On my magento site, validation is done by prototype validation. Everytime validation fails, error message for that field appears. As soon as you start typing in that field the error message fades out. What I want to do is fade out the error message if user clicks anywhere in the form. link to the javascript file
In the following snippet remember to replace FORM_ID with the ID of your form.
Event.on('FORM_ID', 'click', function() {
// fall back to plain hiding if cannot fade
var hide = self.Effect && Effect.Fade || Element.hide;
// this = form being watched
Here is my situation:
I have a very long multi-page survey built by webforms in drupal.
The questions are not required but we don't want the users to skip all the questions too easy by just clicking Next Page button.
So this is what we need:
When the user try to click on "Next Page" button with any empty fields on the page, error or warning messages will show up, "Are you sure you want to skip this question?", as well as a skip button next to it. When the user click on the skip button, the message disappears and they click on the next page button to proceed the survey.
Here are my thoughts on this:
I used webform validation module to create an Not Empty validation and apply it to the fields.
in webform_validation_validators.inc:
case 'skip_if_empty':
foreach ($items as $key => $val) {
if (count($val) == 0) {
drupal_set_message(t('This field is empty.'), 'warning');
// do something, not sure about it here
Another thought:
I used the Dismiss module to display an X button next to the error message.
Can I add some functions to the X button to bypass the validation when it is clicked?
And here is the script for the Dismiss module, :
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.dismiss = {
attach: function (context) {
$('.messages').each(function () {
var flag = $(this).children().hasClass('dismiss');
if (!flag) {
$(this).prepend('' + Drupal.t('Close this message.') + '');
$('.dismiss').click(function () {
// some functions to bypass validation to the field?
I don't know what to do to after the //. Or is there any other ideas that will work?
AS per the you requirement mention
Take this example
You have created webform having field like
Firstname with required field
Lastname with required field
Then Next button button
When user click next button then error show because you have make the fields are required
When your showing "Dismiss button" next to each field.
Whenr user click "Dismiss button" that time you have to remove "required" attribute of field using jquery or drupal ajax
After that when user click next button then user not get any kind of required field validation error.
Problem with field validation and two jQueryUI dialogs.
There is a registration form in the first jQUI dialog.
Field validation on the username field using AJAX. If field fails validation (already exists), PHP file returns a number > zero and an error message is displayed in a second jQueryUI dialog.
However, when user closes 2nd dialog, it immediately re-opens, forever.
Any thoughts?
$("#c_username").blur(function() {
var uu = ($(this).val()).toLowerCase();
$(this).val(uu); //in case user did not input as all lowercase
url: 'ajax/ax_all_ajax_fns.php',
data:'request=does_username_already_exist&username=' + uu,
success: function(data) {
if (data != 0) {
$('#alert').html('Username <span style="font-weight:bold;color:darkgreen;">' +uu+ '</span> already exists. Please enter another.');
title: 'Username already exists:',
width: 400,
close: function() {
alert("Username is okay");
$("#c_username").addClass('field_invalid').focus(); focuses the input behind the dialog. When you click the close button on the dialog, the input's blur event is raised again, causing another ajax call, and another dialog to be opened.
Try moving the focus() call to the close callback on the dialog. You could also try displaying the message in a span next to the input instead of in a dialog so focus issues can't happen.
I have a form in an ASP.Net MVC project on which I am using qTip2 to display validation erros. On that form, I also have text fields that are activated/deacivated depending on choices made with radio buttons. When fields are not to be used, I set their disabled="disabled" properties. This ensures that client side validation (jQuery unobtrusive validation) for these fields is also deactivated. Now, I am wondering how to reset the qTip2 "bubbles" for fields that get disabled.
Let's say I have radio buttons 1 and 2 that enable text boxes A and B respectively. Let's also say that radio button 1 is selected by default, and that text boxes A and B are required fields when the corresponding radio button is selected. If I press on the Submit button without filling any text field, a qTip error bubble appears beside text box A. Now, if I press on radio button 2, I have to clear that bubble, disable text box A and its validation, and enable text box B and its validation. However, if I press submit at this point without filling text box B, no error bubble appears and the form is not getting submitted.
I tried various combinations of the following commands to accomplish this, but then the validation errors get completely disabled:
$("input.input-validation-error").removeClass("input-validation-error"); // watch out for the error message labels or they won't go away
No matter what combinations of these commands I execute after a radio button got clicked and the proper text-boxes disabled/enabled, the qTip bubbles disappear, but they never reappear even if I click on the Submit button and other errors should appear on the form.
I am probably not using the right commands to reset qTip validation bubbles.
Ok, I found a solution right after posting the question. I used the solution proposed on this page http://johnculviner.com/?tag=/unobtrusive-validation-reset that I modified a bit. I added the following line: $form.find('input').qtip('destroy');
It gives this:
//Taken from: http://johnculviner.com/?tag=/unobtrusive-validation-reset
(function ($) {
$.fn.resetValidation = function () {
var $form = this.closest('form');
//Destroy qTip error bubbles (http://craigsworks.com/projects/forums/thread-using-qtip-with-jquery-validation-framework)
//reset jQuery Validate's internals
//reset unobtrusive validation summary, if it exists
//reset unobtrusive field level, if it exists
return $form;
//reset a form given a jQuery selected form or a child
//by default validation is also reset
$.fn.formReset = function (resetValidation) {
var $form = this.closest('form');
if (resetValidation == undefined || resetValidation) {
return $form;
Then when a radio button is clicked, I call $("form").resetValidation(); after the proper fields have been enabled/disabled.
I have a basic checkbox click function that only allows the user to click only one checkbox within each fieldset (there are four fieldsets each containing numberous checkboxes:
// get the fieldset class
var fieldset = $(this).parents('fieldset').attr('class');
// set the number of checked
var numChecked = $('.'+fieldset+' input:checked').size();
// if more than 1
if(numChecked > 1){
alert('Please select only one option per breakout session.')
Then I have a submit function on the form that will confirm that at least one checkbox is selected before posting the form:
var error = '';
// loop through each fieldset
// set the number of checked for this fieldset
var numChecked = $('input:checked',this).size();
// if none are checked
// set the error var
error = 'At least one of your time sessions has no checkbox selected!';
// add class to show user
// if any errors, show them and don't allow the form to be submitted
return false;
The form validates perfectly and everything happens flawlessly the first time around. The problem is that if you submit the form, the validation occurs and it gives the error "At least one of your time sessions has no checkbox selected!" - at that point if you proceed to select multiple checkboxes within a given fieldset that was not initially checked, it will ignore the checkbox click function and allow you to select more than one checkbox in a fieldset.
Can someone please help with this?
Okay, I figured it out. The error has to do with the script adding the class 'errorsessions' to the fieldset which changes the unique classname of the fieldset. By adding a unique id to each fieldset and then changing the script to reference .attr('id'); instead of .attr('class'); the issue resolved and the on click alert function resumed after the class was added.
Do you consider using radio buttons as they are there for single selection? This way you don't have to check for multi selection as it isn't possible for select more than one radio button in given group.
I'm trying to do a simple update, but can't figure out somthing.
I have a table that i get from a DB with an Edit button that when i press change to a Save button so i can save with Ajax the record that the user just edit.
I'm doing the first part just fine, have one function that do all the jquery stuff on the page (that is working just fine).
Now I want to change the $('#a'+productID) line to save insted of edit. i am changing the link attribute also, so when the user presses save it will send him to a function that will make the Ajax request and update the record.
But i dont have a clue how to start that....I don't think it has any thing to do with any bind function becouse i am allready binded by calling the save function (or am i wrong and need to bind antway???) can any one help me out here?
P.S. the save function recives the productID do i have the right product when i will need it.
Don't have a code to send for the save function becouse i don't know how to start it and every thing i tried doesn't work....sorry :-(
It might be easier if you simply had both buttons on the page and toggled between them depending on the page state.
<a id="editButton" href="http://example.com/widget/edit/1">Edit</a>
<a id="saveButton" href="http://example.com/widget/update/1" style="display: none;">Save</a>
$('#editButton').click( function() {
// set up the form as edit...
return false;
$('#saveButton').click( function() {
var button = $(this);
var href = button.attr('href');
$.post(href,$('form').serialize(), function() {
// change form back to readonly...