List in Prolog, an unknown substitution? - prolog

Just a little question because I do not understand something on a program I have at one of my finals :
p(A, [A | _]).
p(B, [_, _ | C]) :- p(B, C).
q(D, [_, D | _]).
q(E, [_, _ | F]) :- q(E, F).
r(G, H) :- p(G, H).
r(I, J) :- q(I, J).
The question is to make the Tree of research of that with the purpose : r(X, [a,b,c]).
So actually, two possibilities :
r(G, H) :- p(G, H). (With G = X, and H = [a,b,c]).
r(I, J) :- q(I, J). (With I = X, and J = [a, b, c]).
If we take the 1st one, we have : p(X, [a,b,c]).
So we can use the 1st rule : p(A, [A | _]). (With A = X).
But I don't understand why when I launch the SWI-Prolog, a goes into X ...
Thanks !

Satisfying r(X, [a,b,c]) with the first rule goes into satisfying p(X, [a,b,c]).
Your first rule for p/2, p(A,[A|_]), states that a goal p(X,L) is satisfied when L is a list and its first element unifies with X.
In your case that list is [a,b,c] and X is unified with a.


Remove invariants from some prolog list?

I am searching some predicate:
reduce_2n_invariant(+I, +F, -O)
based on:
some input list I
some input operator F of form fx,
which generates some output list O, that satisfies following general condition:
∀x:(x ∈ O ↔ ∀ n ∈ ℕ ∀ y ∈ O: x ≠ F(F(...F(y)...)),
whereby F is applied 2 times n times to y.
Is their some easy way to do that with swi-prolog?
E.g. the list
l = [a, b, f(f(a)), f(f(c)), f(f(f(a))), f(f(f(f(a)))), f(b),f(f(b))]
with operator f should result in:
O = [a, b, f(f(c)), f(f(f(a))), f(b)]
My code so far:
invariant_2(X, F, Y) :-
Y = F(F(X)).
invariant_2(X, F, Y) :-
Y = F(F(Z)), invariant_2(X, F, Z).
reduce_2n_invariant(LIn, F, LOut) :-
findall(X, (member(X, LIn), forall(Y, (member(Y, LIn), not(invariant(Y,F,X))))), LOut).
leads to an error message:
/ Syntax error: Operator expected
/ Syntax error: Operator expected
after calling:
The error message is due to the fact that Prolog does not accept terms with variable functors. So, for example, the goal Y2 = F(F(Y0)) should be encoded as Y2 =.. [F,Y1], Y1 =.. [F,Y0]:
?- F = f, Y2 = f(f(f(a))), Y2 =.. [F,Y1], Y1 =.. [F,Y0].
F = f,
Y2 = f(f(f(a))),
Y1 = f(f(a)),
Y0 = f(a).
A goal of the form Term =.. List (where the ISO operator =.. is called univ) succeeds if List is a list whose first item is the functor of Term and the remaining items are the arguments of Term. Using this operator, the predicate invariant_2/3 can be defined as follows:
invariant_2(X, F, Y2) :-
( Y2 =.. [F, Y1],
Y1 =.. [F, Y0]
-> invariant_2(X, F, Y0)
; Y2 = X ).
?- invariant_2(a, f, f(f(a))).
?- invariant_2(a, f, f(f(f(a)))).
?- invariant_2(g(a), f, f(f(g(a)))).
?- invariant_2(g(a), f, f(f(f(g(a))))).
The specification of reduce_2n_invariant/3 is not very clear to me, because it seems that the order in which the input list items are processed may change the result obtained. Anyway, I think you can do something like this:
reduce_2n_invariant(Lin, F, Lout) :-
reduce_2n_invariant_loop(Lin, F, [], Lout).
reduce_2n_invariant_loop([], _, Lacc, Lout) :-
reverse(Lacc, Lout).
reduce_2n_invariant_loop([X|Xs], F, Lacc, Lout) :-
( forall(member(Y, Lacc), not(invariant_2(Y, F, X)))
-> Lacc1 = [X|Lacc]
; Lacc1 = Lacc ),
reduce_2n_invariant_loop(Xs, F, Lacc1, Lout).
?- reduce_2n_invariant([a,b,f(f(a)),f(f(c)),f(f(f(a))),f(f(f(f(a)))),f(b),f(f(b))], f, Lout).
Lout = [a, b, f(f(c)), f(f(f(a))), f(b)].
#slago beat me by a few minutes but since I've already written it, I'll still post it:
I'm shying away from the findall because the negation of the invariant is very hard to express directly. In particular, terms compared by the invariant must be ground for my implementation (e.g. [f(a), f(g(f(a)))] should not lose any terms but [f(a), f(f(f(a)))] should reduce to [f(a)] which means that the base case of the definition can't just pattern match on the shape of the parameter in the case two terms are not in this relation).
The other problem was already explained, in that F=f, X=F(t) is not syntactically correct and we need the meta-logical =.. to express this.
term_doublewrapped_in(X, Y, Fun) :-
Y =.. [Fun, T],
T =.. [Fun, X].
term_doublewrapped_in(X, Y, Fun) :-
Y =.. [Fun, T],
T =.. [Fun, Z],
term_doublewrapped_in(X, Z, Fun).
Apart from term_doublewrapped_in not necessarily terminating when the second parameter contains variables, it might also give rise to false answers due to the occurs check being disabled by default:
?- term_doublewrapped_in(X, f(X), F).
X = f(X), % <-- cyclic term here
F = f ;
% ...
Therefore the groundness condition is actually required for the soundness of this procedure.
I just lifted this notion to lists:
anymember_doublewrapped_in(Terms, X, F) :-
member(T, Terms),
and wrapped it into a variant of filter/3 that negates the predicate given:
functor_list_reduced_acc(_F, _L, [], []).
functor_list_reduced_acc(F, L, R, [X|Xs]) :-
anymember_doublewrapped_in(L, X, F)
-> functor_list_reduced_acc(F, L, R, Xs)
; ( R = [X|Rs], functor_list_reduced_acc(F, L, Rs, Xs) ).
functor_list_reduced(F,L,R) :-
I first tried using partiton/4 to do the same but then we would need to include library(lambda) or a similar implementation to make dynamically instantiate the invariant to the correct F and list element.

Append to list if specific word is entered

I am trying to append a list and a word together, and if the user types a specific word I want to add a certain letter to the list.
For example, I want to make the words entered in a list change based on the pronoun.
?- append([t,a,l,k], she, X).
X = [t, a, l, k, s].
so if the user enters [t, a, l, k] and she, Prolog will add 's' to the end of the list.
The code I have so far is only able to append the two entered values and not based on if the user enters a certain word.
append( [], X, X).
append( [A | B], C, [A | D]) :- append( B, C, D).
?- append([t,a,l,k], she, X).
X = [t, a, l, k|she].
How can I make it so if they type she prolog adds 's' to the list instead of 'she'?
Thank you.
You have to decompose the atom she into individual characters first.
It is also best to use my_append/3 because append/3 already exists.
my_append( [], W, [F]) :- atom_chars(W,[F|_]).
my_append( [A | B], W, [A | D]) :- my_append(B, W, D).
:- begin_tests(shemanator).
test("append 'she'", true(X == [t, a, l, k, s])) :-
my_append([t,a,l,k], she, X).
test("append 'she' to an empty list", true(X == [s])) :-
my_append([], she, X).
test("append 's'", true(X == [t, a, l, k, s])) :-
my_append([t,a,l,k], s, X).
:- end_tests(shemanator).
And so
?- run_tests.
% PL-Unit: shemanator ... done
% All 3 tests passed

Write a set of prolog rules that returns a list which contains the larger item in each position in two lists of the same length?

Very, VERY new to Prolog here. My function needs to compare two lists of equal length by taking the larger number into a new list (e.g. larger([3, 12, 5], [6, 3, 11], X) returns X = [6, 12, 11].) This is what I have, but it is not getting me what I need:
larger([H|T],[E|A],X):- H > E, larger([T],[A],[H|X]).
larger([H|T],[E|A],X):- H < E, larger([T],[A],[E|X]).
Any help is much appreciated.
The other answer is OK, this is a slightly different approach.
Two clauses should be enough:
larger([], [], []).
larger([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], [Z|Zs]) :-
/* Z is the larger number from (X, Y) */
larger(Xs, Ys, Zs).
How you do the part in the comments depends on your exact problem statement and maybe the implementation. At least SWI-Prolog and GNU-Prolog both have an arithmetic function max() that you can use like this in the above:
larger([], [], []).
larger([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], [Z|Zs]) :-
Z is max(X, Y),
larger(Xs, Ys, Zs).
This is arguably nicer than the solution with three clauses because it won't leave behind unnecessary choice points. Like the other solution, it will work fine as long as the two lists have numbers in them.
This would be identical to using a maplist, for example like this:
larger(Xs, Ys, Zs) :-
maplist(max_number, Xs, Ys, Zs).
max_number(X, Y, Z) :- Z is max(X, Y).
You're not far.
Try with
larger([], [], []).
larger([H | T], [E | A], [H | X]) :-
H > E,
larger(T, A, X).
larger([H | T], [E | A], [E | X]) :-
H =< E,
larger(T, A, X).
If I'm not wrong, there are three errors in your code.
(1) you have to translate the bigger head value (H or E) in the third argument of larger/3, not in the recursive call
% ------- H added here ---v
larger([H | T], [E | A], [H | X]) :-
H > E,
larger(T, A, X).
% not here ----^
(2) T and A, the tails in [H|T] and [E|A], are lists, so you have to pass they recursively as T and A, not as [T] and [A]
larger([H | T], [E | A], [H | X]) :-
H > E,
larger(T, A, X).
% not larger([T], [A], X)
(3) if you have the cases H > E and H < E, your code fail when H is equal to E; one solution is H > E and H =< E; the secon case cover H equal to E.

Don't repeat solutions in Prolog

Suppose you have a database with the following content:
son(a, d).
son(b, d).
son(a, c).
son(b, c).
So a and b are sons of d and c. Now you want to know, given a bigger database, who is brother to who. A solution would be:
brother(X, Y) :-
son(X, P),
son(Y, P),
X \= Y.
The problem with this is that if you ask "brother(X, Y)." and start pressing ";" you'll get redundant results like:
X = a, Y = b;
X = b, Y = a;
X = a, Y = b;
X = b, Y = a;
I can understand why I get these results but I am looking for a way to fix this. What can I do?
Prolog will always try to find every possible solution available for your statements considering your set of truths. The expansion works as depth-first search:
son(a, d).
son(b, d).
son(a, c).
son(b, c).
brother(X, Y) :-
son(X, P),
son(Y, P),
X \= Y.
brother(X, Y)
_______________________|____________________________ [son(X, P)]
| | | |
X = a, P = d X = b, P = d X = a, P = c X = a, P = b
| | | |
| ... ... ...
| (X and P are already defined for this branch;
| the algorithm now looks for Y's)
|__________________________________________ [son(Y, d)]
| |
son(a, d) -> Y = a son(b, d) -> Y = b
| |
| | [X \= Y]
X = a, Y = a -> false X = a, Y = b -> true
solution(X = a, Y = b, P = d)
But, as you can see, the expansion will be performed in all the branches, so you'll end up with more of the same solution as the final answer. As pointed by #Daniel Lyons, you may use the setof built-in.
You may also use the ! -- cut operator -- that stops the "horizontal" expansion, once a branch has been found to be valid, or add some statement that avoids the multiple solutions.
For further information, take a look at the Unification algorithm.
First, I would advise against updating the Prolog database dynamically. For some reasons, consider the article
"How to deal with the Prolog dynamic database?".
You could use a combination of the builtin setof/3 and member/2, as #DanielLyons has suggested in his answer.
As yet another alternative, consider the following query which uses setof/3 in a rather unusual way, like this:
?- setof(t,brother(X,Y),_).
X = a, Y = b ;
X = b, Y = a.
You can eliminate one set with a comparison:
brother(X, Y) :-
son(X, P),
son(Y, P),
X \= Y, X #< Y.
?- brother(X, Y).
X = a,
Y = b ;
X = a,
Y = b ;
Since X and Y will be instantiated both ways, requiring X be less than Y is a good way to cut the solutions in half.
Your second problem is that X and Y are brothers by more than one parent. The easiest solution here would be to make your rules more explicit:
mother(a, d).
mother(b, d).
father(a, c).
father(b, c).
brother(X, Y) :-
mother(X, M), mother(Y, M),
father(X, F), father(Y, F),
X \= Y, X #< Y.
?- brother(X, Y).
X = a,
Y = b ;
This method is very specific to this particular problem, but the underlying reasoning is not: you had two copies because a and b are "brothers" by c and also by d—Prolog was right to produce that solution twice because there was a hidden variable being instantiated to two different values.
A more elegant solution would probably be to use setof/3 to get the solutions. This can work even with your original code:
?- setof(X-Y, (brother(X, Y), X #< Y), Brothers).
Brothers = [a-b].
The downside to this approach is that you wind up with a list rather than Prolog generating different solutions, though you can recover that behavior with member/2.
This should work. But I think it can be improved (I am not a Prolog specialist):
brother(X, Y) :-
son(X, P1),
son(Y, P1),
X #< Y,
(son(X, P2), son(Y, P2), P1 #< P2 -> false; true).
If you're using Strawberry Prolog compiler,you won't get all the answers by typing this:
?- brother(X, Y),
write(X), nl,
write(Y), nl.
In order to get all the answers write this:
?- brother(X, Y),
write(X), nl,
write(Y), nl,
I hope it helps you.:)
I got to an answer.
% Include the dictionary
:- [p1]. % The dictionary with sons
:- dynamic(found/2).
brother(X, Y) :-
% Get two persons from the database to test
son(X, P),
son(Y, P),
% Test if the two persons are different and were not already used
testBrother(X, Y).
% If it got here it's because there is no one else to test above, so just fail and retract all
brother(_, _) :-
retract(found(_, _)),
testBrother(X, Y) :-
X \= Y,
\+found(X, Y),
\+found(Y, X),
% If they were not used succed and assert what was found
assert(found(X, Y)).
It always returns fails in the end but it succeeds with the following.
brother(X, Y). % Every brother without repetition
brother('Urraca', X). % Every brother of Urraca without repetition
brother('Urraca', 'Sancho I'). % True, because Urraca and Sancho I have the same father and mother. In fact, even if they only had the same mother or the same father it would return true. A little off context but still valid, if they have three or more common parents it would still work
It fails with the following:
brother(X, X). % False because it's the same person
brother('Nope', X). % False because not is not even in the database
brother('Nope', 'Sancho I'). % False, same reason
So like this I can, for example, ask: brother(X, Y), and start pressing ";" to see every brother and sister without any repetition.
I can also do brother(a, b) and brother(b, a), assuming a and b are persons in the database. This is important because some solutions would use #< to test things and like so brother(b, a) would fail.
So there it is.

How to make my relation work

I have the following relation: index(X,N,List).
for example:
I don't know how to make my relation to work with the second example. It says that N is not defined well
Here is my code (it works well for the first example).
index(X,N,[_|Tail]) :- N > 1, N1 is N - 1 , index(X,N1,Tail).
There is a SWI-Prolog built-in nth1/3 that does what you want:
?- nth1(N, [a, b, c], b).
N = 2 ;
Look at its source code:
?- listing(nth1).
lists:nth1(A, C, D) :-
integer(A), !,
B is A+ -1,
nth0_det(B, C, D).
lists:nth1(A, B, C) :-
var(A), !,
nth_gen(B, C, 1, A).
?- listing(nth0_det).
lists:nth0_det(0, [A|_], A) :- !.
lists:nth0_det(1, [_, A|_], A) :- !.
lists:nth0_det(2, [_, _, A|_], A) :- !.
lists:nth0_det(3, [_, _, _, A|_], A) :- !.
lists:nth0_det(4, [_, _, _, _, A|_], A) :- !.
lists:nth0_det(5, [_, _, _, _, _, A|_], A) :- !.
lists:nth0_det(A, [_, _, _, _, _, _|C], D) :-
B is A+ -6,
nth0_det(B, C, D).
?- listing(nth_gen).
lists:nth_gen([A|_], A, B, B).
lists:nth_gen([_|B], C, A, E) :-
succ(A, D),
nth_gen(B, C, D, E).
The variable N has not been instantiated to a numeric type when Prolog attempts to evaluate the goals N > 1 and N1 is N - 1 in the recursive clause defining index/3. This causes the instantiation error you are reporting.
I don't know how to solve your problem directly, but I have two suggestions. The first is to use an accumulator, so that the arithmetic operations in the recursive clause can be evaluated:
get(M,Xs,X) :- get(1,M,Xs,X).
get(N,M,[_|Xs],X) :-
L is N + 1,
For instance:
?- index(N,[a,b],X).
N = 1,
X = a ;
N = 2,
X = b ;
The other is to use a natural number type, so that the index can be constructed via unification:
nat(s(N)) :- nat(N).
get(s(N),[_|Y],X) :- get(N,Y,X).
For instance,
?- get(N,[a,b],X).
N = s(0),
X = a ;
N = s(s(0)),
X = b ;
Hopefully this was helpful. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable will come along and give a better solution.
