I am new to Spark and I am trying to run it on EC2. I follow the tutorial on spark webpage by using spark-ec2 to launch a Spark cluster. Then, I try to use spark-submit to submit the application to the cluster. The command looks like this:
./bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi --master spark://ec2-54-88-9-74.compute-1.amazonaws.com:7077 --executor-memory 2G --total-executor-cores 1 ./examples/target/scala-2.10/spark-examples_2.10-1.0.0.jar 100
However, I got the following error:
ERROR SparkDeploySchedulerBackend: Application has been killed. Reason: All masters are unresponsive! Giving up.
Please let me know how to fix it. Thanks.
You're seeing this issue because the master node of your spark-standalone cluster cant open a TCP connection back to the drive (on your machine). The default mode of spark-submit is client which runs the driver on the machine that submitted it.
A new cluster mode was added to spark-deploy that submits the job to the master where it is then run on a client, removing the need for a direct connection. Unfortunately this mode is not supported in standalone mode.
You can vote for the JIRA issue here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2260
Tunneling your connection via SSH is possible but latency would be a big issue since the driver would be running locally on your machine.
I'm curious if you still having this issue ... But in case anyone is asking here is a brief answer. As clarified by jhappoldt, the master node of your spark-standalone cluster cant open a TCP connection back to the drive (on your local machine). Two workarounds are possible, tested and succeeded.
(1) From EC2 Management Console, create a new security group and add rules to enable TCP back and forth from your PC (public IP). (what I did was adding TCP rules inbound and outbound) ... Then add this security group to your master instance. (right click --> Networking --> Change security groups). Note: add it and don't remove the already established security groups.
This solution work well, but in your specific scenario, deploying your application from local machine to EC2 cluster, you will face further problems (resource related) so the next option is the best one
(2) Having your .jar file (or .egg) copy it to the master node using scp. You can check this link http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/AccessingInstancesLinux.html for information about how to do that; and deploy your application from the master node. Note: spark is already pre-insalled so you will do nothing but write the same exact command you write on your local machine from ~/spark/bin. This shall work perfect.
Are you executing the command on your local machine, or on the created EC2 node? If you're doing it locally, make sure port 7077 is open in the security settings, as its closed to the outside by default.
We have 5 node hortonworks cluster with ambari monitors installed in all nodes and metrics collector installed in master node.
I am getting Connection failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused to
PFA for error.
I followed the below document and tried removing the service and added it.
First of all, I am not able to find the origin of the error. Please share your experience if you ever faced this problem.
This happens sometimes that port is already being use by another process when we try to move collector to new host with 'Curl' commands specified on apache wiki.
Istead of doing using this you can leverage the feature which Ambari provides from it's GUI to move components from one host to another host .
'Move Master Wizard'
Follow the steps stated at Move Master Wizard , Ambari will take care rest of things for you.
I have fixed this issue by killing the process running in that port and restart the service. You can also do a manual reboot of the machine to fix this issue.
I have two Macs (both OS X EI Caption) at home, both are connected to same wifi. I want to install an spark cluster (with two workers) on this two computers.
Mac1 ( is my master, with Spark 1.5.2, it is up and working well, and I can see the Spark UI at http://localhost:8080/ (also I see spark://Mac1:7077)
I also have run one slave on this machine (Mac1), and I see it under workers in the Spark UI.
Then, I have copied the Spark on the second machine (Mac2), and I am trying to run another Slave on Mac2 ( by this command:
./sbin/start-slave.sh spark://Mac1:7077
But, it does not work: Looking at log it shows:
Failed to connect to master Mac1:7077
Actor not found for: ActorSelection[Anchor(akka.tcp://sparkMaster#Mac1:7077/),Path(/User/Master)]
Networking-wise, at Mac1, I can SSH to Mac2, and vice versa, but I cannot telnet to Mac1:7077.
I will appreciate it if you help me to solve this problem.
tl;dr Use -h option for ./sbin/start-master.sh, i.e. ./sbin/start-master.sh -h Mac1
Optionally, you could do ./sbin/start-slave.sh spark:// instead.
The reason is that binding to ports in Spark is very sensitive to what names and IPs are used. So, in your case, != Mac1. They're different "names" in Spark, and that's why you can use ssh successfully as it uses name resolver on OS while it does not work at Spark level where the above condition holds, i.e. the "names" are not equal.
Likely a networking/firewall issue on the mac.
Also, your error message you copy/pasted reference port 7070. is this the issue?
using IP addresses in conf/slaves works somehow, but I have to use IP everywhere to address the cluster instead of host name.
SPARK + Standalone Cluster: Cannot start worker from another machine
I am using Google Compute Engine to run Mapreduce jobs on Hadoop (pretty much all default configs). While running the job I get a tracking URL of the form http://PROJECT_NAME:8088/proxy/application_X_Y/ but it fails to open. Did I forget to configure something?
To elaborate on the option Amal mentioned in the other answer of using the "external ip address" of your Google Compute Engine VM, you can obtain the external IP address by running gcloud compute instances describe --zone <your zone> <your master hostname> and looking for natIP.
To open port 8088, you'll have to set up a firewall rule opening that port, likely on your default Google Compute Engine network. You'll want to specify a your.ip.address.here/32 address in the --source-ranges to restrict incoming traffic to just your local machine dialing into your VM, otherwise the anyone in the IP source-ranges would be able to access your Hadoop pages.
If you had used bdutil to turn up your cluster, there's an alternative way which is much easier and more secure; simply run
bdutil <your flags used in deployment, like -e hadoop2, --prefix, etc.> socksproxy
to open SSH with dynamic port forwarding to use as a SOCKS5 proxy that your browser can point to. If you're running on Linux or Mac and have Chrome or Firefox installed, bdutil should also print out a copy/paste command for starting a fresh isolated browser pre-configured to use the socks proxy so that you can click through all the useful links.
If bdutil didn't print out a browser command or you didn't use bdutil, you can also run and configure your SSH socks proxy using these instructions. An SSH-based socks proxy is more secure than opening up firewall ports, and also allows the Hadoop page links to work (otherwise you have to keep manually replacing the hostnames with the external IP addresses).
One correction. You are using YARN. So there is no jobtracker. Jobtracker is present in hadoop 1.x. In YARN, the processing layer became a generic framework and the jobtracker got replaced with Resource manager and application master. The UI that you mentioned in the question was of Resource Manager.
For your problem, try the following tips.
Use the public ip address of the resource manager instance instead of PROJECT_NAME.
Check whether the 8088 port is opened for accessing it from outside.
Another (more secure) way to do this is to use gcloud compute to make an ssh tunnel to your deployment, and then launch Chrome though it.
$ gcloud compute ssh clustername --zone=us-central1-a --ssh-flag="-D 1080" --ssh-flag="-N" --ssh-flag="-n"
You will need to replace clustername with the name of your deployment, and change the --zone if necessary.
From there, you can launch Chrome through it and then reach the hadoop job tracking URL.
$ chrome --proxy-server="socks5://localhost:1080" \
--host-resolver-rules="MAP * , \
EXCLUDE localhost" --user-data-dir=/tmp/clustername
Newbie w/ etcd/zookeeper type services ...
I'm not quite sure how to handle cluster installation for etcd. Should the service be installed on each client or a group of independent servers? I ask because if I'm on a client, how would I query the cluster? Every tutorial I've read shows a curl command running against localhost.
For etcd cluster installation, you can install the service on independent servers and form a cluster. The cluster information can be queried by logging onto one of the machines and running curl or remotely by specifying the IP address of one of the cluster member node.
For more information on how to set it up, follow this article
This is our first steps using big data stuff like apache spark and hadoop.
We have a installed Cloudera CDH 5.3. From the cloudera manager we choose to install spark. Spark is up and running very well in one of the nodes in the cluster.
From my machine I made a little application that connects to read a text file stored on hadoop HDFS.
I am trying to run the application from Eclipse and it displays these messages
15/02/11 14:44:01 INFO client.AppClient$ClientActor: Connecting to master spark://
15/02/11 14:44:02 WARN client.AppClient$ClientActor: Could not connect to akka.tcp://sparkMaster# akka.remote.InvalidAssociation: Invalid address: akka.tcp://sparkMaster#
15/02/11 14:44:02 WARN Remoting: Tried to associate with unreachable remote address [akka.tcp://sparkMaster#]. Address is now gated for 5000 ms, all messages to this address will be delivered to dead letters. Reason: Connection refused: no further information: /
The application is has one class the create a context using the following line
JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("Spark Count").setMaster("spark://"));
where this IP is the IP of the machine spark working on.
Then I try to read a file from HDFS using the following line
When I run the application I got the
Check your Spark master logs, you should see something like:
15/02/11 13:37:14 INFO Remoting: Remoting started; listening on addresses :[akka.tcp://sparkMaster#mymaster:7077]
15/02/11 13:37:14 INFO Remoting: Remoting now listens on addresses: [akka.tcp://sparkMaster#mymaster:7077]
15/02/11 13:37:14 INFO Master: Starting Spark master at spark://mymaster:7077
Then when your connecting to the master, be sure to use exactly the same hostname as found in the logs above (do not use the IP address):
Spark standalone is a bit picky with this hostname/IP stuff.
When you create your Spark master using the shell command "sbin/start-master.sh". go the the address http://localhost:8080 and check the "URL" row.
I notice no accepted answer, just for info I thought I'd mention a couple things.
First, in the spark-env.sh file in the conf directory, the SPARK_MASTER_IP and SPARK_LOCAL_IP settings can be hostnames. You don't want them to be, but they can be.
As noted in another answer, Spark can be a little picky about hostname vs. IP address, because of this resolved bug/feature: See bug here. The problem is, it's not clear if they "resolved" is simply by telling us to use IP instead of hostname?
Well I am having this same problem right now, and the first thing you do is check the basics.
Can you ping the box where the Spark master is running? Can you ping the worker from the master? More importantly, can you password-less ssh to the worker from the master box? Per 1.5.2 docs you need to be able to do that with a private key AND have the worker entered in the conf/slaves file. I copied the relevant paragraph at the end.
You can get a situation where the worker can contact the master but the master can't get back to the worker so it looks like no connection is being made. Check both directions.
Finally of all the combinations of settings, in a limited experiment just now I only found one that mattered: On the master, in spark-env.sh, set the SPARK_MASTER_IP to the IP address, not hostname. Then connect from the worker with spark:// and voila it connects! Seemingly none of the other config parameters are needed here.
Here's the paragraph from the docs about ssh and slaves file in conf:
To launch a Spark standalone cluster with the launch scripts, you
should create a file called conf/slaves in your Spark directory, which
must contain the hostnames of all the machines where you intend to
start Spark workers, one per line. If conf/slaves does not exist, the
launch scripts defaults to a single machine (localhost), which is
useful for testing. Note, the master machine accesses each of the
worker machines via ssh. By default, ssh is run in parallel and
requires password-less (using a private key) access to be setup. If
you do not have a password-less setup, you can set the environment
variable SPARK_SSH_FOREGROUND and serially provide a password for each
Once you have done that, using the IP address should work in your code. Let us know! This can be an annoying problem, and learning that most of the config params don't matter was nice.