Export Joomla template and extensions - joomla

This is my first time building a Joomla template so I'm not quite sure if I'm doing it right.
I setup my joomla installation on my machine and added extensions to it - plus the customizations needed for the extensions and the template.
Once I install the template to a website, how do I include all the extensions with it (and the configuration of the extensions)? Or do I have to setup it all up all over again?

You have to set it up again. Extensions aren't part of the template. The Template defines the layout of the site, and the locations on the page where extensions can be added, but it doesn't include the extensions themselves.

There is an easy way. Rather than messing around with installing everything again, simply install Akeeba Backup. You really should have that installed anyhow. In any case, you can make a backup of the entire site including the database, then upload it to your host and run the built in install. It takes longer to upload the file than it does to make the backup and install it. When you are done you will have an exact copy of the site including extensions, templates, and configuration.


TYPO3 copied/existing installation

I'm installing a TYPO3 installation from a website that already uses TYPO3.
These are the steps I already have done:
I installed a blank TYPO3 installation.
I copied the contentapi and contentelements from the existing server to the typo3conf/ext folder on my server
I imported the data from the mysql TYPO3 server of the existing database
When I log in to the TYPO3 webpage, I have no templates configured and have a few issues. I tried to fix them by searching on internet but didn't find something clear.
On the pages tab I only can see this:
in the log files:
The error is sending me to this page:
I already did that, but didn't help, or I did it wrong
On my templates tab there are "no templates":
If someone can guide me to a next step, that would be very helpful.. thanks!
root template:
plugin.tx_ahcontentapi.settings.auth.user = bm
plugin.tx_ahcontentapi.settings.auth.password = sdfsdfdsf
plugin.tx_ahcontentapi.settings.url = https://sdfsdfdfs.com
plugin.tx_ahcontentapi.settings.https = 1
Web server root folder:
(laravel application is the green selected folder, with views,language files,..)
did you have all Extensions installed?
typeNum=0 not configured means you do not have created a PAGE Object within your TypoScript.
If you copy Data to a new TYPO3 installation, you need to install all Extension that are used in the source-installation. When the extensions are installed, they have to appear in the Template Module.
The INVALID VALUE gridelements_pi1 is the same - it seems you didn't have installed Gridelements to the new TYPO3 Installation.
Install all dependencies and everything should work like expected.
Going a bit deeper - when installed all Extensions, then click on your rootpage (the globe) and then open the templates module. When there is still the No Templates, you need to create one... message, then create a new template for a new page.
After you created it, you can open the tab Includes and select your templates there.
An TYPO3 installation consists of multiple parts:
the TYPO3 source (this can be updated individually)
/typo3_src (normaly a symlink to the TYPO3 sources)
the database (some tables could be truncated (caches))
extensions (all active extensions are needed)
language files
original data files (in case you want to have images or other data, e.g. pdf)
/fileadmin/ or any other folders you may use with a file-storage record
processed files (images mostly are used resized, which are precaculated and stored for faster access)
/typo3temp/assets, /typo3temp/DATA, /uploads, /fileadmin/__processed__, ...
cached data (some codes are concatenated, so only one file needs to be included instead of a lot of small files)
/typo3temp/var, /typo3temp/CACHE
Not all parts are necessary for a copy of the installation, but it will help if you can copy all parts.
All caches can be rebuild and so there might be some differences like another domain it is highly recommended to delete caches.
Most processed data can be rebuild (as long as the original files are still present). But sometimes it is not recognized that a file needs to be processed again.
In your case I assume you missed to copy the extensions, especially the site extension so that you also miss the definition of your page object.

Updates to existing custom Joomla component

I am running Joomla 3.1.5. I have a custom component installed and I have made some minor changes to some of the files. How do I create an uploadable/installable zip file to install these changes to my production Joomla site?
Please disregard the discussion on templates in the comments above.
You don't need to rename your component it seems.
If you need to install on a single site:
on the prodution site, install the installer you first installed on
your development site
sync the files with a version control system
such as git / rsync / scp / sftp / ftp whichever you're most
comfortable with
If you need to install on multiple sites:
You need to repackage it, and add to the xml manifest any files/folders you added.
Simply explode the original zip installer somewhere on your drive, and figure out the folder structure (could be admin,site,media for example).
For each browse the custom_component_name.xml section and ensure it contains the files you added, if any.
Then copy the updated files over the folder structure, zip it, and upload it to production.
Once you do this the component will be registered in the other Joomla installation. You can also keep the copies aligned between the two servers with a code versioning system such as git.
If it's a component you plan on distributing, create a script to package it, look at the Joomla docs there's plenty of info, you could use a bash script, phing, ant, maven, choose one that suits you any will do the job

Update Magento to specific version (not latest)

I want to update a Magento to 1.6.x.y. instead of the latest version 1.7.x.y
There are many articles on how to update a Magento installation to the latest version, but that´s not what I want. There are some forum threads where people are asking how to update to a specific version, but those all don´t sport a solution.
It seems like it is only possible to unpack the tar.gz of the specific version, but it is not possible to use the command line tool, i.e.
./mage config-set preferred_state stable
./mage upgrade-all --force
Is there a way to use the command line tool to update to a specific version?
Two different ways of handling this, 1) Manually...
From my experience, what you end up doing is scrapping Magento Connect (which often is the source of all evil, when you've had it do partial upgrades two or three times in a row), downloading the whole package from the download archive (you have all the versions available from there on the Release Archives tab), unzipping them to a directory and then either on the server, copying them into your Magento root directory or from a remote workstation, ftp/scp uploading them to the server Magento root directory.
If you're serious about running Magento, you will have a development server that you do this to several times to find out where all the upgrade breakages are so you can weed out busted templates, detect forgotten core modifications, curse third party modules that don't survive, etc. It's really important to do this if you're depending on that e-commerce site for your income as intense suckage occurs when you aren't ready and sink the live site.
If you've modularized all your module overrides, created your own skin folders and custom template or used a well written template from a developer, it truly is just simply dumping the new version files on top of the old version files and overwriting everything (only after disabling all Magento caching and the compiler if you were using it and manually deleting all var/cache--? folders).
If, however, you've modified any of the files you are overwriting, you are in a world of hurt because you didn't do things properly.
Also, you have to deal with upgrading third party modules to work with the new version.
Then before committing the live site, backup all Magento application files and do a database dump.
2) Or use the command line tool as follows...
Since the original question was, "can you use the command line tool?" yes you can. Once you have the file saved from the download archive, use the following:
./mage install-file /home/login-name/path-to-download-file/magento-1.5.x.x.tgz
I've also used this on various module packages to inspect the contents. The mage command has a download only, download the package file, inspect the contents. If you like what it does, install it.

How to overcome template installation problems in Joomla 1.5?

I'm trying to deploy a Joomla 1.5 site developed locally. I'm not using the latest version because some extensions that I need are for 1.5 only.
After migrating the database and contents a lot of issues appeared - most of them I believe have to do with Joom!Fish.
Therefore I decided to install a fresh copy of Joomla 1.5 on the targeted server (Yahoo Small Business host), install the template and rebuild the contents.
The problem has to do with the second step: installing the template. I install it using the Extension Manager (without any errors), it shows up in Extension Manager -> Templates, but it doesn't show up in the Template Manager (therefore it can't be enabled). I get the exact same disappointing result when manually FTP-ing the template files. The "jos_templates_menu" table didn't had an entry corresponding to my template; manually adding it didn't had any positive result. I believe that templatedetails.xml is correct.
I've tested other templates (free online ones). Most of them show up in Template Manager.
Odd is the fact that if I try to install my template on a freshly installed Joomla 1.5 site (on localhost), everything is OK.
Can anybody please share some thoughts (from experience or not) with respect to this particular issue? Thanks.
I've had the same issue many times in the past, and can say with near certainty that it roots back to your templatedetails.xml file. Make sure that the names that are being used all match exactly (usually case-sensitive) because Joomla starts by looking at the subfolders found in the Templates folder, and proceeding from there with the templatedetails.xml file that it finds in each.

TYPO3 extensions and symlinks

Can I create a symlink to the local extension from aonther project folder? I have a common local-server and i need to implement same extension on all local project-installations. I tried to put the symlink, but some times i do not get expected output. I get it only after clearing the cache of that perticular project.
Your scenario is a common one I guess. But as Omar said, linking to the same code base of the extension through several typo3 instances is not a good practice.
But we have the same structure as yours, we realize this through SVN. All of our projects got a SVN repository and common extensions have their own repository. Through svn:externals the extensions are linked into the concrete project. This has the advantage that you can change the extension in the concrete project and after committing all other projects (that do have to update from svn though) contribute from it. I Think this would fit your needs, too.
If I understand your question correctly you have several Typo3 sites on the same server and want to share an extension between them using a symlink. I don't think that is a very great idea because many extensions use tables and every site normally has it's own database so you would have to do a lot of tinkering to get that to work.
Instead you could make all the modifications to the extension files in the typo3conf/ext/extension_name folder and then export the extension to a t3x file (Ext Manager in the Backend). This t3x file can be installed as a extension (Import extension) on all your other sites.
If you extension does not use a database and you are planning to make frequent changes then I guess you should be able to make that work (the symlink). Otherwise I recommend you use the first approach I described.
I have not tried this, but you should be able to install extensions globally in Typo3. What this means is that the given extension is placed inside '(typo3_src/)typo3/ext/' instead of 'typo3conf/ext/', presuming both sites use the same Typo3 Core/Source (and thus typo3_src is a symlink to the location of the core).
You can enable installing global extensions via the Install Tool. Once inside the tool, click on 'All Configuration', then search for allowGlobalInstall. Or put the following line into your localconf.php:
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXT']['allowGlobalInstall'] = '1';
At last, but not least, you need to make sure the 'typo3/ext/' directory is writeable.
Hope this will be to some help. If you have any further questions, let me know :)
As Björn mentioned, I'd sugegst to install them globally. Mind you, updating the source will require to move the extensions accordingly..
As for "expected output": be aware that the code in these folders is cached in various ways (mainly page content and config settings), and hence not always run. This is the reason a change done from "outside" the current installation is likely not to propagate to your output without clearing these caches (as you have observed).
When you actually install an extension via the extension manager, the cache should (if correctly configured) be cleared (interested parties may search for clearCacheOnLoad in class.em_index.php to reveal a clear_cacheCmd('all')). There is a small checkbox, which is normally checked, during the installation process to accomplish this.
Omar's first approach is therefore, as I see it, the more easy way to get "expected output" and less jumbling around with global extensions.
