Remove invariants from some prolog list? - prolog

I am searching some predicate:
reduce_2n_invariant(+I, +F, -O)
based on:
some input list I
some input operator F of form fx,
which generates some output list O, that satisfies following general condition:
∀x:(x ∈ O ↔ ∀ n ∈ ℕ ∀ y ∈ O: x ≠ F(F(...F(y)...)),
whereby F is applied 2 times n times to y.
Is their some easy way to do that with swi-prolog?
E.g. the list
l = [a, b, f(f(a)), f(f(c)), f(f(f(a))), f(f(f(f(a)))), f(b),f(f(b))]
with operator f should result in:
O = [a, b, f(f(c)), f(f(f(a))), f(b)]
My code so far:
invariant_2(X, F, Y) :-
Y = F(F(X)).
invariant_2(X, F, Y) :-
Y = F(F(Z)), invariant_2(X, F, Z).
reduce_2n_invariant(LIn, F, LOut) :-
findall(X, (member(X, LIn), forall(Y, (member(Y, LIn), not(invariant(Y,F,X))))), LOut).
leads to an error message:
/ Syntax error: Operator expected
/ Syntax error: Operator expected
after calling:

The error message is due to the fact that Prolog does not accept terms with variable functors. So, for example, the goal Y2 = F(F(Y0)) should be encoded as Y2 =.. [F,Y1], Y1 =.. [F,Y0]:
?- F = f, Y2 = f(f(f(a))), Y2 =.. [F,Y1], Y1 =.. [F,Y0].
F = f,
Y2 = f(f(f(a))),
Y1 = f(f(a)),
Y0 = f(a).
A goal of the form Term =.. List (where the ISO operator =.. is called univ) succeeds if List is a list whose first item is the functor of Term and the remaining items are the arguments of Term. Using this operator, the predicate invariant_2/3 can be defined as follows:
invariant_2(X, F, Y2) :-
( Y2 =.. [F, Y1],
Y1 =.. [F, Y0]
-> invariant_2(X, F, Y0)
; Y2 = X ).
?- invariant_2(a, f, f(f(a))).
?- invariant_2(a, f, f(f(f(a)))).
?- invariant_2(g(a), f, f(f(g(a)))).
?- invariant_2(g(a), f, f(f(f(g(a))))).
The specification of reduce_2n_invariant/3 is not very clear to me, because it seems that the order in which the input list items are processed may change the result obtained. Anyway, I think you can do something like this:
reduce_2n_invariant(Lin, F, Lout) :-
reduce_2n_invariant_loop(Lin, F, [], Lout).
reduce_2n_invariant_loop([], _, Lacc, Lout) :-
reverse(Lacc, Lout).
reduce_2n_invariant_loop([X|Xs], F, Lacc, Lout) :-
( forall(member(Y, Lacc), not(invariant_2(Y, F, X)))
-> Lacc1 = [X|Lacc]
; Lacc1 = Lacc ),
reduce_2n_invariant_loop(Xs, F, Lacc1, Lout).
?- reduce_2n_invariant([a,b,f(f(a)),f(f(c)),f(f(f(a))),f(f(f(f(a)))),f(b),f(f(b))], f, Lout).
Lout = [a, b, f(f(c)), f(f(f(a))), f(b)].

#slago beat me by a few minutes but since I've already written it, I'll still post it:
I'm shying away from the findall because the negation of the invariant is very hard to express directly. In particular, terms compared by the invariant must be ground for my implementation (e.g. [f(a), f(g(f(a)))] should not lose any terms but [f(a), f(f(f(a)))] should reduce to [f(a)] which means that the base case of the definition can't just pattern match on the shape of the parameter in the case two terms are not in this relation).
The other problem was already explained, in that F=f, X=F(t) is not syntactically correct and we need the meta-logical =.. to express this.
term_doublewrapped_in(X, Y, Fun) :-
Y =.. [Fun, T],
T =.. [Fun, X].
term_doublewrapped_in(X, Y, Fun) :-
Y =.. [Fun, T],
T =.. [Fun, Z],
term_doublewrapped_in(X, Z, Fun).
Apart from term_doublewrapped_in not necessarily terminating when the second parameter contains variables, it might also give rise to false answers due to the occurs check being disabled by default:
?- term_doublewrapped_in(X, f(X), F).
X = f(X), % <-- cyclic term here
F = f ;
% ...
Therefore the groundness condition is actually required for the soundness of this procedure.
I just lifted this notion to lists:
anymember_doublewrapped_in(Terms, X, F) :-
member(T, Terms),
and wrapped it into a variant of filter/3 that negates the predicate given:
functor_list_reduced_acc(_F, _L, [], []).
functor_list_reduced_acc(F, L, R, [X|Xs]) :-
anymember_doublewrapped_in(L, X, F)
-> functor_list_reduced_acc(F, L, R, Xs)
; ( R = [X|Rs], functor_list_reduced_acc(F, L, Rs, Xs) ).
functor_list_reduced(F,L,R) :-
I first tried using partiton/4 to do the same but then we would need to include library(lambda) or a similar implementation to make dynamically instantiate the invariant to the correct F and list element.


Prolog lists transforming

I want to transform a list in this format:
into the following:
The letters from F correspond to the letters from C.
It could be something like:
transform([], []).
transform([via(_, _, X, Y)|T)], [(X, Y)|TT) :-
transform(T, TT).
Using library(lambda) it comes down to:
..., maplist(\via(_,_,X,Y)^(X,Y)^true, C, F), ...
several Prologs (like SWI-Prolog I'm using here, in library(apply)) have maplist:
1 ?- [user].
|: transform(via(_,_,C,D),(C,D)).
(ctrl+D here)
2 ?- X = [via(A,B,C,D),via(G,T,H,U),via(J,O,L,P)], maplist(transform,X,Y).
X = [via(A, B, C, D), via(G, T, H, U), via(J, O, L, P)],
Y = [ (C, D), (H, U), (L, P)].

Assert higher-order clause in Prolog

This works:
assert(p(X) :- q(X)).
This does not work:
P = p,Q = q, assert(P(X) :- Q(X)).
How can I make the latter work?
You need to make the terms first; you can use the "univ" operator, =.. for this:
?- P = p, Q = q, Head =.. [P, X], Body =.. [Q, X], assertz((Head :- Body)).
P = p,
Q = q,
Head = p(X),
Body = q(X).
?- listing(p/1).
:- dynamic p/1.
p(A) :-
You need the second pair of parentheses in most implementations, apparently. You will need them anyway if you had for example a conjunction in the body.
?- assertz(a :- b).
?- assertz(a :- b, c).
ERROR: assertz/2: Uninstantiated argument expected, found c (2-nd argument)
?- assertz((a :- b, c)).

Prolog append/3 realization with more determinism?

It is folk knowledge that append(X,[Y],Z) finds the last element
Y of the list Z and the remaining list X.
But there is some advantage of having a customized predicate last/3,
namely it can react without leaving a choice point:
?- last([1,2,3],X,Y).
X = 3,
Y = [1,2]
?- append(Y,[X],[1,2,3]).
Y = [1,2],
X = 3 ;
Is there a way to realize a different implementation of
append/3 which would also not leave a choice point in the
above example?
P.S.: I am comparing:
* append(L1, L2, L3):
* The predicate succeeds whenever L3 unifies with the concatenation of L1 and L2.
% append(+List, +List, -List)
:- public append/3.
append([], X, X).
append([X|Y], Z, [X|T]) :- append(Y, Z, T).
And (à la Gertjan van Noord):
* last(L, E, R):
* The predicate succeeds with E being the last element of the list L
* and R being the remainder of the list.
% last(+List, -Elem, -List)
:- public last/3.
last([X|Y], Z, T) :- last2(Y, X, Z, T).
% last2(+List, +Elem, -Elem, -List)
:- private last2/4.
last2([], X, X, []).
last2([X|Y], U, Z, [U|T]) :- last2(Y, X, Z, T).
One way to do it is to use foldl/4 with the appropriate help predicate:
swap(A, B, B, A).
list_front_last([X|Xs], F, L) :-
foldl(swap, Xs, F, X, L).
This should be it:
?- list_front_last([a,b,c,d], F, L).
F = [a, b, c],
L = d.
?- list_front_last([], F, L).
?- list_front_last([c], F, L).
F = [],
L = c.
?- Ys = [y|Ys], list_front_last(Ys, F, L).
Try to see if you can leave out the is_list/1 from the definition.
As I posted:
append2(Start, End, Both) :-
% Preventing unwanted choicepoint with append(X, [1], [1]).
append(Start, End, Both),
append2(Start, End, Both) :-
append(Start, End, Both),
% Preventing unwanted choicepoint with append(X, Y, [1]).
(End == [] -> ! ; true).
Result in swi-prolog:
?- append2(Y, [X], [1,2,3]).
Y = [1, 2],
X = 3.

Don't repeat solutions in Prolog

Suppose you have a database with the following content:
son(a, d).
son(b, d).
son(a, c).
son(b, c).
So a and b are sons of d and c. Now you want to know, given a bigger database, who is brother to who. A solution would be:
brother(X, Y) :-
son(X, P),
son(Y, P),
X \= Y.
The problem with this is that if you ask "brother(X, Y)." and start pressing ";" you'll get redundant results like:
X = a, Y = b;
X = b, Y = a;
X = a, Y = b;
X = b, Y = a;
I can understand why I get these results but I am looking for a way to fix this. What can I do?
Prolog will always try to find every possible solution available for your statements considering your set of truths. The expansion works as depth-first search:
son(a, d).
son(b, d).
son(a, c).
son(b, c).
brother(X, Y) :-
son(X, P),
son(Y, P),
X \= Y.
brother(X, Y)
_______________________|____________________________ [son(X, P)]
| | | |
X = a, P = d X = b, P = d X = a, P = c X = a, P = b
| | | |
| ... ... ...
| (X and P are already defined for this branch;
| the algorithm now looks for Y's)
|__________________________________________ [son(Y, d)]
| |
son(a, d) -> Y = a son(b, d) -> Y = b
| |
| | [X \= Y]
X = a, Y = a -> false X = a, Y = b -> true
solution(X = a, Y = b, P = d)
But, as you can see, the expansion will be performed in all the branches, so you'll end up with more of the same solution as the final answer. As pointed by #Daniel Lyons, you may use the setof built-in.
You may also use the ! -- cut operator -- that stops the "horizontal" expansion, once a branch has been found to be valid, or add some statement that avoids the multiple solutions.
For further information, take a look at the Unification algorithm.
First, I would advise against updating the Prolog database dynamically. For some reasons, consider the article
"How to deal with the Prolog dynamic database?".
You could use a combination of the builtin setof/3 and member/2, as #DanielLyons has suggested in his answer.
As yet another alternative, consider the following query which uses setof/3 in a rather unusual way, like this:
?- setof(t,brother(X,Y),_).
X = a, Y = b ;
X = b, Y = a.
You can eliminate one set with a comparison:
brother(X, Y) :-
son(X, P),
son(Y, P),
X \= Y, X #< Y.
?- brother(X, Y).
X = a,
Y = b ;
X = a,
Y = b ;
Since X and Y will be instantiated both ways, requiring X be less than Y is a good way to cut the solutions in half.
Your second problem is that X and Y are brothers by more than one parent. The easiest solution here would be to make your rules more explicit:
mother(a, d).
mother(b, d).
father(a, c).
father(b, c).
brother(X, Y) :-
mother(X, M), mother(Y, M),
father(X, F), father(Y, F),
X \= Y, X #< Y.
?- brother(X, Y).
X = a,
Y = b ;
This method is very specific to this particular problem, but the underlying reasoning is not: you had two copies because a and b are "brothers" by c and also by d—Prolog was right to produce that solution twice because there was a hidden variable being instantiated to two different values.
A more elegant solution would probably be to use setof/3 to get the solutions. This can work even with your original code:
?- setof(X-Y, (brother(X, Y), X #< Y), Brothers).
Brothers = [a-b].
The downside to this approach is that you wind up with a list rather than Prolog generating different solutions, though you can recover that behavior with member/2.
This should work. But I think it can be improved (I am not a Prolog specialist):
brother(X, Y) :-
son(X, P1),
son(Y, P1),
X #< Y,
(son(X, P2), son(Y, P2), P1 #< P2 -> false; true).
If you're using Strawberry Prolog compiler,you won't get all the answers by typing this:
?- brother(X, Y),
write(X), nl,
write(Y), nl.
In order to get all the answers write this:
?- brother(X, Y),
write(X), nl,
write(Y), nl,
I hope it helps you.:)
I got to an answer.
% Include the dictionary
:- [p1]. % The dictionary with sons
:- dynamic(found/2).
brother(X, Y) :-
% Get two persons from the database to test
son(X, P),
son(Y, P),
% Test if the two persons are different and were not already used
testBrother(X, Y).
% If it got here it's because there is no one else to test above, so just fail and retract all
brother(_, _) :-
retract(found(_, _)),
testBrother(X, Y) :-
X \= Y,
\+found(X, Y),
\+found(Y, X),
% If they were not used succed and assert what was found
assert(found(X, Y)).
It always returns fails in the end but it succeeds with the following.
brother(X, Y). % Every brother without repetition
brother('Urraca', X). % Every brother of Urraca without repetition
brother('Urraca', 'Sancho I'). % True, because Urraca and Sancho I have the same father and mother. In fact, even if they only had the same mother or the same father it would return true. A little off context but still valid, if they have three or more common parents it would still work
It fails with the following:
brother(X, X). % False because it's the same person
brother('Nope', X). % False because not is not even in the database
brother('Nope', 'Sancho I'). % False, same reason
So like this I can, for example, ask: brother(X, Y), and start pressing ";" to see every brother and sister without any repetition.
I can also do brother(a, b) and brother(b, a), assuming a and b are persons in the database. This is important because some solutions would use #< to test things and like so brother(b, a) would fail.
So there it is.

Prolog. How to check if two math expressions are the same

I'm writing a prolog program that will check if two math expressions are actually the same. For example, if my math expression goal is: (a + b) + c then any of the following expressions are considered the same:
and other combinations
Certainly, I don't expect to check the combination of possible answers because the expression can be more complex than that.
Currently, this is my approach:
For example, if I want to check if a + b *c is the same with another expression such as c*b+a, then I store both expression recursively as binary expressions, and I should create a rule such as ValueOf that will give me the "value" of the first expression and the second expression. Then I just check if the "value" of both expression are the same, then I can say that both expression are the same. Problem is, because the content of the expression is not number, but identifier, I cannot use the prolog "is" keyword to get the value.
Any suggestion?
many thanks
% represent a + b * c
hasLeftArg(binEx1, a).
hasRightArg(binEx1, binEx2).
hasOperator(binEx1, +).
hasLeftArg(binEx2, b).
hasRightArg(binEx2, c).
hasOperator(binEx2, *).
% represent c * b + a
hasLeftArg(binEx3, c).
hasRightArg(binEx3, b).
hasOperator(binEx3, *).
hasLeftArg(binEx4, binEx3).
hasRightArg(binEx4, a).
hasOperator(binEx4, +).
goal:- valueOf(binEx1, V),
valueOf(binEx4, V).
Math expressions can be very complex, I presume you are referring to arithmetic instead. The normal form (I hope my wording is appropriate) is 'sum of monomials'.
Anyway, it's not an easy task to solve generally, and there is an ambiguity in your request: 2 expressions can be syntactically different (i.e. their syntax tree differ) but still have the same value. Obviously this is due to operations that leave unchanged the value, like adding/subtracting 0.
From your description, I presume that you are interested in 'evaluated' identity. Then you could normalize both expressions, before comparing for equality.
To evaluate syntactical identity, I would remove all parenthesis, 'distributing' factors over addends. The expression become a list of multiplicative terms. Essentially, we get a list of list, that can be sorted without changing the 'value'.
After the expression has been flattened, all multiplicative constants must be accumulated.
a simplified example:
a+(b+c)*5 will be [[1,a],[b,5],[c,5]] while a+5*(c+b) will be [[1,a],[5,c],[5,b]]
edit after some improvement, here is a very essential normalization procedure:
:- [library(apply)].
arith_equivalence(E1, E2) :-
normalize(E1, N),
normalize(E2, N).
normalize(E, N) :-
distribute(E, D),
sortex(D, N).
distribute(A, [[1, A]]) :- atom(A).
distribute(N, [[1, N]]) :- number(N).
distribute(X * Y, L) :-
distribute(X, Xn),
distribute(Y, Yn),
% distribute over factors
findall(Mono, (member(Xm, Xn), member(Ym, Yn), append(Xm, Ym, Mono)), L).
distribute(X + Y, L) :-
distribute(X, Xn),
distribute(Y, Yn),
append(Xn, Yn, L).
sortex(L, R) :-
maplist(msort, L, T),
maplist(accum, T, A),
sumeqfac(A, Z),
exclude(zero, Z, S),
msort(S, R).
accum(T2, [Total|Symbols]) :-
include(number, T2, Numbers),
foldl(mul, Numbers, 1, Total),
exclude(number, T2, Symbols).
sumeqfac([[N|F]|Fs], S) :-
select([M|F], Fs, Rs),
X is N+M,
!, sumeqfac([[X|F]|Rs], S).
sumeqfac([F|Fs], [F|Rs]) :-
sumeqfac(Fs, Rs).
sumeqfac([], []).
mul(X, Y, Z) :- Z is X * Y.
Some test:
?- arith_equivalence(a+(b+c), (a+c)+b).
true .
?- arith_equivalence(a+b*c+0*77, c*b+a*1).
true .
?- arith_equivalence(a+a+a, a*3).
true .
I've used some SWI-Prolog builtin, like include/3, exclude/3, foldl/5, and msort/2 to avoid losing duplicates.
These are basic list manipulation builtins, easily implemented if your system doesn't have them.
foldl/4 as defined in SWI-Prolog
:- meta_predicate
foldl(3, +, +, -).
foldl(Goal, List, V0, V) :-
foldl_(List, Goal, V0, V).
foldl_([], _, V, V).
foldl_([H|T], Goal, V0, V) :-
call(Goal, H, V0, V1),
foldl_(T, Goal, V1, V).
handling division
Division introduces some complexity, but this should be expected. After all, it introduces a full class of numbers: rationals.
Here are the modified predicates, but I think that the code will need much more debug. So I allegate also the 'unit test' of what this micro rewrite system can solve. Also note that I didn't introduce the negation by myself. I hope you can work out any required modification.
/* File:
Author: Carlo,,,
Created: Oct 3 2012
Purpose: answer to
How to check if two math expressions are the same?
I warned that generalizing could be a though task :) See the edit.
:- module(arith_equivalence,
:- [library(apply)].
arith_equivalence(E1, E2) :-
normalize(E1, N),
normalize(E2, N), !.
normalize(E, N) :-
distribute(E, D),
sortex(D, N).
distribute(A, [[1, A]]) :- atom(A).
distribute(N, [[N]]) :- number(N).
distribute(X * Y, L) :-
distribute(X, Xn),
distribute(Y, Yn),
% distribute over factors
findall(Mono, (member(Xm, Xn), member(Ym, Yn), append(Xm, Ym, Mono)), L).
distribute(X / Y, L) :-
normalize(X, Xn),
normalize(Y, Yn),
divide(Xn, Yn, L).
distribute(X + Y, L) :-
distribute(X, Xn),
distribute(Y, Yn),
append(Xn, Yn, L).
sortex(L, R) :-
maplist(dsort, L, T),
maplist(accum, T, A),
sumeqfac(A, Z),
exclude(zero, Z, S),
msort(S, R).
dsort(L, S) :- is_list(L) -> msort(L, S) ; L = S.
divide([], _, []).
divide([N|Nr], D, [R|Rs]) :-
( N = [Nn|Ns],
D = [[Dn|Ds]]
-> Q is Nn/Dn, % denominator is monomial
remove_common(Ns, Ds, Ar, Br),
( Br = []
-> R = [Q|Ar]
; R = [Q|Ar]/[1|Br]
; R = [N/D] % no simplification available
divide(Nr, D, Rs).
remove_common(As, [], As, []) :- !.
remove_common([], Bs, [], Bs).
remove_common([A|As], Bs, Ar, Br) :-
select(A, Bs, Bt),
!, remove_common(As, Bt, Ar, Br).
remove_common([A|As], Bs, [A|Ar], Br) :-
remove_common(As, Bs, Ar, Br).
accum(T, [Total|Symbols]) :-
partition(number, T, Numbers, Symbols),
foldl(mul, Numbers, 1, Total), !.
accum(T, T).
sumeqfac([[N|F]|Fs], S) :-
select([M|F], Fs, Rs),
X is N+M,
!, sumeqfac([[X|F]|Rs], S).
sumeqfac([F|Fs], [F|Rs]) :-
sumeqfac(Fs, Rs).
sumeqfac([], []).
mul(X, Y, Z) :- Z is X * Y.
:- begin_tests(arith_equivalence).
test(1) :-
arith_equivalence(a+(b+c), (a+c)+b).
test(2) :-
arith_equivalence(a+b*c+0*77, c*b+a*1).
test(3) :-
arith_equivalence(a+a+a, a*3).
test(4) :-
arith_equivalence((1+1)/x, 2/x).
test(5) :-
arith_equivalence(1/x+1, (1+x)/x).
test(6) :-
arith_equivalence((x+a)/(x*x), 1/x + a/(x*x)).
:- end_tests(arith_equivalence).
running the unit test:
?- run_tests(arith_equivalence).
% PL-Unit: arith_equivalence ...... done
% All 6 tests passed
