how YARN manages endless jobs like Storm - hadoop

Couple of days ago Yahoo posted about Storm-on-YARN project that makes possibility to run Storm on YARN.
That's big improvement, however I have two questions regarding to running tasks like Storm with YARN. Tasks like Storm don't have some limit on execution time... I mean, when you run Storm you expect it will work days or months - listen queue or whatever.
I mean there are set of tasks that don't have limitation in time execution (I'd like to report 0% progress)
1) what's about timeout? regular M/R is killed when it hangs on, how to prevent it? I walked through the code, but didn't find any special code
2) also, MR1 has queue where jobs waited for execution: when cluster finish one job, it picked up next job from queue. What about YARN? if I will push endless Storm-like jobs A, and the job B, will job B be executed?
Sorry, if my questions seem ridiculous, maybe I miss/don't understand something

Hadoop's JobTracker was(is) responsible for both cluster resources and the application lifecycle. YARN is only responsible for managing cluster resources and the application lifecycle is the responsibility of the application.
This change means that YARN can be used to manage any distributed paradigm. MR2 is of course the initial implementation ( map/reduce over YARN) but you can see some other implementations like the Storm-on-YARN you mentioned or HortonWorks intention to integrate SQL in hadoop etc.
You can take a look at a library called Weave from continuuity that provides a simple API for building distributed apps on YARN


Apache Aurora cron jobs are not scheduled

I setup a Mesos cluster which runs Apache Aurora framework, and i registered 100 cron jobs which run every min on a 5 slave machine pool. I found after scheduled 100 times, the cron jobs stacked in "PENDING" state. May i ask what kind of logs i can inspect and what is the possible problem ?
It could be a couple of things:
Do you still have sufficient resources in your cluster?
Are those resources offered to Aurora? Or maybe only to another framework?
Do you have any task constraints that prevent your tasks from being scheduled?
Possible information source:
What does the tooltip or the expanded status say on the UI? (as shown in the screenshot)
The Aurora scheduler has log files. However normally those are not needed for an end user to figure out why stuff is stuck in pending.
In case you are stuck here, it would probably be the best to drop by in the #aurora IRC channel on freenode.

Worker node execution in Apach-Strom

Storm topology is been deployed using Storm command on machine X. Worker nodes are running on Machine Y.
Once topology has been deployed, this is ready to process tuples and workers are processing request and response.
Can anyone please suggest that how do Worker node identify work and data, as I am not sure how worker node has access of code which is not at all deployed by developer?
If code to topology is accessible to Worker Nodes, can you please where is the location of this and also suggest execution of Worker nodes?
One, your asking a fairly complex question. I've been using Storm for awhile and don't understand much about how it works internally. Here is a good article talking about the internals of Storm. It's over two years old but should still be highly relevant. I believe that Netty is now used as the internal messaging transport, it's mentioned as being experimental in the article.
As far as code being run on worker nodes, there is an configuration in storm.yaml,
When uploading the Topology, I believe it copies the jar to that location. So every different worker machine will have the necessary jar in it's configured storm.local.dir. So even though you only upload the one machine, Storm will distributed it to the necessary workers. (That's from memory and I'm not in a spot to test it at the moment. )

Apache Mesos Schedulers and Executors by example

I am trying to understand how the various components of Mesos work together, and found this excellent tutorial that contains the following architectural overview:
I have a few concerns about this that aren't made clear (either in the article or in the official Mesos docs):
Where are the Schedulers running? Are there "Scheduler nodes" where only the Schedulers should be running?
If I was writing my own Mesos framework, what Scheduler functionality would I need to implement? Is it just a binary yes/no or accept/reject for Offers sent by the Master? Any concrete examples?
If I was writing my own Mesos framework, what Executor functionality would I need to implement? Any concrete examples?
What's a concrete example of a Task that would be sent to an Executor?
Are Executors "pinned" (permanently installed on) Slaves, or do they float around in an "on demand" type fashion, being installed and executed dynamically/on-the-fly?
Great questions!
I believe it would be really helpful to have a look at a sample framework such as Rendler. This will probably answer most of your question and give you feeling for the framework internal.
Let me now try to answer the question which might be still be open after this.
Scheduler Location
Schedulers are not on on any special nodes, but keep in mind that schedulers can failover as well (as any part in a distributed system).
Scheduler functionality
Have a look at Rendler or at the framework development guide.
Executor functionality/Task
I believe Rendler is a good example to understand the Task/Executor relationship. Just start reading the README/description on the main github page.
Executor pinning
Executors are started on each node when the first Task requiring such executor is send to this node. After this it will remain on that node.
Hope this helped!
To add to js84's excellent response,
Scheduler Location: Many users like to launch the schedulers via another framework like Marathon to ensure that if the scheduler or its node dies, then it can be restarted elsewhere.
Scheduler functionality: After registering with Mesos, your scheduler will start getting resource offers in the resourceOffers() callback, in which your scheduler should launch (at least) one task on a subset (or all) of the resources being offered. You'll probably also want to implement the statusUpdate() callback to handle task completion/failure.
Note that you may not even need to implement your own scheduler if an existing framework like Marathon/Chronos/Aurora/Kubernetes could suffice.
Executor functionality: You usually don't need to create a custom executor if you just want to launch a linux process or docker container and know when it completes. You could just use the default mesos-executor (by specifying a CommandInfo directly in TaskInfo, instead of embedded inside an ExecutorInfo). If, however you want to build a custom executor, at minimum you need to implement launchTask(), and ideally also killTask().
Example Task: An example task could be a simple linux command like sleep 1000 or echo "Hello World", or a docker container (via ContainerInfo) like image : 'mysql'. Or, if you use a custom executor, then the executor defines what a task is and how to run it, so a task could instead be run as another thread in the executor's process, or just become an item in a queue in a single-threaded executor.
Executor pinning: The executor is distributed via CommandInfo URIs, just like any task binaries, so they do not need to be preinstalled on the nodes. Mesos will fetch and run it for you.
Schedulers: are some strategy to accept or reject the offer. Schedulers we can write our own or we can use some existing one like chronos. In scheduler we should evaluate the resources available and then either accept or reject.
Scheduler functionality: Example could be like suppose say u have a task which needs 8 cpus to run, but the offer from mesos may be 6 cpus which won't serve the need in this case u can reject.
Executor functionality : Executor handles state related information of your task. Set of APIs you need to implement like what is the status of assigned task in mesos slave. What is the num of cpus currently available in mesos slave where executor is running.
concrete example for executor : chronos
being installed and executed dynamically/on-the-fly : These are not possible, you need to pre configure the executors. However you can replicate the executors using autoscaling.

What additional benefit does Yarn bring to the existing map reduce?

Yarn differs in its infrastructure layer from the original map reduce architecture in the following way:
In YARN, the job tracker is split into two different daemons called Resource Manager and Node Manager (node specific). The resource manager only manages the allocation of resources to the different jobs apart from comprising a scheduler which just takes care of the scheduling jobs without worrying about any monitoring or status updates. Different resources such as memory, cpu time, network bandwidth etc. are put into one unit called the Resource Container. There are different AppMasters running on different nodes which talk to a number of these resource containers and accordingly update the Node Manager with the monitoring/status details.
I want to know that how does using this kind of an approach increase the performance from the map-reduce perspective? Also, if there is any definitive content on the motivation behind Yarn and its benefits over the existing implementation of Map-reduce, please point me to the same.
Here are some of the articles (1, 2, 3) about YARN. These talk about the benefits of using YARN.
YARN is more general than MR and it should be possible to run other computing models like BSP besides MR. Prior to YARN, it required a separate cluster for MR, BSP and others. Now they they can coexist in a single cluster, which leads to higher usage of the cluster. Here are some of the applications ported to YARN.
From a MapReduce perspective in legacy MR there are separate slots for Map and Reduce tasks, but in YARN their is no fixed purpose of a container. The same container can be used for a Map task, Reduce task, Hama BSP Task or something else. This leads to better utilization.
Also, it makes it possible to run different versions of Hadoop in the same cluster which is not possible with legacy MR, which makes is easy from a maintenance point.
Here are some of the additional links for YARN. Also, Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition has an entire section dedicated to YARN.
FYI, it had been a bit controversial to develop YARN instead of using some of frameworks which had been doing something similar and had been running for ages successfully with bugs ironed out.
I do not think that Yarn will speedup the existing MR framework. Looking into architecture we can see that the system now is more modular - but modularity usually contradicts higher performance.
It can be claimed that YARN has nothing to do with MapReduce. MapReduce just became one of the YARN applications. You can see it as moving from some embedded program to embeded OS with program within it
At the same time Yarn opens the door for different MR implementations with different frameworks. For example , if we assume that our dataset is smaller then cluster memory we can get much better performance. I think is one such example
To summarize it: Yarn does not improve the existing MR, but will enable other MR implementations to be better in all aspects.
All the above answers covered lot of information: I am simplifying all the information as follows:
MapReduce: YARN:
1. It is Platform plus Application It is a Platform in Hadoop 2.0 and
in Hadoop 1. 0 and it is only of doesn't exist in Hadoop 1.0
the applications in Hadoop 2.0
2. It is single use system i.e., It is multi purpose system, We can run
We can run MapReduce jobs only. MapReduce, Spark, Tez, Flink, BSP, MPP,
MPI, Giraph etc... (General Purpose)
3. JobTracker scalability i.e., Both Resource Management and
Both Resource Management and Application Management gets separated &
Job Management managed by RM+NM, Paradigm specific AMs
4. Poor Resource Management Flexible Resource Management i.e.,
system i.e., slots (map/reduce) containers.
5. It is not highly available High availability and reliability.
6. Scaled out up to 5000 nodes Scaled out 10000 plus nodes.
7. Job->tasks Application -> DAG of Jobs -> tasks
8. Classical MapReduce = MapReduce Yarn MapReduce = MapReduce API +
API + MapReduce FrameWork MapReduce FrameWork + YARN System
+ MapReduce System So MR programs which were written over
Hadoop 1.0 run over Yarn also with out
changing a single line of code i.e.,
backward compatibility.
Let's see Hadoop 1.0 drawbacks, which have been addressed by Hadoop 2.0 with addition of Yarn.
Issue of Scalability : Job Tracker runs on a single machine even though you have thousands of nodes in Hadoop cluster. The responsibilities of Job tracker : Resource management, Job and Task schedule and monitoring. Since all these processes are running on a single node, this model is not scalable.
Issue of availability ( Single point of failure): Job Tracker is a single point of failure.
Resource utilization: Due to predefined number of Map & Reduce task slots, resources are not utilized properly. When all Mapper nodes are busy, Reducer nodes are idle and can't be used to process Mapper tasks.
Tight integration with Map Reduce framework: Hadoop 1.x can run Map reduce jobs only. Support for jobs other than Map Reduce jobs does not exists.
Now single Job Tracker bottleneck has been removed with YARN architecture in Hadoop 2.x
The fundamental idea of YARN is to split up the functionalities of resource management and job scheduling/monitoring into separate daemons. The idea is to have a global ResourceManager (RM) and per-application ApplicationMaster (AM). An application is either a single job or a DAG of jobs.
The ResourceManager has two main components: Scheduler and ApplicationsManager.
The Scheduler is responsible for allocating resources to the various running applications subject to familiar constraints of capacities, queues etc. The Scheduler is pure scheduler in the sense that it performs no monitoring or tracking of status for the application.
The ApplicationsManager is responsible for accepting job-submissions, negotiating the first container for executing the application specific ApplicationMaster and provides the service for restarting the ApplicationMaster container on failure.
The per-application ApplicationMaster has the responsibility of negotiating appropriate resource containers from the Scheduler, tracking their status and monitoring for progress.
Now advantages of YARN
Scalability issues have been resolved
No single point of failure. All components are highly available
Resource utilization has been improved with proper utilization of Map and reduce slots.
Non Map Reduce Jobs can be submitted
It looks like this link might be what you're looking for:
My understanding is that YARN is supposed to be more generic. You can create your own YARN applications that negotiate directly with the Resource Manager for resources (1), and MapReduce is just one of several Application Managers that already exist (2).

Hadoop: High CPU load on client side after committing jobs

I couldn't find an answer to my issue while sifting through some Hadoop guides: I am committing various Hadoop jobs (up to 200) in one go via a shell script on a client computer. Each job is started by means of a JAR (which is quite large; approx. 150 MB). Right after submitting the jobs, the client machine has a very high CPU load (each core on 100%) and the RAM is getting full quite fast. That way, the client is no longer usable. I thought that the computation of each job is entirely done within the Hadoop framework, and only some status information is exchanged between the cluster and the client while the job is running.
So, why is the client fully stretched? Am I committing Hadoop jobs the wrong way? Is each JAR too big?
Thanks in advance.
It is not about the jar. The client side is calculating the InputSplits.
So it can be possible that when having large number of input files for each job the client machine gets a lot of load.
But I guess when submitting 200 jobs the RPC Handler on the jobtracker has some problems. How many RPC handlers are active on the jobtracker?
Anyways, I would batch the submission up to 10 or 20 jobs at a time and wait for their completion. I guess you're having the default FIFO scheduler? So you won't benefit from submitting all 200 jobs at a time either.
