Jobs going in queue on free nodes - cluster-computing

I am trying to submit a job on my cluster using qsub but the job seems to be going in queue even when the nodes are free. I had submitted some jobs a couple of days ago using the same job submission script on the same nodes and everything was working fine then. Can someone suggest something which can help me in submitting the jobs?


Apache Aurora cron jobs are not scheduled

I setup a Mesos cluster which runs Apache Aurora framework, and i registered 100 cron jobs which run every min on a 5 slave machine pool. I found after scheduled 100 times, the cron jobs stacked in "PENDING" state. May i ask what kind of logs i can inspect and what is the possible problem ?
It could be a couple of things:
Do you still have sufficient resources in your cluster?
Are those resources offered to Aurora? Or maybe only to another framework?
Do you have any task constraints that prevent your tasks from being scheduled?
Possible information source:
What does the tooltip or the expanded status say on the UI? (as shown in the screenshot)
The Aurora scheduler has log files. However normally those are not needed for an end user to figure out why stuff is stuck in pending.
In case you are stuck here, it would probably be the best to drop by in the #aurora IRC channel on freenode.

how YARN manages endless jobs like Storm

Couple of days ago Yahoo posted about Storm-on-YARN project that makes possibility to run Storm on YARN.
That's big improvement, however I have two questions regarding to running tasks like Storm with YARN. Tasks like Storm don't have some limit on execution time... I mean, when you run Storm you expect it will work days or months - listen queue or whatever.
I mean there are set of tasks that don't have limitation in time execution (I'd like to report 0% progress)
1) what's about timeout? regular M/R is killed when it hangs on, how to prevent it? I walked through the code, but didn't find any special code
2) also, MR1 has queue where jobs waited for execution: when cluster finish one job, it picked up next job from queue. What about YARN? if I will push endless Storm-like jobs A, and the job B, will job B be executed?
Sorry, if my questions seem ridiculous, maybe I miss/don't understand something
Hadoop's JobTracker was(is) responsible for both cluster resources and the application lifecycle. YARN is only responsible for managing cluster resources and the application lifecycle is the responsibility of the application.
This change means that YARN can be used to manage any distributed paradigm. MR2 is of course the initial implementation ( map/reduce over YARN) but you can see some other implementations like the Storm-on-YARN you mentioned or HortonWorks intention to integrate SQL in hadoop etc.
You can take a look at a library called Weave from continuuity that provides a simple API for building distributed apps on YARN

Why does a number of completed tasks in Mapreduce decrease?

When running hadoop jobs, I noticed that sometimes the number of completed tasks decreases and number of canceled tasks increases.
How is this possible? Why does this happen?
I've only experienced this when our cluster was in a strange state, so I'm not sure if this is the same issue. Basically, map tasks would complete, and then the reducers would start... and then mappers would be reprocessed.
I believe that the problem is that mapper output hangs around on that data node waiting for reducers to pick it up. If that node has issues or it dies, the JobTracker decides that it needs to rerun that task again, even if it had completed. Our issue was that the system our NameNode was on was having some non-Hadoop related issues and once those were resolves it seemed to go away.
Sorry if my experience was not relevant to your issue. Perhaps, can you post more details? Do you see any error messages? Is there anything weird in your JobTracker or NameNode logs?

What's best practice for HA gearman job servers

From gearman's main page, they mention running with multiple job servers so if a job server dies, the clients can pick up a new job server. Given the statement and diagram below, it seems that the job servers do not communicate with each other.
Our question is what happens to those jobs that are queued in the job server that died? What is the best practice to have high-availability for these servers to make sure jobs aren't interrupted in a failure?
You are able to run multiple job servers and have the clients and workers connect to the first available job server they are configured with. This way if one job server dies, clients and workers automatically fail over to another job server. You probably don't want to run too many job servers, but having two or three is a good idea for redundancy.
As far as I know there is no proper way to handle this at the moment, but as long as you run both job servers with permanent queues (using MySQL or another datastore - just don't use the same actual queue for both servers), you can simply restart the job server and it'll load its queue from the database. This will allow all the queued tasks to be submitted to available workers, even after the server has died.
There is however no automagical way of doing this when a job server goes down, so if both the job server and the datastore goes down (a server running both locally goes down) will leave the tasks in limbo until it gets back online.
The permanent queue is only read on startup (and inserted / deleted from as tasks are submitted and completed).
I'm not sure about the complexity required to add such functionality to gearmand and whether it's actually wanted, but simple "task added, task handed out, task completed"-notifications between servers shouldn't been too complicated to handle.

Hadoop: High CPU load on client side after committing jobs

I couldn't find an answer to my issue while sifting through some Hadoop guides: I am committing various Hadoop jobs (up to 200) in one go via a shell script on a client computer. Each job is started by means of a JAR (which is quite large; approx. 150 MB). Right after submitting the jobs, the client machine has a very high CPU load (each core on 100%) and the RAM is getting full quite fast. That way, the client is no longer usable. I thought that the computation of each job is entirely done within the Hadoop framework, and only some status information is exchanged between the cluster and the client while the job is running.
So, why is the client fully stretched? Am I committing Hadoop jobs the wrong way? Is each JAR too big?
Thanks in advance.
It is not about the jar. The client side is calculating the InputSplits.
So it can be possible that when having large number of input files for each job the client machine gets a lot of load.
But I guess when submitting 200 jobs the RPC Handler on the jobtracker has some problems. How many RPC handlers are active on the jobtracker?
Anyways, I would batch the submission up to 10 or 20 jobs at a time and wait for their completion. I guess you're having the default FIFO scheduler? So you won't benefit from submitting all 200 jobs at a time either.
