Performance implications of function calls in PSM1 Modules - performance

I have a function that does a find/replace on text files, and it has worked well for some time. Until I needed to process a 12 million line file.
My initial code used Get-Content and Write-Content, and with the massive file it was going to take hours to process, not to mention the memory implications of loading 12 million lines into RAM.
So, I wrote a little test script to compare that approach vs Stream Reader/Writer. And Streaming looked like it was going to be a massive performance improvement, dropping processing to 30 seconds. I then added a .Replace() on each line, and total processing time only went up to maybe a minute. All good. So then I went to implement it in my real code, and performance has tanked again. That code is a PS1 that loads a number of PSM1 files. The function to do the find replace is in one of those PSM1 files, and that code calls functions in another PSM1. The test script was everything in a single small PS1.
Given that my test script didn't use a function call at all, I tested that first, so there is a function in the PS1 that gets called 12 million times from the loop in the same PS1. No real performance impact.
So, my thought then was that calling a function in one PSM1 that then calls a function in another PSM1 (12 million times) might be the issue. So I made a dummy function (which just returns the passed string, as if no replacement was needed) in the same PSM1 as the loop. And that is orders of magnitude slower.
I have not tested this with everything in the PS1, mostly because these functions are needed in three different scripts with very different argument requirements, so implementing it with Modules really made a lot of sense logistically, and changing that would be a massive undertaking.
That said, is there a known performance hit when calling a function that lives in a Module? I was under the impression that once the Modules are loaded, it's basically the same as if it was all in a single PS1, but perhaps not? FWIW, I am not using NameSpaces. All of my functions just have function name prefix on the noun side to avoid conflicts.
I also can't really post minimally functional code very easily since that's in a single file that doesn't exhibit the behavior. If there is no obvious answer to someone I guess my next step is to implement the test script with some modules, but that's not really apples to apples either, since my real modules are rather large.
To add a little context: When the function (in a PSM1) does not call a function and simply sets $writeLine = $originalLine total time is 15 seconds.
When doing an actual find and replace inline (no call to a function) like this $writeLine = $originalLine.Replace($replace, $with) total processing time is 16 seconds.
When calling a function in the same PSM1 that just returns the original string total time is 17 minutes.
But again, when it's all in a PS1 file with no modules, calling a function has minimal impact. So it certainly seems like calling a function in a PSM1, even from a function in that same PSM1, has a massive performance overhead.
And more context:
I moved the replace function in the test script into a Module. No appreciable change. So I moved the main code, including the loop, into a function in that module, and called it from the main script. Again, no real change. Both took around 15 seconds.
So, it's not something innate in Modules. That then begs the question, what could I be doing in my other modules that would trigger this behavior? This modules are 3000-10,000 lines of code, so there is a lot going on. Hopefully someone has some insight as to best practices with modules to mitigate this. And hopefully it's not "Don't use big modules". ;)
Final update:
It seems it IS a function of how big the module is. I deleted all the other functions in the Module that contains the loop, and performance is fine, 17 seconds. So, basically even as of PS5.0, the implementation of modules is pretty useless for anything large. Rather disconcerting. I wonder if the same would be true if all the functions where in a single file, and PowerShell performance with large files with lots of functions is just bad? Anyone have any experience down this road?


Best Practices for Multiple OnEdit Functions

I have 6 OnEdit Functions, which work as intended individually, but when together they don't work as intended. By this I mean some simply don't trigger.
Properties of the Script
They have different names - function onEdit(e) {code}, function onEdit1(e1) {code}, function onEdit2(e2) {code}, function onEdit3(e3) {code}, function onEdit4(e4) {code}, function onEdit5(e5) {code}
They are all in the same .gs tab
Some of them have the same variables. For example OnEdit has var range = e.range; and OnEdit5 has var range = e5.range;
My Understanding
I believe that you can run multiple OnEdit functions within the same .gs tab. Is this correct? Or do I need to somehow create new .gs tabs?
I believe that my onEdit functions should be named differently, so they are called correctly. Is this correct, or should I be getting rid of the different functions and putting them into one massive function? (I imagine this would lead to slower execution and more cases of not being able to isolate incorrect code).
I believe that the variables that are created within each function are specific to that function. Is this true? Or are they impacting each other?
Why I'm asking this
Iterations of this question seem to have been asked before. But people generally give advice on integrating two functions into one big one, rather than preparing someone to integrate 10-20 different OnEdit functions. Nor do they give a clear indication of best coding practices.
I've spent hours reading through this subject and feel that people new to scripts, like me, would greatly benefit from knowing this.
Thank you in advance for any contributions!
There can only be one function with a same name. If there are two, the latter will overwrite the former. It's like the former never existed.
A function named onEdit is triggered automatically on (You guessed it!)edit
There's no simple trigger for other names like onEdit1 or onEdit2....
Simple triggers are limited to 30 seconds of execution
So, in a single file or even in a single project, there can only be one function named onEdit and trigger successfully.
If you create multiple projects, onEdit will trigger in each project asynchronously. But there are limits to number of projects that can be created and other quotas will apply.
Alternatively, you can use installed triggers: which doesn't have limit of 30s. You can also use any name for your function.
The best way to optimize functions is to never touch the spreadsheet unless it is absolutely necessary. For example, sorting various values inside the script is better than repeatedly calling .sort on the multiple ranges multiple times. The lesser the interaction between sheets and scripts, the better. A highly optimized script will only require two calls to spreadsheet: one to get the data and the other to set the data.
After optimizing the number of calls to sheet, you can optimize the script itself: Control the logic such that only the necessary amount of operations are done for each edit. For example, if the edit is in A1(A1,B1 are checkboxes, if clicked clears A2:A10,B2:B10 respectively), then you should check if A1 is clicked and If clicked, clear the range and exit and not to check for B1 again. Script optimization requires atleast a basic knowledge of JavaScript objects. Nevertheless, this isn't as effective as reducing the number of calls-which is the slowest part of any apps script.
Best practices

Does using global variables impact performance in MATLAB?

As I understand, MATLAB cannot use pass by reference when sending arguments to other functions. I am doing audio processing, and I frequently have to pass waveforms as arguments into functions, and because MATLAB uses pass by value for these arguments, it really eats up a lot of RAM when I do this.
I was considering using global variables as a method to pass my waveforms into functions, but everywhere I read there seems to be a general opinion that this is a bad idea, for organization of code, and potentially performance issues... but I haven't really read any detailed answers on how this might impact performance...
My question: What are the negative impacts of using global variables (with sizes > 100MB) to pass arguments to other functions in MATLAB, both in terms of 1) performance and 2) general code organization and good practice.
EDIT: From #Justin's answer below, it turns out MATLAB does on occasion use pass by reference when you do not modify the argument within the function! From this, I have a second related question about global variable performance:
Will using global variables be any slower than using pass by reference arguments to functions?
MATLAB does use pass by reference, but also uses copy-on-write. That is to say, your variable will be passed by reference into the function (and so won't double up on RAM), but if you change the variable within the the function, then MATLAB will create a copy and change the copy (leaving the original unaffected).
This fact doesn't seem to be too well known, but there's a good post on Loren's blog discussing it.
Bottom line: it sounds like you don't need to use global variables at all (which are a bad idea as #Adriaan says).
While relying on copy on write as Justin suggested is typically the best choice, you can easily implement pass by reference. With Matlab oop being nearly as fast as traditional functions in Matlab 2015b or newer, using handle is a reasonable option.
I encountered an interesting use case of a global variable yesterday. I tried to parallellise a piece of code (1200 lines, multiple functions inside the main function, not written by me), using parfor.
Some weird errors came out and it turned out that this piece of code wrote to a log file, but used multiple functions to write to the log file. Rather than opening and closing the relevant log file every time a function wanted to write to it, which is very slow, the file ID was made global, so that all write-functions could access it.
For the serial case this made perfect sense, but when trying to parallellise this, using global apparently breaks the scope of a worker instance as well. So suddenly we had 4 workers all trying to write into the same log file, which resulted in some weird errors.
So all in all, I maintain my position that using global variables is generally a bad idea, although I can see its use in specific cases, provided you know what you're doing.
Using global variables in Matlab may increase performance alot. This is because you can avoid copying of data in some cases.
Before attempting to gain such performance tweaks, think carefully of the cost to your project, in terms of the many drawbacks that global variables come with. There are also pitfalls to using globals with bad consequences to performance, and those may be difficult to avoid(although possible). Any code that is littered with globals tend to be difficult to comprehend.
If you want to see globals in use for performance, you can look at this real-time toolbox for optical flow that I made. This is the only project in native Matlab that is capable of real-time optical flow that I know of. Using globals was one of the reasons this was doable. It is also a reason to why the code is quite difficult to grasp: Globals are evil.
That globals can be used this way is not a way to argue for their use, rather it should be a hint that something should be updated with Matlabs unflexible notions of workspace and inefficient alternatives to globals such as guidata/getappdata/setappdata.

calling perl script with system VS implementing package

Let me start with giving an example of what I'm dealing with first:
I often call existed Perl scripts from previous engineers to process some data, and then proceed further with my script. I either use system or back-ticks to call other people scripts within my script.
Now, I'm wondering if I rewrite those scripts as packages and use require or use to include those packages in my script, will it increase the processing speed? How big of a difference would it be?
It would save the time taken to load the shell, load perl, compile the script and the module it uses. That's a couple of seconds minimum, but it could be much larger.
If you had to serialize data to pass to the child, you also save the time taken to serialize and deserialize the data.
It would allow more flexible interfaces.
It would make error handling easier and more flexible.
Since everything is now in the same process, the child can have a much larger effect on the parent. e.g. A crash in the child will take down the parent.

Performance tuning VBA code in large procedure

I've been asked to tune the performance of a specific function which loads every time a worksheet is opened (so it's important that it doesn't make things slow). One of the things that seems to make this function slow is that it does a long call to the database (which is remote), but there are a bunch of other possibilities too. So far, I've been stepping through the code, and when something seems to take a long time making a note of it as a candidate for tuning.
I'd like a more objective way to tell which calls are slowing me down. Searching for timing and VBA yields a lot of results which basically amount to "Write a counter, and start and stop it either side of the critical section" (often with the macro explicitly called). I was wondering whether there was a way to (in the debugger) do something like "Step to next line, and tell me the time elapsed".
If not, can someone suggest a reasonable macro that I could use in the Immediate window to get what I'm after? Specifically, I would like to be able to time an arbitrary line of code within a larger procedure (rather than a whole procedure at once, which is what I found through Google).
Keywords for your further search would be to look for a "Profiler" for VBA. I've heard of VB Watch and VBA Code Profiler System (VBACP) as well as from Stephen Bull's PerfMon, but sparing the latter they're mostly not free.
So far for the official part of my answer, and I toss in some extra in terms of maybe useless suggestions:
Identifying "slow" code by "humanly measurement" (run a line and say: "Woah, that takes forever") in the debugger is certainly helpful, and you can then start looking into why they're slow. Your remote database call may take quite long if it has to transmit a lot of data - in which cases it may be a good idea to timestamp the data on both ends and ask the DB whether data had been modified before you grab it.
Writing the data into the sheet may be slow depending on the way you write it - which can sometimes be improved by writing arrays to a range instead of some form of iteration.
And I probably don't need to tell you about ScreenUpdating and EnableEvents and so on?

What's the most efficient way to ignore code in lua?

I have a chunk of lua code that I'd like to be able to (selectively) ignore. I don't have the option of not reading it in and sometimes I'd like it to be processed, sometimes not, so I can't just comment it out (that is, there's a whole bunch of blocks of code and I either have the option of reading none of them or reading all of them). I came up with two ways to implement this (there may well be more - I'm very much a beginner): either enclose the code in a function and then call or not call the function (and once I'm sure I'm passed the point where I would call the function, I can set it to nil to free up the memory) or enclose the code in an if ... end block. The former has slight advantages in that there are several of these blocks and using the former method makes it easier for one block to load another even if the main program didn't request it, but the latter seems the more efficient. However, not knowing much, I don't know if the efficiency saving is worth it.
So how much more efficient is:
if false then
-- a few hundred lines
throwaway = function ()
-- a few hundred lines
throwaway = nil -- to ensure that both methods leave me in the same state after garbage collection
If it depends a lot on the lua implementation, how big would the "few hundred lines" need to be to reliably spot the difference, and what sort of stuff should it include to best test (the main use of the blocks is to define a load of possibly useful functions)?
Lua's not smart enough to dump the code for the function, so you're not going to save any memory.
In terms of speed, you're talking about a different of nanoseconds which happens once per program execution. It's harming your efficiency to worry about this, which has virtually no relevance to actual performance. Write the code that you feel expresses your intent most clearly, without trying to be clever. If you run into performance issues, it's going to be a million miles away from this decision.
If you want to save memory, which is understandable on a mobile platform, you could put your conditional code in it's own module and never load it at all of not needed (if your framework supports it; e.g. MOAI does, Corona doesn't).
If there is really a lot of unused code, you can define it as a collection of Strings and loadstring() it when needed. Storing functions as strings will reduce the initial compile time, however of most functions the string representation probably takes up more memory than it's compiled form and what you save when compiling is probably not significant before a few thousand lines... Just saying.
If you put this code in a table, you could compile it transparently through a metatable for minimal performance impact on repeated calls.
Example code
local code_uncompiled = {
f = [=[
local x, y = ...;
return x+y;
code = setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(self, k)
self[k] = assert(loadstring(code_uncompiled[k]));
return self[k];
local ff = code.f; -- code of x gets compiled here
ff = code.f; -- no compilation here
for i=1, 1000 do
print( ff(2*i, -i) ); -- no compilation here either
print( code.f(2*i, -i) ); -- no compile either, but table access (slower)
The beauty of it is that this compiles as needed and you don't really have to waste another thought on it, it's just like storing a function in a table and allows for a lot of flexibility.
Another advantage of this solution is that when the amount of dynamically loaded code gets out of hand, you could transparently change it to load code from external files on demand through the __index function of the metatable. Also, you can mix compiled and uncompiled code by populating the "code" table with "real" functions.
Try the one that makes the code more legible to you first. If it runs fast enough on your target machine, use that.
If it doesn't run fast enough, try the other one.
lua can ignore multiple lines by:
function dostuff()
ignore this
and this
maybe this
this as well
