Magento - Importing Configurable Products [closed] - magento

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can anyone provide some example csv on the basis of following instructions be magento to import configurable product?

You should use magmi.
It is a separate application. So, you will need to upload magmi folder under main magento folder.

You should use Magmi or some other plugins for this purpose. (Magmi is free)
For Magmi you can find the sample import sheet format on Magmi wiki

You can use Magmi as the mass product up loader. Because Magento default product uploader is not good for mass upload and giving a hard time


How can I install OnePica ImageCDN on Magento 1.7? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How can I install this awesome extension on my Magento? I suppose that I should install it manually, but where can I download it? And some tips for installing in my version, since it has SQL?
OnePica Imagecdn
Go to this website:
and paste in the following extension key:
and click submit query. Then click this link with the title:
download OnePica_ImageCDN-1.0.9.tgz (492.64 KB)
This will give your an archive file. you can open it using WinRAR. Extract the contents of the archive.
You will find the two folders inside:
OnePica and modules.
Copy OnePica to your webserver where your magento files are in this folder '/DOCUMENT_ROOT/app/code/community' (replace DOCUMENT_ROOT with your own path).
Then upload modules folder to /DOCUMENT_ROOT/app/etc of your magento.
Then login to your magento admin backend, flush cache. Logout and login and the module will be manually installed.

Which CMS or e-Commerce system to use, i want site like this : [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to build website like this: . My target is to build this site like online shop (e-commerce), but without shopping basket(without add to cart and checkout).
I want only to show Item, Description of it and small table under description. It will show the price, but without add to cart option. Is there an option to disable shopping basket in magento ? It will be something like a showroom, not a direct e-shop. thanks in advance
In your case i will not recommend magento. Because magento is used when you need a complete e-commerce solution. Here you need some cms platform which can display your data.
You can use any cms platforms like :-
Drupal (Best as per my point of view)
Word Press
There is no configuration option to do this, but with some coding, you can disable ordering of products/adding to cart of products.
I will recommend Woocommerce which is an extension for Wordpress. It is very easy to use. You just need to code a couple of lines to disable the Cart Options.

joomla extension directory,Alternative [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is that any alternative,exists for Joomla extension directory?
finding extension on joomla extension directory (Powered by Moset Tree)
is not really easy and fast sometimes.
is that any other website exists with some better performance,may be AJAX enabled search and other features?
You know that how many technologies has been developed,(AJAX,HTML5,...)
So I think this website is a bit old to meet the 2013's web-development standards.
Joomla has finally integrated JED into Joomla's back-end and now you have a tab in back-end,install from web,it has a AJAX search feature too,and you can easily install and find your extension and this is what,I've been waiting for for many years.
I'm not sure as to why you feel the Joomla Extensions Directory lacks performance, is hard and slow. People have been using it for years to search for extensions that suit their needs for their website. It's not a supermarket where you will find better prices and more variety of products at. It's the core Directory for extension, so to answer you question simply:
No, you won't find other websites that are faster, have better performance, more feature and Ajax based searches.
Try using Google to search for something you need, such as "Joomla image slider extension" or use the categories the JED provide to narrow down your search.

Hide prices and disable checkout for guests [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any extension that allows to hide product prices and disable checkout for not logged in users?
Instructions on how to modify yourself:
Look for the instructions posted by szotyi about halfway down the post. He does a nice job of walking you through the process.
Or, one you can buy:
Finally, one that is even more expensive:
Our B2B module also supports this feature and some more:
I think you are looking for this Magento extension which hides the product prices, enables call for price functionality and even let you configure various other options.

Magento order import/export [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any way to import/export the orders from magento. Since we have magento store on live and another dev. version is ready with greatest change now we only need to import the magento orders alone. Here i can see only export -
But how can i import the order data into new store.
Try this:
It's $99 but there's no simple answer to your problem. If you're not willing to pay for an extension, then unfortunately you'll have to write some code to do this yourself.
For orders exportation you could try this module : Orders export tool from Wyomind.
It's a "Data feed manager like" but for orders :
Orders export tool
Magento Connect
Try this one for import... free and a few snips of code...
I haven't tried yet, but will be soon.
You can still access these old links via the internet archive
