Uninstall Magento extension Creativestyle_CheckoutByAmazon via Admin - magento

I am trying to install the following extension via Magento Connect 2.0
My issue is that I need to uninstall this extension first as it already exists (seems to be partially broken so I want to reinstall it) - what is the best method for uninstalling extensions in Magento, is there a simple option for this in Magento Admin?
For some reason I have logged into my Magento Connect but cannot see any of my installed modules - see link below..

Whatever module you have installed, will be having its module file in app/etc/modules folder.
You can set false in <active>false</active> tags in the repective xml file. Also, you can extract the module's zip and replaced all the old ones with the new default files.


Installing Magento 2 on localhost using WAMP gives me Page Not Found for Backend, no styling for Frontend

I tried to install Magento 2 on localhost using WAMP (php5.5, APACHE2.4.9 and MySQL5.6).
I added the required extension "intl" (by removing (;) in php.ini), but for some reason it didn't work - I had to copy the dll into the Apache bin folder.
I updated xdebug and had to create in php.ini an entry for xdebug.max_nesting_level = 50000;.
After all this I went to do the second phase of installation (database creation, etc...) and at the end it was successful. But upon trying to enter the Backend admin page, I get the error Page Not Found, and the Frontend was broken (no style).
So I installed the version with sample-date and the same thing happened, the only difference was the existence of the photos. I installed using the composer, and got the same error.
I think I did something wrong with the WAMP installation, but I'm not sure.
Another issue I encountered was on the themes in the installation with setup wizard: the app / design / frontend / magento folders are empty, while the github repository has two themes - why is that?
For broken styles and JS, please run php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy. You might want to provide your specific language code as input; default is en_US
Re empty theme folder, there are several methods to deploy and install, based on your needs. The github version is meant for contributing devs, and hence there are themes present in the app/design/ folder. However, if you deployed via composer, or downloaded the zip file from magento.com, the app/design folder will be empty, since the themes are loaded via composer, from the vendor/magento folder.

issues installing magento extension

i'm trying to install a magento extension in magento 1.8.1 community edition, but magento connect hangs at installing extension. the package is downloaded into the app/code folder, but doesn't appear to go any further. no error log entries created (there's an existing system.log, but no exception.log).
i've reset permissions per: http://www.magentocommerce.com/wiki/groups/227/resetting_file_permissions
then i tried too install manually with "./mage install http://connect20.magentocommerce.com/community [name_of_module]"
but downloader/lib/Mage/Connect/Command/Install.php on line 71-73 sets up $config->magento_root=dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); but the value seems to be blank (I'm guessing magento connect configures that somewhere)
how can i get either magento connect to work, or alternatively manually install the extension?
First, generate the download link for the extension using http://freegento.com/ddl-magento-extension.php
In order to obtain a download link, you have to generate a valid extension key in Magento Connect.
After manually downloading the extension, just unzip its content into Magento's app directory
Clean the cache and reload magento's main page, the extension should appear in administration under System->Configuration->Advanced
Hope this helps

Update magento extension using direct package file upload - file already exists

I have created a module, exported the extension and afterwords I have installed it (on a fresh store) using direct package file upload. The extension works as expected.
Now, I have made some updates, exported the extension with another Release Version number, but when I try to upload the archive (in the same mode) I get an error ("CONNECT ERROR: Package file is invalid [..] './app/code/local/Smart2Pay/Globalpay/Block/Form/Pay.php' already exists")
I read that I could alter some downloader\lib\Mage\Connect\Validator.php file (here) in order to permit file overwriting, but I want to know if there is any other best practice related solution. I need this extension update to work for all magento users.
Like Tim says, the correct way to install a newer version of a Magento extension package is by first running the uninstall option in MagentoConnect Manager to remove the old extension, and then running the install option to install from the newer package file.
Unfortunately this is the (poor) design of the MagentoConnect package manager feature.
Its also worth explaining what happens with any database modifications that the extension / package makes. Magento modules have no way to specify uninstall scripts or instructions. This means that after the original module / package is uninstalled, any database changes are still present and have NOT been removed. When the newer version of the module is reinstalled, this should trigger the module's DB upgrade scripts to run instead of it' install scripts.
So the detailed breakdown of what happens is the following:
When the module is originally installed from a package, the module's newest install script corresponding to the module version in config.xml is run, making any necessary database changes.
When the module is unistalled from MagentoConnect manager, the database is left as-is, so all changes the module made are still present in the DB.
When the newer version of the module is installed, the Magento database core_resource table tells the installer which version of the module was previously installed. The previous version and new version numbers are used to find an applicable database upgrade script in the module code. If the appropriate upgrade script is located, it is then run.

Can I update a Joomla module without uninstalling?

I am maintaining a Joomla module that gets installed on a site to which I have no file transfer privileges. Of course I do development in a test instance of Joomla where I do have file transfer privileges, and there I can edit module code and reload pages and everything works well.
However, when it comes time to move the updated module to the "live" site, the only option seems to be to uninstall the existing version of the module and then upload the new version of the module. If I just try to re-upload the module using the Joomla "Extension Manager" install option, I get an "Another module is already using directory" error.
Uninstalling, however, also wipes out all the "positions" that have been set up to use this module with some extensive parameter tweaking.
Is there a way to get Joomla to let me overwrite the old version of the module with the new version? Is there something I can put in the module's XML description to facilitate this?
The sites I am writing for are running Joomla 1.5.23.
Yes, that's possible by changing the install line in your xml to the following before zipping it up:
<install version="1.5" type="module" client="site" method="upgrade">
Just tested it on a 1.5.23 and it kept my previous module settings but also copied over any changed code.

Export Joomla template and extensions

This is my first time building a Joomla template so I'm not quite sure if I'm doing it right.
I setup my joomla installation on my machine and added extensions to it - plus the customizations needed for the extensions and the template.
Once I install the template to a website, how do I include all the extensions with it (and the configuration of the extensions)? Or do I have to setup it all up all over again?
You have to set it up again. Extensions aren't part of the template. The Template defines the layout of the site, and the locations on the page where extensions can be added, but it doesn't include the extensions themselves.
There is an easy way. Rather than messing around with installing everything again, simply install Akeeba Backup. You really should have that installed anyhow. In any case, you can make a backup of the entire site including the database, then upload it to your host and run the built in install. It takes longer to upload the file than it does to make the backup and install it. When you are done you will have an exact copy of the site including extensions, templates, and configuration.
