Masking in Broadleaf Commerce - spring

We are using Broadleaf Commerce 3.0.5 version. As we know that , the community version is not having the source code. and Admin is present in jar level. I have a requirement to do a Masking in Admin User Information. Can anybody respose this post , so that I can resolve my issue?
Thanks and Regards

By the way, all of the source code for the CE version of the Broadleaf Framework is open source and on GitHub at


Magento 1.9 rest api developer documentation

I want to create rest api for magento 1.9 but I am unable to find any developer documentation for the same.
Please if some could refer me some sites so that I can refer and implement rest api's and oauth for magento 1.9 version.
For Magento 1 and OpenMage dev docs, you can go to:
Magento has removed API references for 1.X. You can try to get it from here

REST in Magento 1.9

Is REST supported in Magento Enterprise 1.9? We need to create some REST web services for Magento and we have to stick to 1.9. I can't find any specific documentation on this.
Thanks in advance,
Short answer: NO.
The REST API is available starting Magento CE 1.7 and it's corresponding EE version 1.12.
EE 1.9 has a correspondence with CE 1.4.
You might consider upgrading.
The magento 1.9 (community) has support to REST API I'm use since 1.7(community).
Go to Admin Panel: System > Web Services
For example: if you need import all products from ERP data base for magento data base. You can use this implementation:app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Api2/Product/Rest/Admin/V1.php
See this implementation here:
In Magento (oAuth 1.2.2) now i'm trying use on 1.9.x: (oAuth 1.2.3)
I think that is more hard install and configure oAuth on Linux... comparing with implementation code

Joomla custom Component Update Server script Issue

I am developing custom component Joomla 2.5 version.
Now I am trying to create update script / server, but it does not work.
Check out Joomla docs on this topic:
J2.5:Developing a MVC Component/Adding an update server,
Deploying an Update Server
Akeeba Release System for advanced package management
It's really hard to find out what's wrong from your description of problem.

Whats the Magento API for?

I plan to use Magento next year so I started browsing the Magento website. I noticed the Magento Core API and wonder what it is for? Is it something I can use to integrate parts form a running Magento installation into other applications?
Thanks :-)
Yes. You can use it to push some information in and out of Magento using SOAP XML.

joomla: adding uploader to component back-end

How can I add an the Joomla built-in uploader to my component's admin back-end such that the file itself is saved in a folder somewhere in the server and the filename or url is saved in the DB? The docs for JHMLBehavior/uploader under are useless, and I've tried Googling for a comprehensive guide on how to do this but couldn't find any.
Please help.
You can check out administrator/components/com_media to see how they use JHTMLBehaviour::uploader(...). The problem is that the fancy script that the uploader is based on is version 1.0 - and it doesn't work....
I would recommend checking this tutorial instead:
You're aware that you're looking at the 1.6 version of the code, not 1.5? 1.5 is the current release - 1.6 probably hasn't got the full set of documentation.
