I used the code listed as the answer in
Get longitude and latitude from the Globe in WebGL
However, when I tried it, when I turn the globe over, even when I click the same point, I get different coordinate, and the longitude coordinate is almost always wrong.
I have no idea how to fix it without the globe being much more intelligent and somehow having recording what all rotations it has been through, or even keeping track of a particular longitude (Maybe the international date line) so that it can find out what the point's lat, long tuple is.
Any suggestions or ideas?
The situation: I need to be able to track a hovering drone's translation (not height) and rotation over the ground using a downwards facing camera. I wouldn't know where to start looking. Can anyone with experience point me to some theory or resources? I'm looking for the type of algorithms a mouse would use but am not having much luck so far. Most results detail tracking an object in a fixed frame. In my case the environment is relatively static and the camera moves.
Having fun with D3 geo orthographic projection to build an interactive globe, based on all the great examples I found.
You can see my simple mockup at http://bl.ocks.org/patricksurry/5721459
I want the user to manipulate the globe like a trackball (http://www.opengl.org/wiki/Trackball). I started with one of Mike's examples (http://mbostock.github.io/d3/talk/20111018/azimuthal.html), and improved slightly to use canvas coordinates and express the mouse locations in 'trackball coordinates' (i.e. rotation around canvas horizontal and vertical axes) so that a fixed mouse movement gives more rotation near the edges of the globe (and works outside the globe if you use the hyberbolic extension explained above), rather than Mike's one:one correspondence.
It works nicely when the globe starts at an unrotated position (north pole vertical), but when the globe is already rotated (manipulate the example so the north pole is facing out of the page) then the trackball controls become non-intuitive because you can't simply express a change in trackball coordinates as a delta in the d3.geo.rotate lat/lon coordinates. D3's 3-axis rotation involves applying a longitude rotation (spin around north pole), then a latitude rotation (spin around a horizontal axis in the canvas plane), and then a 'yaw' rotation (spin around an axis perpendicular to the plane) - see http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4282586.
I guess what I need is a method for composing my two rotation matrices (the one currently in the projection, with a new one to rotate the trackball slightly), but I can't see a way to do that in D3, other than digging into the source (https://github.com/mbostock/d3/blob/master/src/geo/rotation.js) and trying to do the math to define the rotation matrix. The code looks elegant but comment-free and I'm not sure I can correctly decipher the closures with the orthographic projection instance.
On the last point, if someone knows the rotation matrix form of d3.geo.projection that would probably solve my problem too.
Any ideas?
There is an alternative solution to patricksurry's answer, by using quaternion representations, as inspired by Jason Davies. I, too, thought D3 would've already supported this composition natively! And hoped Jason Davies posted his code...
Took sometime to figure out the math. A demo is uploaded here, with an attempt to explain the math too. http://bl.ocks.org/ivyywang/7c94cb5a3accd9913263
With my limited math knowledge, I think, one of the advantages quaternion over Euler is the ability to compound multiple rotations over and over, without worrying about coordinate references. So it would always work, no matter where your north pole faces, and no matter how many rotations you'll have. (Someone please correct me, if I got this wrong).
I decided that solving for the combined rotation matrix might not be so hard. I got http://sagemath.org to do most of the hard work, so that I could express the composition of the original projection rotate() orientation plus a trackball rotation as a single equivalent rotate().
This gives much more natural behavior regardless of the orientation of the globe.
I updated the mockup so that it has the improved version - see http://bl.ocks.org/patricksurry/5721459
The sources are at http://bl.ocks.org/patricksurry/5721459 which include an explanation of the math - cool that you can use proper greek letters in javascript for almost readable math sourcecode!
It would still be good if D3 supported composition of rotate operations natively (or maybe it does already?!)
I'm a fresh in cocos3d, now I have a problem.
In cocos3d, I want to rotate a node. I got the angles in x axis, y axis, z axis, then I used the property:rotation to rotate, like this:
theNodeToBeRotated.rotation = cc3v(x,y,z);
But I found out it didn't rotate as I expected, because the document said the rotate order is y-x-z.
I want to change the order to x-y-z. Can anyone let me know how?
You might need to clarify further regarding the following: "it didn't rotate as I expected"
OpenGL ES (and ergo, cocos3D) uses the y-axis as up so the rotation order is still x-y-z. If you are importing a model, you then need to take into account the 3D editor's co-ordinate system and adapt accordingly.
If you are not used to working with three-dimensional representations, the leap from 2D to 3D can be a significant hurdle. Within Cocos3D:
the x-axis is positive on the right and negative on the left
the y-axis is positive upwards and negative downwards
the z-axis is positive moving towards you and negative moving away from you
Envisage those three lines of axis, or even better, a piece of string.
If you are rotating around the x-axis, hold the string horizontally from left to right: the object would rotating towards you or away from you.
If you are rotating around the y-axis, hold the string vertically from feet to head: the object would rotate as if like a revolving door.
If you are rotating around the z-axis, hold one end close to your chest and the other end as far away as possible: the object would rotate similar to a clock face.
-- Update
I heavily wouldn't recommend changing the rotation order as it is the OpenGL standard to use Y-X-Z. If you wish to modify it, take a look at CC3GLMatrixMath and look for kmMat4RotationYXZ - there is also kmMat4RotationZYX. If you want to have X-Y-Z, you would need to construct your own rotation matrix and update accordingly in CC3GLMatrix and CC3GLMatrixMath.
As a reference, you also have the OpenGL Red book - it should have some suggestions for you.
I'm currently drawing a 3D solar system and I'm trying to draw the path of the orbits of the planets. The calculated data is correct in 3D space but when I go towards Pluto, the orbit line shakes all over the place until the camera has come to a complete stop. I don't think this is unique to this particular planet but given the distance the camera has to travel I think its more visible at this range.
I suspect its something to do with the frustum but I've been plugging values into each of the components and I can't seem to find a solution. To see anything I'm having to use very small numbers (E-5 magnitude) for the planet and nearby orbit points but then up to E+2 magnitude for the further regions (maybe I need to draw it twice with different frustums?)
Any help greatly appreciated...
Thanks all for answering but my solution to this was to draw it with the same matrices that were drawing the planet since it wasn't bouncing around as well. So the solution really is to code better really, sorry.
I'd like to implement a dragging feature where users can drag objects around the workspace. That of course is the easy bit. The hard bit is to try and make it a physically correct drag which incorporates rotation due to torque moments (imagine dragging a book around on a table using only one finger, how does it rotate as you drag?).
Does anyone know where I can find explanations on how to code this (2D only, rectangles only, no friction required)?
Much obliged,
I wrote a small app (with clearly erroneous behaviour) that I hope will convey what I'm looking for much better than words could. C# (VS 2008) source and compiled exe here
Adjusted the example project to give acceptable behaviour. New source (and compiled exe) is available here. Written in C# 2008. I provide this code free of any copyright, feel free to use/modify/whatever. No need to inform me or mention me.
Torque is just the applied force projected perpendicular to a vector between the point where the force is applied and the centroid of the object. So, if you pull perpendicular to the diameter, the torque is equal to the applied force. If you pull directly away from the centroid, the torque is zero.
You'd typically want to do this by modeling a spring connecting the original mouse-down point to the current position of the mouse (in object-local coordinates). Using a spring and some friction smooths out the motions of the mouse a bit.
I've heard good things about Chipmunk as a 2D physics package:
Okay, It's getting late, and I need to sleep. But here are some starting points. You can either do all the calculations in one coordinate space, or you can define a coordinate space per object. In most animation systems, people use coordinate spaces per object, and use transformation matrices to convert, because it makes the math easier.
The basic sequence of calculations is:
On mouse-down, you do your hit-test,
and store the coordinates of the
event (in the object coordinate
When the mouse moves, you create a
vector representing the distance
The force exterted by the spring is k * M, where M is the amount of distance between that initial mouse-down point from step 1, and the current mouse position. k is the spring constant of the spring.
Project that vector onto two direction vectors, starting from the initial mouse-down point. One direction is towards the center of the object, the other is 90 degrees from that.
The force projected towards the center of the object will move it towards the mouse cursor, and the other force is the torque around the axis. How much the object accelerates is dependent on its mass, and the rotational acceleration is dependent on angular momentum.
The friction and viscosity of the medium the object is moving in causes drag, which simply reduces the motion of the object over time.
Or, maybe you just want to fake it. In that case, just store the (x,y) location of the rectangle, and its current rotation, phi. Then, do this:
Capture the mouse-down location in world coordinates
When the mouse moves, move the box according to the change in mouse position
Calculate the angle between the mouse and the center of the object (atan2 is useful here), and between the center of the object and the initial mouse-down point. Add the difference between the two angles to the rotation of the rectangle.
This would seem to be a basic physics problem.
You would need to know where the click, and that will tell you if they are pushing or pulling, so, though you are doing this in 2D, your calculations will need to be in 3D, and your awareness of where they clicked will be in 3D.
Each item will have properties, such as mass, and perhaps information for air resistance, since the air will help to provide the motion.
You will also need to react differently based on how fast the user is moving the mouse.
So, they may be able to move the 2 ton weight faster than is possible, and you will just need to adapt to that, as the user will not be happy if the object being dragged is slower than the mouse pointer.
Which language?
Here's a bunch of 2d transforms in C