differential equation VS Algorithms complexity - algorithm

I don't know if it's the right place to ask because my question is about how to calculate a computer science algorithm complexity using differential equation growth and decay method.
The algorithm that I would like to prove is Binary search for a sorted array, which has a complexity of log2(n)
The algorithm says: if the target value are searching for is equal to the mid element, then return its index. If if it's less, then search on the left sub-array, if greater search on the right sub-array.
As you can see each time N(t): [number of nodes at time t] is being divided by half. Therefore, we can say that it takes O(log2(n)) to find an element.
Now using differential equation growth and decay method.
dN(t)/dt = N(t)/2
dN(t): How fast the number of elements is increasing or decreasing
dt: With respect to time
N(t): Number of elements at time t
The above equation says that the number of cells is being divided by 2 with time.
Solving the above equations gives us:
dN(t)/N(t) = dt/2
ln(N(t)) = t/2 + c
t = ln(N(t))*2 + d
Even though we got t = ln(N(t)) and not log2(N(t)), we can still say that it's logarithmic.
Unfortunately, the above method, even if it makes sense while approaching it to finding binary search complexity, turns out it does not work for all algorithms. Here's a counter example:
Searching an array linearly: O(n)
dN(t)/dt = N(t)
dN(t)/N(t) = dt
t = ln(N(t)) + d
So according to this method, the complexity of searching linearly takes O(ln(n)) which is NOT true of course.
This differential equation method is called growth and decay and it's very popluar. So I would like to know if this method could be applied in computer science algorithm like the one I picked, and if yes, what did I do wrong to get incorrect result for the linear search ? Thank you

The time an algorithm takes to execute is proportional to the number
of steps covered(reduced here).
In your linear searching of the array, you have assumed that dN(t)/dt = N(t).
Incorrect Assumption :-
dN(t)/dt = N(t)
dN(t)/N(t) = dt
t = ln(N(t)) + d
Going as per your previous assumption, the binary-search is decreasing the factor by 1/2 terms(half-terms are directly reduced for traversal in each of the pass of array-traversal,thereby reducing the number of search terms by half). So, your point of dN(t)/dt=N(t)/2 was fine. But, when you are talking of searching an array linearly, obviously, you are accessing the element in one single pass and hence, your searching terms are decreasing in the order of one item in each of the passes. So, how come your assumption be true???
Correct Assumption :-
dN(t)/dt = 1
dN(t)/1 = dt
t = N(t) + d
I hope you got my point. The array elements are being accessed sequentially one pass(iteration) each. So, the array accessing is not changing in order of N(t), but in order of a constant 1. So, this N(T) order result!


Calculating median with a Black Box algorithm in O(n) time

the problem is this:
given an array A of size n and algorithm B and B(A,n)=b where b is an element of A such that |{1<=i<=n | a_i>b}|>=n/10
|{1<=i<=n | a_i>b}|<=n/10
The time complexity of B is O(n).
i need to find the median in O(n).
I tried solving this question by applying B and then finding the groups of elements that are smaller than b, lets name this group as C.
and the elements bigger than b, lets name this group D.
we can get groups C and D by traversing through array A in O(n).
now i can apply algorithm B on the smaller group from the above because the median is not there and applying the same principle in the end i can get the median element. time complexity O(nlogn)
i can't seem to find a solution that works at O(n).
this is a homework question and i would appreciate any help or insight.
You are supposed to use function B() to choose a pivot element for the Quickselect algorithm: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quickselect
It looks like you are already thinking of exactly this procedure, so you already have the algorithm, and you're just calculating the complexity incorrectly.
In each iteration, you run a linear time procedure on a list that is at most 9/10ths the size of the list in the previous iteration, so the worst case complexity is
O( n + n*0.9 + n*0.9^2 + n*0.9^3 ...)
Geometric progressions like this converge to a constant multiplier:
Let T = 1 + 0.9^1 + 0.9^2 + ...
It's easy to see that
T - T*0.9 = 1, so
T*(0.1) = 1, and T=10
So the total number of elements processed through all iterations is less than 10n, and your algorithm therefore takes O(n) time.

Best case of fractional knapsack

the worst case running time of fractional knapsack is O(n), then what should be its best case? is it O(1), because if a weight limit is 16 and you get first item having value, is it right??
True if you assume that input is given in sorted order of value !!!
But as per the definition, the algorithm is expected to take non-sorted input too. see this.
If you are considering a normal input that may or may not be sorted. Then there are two approaches to solve the problem:
Sort the input. which can not be less than O(n) even in best case that too if you use bubble/insertion sort. Which looks completely foolish because both of these sorting algorithms has O(n^2) avarage/worst case performance.
Use the weighted medians approach . That will cost you O(n) as finding the weighted median will take O(n). The code for this approach is given below.
Weighted median approach for fractional knapsack:
We will work on value per unit of item in the following code. The code will first find the middle value (i.e. mid of values per unit of items if given in sorted order) and place it in its correct position. We will use quick sort partition method for this. Once we get the middle (call it mid) element, following two cases need to be taken into consideration:
When sum of weight of all items present in the right side of mid is more than the value of W, we need to search our answer in right side of mid.
else sum all the values present in right side of mid (call it v_left) and search for W-v_left in the left side of mid (include mid as well).
Following is the implementation in python (Use only floating point numbers everywhere):
Please note that i am not providing you the production level code and there are cases which will fail as well. Think about what can cause worst case/failure for finding kth max in array (when all valules are same may be).
def partition(weights,values,start,end):
x = values[end]/weights[end]
i = start
for j in range(start,end):
if values[j]/weights[j] < x:
values[i],values[j] = values[j],values[i]
weights[i], weights[j] = weights[j],weights[i]
values[i],values[end] = values[end],values[i]
weights[i], weights[end] = weights[end],weights[i]
return i
def _find_kth(weights,values,start,end,k):
ind = partition(weights,values,start,end)
if ind - start == k-1:
return ind
if ind - start > k-1:
return _find_kth(weights,values,start,ind-1,k)
return _find_kth(weights,values,ind+1,end,k-ind-1)
def find_kth(weights,values,k):
return _find_kth(weights,values,0,len(weights)-1,k)
def fractional_knapsack(weights,values,w):
if w == 0 or len(weights)==0:
return 0
if len(weights) == 1 and weights[0] > w:
return w*(values[0]/weights[0])
mid = find_kth(weights,values,len(weights)/2)
w1 = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,weights[mid+1:])
v1 = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, values[mid+1:])
return fractional_knapsack(weights[mid+1:],values[mid+1:],w)
return v1 + fractional_knapsack(weights[:mid+1],values[:mid+1],w-w1)
(Editing and rewriting the answer after discussion with #Shasha99, since I feel answers before 2016-12-06 are a bit deceiving)
O(1) best case is possible if the items are already sorted. Otherwise best case is O(n).
If the items are not sorted, you need to find the best item (for the case where one item already fills the knapsack), and that alone will take O(n), since you have to check all of them. Therefore, best case O(n).
On the opposite end, you could have a knapsack where all the items fit. Searching for best would not be needed, but you need to put all of them in, so it's still O(n).
More analysis
Funny enough, O(n) worst case does not imply items being sorted.
Apparently idea from http://algo2.iti.kit.edu/sanders/courses/algdat03/sol12.pdf paired with fast median selection algorithm (weighted medians or maybe median of medians?). Thanks to #Shasha99 for finding this algorithm.
Note that plain quickselect is O(n) expected, O(n*n) worst, but if you use median-of-medians that becomes O(n) worst case. The downside is quite a complicated algorithm.
I'd be interested in a working implementation of any algorithm. More sources to (hopefully simple) algorithms also wouldn't hurt.

Greedy Attempt for covering all the numbers with the given intervals

Let S be a set of intervals (containing n number of intervals) of the natural numbers that might overlap and N be a list of numbers (containing n number of numbers).
I want to find the smallest subset (let's call P) of S such that for each number
in our list N, there exists at least one interval in P that contains it. The intervals in P are allowed to overlap.
Trivial example:
S = {[1..4], [2..7], [3..5], [8..15], [9..13]}
N = [1, 4, 5]
// so P = {[1..4], [2..7]}
I think a dynamic algorithm might not work always, so if anybody knows of a solution to this problem (or a similar one that can be converted into), that would be great. I am trying to make a O(n^2 solution)
Here is one greedy approach
P = {}
for each q in N: // O(n)
if q in P // O(n)
for each i in S // O(n)
if q in I: // O(n)
But that is O(n^4).. Any help with creating a greedy approach that is O(n^2) would be great!
* Update: * I've been slamming at this problem and I think I have an O(n^2) solution!!
Let me know if you think I'm right!!!
N = MergeSort (N)
upper, lower = infinity, -1
P = empty set
for each q in N do
if (q>=lower and q<=upper)=False
max_interval = [-infinity, infinity]
for each r in S do
if q in r then
if r.rightEndPoint > max_interval.rightEndPoint
max_interval = r
lower = max_interval.leftEndPoint
upper = max_interval.rightEndPoint
I think this should work!! I'm trying to find a counter solution; but yeah!!
This problem is similar to set cover problem, which is NP-complete (i.e., arguably has no solution faster than exponential). What makes it different is that intervals always cover adjacent elements (not arbitrary subset of N), which opens ways for faster solutions.
I think that the solution proposed by Mike is good enough. But I think I have quite straightforward O(N^2) greedy algo. It starts like the Mike's one (moreover, I believe Mike's solution can also be improved in similar way):
You sort your N numbers and place them sorted into array ELEM; COMPLEXITY O(N*lg N);
Using binary search, for each interval S[i] you identify starting and ending index of elements in ELEM that are covered by S[i]. Say, you place this pair of numbers into array COVER, the difference between the two indices tells you how many elements you cover, for simplicity, let us place it array COVER_COUNT; COMPLEXITY O(N*lg N);
You introduce index pointer p, that shows till which element in ELEM, your N is already covered. you set p = 0, meaning that all elements up to 0-th (excluded) are initially covered (i.e., no elements); Complexity O(1). Moreover you introduce boolean array IS_INCLUDED, that reflects if interval S[i] is already included in your coverage set. Complexity O(N)
Then you start from the 0-th element in ELEM and see what is the interval that contains ELEM[0] and has greater coverage COVER_COUNT[i]. Imagine that it is i-th interval. We then mark it as included by setting IS_INCLUDED[i] to true. Then you set p to end[i] + 1 where end[i] is the ending index in COVER[i] pair (indeed now all elements til end[i] are covered). Then, knowing p you update all elements in COVER_COUNT so that they reflect how many elements of not yet covered elements each interval covers (this can be easily done in O(N) time). Then you perform the same step for ELEM[p] and continues till p >= ELEM.length. It can be observed that the overall complexity is O(N^2).
You finish in O(n^2) and in IS_INCLUDED has true for intervals of S included in optimal cover set
Let me know if this solution seems reasonable to you and if I calculated everything well.
P.S. Just wanted to add that the optimality of ythe solution found by algo can be proved by induction and contradiction. By contradiction, it is easy to show that at least one optimal solution includes the longest interval of those covering element ELEM[0]. If so, by induction we can show that for each next element in algo, we can keep on following the strategy of selelcting the interval that is the longest with respect to the number of remaining elements covered and that covers the leftmost yet uncovered element.
I am not sure, but mb some think like this.
1) For each interval create a list with elements from N witch contain in interval, it will take O(n^2) lets call it Q[i] for S[i]
2) Then sort our S by length of Q[i], O(n*lg(n))
3) Go throw this array excluding Q[i] from N O(n) and from Q[i+1]...Q[n] = O(n^2)
4) Repeat 2 while N is not empty.
It's not O(n^2), it's O(n^3) but if you can use hashmap, i think you can improve this.

Maximum non-overlapping intervals in a interval tree

Given a list of intervals of time, I need to find the set of maximum non-overlapping intervals.
For example,
if we have the following intervals:
[0600, 0830], [0800, 0900], [0900, 1100], [0900, 1130],
[1030, 1400], [1230, 1400]
Also it is given that time have to be in the range [0000, 2400].
The maximum non-overlapping set of intervals is [0600, 0830], [0900, 1130], [1230, 1400].
I understand that maximum set packing is NP-Complete. I want to confirm if my problem (with intervals containing only start and end time) is also NP-Complete.
And if so, is there a way to find an optimal solution in exponential time, but with smarter preprocessing and pruning data. Or if there is a relatively easy to implement fixed parameter tractable algorithm. I don't want to go for an approximation algorithm.
This is not a NP-Complete problem. I can think of an O(n * log(n)) algorithm using dynamic programming to solve this problem.
Suppose we have n intervals. Suppose the given range is S (in your case, S = [0000, 2400]). Either suppose all intervals are within S, or eliminate all intervals not within S in linear time.
Sort all intervals by their begin points. Suppose we get an array A[n] of n intervals.
This step takes O(n * log(n)) time
For all end points of intervals, find the index of the smallest begin point that follows after it. Suppose we get an array Next[n] of n integers.
If such begin point does not exist for the end point of interval i, we may assign n to Next[i].
We can do this in O(n * log(n)) time by enumerating n end points of all intervals, and use a binary search to find the answer. Maybe there exists linear approach to solve this, but it doesn't matter, because the previous step already take O(n * log(n)) time.
Suppose the maximum non-overlapping intervals in range [A[i].begin, S.end] is f[i]. Then f[0] is the answer we want.
Also suppose f[n] = 0;
State transition equation:
f[i] = max{f[i+1], 1 + f[Next[i]]}
It is quite obvious that the DP step take linear time.
The above solution is the one I come up with at the first glance of the problem. After that, I also think out a greedy approach which is simpler (but not faster in the sense of big O notation):
(With the same notation and assumptions as the DP approach above)
Pre-process: Sort all intervals by their end points. Suppose we get an array B[n] of n intervals.
int ans = 0, cursor = S.begin;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
if(B[i].begin >= cursor){
cursor = B[i].end;
The above two solutions come out from my mind, but your problem is also referred as the activity selection problem, which can be found on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activity_selection_problem.
Also, Introduction to Algorithms discusses this problem in depth in 16.1.

Dynamic Programing- complexity

I have a homework problem that I have been trying to figure out for some time now, and I can't figure it out for the life of me.
I have a sheet of size X*Y, and a set of patterns of lesser sizes, with price values associated with them. I can cut the sheet either horizontally or vertically, and I have to find the optimized cutting pattern to get the greatest profit from the sheet.
As far as I can tell there should be (X*Y)(X+Y+#ofPatterns) recursive operations. The complexity is supposed to be exponential. Can someone please explain why?
The pseudo-code I have come up with is as follows:
Optimize( w, h ) {
best_price = 0
for(Pattern p : all patterns) {
if ( p fits into this piece of cloth && p’s price > best price) {best_price = p’s price}
for (i = 1…n){
L= Optimize( i, h );
R= Optimize( w-i, h);
if (L_price + R_price > best_price) { update best_price}
for (i = 1…n){
T= Optimize( w, i );
B= Optimize( w, h-i);
if (T_price + B_price > best_price) { update best_price}
return best_price;
The recursive case is exponential because you can at the start choose to cut your paper 0 to max width inches or 0 to max height inches and then optionally cut the remaining pieces (recurse).
This problem sounds like a bit more interesting case of this rod cutting problem since it involves two dimensions.
is a good guide. Read that should put you on the right track without blatantly answering your homework.
The relevant portion to why it is exponential when recursing:
This recursive algorithm uses the formula above and is slow
-- price array p, length n
Cut-Rod(p, n)
if n = 0 then
return 0
end if
q := MinInt
for i in 1 .. n loop
q = max(q, p(i) + Cut-Rod(p, n-i)
end loop
return q
Recursion tree (shows subproblems): 4/[3,2,1,0]//[2,1,0],[1,0],0//[1,0],0,0//0
Performance: Let T(n) = number of calls to Cut-Rod(x, n), for any x
Solution: T(n)=2n
When calculating the complexity of a dynamic programming algorithm, we can decompose it into two subproblems: one is calculating the number of substates; and the other is calculating the time complexity of solving a particular subproblem.
But it's true that when you don't use a memoization approach, the algorithm that has a polynomial time complexity in nature would increase to exponential time complexity since you are not re-using information that you've previously calculated. (I'm pretty sure you understand this part from your dynamic programming course)
No matter whether you solve a dynamic programming problem using the memoization method or the bottom-up approach, the time complexity stays the same. I think the trouble you are having is that you are trying to draw the function call graph in your head. Instead, let's try to estimate the number of function calls this way.
You are saying that there are (X*Y)(X+Y+#ofPatterns) recursive calls.
Well, yes and no.
It's true that when you use a memoization method, there are only this many number of recursive calls. Because if you have called and calculated a certain Optimize(w0,h0), the value will be stored and the next time another function Optimize(w1,h1) calls Optimize(w0,h0), it won't do these redundant work again. And that's what makes the time complexity polynomial.
But in your current implementation, one subproblem Optimize(w0,h0) gets many redundant function calls, which means the number of recursive calls in your algorithm is not polynomial at all (for a simple example, try to draw the call graph of the recursive Fibonacci number algorithm).
