OpenMP4 - Why does calling a function multiple times makes it faster - openmp

So I'm currently learning openmp4.
What I experienced is that if I call a function a 2nd time it will get significantly faster.
The omp block is inside of this function.
In my example the 1st call takes 5 seconds and the 2nd only 0,3s.
I am using the intel-icc with an Intel Xeon Phi(60cores 240Threads).
Could someone please explain why this is happening?

I think that is due to the OpenMP threading initialization. The creation of the threading team, and initializing each thread, etc.. This in fact is an expensive procedure.
I don't know what your code looks like, but this can also be the effect of caching. During first time, the mic will start caching the needed data. The second time: the data will already be cached and ready. But I can't confirm this until I see the code.


Easier way to aggregate a collection of memory accesses made by a Windows process?

I'm doing this as a personal project, I want to make a visualizer for this data. but the first step is getting the data.
My current plan is to
make my program debug the target process step through it
each step record the EIP from every thread's context within the target process
construct the memory address the instruction uses from the context and store it.
Is there an easier or built in way to do this?
Have a look at Intel PIN for dynamic binary instrumentation / running a hook for every load / store instruction. intel-pin
Instead of actually single-stepping in a debugger (extremely slow), it does binary-to-binary JIT to add calls to your hooks.
Honestly the best way to do this is probably instrumentation like Peter suggested, depending on your goals. Have you ever ran a script that stepped through code in a debugger? Even automated it's incredibly slow. The only other alternative I see is page faults, which would also be incredibly slow but should still be faster than single step. Basically you make every page not in the currently executing section inaccessible. Any RW access outside of executing code will trigger an exception where you can log details and handle it. Of course this has a lot of flaws -- you can't detect RW in the current page, it's still going to be slow, it can get complicated such as handling page execution transfers, multiple threads, etc. The final possible solution I have would be to have a timer interrupt that checks RW access for each page. This would be incredibly fast and, although it would provide no specific addresses, it would give you an aggregate of pages written to and read from. I'm actually not entirely sure off the top of my head if Windows exposes that information already and I'm also not sure if there's a reliable way to guarantee your timers would get hit before the kernel clears those bits.

Performance implications of function calls in PSM1 Modules

I have a function that does a find/replace on text files, and it has worked well for some time. Until I needed to process a 12 million line file.
My initial code used Get-Content and Write-Content, and with the massive file it was going to take hours to process, not to mention the memory implications of loading 12 million lines into RAM.
So, I wrote a little test script to compare that approach vs Stream Reader/Writer. And Streaming looked like it was going to be a massive performance improvement, dropping processing to 30 seconds. I then added a .Replace() on each line, and total processing time only went up to maybe a minute. All good. So then I went to implement it in my real code, and performance has tanked again. That code is a PS1 that loads a number of PSM1 files. The function to do the find replace is in one of those PSM1 files, and that code calls functions in another PSM1. The test script was everything in a single small PS1.
Given that my test script didn't use a function call at all, I tested that first, so there is a function in the PS1 that gets called 12 million times from the loop in the same PS1. No real performance impact.
So, my thought then was that calling a function in one PSM1 that then calls a function in another PSM1 (12 million times) might be the issue. So I made a dummy function (which just returns the passed string, as if no replacement was needed) in the same PSM1 as the loop. And that is orders of magnitude slower.
I have not tested this with everything in the PS1, mostly because these functions are needed in three different scripts with very different argument requirements, so implementing it with Modules really made a lot of sense logistically, and changing that would be a massive undertaking.
That said, is there a known performance hit when calling a function that lives in a Module? I was under the impression that once the Modules are loaded, it's basically the same as if it was all in a single PS1, but perhaps not? FWIW, I am not using NameSpaces. All of my functions just have function name prefix on the noun side to avoid conflicts.
I also can't really post minimally functional code very easily since that's in a single file that doesn't exhibit the behavior. If there is no obvious answer to someone I guess my next step is to implement the test script with some modules, but that's not really apples to apples either, since my real modules are rather large.
To add a little context: When the function (in a PSM1) does not call a function and simply sets $writeLine = $originalLine total time is 15 seconds.
When doing an actual find and replace inline (no call to a function) like this $writeLine = $originalLine.Replace($replace, $with) total processing time is 16 seconds.
When calling a function in the same PSM1 that just returns the original string total time is 17 minutes.
But again, when it's all in a PS1 file with no modules, calling a function has minimal impact. So it certainly seems like calling a function in a PSM1, even from a function in that same PSM1, has a massive performance overhead.
And more context:
I moved the replace function in the test script into a Module. No appreciable change. So I moved the main code, including the loop, into a function in that module, and called it from the main script. Again, no real change. Both took around 15 seconds.
So, it's not something innate in Modules. That then begs the question, what could I be doing in my other modules that would trigger this behavior? This modules are 3000-10,000 lines of code, so there is a lot going on. Hopefully someone has some insight as to best practices with modules to mitigate this. And hopefully it's not "Don't use big modules". ;)
Final update:
It seems it IS a function of how big the module is. I deleted all the other functions in the Module that contains the loop, and performance is fine, 17 seconds. So, basically even as of PS5.0, the implementation of modules is pretty useless for anything large. Rather disconcerting. I wonder if the same would be true if all the functions where in a single file, and PowerShell performance with large files with lots of functions is just bad? Anyone have any experience down this road?

Are Sitecore's sublayout rendering stats incorrect?

The built-in Sitecore rendering stats http://<sitename>/sitecore/admin/stats.aspx is really helpful for identifying inefficient and slow-loading XSLT renders. Recently I've started switching to .ascx sub layouts to take advantage of the Sitecore C# API which can help improve performance when used correctly.
However, I've noticed that sub layouts (as opposed to XSLT renders) are not reported correctly on the stats page. See the screenshot below....
I know for a fact that this sub layout takes about 1.8 seconds to generate (I calculated this in the code-behind). Caching is turned off. I've refreshed the page 20 times to ensure I get an average. You will see that the "Avg. items" is always 0 - I can live with this - but the "Avg. time (ms)" is less than 1ms which is just clearly wrong.
Does anyone have any insights into this? Has anyone found a way to get it to work correctly?
Judging whether a statistic is right/wrong is going to rely on understanding exactly what it is measuring.
Digging around in Sitecore.Diagnostics.Statistics using Reflector I note the following:
Sitecore.Web.UI.Webcontrol contains a field m_timer
This is 'started' in the BeforeRender() method and 'stopped' in the AfterRender() method
Data from that timer is sent to Statistics.AddRenderingData() and is logged against the control
This means it is measuring the time taken to render the control, which for an XSLT includes the processing time for preparing all the data in it, but as much of the work of a normal ASCX is done prior to the Render-stage the statistic is much less useful. Incorporating the Load stage in the time would inadvertently include the processing time for all child components, since the Load sequence is chained and called recursively, so that probably doesn't help much either.
I suspect there is no good way of measuring the processing time for a specific ASCX control (excluding children) without first acquiring cumulative data then post-processing the call chain and splitting the time apart. This is the sort of thing RedGate ANTS does really well, but might not be so good if it was being executed on a live production system, given the overheads.

Performance tuning VBA code in large procedure

I've been asked to tune the performance of a specific function which loads every time a worksheet is opened (so it's important that it doesn't make things slow). One of the things that seems to make this function slow is that it does a long call to the database (which is remote), but there are a bunch of other possibilities too. So far, I've been stepping through the code, and when something seems to take a long time making a note of it as a candidate for tuning.
I'd like a more objective way to tell which calls are slowing me down. Searching for timing and VBA yields a lot of results which basically amount to "Write a counter, and start and stop it either side of the critical section" (often with the macro explicitly called). I was wondering whether there was a way to (in the debugger) do something like "Step to next line, and tell me the time elapsed".
If not, can someone suggest a reasonable macro that I could use in the Immediate window to get what I'm after? Specifically, I would like to be able to time an arbitrary line of code within a larger procedure (rather than a whole procedure at once, which is what I found through Google).
Keywords for your further search would be to look for a "Profiler" for VBA. I've heard of VB Watch and VBA Code Profiler System (VBACP) as well as from Stephen Bull's PerfMon, but sparing the latter they're mostly not free.
So far for the official part of my answer, and I toss in some extra in terms of maybe useless suggestions:
Identifying "slow" code by "humanly measurement" (run a line and say: "Woah, that takes forever") in the debugger is certainly helpful, and you can then start looking into why they're slow. Your remote database call may take quite long if it has to transmit a lot of data - in which cases it may be a good idea to timestamp the data on both ends and ask the DB whether data had been modified before you grab it.
Writing the data into the sheet may be slow depending on the way you write it - which can sometimes be improved by writing arrays to a range instead of some form of iteration.
And I probably don't need to tell you about ScreenUpdating and EnableEvents and so on?

Handling windows events in a tight loop?

I have written a compiler and interpreter for a scripting language. The interpreter is a DLL ('The Engine') which runs in a single thread and can load many 100s or 1000s of compiled byte-code applications and excecute them as a set of internal processes. There is a main loop that excecutes a few instructions from each of the loaded app processes before moving one to the next process.
The byte code instruction in the compiled apps can either be a low level instructions (pop, push, add, sub etc) or a call to an external function library (which is where most of the work is done). These external libararies can call back to the engine to put the internal processes into a sleep state waiting for a particular event upon which the external function (probably after receiving an event) will wake up the internal process again. If all internal processes are in a sleep state (which the are most of the time) then I can put the Engine to sleep as well thus handing off the CPU to other threads.
However there is nothing to prevent someone writing a script which just does a tight loop like this:
Which means my main loop will never enter a sleep state and so the CPU goes up to 100% and locks up the system. I want my engine to run as fast as possibly, whilst still handling windows events so that other applications are still responsive when a tight loop similar to the above is encountered.
So my first question is how to add code to my main loop to ensure windows events are handled without slowing down the main engine which should run at the fastest speed possible..
Also it would be nice to be able to set the maximum CPU usage my engine can use and throttle down the CPU usage by calling the occasional Sleep(1)..
So my second question is how can I throttle down then CPU usage to the required level?
The engine is written in Borland C++ and makes calls to the win32 API.
Thanks in advance
1. Running a message loop at the same time as running your script
I want my engine to run as fast as
possibly, whilst still handling
windows events so that other
applications are still responsive when
a tight loop similar to the above is
The best way to continue running a message loop while performing another operation is to move that other operation to another thread. In other words, move your script interpreter to a second thread and communicate with it from your main UI thread, which runs the message loop.
When you say Borland C++, I assume you're using C++ Builder? In this situation, the main thread is the only one that interacts with the UI, and its message loop is run via Application->Run. If you're periodically calling Application->ProcessMessages in your library callbacks, that's reentrant and can cause problems. Don't do it.
One comment to your question suggested moving each script instance to a separate thread. This would be ideal. However, beware of issues with the DLLs the scripts call if they keep state - DLLs are loaded per-process, not per-thread, so if they keep state you may encounter threading issues. For the moment purely to address your current question, I'd suggest moving all your script execution to a single other thread.
You can communicate between threads many ways, such as by posting messages between them using PostMessage or PostThreadMessage. Since you're using Borland C++, you should have access to the VCL. It has a good thread wrapper class called TThread. Derive from this and put your script loop in Execute. You can use Synchronize (blocks waiting) or Queue (doesn't block; method may be run at any time, when the target thread processes its message loop) to run methods in the context of another thread.
As a side note:
so that other
applications are still responsive when
a tight loop similar to the above is
This is odd. In a modern, preemptively multitasked version of Windows other applications should still be responsive even when your program is very busy. Are you doing anything odd with your thread priorities, or are you using a lot of memory so that other applications are paged out?
2. Handling an infinite loop in a script
You write:
there is nothing to prevent someone
writing a script which just does a
tight loop like this:
while(1) x=1; endwhile
Which means my main loop will never
enter a sleep state and so the CPU
goes up to 100% and locks up the
but phrase how to handle this as:
Also it would be nice to be able to
set the maximum CPU usage my engine
can use and throttle down the CPU
usage by calling the occasional
So my second question is how can I
throttle down then CPU usage to the
required level?
I think you're taking the wrong approach. An infinite loop like while(1) x=1; endwhile is a bug in the script, but it should not take down your host application. Just throttling the CPU won't make your application able to handle the situation. (And using lots of CPU isn't necessarily a problem: if it the work is available for the CPU to run, do it! There's nothing holy about using only a bit of your computer's CPU. It's there to use after all.) What (I think) you really want is to be able to continue to have your application able to respond when running this script (solved by a second thread) and then:
Detect when a script is 'not responding', or not calling into your callbacks
Be able to take action, such as asking the user if they want to terminate the script
An example of another program that does this is Firefox. If you go to a page with a misbehaving script, eventually you'll get a dialog asking if you want to stop the script running.
Without knowing more about how your script is actually interpreted or run, I can't give a detailed answer to these two. But I can suggest an approach, which is:
Your interpreter probably runs a loop, getting the next instruction and executing it. Your interactivity is currently provided by a callback running from one of those instructions being executed. I'd suggest making use of that by having your callback simply log the time it was last called. Then in your processing thread, every instruction (or every ten or a hundred) check the current time against the last callback time. If a long time has passed, say fifteen or thirty seconds, it may be an indication that the script is stuck. Notify the main thread but keep processing.
For "time", something like GetTickCount is probably sufficient.
Next step: Your main UI thread can react to this by asking the user what to do. If they want to terminate the script, communicate with the script thread to set a flag. In your script processing loop, again every instruction (or hundred) check for this flag, and if it's set, stop.
When you move to having one thread per script interpreter, you TThread's Terminated flag for this. Idiomatically for something that runs infinitely in a thread, you run in a while (!Terminated && [any other conditions]) loop in your Execute function.
To actually answer your question about using less CPU, the best approach is probably to change your thread's priority using SetThreadPriority to a lower priority, such as THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL. It will still run if nothing else needs to run. This will affect your script's performance. Another approach is to use Sleep as you suggest, but this really is artificial. Perhaps SwitchToThread is slightly better - it yields to another thread the OS chooses. Personally, I think the CPU is there to use, and if you solve the problem of an interactive UI and handling out-of-control scripts then there should be no problem with using all CPU if your script needs it. If you're using "too much" CPU, perhaps the interpreter itself could be optimised. You'll need to run a profiler and find out where the CPU time is being spent.
Although a badly designed script might put you in a do-nothing loop, don't worry about it. Windows is designed to handle this kind of thing, and won't let your program take more than its fair share of the CPU. If it does manage to get 100%, it's only because nothing else wants to run.
