Best case of fractional knapsack - algorithm

the worst case running time of fractional knapsack is O(n), then what should be its best case? is it O(1), because if a weight limit is 16 and you get first item having value, is it right??

True if you assume that input is given in sorted order of value !!!
But as per the definition, the algorithm is expected to take non-sorted input too. see this.
If you are considering a normal input that may or may not be sorted. Then there are two approaches to solve the problem:
Sort the input. which can not be less than O(n) even in best case that too if you use bubble/insertion sort. Which looks completely foolish because both of these sorting algorithms has O(n^2) avarage/worst case performance.
Use the weighted medians approach . That will cost you O(n) as finding the weighted median will take O(n). The code for this approach is given below.
Weighted median approach for fractional knapsack:
We will work on value per unit of item in the following code. The code will first find the middle value (i.e. mid of values per unit of items if given in sorted order) and place it in its correct position. We will use quick sort partition method for this. Once we get the middle (call it mid) element, following two cases need to be taken into consideration:
When sum of weight of all items present in the right side of mid is more than the value of W, we need to search our answer in right side of mid.
else sum all the values present in right side of mid (call it v_left) and search for W-v_left in the left side of mid (include mid as well).
Following is the implementation in python (Use only floating point numbers everywhere):
Please note that i am not providing you the production level code and there are cases which will fail as well. Think about what can cause worst case/failure for finding kth max in array (when all valules are same may be).
def partition(weights,values,start,end):
x = values[end]/weights[end]
i = start
for j in range(start,end):
if values[j]/weights[j] < x:
values[i],values[j] = values[j],values[i]
weights[i], weights[j] = weights[j],weights[i]
values[i],values[end] = values[end],values[i]
weights[i], weights[end] = weights[end],weights[i]
return i
def _find_kth(weights,values,start,end,k):
ind = partition(weights,values,start,end)
if ind - start == k-1:
return ind
if ind - start > k-1:
return _find_kth(weights,values,start,ind-1,k)
return _find_kth(weights,values,ind+1,end,k-ind-1)
def find_kth(weights,values,k):
return _find_kth(weights,values,0,len(weights)-1,k)
def fractional_knapsack(weights,values,w):
if w == 0 or len(weights)==0:
return 0
if len(weights) == 1 and weights[0] > w:
return w*(values[0]/weights[0])
mid = find_kth(weights,values,len(weights)/2)
w1 = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,weights[mid+1:])
v1 = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, values[mid+1:])
return fractional_knapsack(weights[mid+1:],values[mid+1:],w)
return v1 + fractional_knapsack(weights[:mid+1],values[:mid+1],w-w1)

(Editing and rewriting the answer after discussion with #Shasha99, since I feel answers before 2016-12-06 are a bit deceiving)
O(1) best case is possible if the items are already sorted. Otherwise best case is O(n).
If the items are not sorted, you need to find the best item (for the case where one item already fills the knapsack), and that alone will take O(n), since you have to check all of them. Therefore, best case O(n).
On the opposite end, you could have a knapsack where all the items fit. Searching for best would not be needed, but you need to put all of them in, so it's still O(n).
More analysis
Funny enough, O(n) worst case does not imply items being sorted.
Apparently idea from paired with fast median selection algorithm (weighted medians or maybe median of medians?). Thanks to #Shasha99 for finding this algorithm.
Note that plain quickselect is O(n) expected, O(n*n) worst, but if you use median-of-medians that becomes O(n) worst case. The downside is quite a complicated algorithm.
I'd be interested in a working implementation of any algorithm. More sources to (hopefully simple) algorithms also wouldn't hurt.


Array merging and sorting complexity calculation

I have one exercise from my algorithm text book and I am not really sure about the solution. I need to explain why this solution:
function array_merge_sorted(array $foo, array $bar)
$baz = array_merge($foo, $bar);
$baz = array_unique($baz);
return $baz;
that merge two array and order them is not the most efficient and I need to provide one solution that is the most optimized and prove that not better solution can be done.
My idea was about to use a mergesort algorithm that is O(n log n), to merge and order the two array passed as parameter. But how can I prove that is the best solution ever?
As you have said that both inputs are already sorted, you can use a simple zipper-like approach.
You have one pointer for each input array, pointing to the begin of it. Then you compare both elements, adding the smaller one to the result and advancing the pointer of the array with the smaller element. Then you repeat the step until both pointers reached the end and all elements where added to the result.
You find a collection of such algorithms at Wikipedia#Merge algorithm with my current presented approach being listed as Merging two lists.
Here is some pseudocode:
function Array<Element> mergeSorted(Array<Element> first, Array<Element> second) {
Array<Element> result = new Array<Element>(first.length + second.length);
int firstPointer = 0;
int secondPointer = 0;
while (firstPointer < first.length && secondPointer < first.length) {
Element elementOfFirst = first.get(firstPointer);
Element elementOfSecond = second.get(secondPointer);
if (elementOfFirst < elementOfSecond) {
firstPointer = firstPointer + 1;
} else {
secondPointer = secondPointer + 1;
The algorithm obviously works in O(n) where n is the size of the resulting list. Or more precise it is O(max(n, n') with n being the size of the first list and n' of the second list (or O(n + n') which is the same set).
This is also obviously optimal since you need, at some point, at least traverse all elements once in order to build the result and know the final ordering. This yields a lower bound of Omega(n) for this problem, thus the algorithm is optimal.
A more formal proof assumes a better arbitrary algorithm A which solves the problem without taking a look at each element at least once (or more precise, with less than O(n)).
We call that element, which the algorithm does not look at, e. We can now construct an input I such that e has a value which fulfills the order in its own array but will be placed wrong by the algorithm in the resulting array.
We are able to do so for every algorithm A and since A always needs to work correctly on all possible inputs, we are able to find a counter-example I such that it fails.
Thus A can not exist and Omega(n) is a lower bound for that problem.
Why the given algorithm is worse
Your given algorithm first merges the two arrays, this works in O(n) which is good. But after that it sorts the array.
Sorting (more precise: comparison-based sorting) has a lower-bound of Omega(n log n). This means every such algorithm can not be better than that.
Thus the given algorithm has a total time complexity of O(n log n) (because of the sorting part). Which is worse than O(n), the complexity of the other algorithm and also the optimal solution.
However, to be super-correct, we also would need to argue whether the sort-method truly yields that complexity, since it does not get arbitrary inputs but always the result of the merge-method. Thus it could be possible that a specific sorting method works especially good for such specific inputs, yielding O(n) in the end.
But I doubt that this is in the focus of your task.

Greedy Attempt for covering all the numbers with the given intervals

Let S be a set of intervals (containing n number of intervals) of the natural numbers that might overlap and N be a list of numbers (containing n number of numbers).
I want to find the smallest subset (let's call P) of S such that for each number
in our list N, there exists at least one interval in P that contains it. The intervals in P are allowed to overlap.
Trivial example:
S = {[1..4], [2..7], [3..5], [8..15], [9..13]}
N = [1, 4, 5]
// so P = {[1..4], [2..7]}
I think a dynamic algorithm might not work always, so if anybody knows of a solution to this problem (or a similar one that can be converted into), that would be great. I am trying to make a O(n^2 solution)
Here is one greedy approach
P = {}
for each q in N: // O(n)
if q in P // O(n)
for each i in S // O(n)
if q in I: // O(n)
But that is O(n^4).. Any help with creating a greedy approach that is O(n^2) would be great!
* Update: * I've been slamming at this problem and I think I have an O(n^2) solution!!
Let me know if you think I'm right!!!
N = MergeSort (N)
upper, lower = infinity, -1
P = empty set
for each q in N do
if (q>=lower and q<=upper)=False
max_interval = [-infinity, infinity]
for each r in S do
if q in r then
if r.rightEndPoint > max_interval.rightEndPoint
max_interval = r
lower = max_interval.leftEndPoint
upper = max_interval.rightEndPoint
I think this should work!! I'm trying to find a counter solution; but yeah!!
This problem is similar to set cover problem, which is NP-complete (i.e., arguably has no solution faster than exponential). What makes it different is that intervals always cover adjacent elements (not arbitrary subset of N), which opens ways for faster solutions.
I think that the solution proposed by Mike is good enough. But I think I have quite straightforward O(N^2) greedy algo. It starts like the Mike's one (moreover, I believe Mike's solution can also be improved in similar way):
You sort your N numbers and place them sorted into array ELEM; COMPLEXITY O(N*lg N);
Using binary search, for each interval S[i] you identify starting and ending index of elements in ELEM that are covered by S[i]. Say, you place this pair of numbers into array COVER, the difference between the two indices tells you how many elements you cover, for simplicity, let us place it array COVER_COUNT; COMPLEXITY O(N*lg N);
You introduce index pointer p, that shows till which element in ELEM, your N is already covered. you set p = 0, meaning that all elements up to 0-th (excluded) are initially covered (i.e., no elements); Complexity O(1). Moreover you introduce boolean array IS_INCLUDED, that reflects if interval S[i] is already included in your coverage set. Complexity O(N)
Then you start from the 0-th element in ELEM and see what is the interval that contains ELEM[0] and has greater coverage COVER_COUNT[i]. Imagine that it is i-th interval. We then mark it as included by setting IS_INCLUDED[i] to true. Then you set p to end[i] + 1 where end[i] is the ending index in COVER[i] pair (indeed now all elements til end[i] are covered). Then, knowing p you update all elements in COVER_COUNT so that they reflect how many elements of not yet covered elements each interval covers (this can be easily done in O(N) time). Then you perform the same step for ELEM[p] and continues till p >= ELEM.length. It can be observed that the overall complexity is O(N^2).
You finish in O(n^2) and in IS_INCLUDED has true for intervals of S included in optimal cover set
Let me know if this solution seems reasonable to you and if I calculated everything well.
P.S. Just wanted to add that the optimality of ythe solution found by algo can be proved by induction and contradiction. By contradiction, it is easy to show that at least one optimal solution includes the longest interval of those covering element ELEM[0]. If so, by induction we can show that for each next element in algo, we can keep on following the strategy of selelcting the interval that is the longest with respect to the number of remaining elements covered and that covers the leftmost yet uncovered element.
I am not sure, but mb some think like this.
1) For each interval create a list with elements from N witch contain in interval, it will take O(n^2) lets call it Q[i] for S[i]
2) Then sort our S by length of Q[i], O(n*lg(n))
3) Go throw this array excluding Q[i] from N O(n) and from Q[i+1]...Q[n] = O(n^2)
4) Repeat 2 while N is not empty.
It's not O(n^2), it's O(n^3) but if you can use hashmap, i think you can improve this.

Given a sorted array, find the maximum subarray of repeated values

Yet another interview question asked me to find the maximum possible subarray of repeated values given a sorted array in shortest computational time possible.
Let input array be A[1 ... n]
Find an array B of consecutive integers in A such that:
for x in range(len(B)-1):
B[x] == B[x+1]
I believe that the best algorithm is dividing the array in half and going from the middle outwards and comparing from the middle the integers with one another and finding the longest strain of the same integers from the middle. Then I would call the method recursively by dividing the array in half and calling the method on the two halves.
My interviewer said my algorithm is good but my analysis that the algorithm is O(logn) is incorrect but never got around to telling me what the correct answer is. My first question is what is the Big-O analysis of this algorithm? (Show as much work as possible please! Big-O is not my forte.) And my second question is purely for my curiosity whether there is an even more time efficient algorithm?
The best you can do for this problem is an O(n) solution, so your algorithm cannot possibly be both correct and O(lg n).
Consider for example, the case where the array contains no repeated elements. To determine this, one needs to examine every element, and examining every element is O(n).
This is a simple algorithm that will find the longest subsequence of a repeated element:
start = end = 0
maxLength = 0
i = 0
while i + maxLength < a.length:
if a[i] == a[i + maxLength]:
while i + maxLength < a.length and a[i] == a[i + maxLength]:
maxLength += 1
start = i
end = i + maxLength
i += maxLength
return a[start:end]
If you have reason to believe the subsequence will be long, you can set the initial value of maxLength to some heuristically selected value to speed things along, and then only look for shorter sequences if you don't find one (i.e. you end up with end == 0 after the first pass.)
I think we all agree that in the worst case scenario, where all of A is unique or where all of A is the same, you have to examine every element in the array to either determine there are no duplicates or determine all the array contains one number. Like the other posters have said, that's going to be O(N). I'm not sure divide & conquer helps you much with algorithmic complexity on this one, though you may be able to simplify the code a bit by using recursion. Divide & conquer really helps cut down on Big O when you can throw away large portions of the input (e.g. Binary Search), but in the case where you potentially have to examine all the input, it's not going to be much different.
I'm assuming the result here is you're just returning the size of the largest B you've found, though you could easily modify this to return B instead.
So on the algorithm front, given that A is sorted, I'm not sure there's going to be any answer faster/simpler answer than just walking through the array in order. It seems like the simplest answer is to have 2 pointers, one starting at index 0 and one starting at index 1. Compare them and then increment them both; each time they're the same you tick a counter upward to give you the current size of B and when they differ you reset that counter to zero. You also keep around a variable for the max size of a B you've found so far and update it every time you find a bigger B.
In this algorithm, n elements are visited with a constant number of calculations per each visited element, so the running time is O(n).
Given sorted array A[1..n]:
max_start = max_end = 1
max_length = 1
start = end = 1
while start < n
while A[start] == A[end] && end < n
if end - start > max_length
max_start = start
max_end = end - 1
max_length = end - start
start = end
Assuming that the longest consecutive integers is only of length 1, you'll be scanning through the entire array A of n items. Thus, the complexity is not in terms of n, but in terms of len(B).
Not sure if the complexity is O(n/len(B)).
Checking the 2 edge case
- When n == len(B), you get instant result (only checking A[0] and A[n-1]
- When n == 1, you get O(n), checking all elements
- When normal case, I'm too lazy to write the algo to analyze...
Given that len(B) is not known in advance, we must take the worst case, i.e. O(n)

Find median value from a growing set

I came across an interesting algorithm question in an interview. I gave my answer but not sure whether there is any better idea. So I welcome everyone to write something about his/her ideas.
You have an empty set. Now elements are put into the set one by one. We assume all the elements are integers and they are distinct (according to the definition of set, we don't consider two elements with the same value).
Every time a new element is added to the set, the set's median value is asked. The median value is defined the same as in math: the middle element in a sorted list. Here, specially, when the size of set is even, assuming size of set = 2*x, the median element is the x-th element of the set.
An example:
Start with an empty set,
when 12 is added, the median is 12,
when 7 is added, the median is 7,
when 8 is added, the median is 8,
when 11 is added, the median is 8,
when 5 is added, the median is 8,
when 16 is added, the median is 8,
Notice that, first, elements are added to set one by one and second, we don't know the elements going to be added.
My answer.
Since it is a question about finding median, sorting is needed. The easiest solution is to use a normal array and keep the array sorted. When a new element comes, use binary search to find the position for the element (log_n) and add the element to the array. Since it is a normal array so shifting the rest of the array is needed, whose time complexity is n. When the element is inserted, we can immediately get the median, using instance time.
The WORST time complexity is: log_n + n + 1.
Another solution is to use link list. The reason for using link list is to remove the need of shifting the array. But finding the location of the new element requires a linear search. Adding the element takes instant time and then we need to find the median by going through half of the array, which always takes n/2 time.
The WORST time complexity is: n + 1 + n/2.
The third solution is to use a binary search tree. Using a tree, we avoid shifting array. But using the binary search tree to find the median is not very attractive. So I change the binary search tree in a way that it is always the case that the left subtree and the right subtree are balanced. This means that at any time, either the left subtree and the right subtree have the same number of nodes or the right subtree has one node more than in the left subtree. In other words, it is ensured that at any time, the root element is the median. Of course this requires changes in the way the tree is built. The technical detail is similar to rotating a red-black tree.
If the tree is maintained properly, it is ensured that the WORST time complexity is O(n).
So the three algorithms are all linear to the size of the set. If no sub-linear algorithm exists, the three algorithms can be thought as the optimal solutions. Since they don't differ from each other much, the best is the easiest to implement, which is the second one, using link list.
So what I really wonder is, will there be a sub-linear algorithm for this problem and if so what will it be like. Any ideas guys?
Your complexity analysis is confusing. Let's say that n items total are added; we want to output the stream of n medians (where the ith in the stream is the median of the first i items) efficiently.
I believe this can be done in O(n*lg n) time using two priority queues (e.g. binary or fibonacci heap); one queue for the items below the current median (so the largest element is at the top), and the other for items above it (in this heap, the smallest is at the bottom). Note that in fibonacci (and other) heaps, insertion is O(1) amortized; it's only popping an element that's O(lg n).
This would be called an "online median selection" algorithm, although Wikipedia only talks about online min/max selection. Here's an approximate algorithm, and a lower bound on deterministic and approximate online median selection (a lower bound means no faster algorithm is possible!)
If there are a small number of possible values compared to n, you can probably break the comparison-based lower bound just like you can for sorting.
I received the same interview question and came up with the two-heap solution in wrang-wrang's post. As he says, the time per operation is O(log n) worst-case. The expected time is also O(log n) because you have to "pop an element" 1/4 of the time assuming random inputs.
I subsequently thought about it further and figured out how to get constant expected time; indeed, the expected number of comparisons per element becomes 2+o(1). You can see my writeup at .
BTW, the solutions discussed here all require space O(n), since you must save all the elements. A completely different approach, requiring only O(log n) space, gives you an approximation to the median (not the exact median). Sorry I can't post a link (I'm limited to one link per post) but my paper has pointers.
Although wrang-wrang already answered, I wish to describe a modification of your binary search tree method that is sub-linear.
We use a binary search tree that is balanced (AVL/Red-Black/etc), but not super-balanced like you described. So adding an item is O(log n)
One modification to the tree: for every node we also store the number of nodes in its subtree. This doesn't change the complexity. (For a leaf this count would be 1, for a node with two leaf children this would be 3, etc)
We can now access the Kth smallest element in O(log n) using these counts:
def get_kth_item(subtree, k):
left_size = 0 if subtree.left is None else subtree.left.size
if k < left_size:
return get_kth_item(subtree.left, k)
elif k == left_size:
return subtree.value
else: # k > left_size
return get_kth_item(subtree.right, k-1-left_size)
A median is a special case of Kth smallest element (given that you know the size of the set).
So all in all this is another O(log n) solution.
We can difine a min and max heap to store numbers. Additionally, we define a class DynamicArray for the number set, with two functions: Insert and Getmedian. Time to insert a new number is O(lgn), while time to get median is O(1).
This solution is implemented in C++ as the following:
template<typename T> class DynamicArray
void Insert(T num)
if(((minHeap.size() + maxHeap.size()) & 1) == 0)
if(maxHeap.size() > 0 && num < maxHeap[0])
push_heap(maxHeap.begin(), maxHeap.end(), less<T>());
num = maxHeap[0];
pop_heap(maxHeap.begin(), maxHeap.end(), less<T>());
push_heap(minHeap.begin(), minHeap.end(), greater<T>());
if(minHeap.size() > 0 && minHeap[0] < num)
push_heap(minHeap.begin(), minHeap.end(), greater<T>());
num = minHeap[0];
pop_heap(minHeap.begin(), minHeap.end(), greater<T>());
push_heap(maxHeap.begin(), maxHeap.end(), less<T>());
int GetMedian()
int size = minHeap.size() + maxHeap.size();
if(size == 0)
throw exception("No numbers are available");
T median = 0;
if(size & 1 == 1)
median = minHeap[0];
median = (minHeap[0] + maxHeap[0]) / 2;
return median;
vector<T> minHeap;
vector<T> maxHeap;
For more detailed analysis, please refer to my blog:
1) As with the previous suggestions, keep two heaps and cache their respective sizes. The left heap keeps values below the median, the right heap keeps values above the median. If you simply negate the values in the right heap the smallest value will be at the root so there is no need to create a special data structure.
2) When you add a new number, you determine the new median from the size of your two heaps, the current median, and the two roots of the L&R heaps, which just takes constant time.
3) Call a private threaded method to perform the actual work to perform the insert and update, but return immediately with the new median value. You only need to block until the heap roots are updated. Then, the thread doing the insert just needs to maintain a lock on the traversing grandparent node as it traverses the tree; this will ensue that you can insert and rebalance without blocking other inserting threads working on other sub-branches.
Getting the median becomes a constant time procedure, of course now you may have to wait on synchronization from further adds.
A balanced tree (e.g. R/B tree) with augmented size field should find the median in lg(n) time in the worst case. I think it is in Chapter 14 of the classic Algorithm text book.
To keep the explanation brief, you can efficiently augment a BST to select a key of a specified rank in O(h) by having each node store the number of nodes in its left subtree. If you can guarantee that the tree is balanced, you can reduce this to O(log(n)). Consider using an AVL which is height-balanced (or red-black tree which is roughly balanced), then you can select any key in O(log(n)). When you insert or delete a node into the AVL you can increment or decrement a variable that keeps track of the total number of nodes in the tree to determine the rank of the median which you can then select in O(log(n)).
In order to find the median in linear time you can try this (it just came to my mind). You need to store some values every time you add number to your set, and you won't need sorting. Here it goes.
typedef struct
int number;
int lesser;
int greater;
} record;
int median(record numbers[], int count, int n)
int i;
int a, b;
numbers[count + 1].number = n:
for (i = 0; i < count + 1; i++)
if (n < numbers[i].number)
numbers[count + 1].greater++;
numbers[count + 1].lesser++;
if (numbers[i].greater - numbers[i].lesser == 0)
m = numbers[i].number;
for (i = 0; i < count + 1; i++)
if (numbers[i].greater - numbers[i].lesser == -1)
a = numbers[i].number;
if (numbers[i].greater - numbers[i].lesser == 1)
b = numbers[i].number;
m = (a + b) / 2;
return m;
What this does is, each time you add a number to the set, you must now how many "lesser than your number" numbers have, and how many "greater than your number" numbers have. So, if you have a number with the same "lesser than" and "greater than" it means your number is in the very middle of the set, without having to sort it. In the case that you have an even amount of numbers you may have two choices for a median, so you just return the mean of those two. BTW, this is C code, I hope this helps.

Optimum search for k minimum values in unsorted list of integers

I was just interviewed with a question, and I'm curious what the answer ought to be. The problem was, essentially:
Say you have an unsorted list of n integers. How do you find the k minimum values in this list? That is, if you have a list of [10, 11, 24, 12, 13] and are looking for the 2 minimum values, you'd get [10, 11].
I've got an O(n*log(k)) solution, and that's my best, but I'm curious what other people come up with. I'll refrain from polluting folks brains by posting my solution and will edit it in in a little while.
EDIT #1: For example, a function like:
list getMinVals(list &l, int k)
EDIT #2: It looks like it's a selection algorithm, so I'll toss in my solution as well; iterating over the list, and using a priority queue to save the minimum values. The spec on the priority queue was that the maximum values would end up at the top of the priority queue, so on comparing the top to an element, the top would get popped and the smaller element would get pushed. This assumed the priority queue had an O(log n) push and an O(1) pop.
This is the quickSelect algorithm. It's basically a quick sort where you only recurse for one part of the array. Here's a simple implementation in Python, written for brevity and readability rather than efficiency.
def quickSelect(data, nLeast) :
pivot = data[-1]
less = [x for x in data if x <= pivot]
greater = [x for x in data if x > pivot]
if len(less) < nLeast :
return less + quickSelect(greater, nLeast - len(less))
elif len(less) == nLeast :
return less
else :
return quickSelect(less, nLeast)
This will run in O(N) on average, since at each iteration, you are expected to reduce the size of data by a multiplicative constant. The result will not be sorted. The worst case is O(N^2), but this is dealt with in essentially the same way as a quick sort, using things like median-of-3.
This is usually in the algorithm books under selection algorithms or "linear selection". Here's the specific section on min/max k values in a list. It's O(nlog(k)).
