
Doctor doctor = dbSystemAccount.getDoctor();
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_NAME.toValue(), doctor.getDoctorName());
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_ACC_ROLE.toValue(), GenericConstant.SystemRole.DOCTOR.toValue());
request.setAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_DATE.toValue(), DateTimeUtil.getCurrentDate());
return "mainPage";
}else {
model.addAttribute(GenericConstant.MessageAttributeName.ERROR_MSG_NAME.toValue(), SystemMessage.SystemException.LOGIN_INCORRECT_USERNAME_PASSWORD);
model.addAttribute("systemAccount", new SystemAccount());
return "index";
After everything is ready, the controller will navigate user to the main page and the main page able to access all the defined variable without issue. (The following figure shown the controller that mapped with mainPage).
A.java controller file,
#RequestMapping(value = "/mainPage", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String renderMainPageView(Model model, HttpServletRequest request) {
if(request.getAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_CHECK.toValue()) != null) {
return "mainPage";
}else {
model.addAttribute("systemAccount", new SystemAccount());
return "index";
In the navigation menu of main page, I click on the selection to direct me to add manager web page. (The following shown the link).
<a href="addManager" target="ifrm" >Add New Account</a>
The controller that mapped with the link (GET) able to detect. However, this controller (renderAddManagerView) does not recognised the HTTP session that I defined earlier when I try to access using the getAttribute method in the if condition. It keep showing null value (Shown in the following figure.
B.java controller file,
#RequestMapping(value = "/addManager", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String renderAddManagerView(Model model, HttpSession httpSession) {
if(httpSession.getAttribute(SessionAttribute.AttributeName.LOGIN_CHECK.toValue()) != null) {
model.addAttribute("manager", new Manager());
model.addAttribute(FormSelectionValue.FormSelectionAttributeName.COUNTRY_SELECTION.toValue(), FormSelectionValue.COUNTRY_SELECTION_LIST);
model.addAttribute(FormSelectionValue.FormSelectionAttributeName.GENDER_SELECTION.toValue(), FormSelectionValue.GENDER_SELECTION_LIST);
return "addManager";
}else {
model.addAttribute("systemAccount", new SystemAccount());
return "index";
So I am not sure what is the issue for my code and there is no error message is displayed.

I have solved the issue by using the HttpServletRequest instead of HttpSession.
Now my session will not be loss even redirect or navigate to any pages in JSP.
Something like this:
#RequestMapping("/renderview", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public class TestController {
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String myMethod(HttpServletRequest request)
request.getSession().setAttribute("mySession", "XXX");
return "jspview";
Reference: Set session variable spring mvc 3


Spring Boot - redirect to a different controller method

I am creating a very basic application with SpringBoot and Thymeleaf. In the controller I have 2 methods as follows:
Method1 - This method displays all the data from the database:
public String showData(Model model)
model.addAttribute("Data", dataRepo.findAll());
return "show_data";
Method2 - This method adds data to the database:
#RequestMapping(value = "/addData", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addData(#Valid Data data, BindingResult bindingResult, Model model) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
return "add_data";
model.addAttribute("data", data);
return "add_data.html";
HTML files are present corresponding to these methods i.e. show_data.html and add_data.html.
Once the addData method completes, I want to display all the data from the database. However, the above redirects the code to the static add_data.html page and the newly added data is not displayed. I need to somehow invoke the showData method on the controller so I need to redirect the user to the /showData URL. Is this possible? If so, how can this be done?
Try this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/addData", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addData(#Valid Data data, BindingResult bindingResult, Model model) {
//your code
return "redirect:/showData";
sparrow's solution did not work for me. It just rendered the text "redirect:/"
I was able to get it working by adding HttpServletResponse httpResponse to the controller method header.
Then in the code, adding httpResponse.sendRedirect("/"); into the method.
public String test(#RequestParam("testValue") String testValue, HttpServletResponse httpResponse) throws Exception {
if(testValue == null) {
return null;
return "<h1>success: " + testValue + "</h1>";
Below Solution worked for me.
getAllCategory() method displays the data and createCategory() method add data to the database. Using return "redirect:categories";, will redirect to the getAllCategory() method.
public String getAllCategory(Model model) {
return "index";
public String createCategory(#Valid Category category) {
return "redirect:categories";
OR using ajax jQuery also it is possible.
You should return a http status code 3xx from your addData request and put the redirct url in the response.

Is it possible to change URL when returning ModelAndView from WEB-INF?

I'm using Spring MVC and I'm wondering is it possible to change URL when I return ModelAndView (the view is situated at the WEB-INF folder, so redirecting to it is not working) from the controller? I mean when I return it the URL is the previous one, and its obvious because dispatcher is working, not the redirecting.
#RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView authenticate(#RequestParam("login") String login, #RequestParam("password") String password) {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
User user = userDao.getUserByLogin(login);
if (user != null && user.getPassword().equals(password)) {
modelAndView.addObject("user", user);
return modelAndView;
So my home model is in WEB-INF folder, so return redirect:/home will not work for it. Yes, I can redirect it with return home, but in that case the URL will not change.
Use redirect:/url to some other method and return the view.
When redirecting the model attributes won't available in new method so to get that in redirected method set it in RedirectFlashAttributes.
Hope it helps.

Migrating to Spring MVC 4

We are migrating our mvc code to Spring 4. Previously we had a a method formBackingObject which we converted to get method initForm.
But trouble is - in previous controller which was extending SimpleFormController, formBackingObject was getting called even before submit method. We have now removed SimpleFormController. But initForm is getting called only only once on page load. It doesn't get called before submit. And there is some custom logic of creating user object and adding to UserProfileForm object.
Have you faced similar issue.
Old code
protected Object formBackingObject(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
final UserProfileForm userProfileForm = new UserProfileForm();
final String id = request.getParameter("id");
if (id != null && !id.trim().equals("")) {
final User user = authenticationServices.findUser(ServletRequestUtils.getLongParameter(request, "id"));
} else {
final User user = new User();
return userProfileForm;
new code
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String initForm(HttpServletRequest request, ModelMap model) throws Exception{
final UserProfileForm userProfileForm = new UserProfileForm();
final String id = request.getParameter("id");
if (id != null && !id.trim().equals("")) {
final User user = authenticationServices.findUser(ServletRequestUtils.getLongParameter(request, "id"));
} else {
final User user = new User();
addToModel(request, model);
model.addAttribute("userProfileForm", userProfileForm);
return "user-management/user-profile";
Create a method annotated with #ModelAttribute to fill your model.
public UserProfileForm formBackingObject(#RequestParam(value="id", required=false) Long id) throws Exception{
final UserProfileForm userProfileForm = new UserProfileForm();
if (id != null) {
final User user = authenticationServices.findUser(id);
} else {
final User user = new User();
return userProfileForm;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String initForm() {
return "user-management/user-profile";
This way you can also use the #RequestParam annotation instead of pulling out parameters yourself.
See the reference guide for more information on the subject.
Certain inter-module dependencies are now optional at the Maven POM level where they were once required. For example, spring-tx and its dependence on spring-context. This may result in ClassNotFoundErrors or other similar problems for users that have been relying on transitive dependency management to pull in affected downstream spring-* . To resolve this problem, simply add the appropriate missing jars to your build configuration.

Reference Data is lost from Form when Validation Fails (Spring 3 MVC)

I am new to Spring
I am having a page addContact,in that I am getting dropDown Data from Database in the following way
public ModelAndView registerContact(#ModelAttribute Contact contact) {
List<ContactType> contactTypeList = contactdao.getContactTypeList();
Map<Integer,String> contactTypeSelect = new LinkedHashMap<Integer,String>();
Iterator<ContactType> iterator = contactTypeList.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
ContactType ct = iterator.next();
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("contactTypeSelect", contactTypeSelect);
return new ModelAndView("addContact", "map", map);
Now to Insert the Data into Database, I am having following method,
public String insertData(#Valid Contact contact, BindingResult result, HttpServletRequest request ) {
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return "addContact";
else {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute("path", request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/WEB-INF"));
if (contact != null){
return "redirect:/getList";
When the validation fails, the drop down data is lost (which is obvious), what is the correct way of achieving the validation.
Create a method annotated with #ModelAttribute which loads the reference data. This method will be called before each #RequestMapping method.
public List<ContactType> registerContact() {
return contactdao.getContactTypeList();
In your form you can use the <form:select ../> tag to render the itemValue and itemLabel.
<form:select items="${contactTypeSelect}" itemLabel="contactTypeName" itemValue="contactTypeId" />
With this you can refactor your addContact method to the following
public String registerContact(#ModelAttribute Contact contact) {
return "addContact";
You lose the drop down data because you're not adding in the contact map in the insertData method. Pull out the code where you grab the contact data into a separate (private) method and use it in the result.hasErrors() if block as such:
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return new ModelAndView("addContact", "map", map);
Also, I strongly suggest adding a method to the #RequestMapping annotation as such:
#RequestMapping("/insert", method=RequestMethod.POST)
This keeps people from making GET calls to this method.

Spring MVC handle Exceptions and how to show in same view

If I handle exceptions with #ControllerAdvice and #ExceptionHandler How can I show error message to user in the same View. For ex. suppose user in "customer/new" view. and invoke "save" action, then it will go to controller and I call methods service layer. but if internal exception occurred in service layer, I want to show error message on same "customer/new" View.
I have written a separate class to handle exceptions as follow.
public class DefaultControllerHandler {
#ExceptionHandler({MyProjectException.class, DataAccessException.class})
public ResponseEntity<String> handleInternalErrorException(Exception e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return new ResponseEntity<String>(e.getMessage(), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
Appreciate your ideas.
You can use flash redirect attributes.
#RequestMapping(value = "/administrator/users", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String adminAddUser(#ModelAttribute("user") #Valid User user, BindingResult bindingResult, Model model, RedirectAttributes redirectAttrs) {
String redirectUrl = "/administrator/users";
try {
} catch (YourServiceException e) {
redirectAttrs.addFlashAttribute("errorMessage", "error occured: " + e.getMessage());
redirectAttrs.addFlashAttribute("userObject", user);
redirectUrl = "/administrator/users?form"; // If error - return to same view
return "redirect:" + redirectUrl;
#RequestMapping(value = "/administrator/users", params = "form", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "text/html")
public String adminUsersList(#ModelAttribute("errorMessage") final String errorMessage, #ModelAttribute("userObject") final User user Model model) {
if(user == null) {
user = new User();
model.addAttribute("user", user);
if(errorMessage != null) {
model.addAttribure("errorMessage", errorMessage);
return "administrator/users/create";
In that case you must have section on your users.jsp page to show errorMessaage. Something like this:
<c:if test="${not empty errorMessage}">${errorMessage}</c:if>
If you can fetch url path and redirectAttributes from controller method - you can do this through #ControllerAdvice
The only solution I can think about is make your call to the service layer AJAX and then redirect only if there are no errors, if not display the error message.
It might look something like this in your Javascript file
//make your ajax call
if (noError){
window.location.href = contextPath+"/somePath";
//display your error message
