Compose two rotations in D3 geo projection? - d3.js

Having fun with D3 geo orthographic projection to build an interactive globe, based on all the great examples I found.
You can see my simple mockup at
I want the user to manipulate the globe like a trackball ( I started with one of Mike's examples (, and improved slightly to use canvas coordinates and express the mouse locations in 'trackball coordinates' (i.e. rotation around canvas horizontal and vertical axes) so that a fixed mouse movement gives more rotation near the edges of the globe (and works outside the globe if you use the hyberbolic extension explained above), rather than Mike's one:one correspondence.
It works nicely when the globe starts at an unrotated position (north pole vertical), but when the globe is already rotated (manipulate the example so the north pole is facing out of the page) then the trackball controls become non-intuitive because you can't simply express a change in trackball coordinates as a delta in the d3.geo.rotate lat/lon coordinates. D3's 3-axis rotation involves applying a longitude rotation (spin around north pole), then a latitude rotation (spin around a horizontal axis in the canvas plane), and then a 'yaw' rotation (spin around an axis perpendicular to the plane) - see
I guess what I need is a method for composing my two rotation matrices (the one currently in the projection, with a new one to rotate the trackball slightly), but I can't see a way to do that in D3, other than digging into the source ( and trying to do the math to define the rotation matrix. The code looks elegant but comment-free and I'm not sure I can correctly decipher the closures with the orthographic projection instance.
On the last point, if someone knows the rotation matrix form of d3.geo.projection that would probably solve my problem too.
Any ideas?

There is an alternative solution to patricksurry's answer, by using quaternion representations, as inspired by Jason Davies. I, too, thought D3 would've already supported this composition natively! And hoped Jason Davies posted his code...
Took sometime to figure out the math. A demo is uploaded here, with an attempt to explain the math too.
With my limited math knowledge, I think, one of the advantages quaternion over Euler is the ability to compound multiple rotations over and over, without worrying about coordinate references. So it would always work, no matter where your north pole faces, and no matter how many rotations you'll have. (Someone please correct me, if I got this wrong).

I decided that solving for the combined rotation matrix might not be so hard. I got to do most of the hard work, so that I could express the composition of the original projection rotate() orientation plus a trackball rotation as a single equivalent rotate().
This gives much more natural behavior regardless of the orientation of the globe.
I updated the mockup so that it has the improved version - see
The sources are at which include an explanation of the math - cool that you can use proper greek letters in javascript for almost readable math sourcecode!
It would still be good if D3 supported composition of rotate operations natively (or maybe it does already?!)


Object Rotation in Three.js / Threemap

I am trying to create a 3D Visualization of an RC airplane in Threebox. The RC plane sends live telemetry, including:
GPS Coordinates
Gyro sensor data, showing the pitch, roll and heading of the plane.
I have now loaded a Model of an airplane in Threebox, no problems with that.
My problem comes down to the rotation of the plane. I want the plane object to represent the current orientation of the RC plane. Since I have the live telemetry from the flight controller, this should be possible.
In the Documentation, I have found this method, which seemed like exactly what i needed:
plane.setRotation({x: roll, y: pitch, z: yaw/heading})
And it basically works. I can rotate the Plane around its axes. But things get messed up when I combine the rotations.
For example: When I just update the roll axis, the Object behaves just like I want it to. However, when i change the heading of the plane by 90 degrees, the roll axis suddenly becomes the pitch axis. It seems to me, that the axes of the Plane object don't rotate with the plane itself.
I've prepared a recreation of the issue on jsfiddle. You can change the heading of the plane using the slider in the bottom right.
I've been stuck on this for days, would be super happy for any help!
There are lots of issues with your jsfiddle that prevent it from running. To isolate an issue and make it easier to test you should eliminate as many variables as possible - you're using two third-party libraries that will play a big hand in how transformations behave, particularly threebox.
I would recommend sticking with three.js's built in transformation tools unless you specifically need some lat/lng transformations, or other transformations to move between a local cartesian space and a global coordinate system. In this case, a very basic plane.setRotationFromEuler(new THREE.Euler(yaw, pitch, roll)) should do the trick. Be aware of how much order in euler rotations can affect the outcome, and that three.js uses radians for all its rotations, not degrees.

Bump map sprite casting shadows on itself

I've got a fairly simple implementation of normal map lighting working for 2D sprites in webgl (GLSL shaders) which I was able to adapt & optimize from an example. It uses just one directional light and works fine for my purposes. Sprites are rendered flat (2D), only the light direction and normals are 3D vectors. Vertex rotation only happens around the z axis, so it's fairly easy-peasy.
I was hoping to add a bump (height) map to cast shadows. There are 3D bump map shadow casting examples and papers available online, but they're more complex than I need and the math goes over my head; I haven't found an example or explanation of how one might do a simple 2D case.
My first inclination is as follows: for the current pixel in the fragment shader, trace back along the direction of the light and check the altitude of the neighbouring bump map pixel. If it's higher than the light direction vector at that point, then that pixel is in the shade. However since "tall" pixels on the bump map may cast shadow across > 1 pixel distance, I'd have to keep testing pixel by pixel in that direction until I find one tall enough to cast a shadow (or reach the edge of the texture, or reach some arbitrary limit.)
This doesn't sound very optimal, especially for larger textures. I've read that if statements in shaders aren't so fast. Is there a faster/better method?
What you are looking for is called parallax (occlusion) mapping.
It's a technique that does exactly what you described, and it can be understood as on-bumpmap ray tracing in tangent space.
Here are some articles:
nVidia - Per-Pixel displacement (w/ sphere tracing)
nVidia - Cone Tracing for PM
The ways to optimize search are similar to ordinary raytracing and include: sphere tracing, cone tracing, binary search and similar, instead of constant stepping function.
P. S. If you know the name of some rendering technique, it's generally good idea to Google it adding 'nVidia', 'crytek' or 'gpu' in front of the name, it will show you much more relevant results.
Hope this helps.

Programmatic correction of camera tilt in a positioning system

A quick introduction:
We're developing a positioning system that works the following way. Our camera is situated on a robot and is pointed upwards (looking at the ceiling). On the ceiling we have something like landmarks, thanks to whom we can compute the position of the robot. It looks like this:
Our problem:
The camera is tilted a bit (0-4 degrees I think), because the surface of the robot is not perfectly even. That means, when the robot turns around but stays at the same coordinates, the camera looks at a different position on the ceiling and therefore our positioning program yields a different position of the robot, even though it only turned around and wasn't moved a bit.
Our current (hardcoded) solution:
We've taken some test photos from the camera, turning it around the lens axis. From the pictures we've deduced that it's tilted ca. 4 degrees in the "up direction" of the picture. Using some simple geometrical transformations we've managed to reduce the tilt effect and find the real camera position. On the following pictures the grey dot marks the center of the picture, the black dot is the real place on the ceiling under which the camera is situated. The black dot was transformed from the grey dot (its position was computed correcting the grey dot position). As you can easily notice, the grey dots form a circle on the ceiling and the black dot is the center of this circle.
The problem with our solution:
Our approach is completely unportable. If we moved the camera to a new robot, the angle and direction of tilt would have to be completely recalibrated. Therefore we wanted to leave the calibration phase to the user, that would demand takings some pictures, assessing the tilt parameters by him and then setting them in the program. My question to you is: can you think of any better (more automatic) solution to computing the tilt parameters or correcting the tilt on the pictures?
Nice work. To have an automatic calibration is a nice challenge.
An idea would be to use the parallel lines from the roof tiles:
If the camera is perfectly level, then all lines will be parallel in the picture too.
If the camera is tilted, then all lines will be secant (they intersect in the vanishing point).
Now, this is probably very hard to implement. With the camera you're using, distortion needs to be corrected first so that lines are indeed straight.
Your practical approach is probably simpler and more robust. As you describe it, it seems it can be automated to become user friendly. Make the robot turn on itself and identify pragmatically which point remains at the same place in the picture.

Orthographic 3D Backface Culling using Surface Normals

I'm creating an HTML5 canvas 3D renderer, and I'd say I've gotten pretty far without the help of SO, but I've run into a showstopper of sorts. I'm trying to implement backface culling on a cube with the help of some normals calculations. Also, I've tagged this as WebGL, as this is a general enough question that it could apply to both my use case and a 3D-accelerated one.
At any rate, as I'm rotating the cube, I've found that the wrong faces are being hidden. Example:
I'm using the following vertices:
The general procedure I'm using is:
Create a transformation matrix by which to transform the cube's vertices
For each face, and for each point on each face, I convert these to vec3s, andn multiply them by the matrix made in step 1.
I then get the surface normal of the face using Newell's method, then get a dot-product from that normal and some made-up vec3, e.g., [-1, 1, 1], since I couldn't think of a good value to put in here. I've seen some folks use the position of the camera for this, but...
Skipping the usual step of using a camera matrix, I pull the x and y values from the resulting vectors to send to my line and face renderers, but only if they have a dot-product above 0. I realize it's rather arbitrary which ones I pull, really.
I'm wondering two things; if my procedure in step 3 is correct (it most likely isn't), and if the order of the points I'm drawing on the faces is incorrect (very likely). If the latter is true, I'm not quite sure how to visualize the problem. I've seen people say that normals aren't pertinent, that it's the direction the line is being drawn, but... It's hard for me to wrap my head around that, or if that's the source of my problem.
It probably doesn't matter, but the matrix library I'm using is gl-matrix:
Also, the particular file in my open source codebase I'm using is here:
Thanks in advance!
I haven't reviewed your entire system, but the “made-up vec3” should not be arbitrary; it should be the “out of the screen” vector, which (since your projection is ⟨x, y, z⟩ → ⟨x, y⟩) is either ⟨0, 0, -1⟩ or ⟨0, 0, 1⟩ depending on your coordinate system's handedness and screen axes. You don't have an explicit "camera matrix" (that is usually called a view matrix), but your camera (view and projection) is implicitly defined by your step 4 projection!
However, note that this approach will only work for orthographic projections, not perspective ones (consider a face on the left side of the screen, facing rightward and parallel to the view direction; the dot product would be 0 but it should be visible). The usual approach, used in actual 3D hardware, is to first do all of the transformation (including projection), then check whether the resulting 2D triangle is counterclockwise or clockwise wound, and keep or discard based on that condition.

Working with Three.js

Context: trying to take THREE.js and use it to display conic sections.
Method: creating a mesh of vertices and then connect face4's to all of them. Used two faces to produce a front and back side so that when the conic section rotates it won't matter from which angle the camera views it.
Problems encountered: 1. Trying to find a good way to create a intuitive mouse rotation scheme. If you think in spherical coordinates, then it feels like just making up/down change phi and left/right change phi would work. But that requires that you can move the camera. As far as I can tell, there is no way to change actively change the rotation of anything besides the objects. Does anyone know how to change the rotation of the camera or scene? 2. Is there a way to graph functions that is better than creating a mesh? If the mesh has many points then it is too slow, and if the mesh has few points then you cannot easily make out the shape of the conic sections.
Any sort of help would be most excellent.
I'm still starting to learn Three.js, so I'm not sure about the second part of your question.
For the first part, to change the camera, there is a very good way, which could also include zooming and moving the scene: the trackball camera.
For the exact code and how to use it, you can view:
At the botton of this page ( you can see the example in action (the globe in the third row from the bottom).
There is an orbit control script for the three.js camera.
I'm not sure if I understand the rotation bit. You do want to rotate an object, but you are correct, the rotation is relative.
When you rotate or move your camera, a matrix is calculated for that position/rotation, and it does indeed rotate the scene while keeping the camera static.
This is irrelevant though, because you work in model/world space, and you position your camera in it, the engine takes care of the rotations under the hood.
What you probably want is to set up an object, hook up your rotation with spherical coordinates, and link your camera as a child to this object. The translation along the cameras Z axis relative to the object should mimic your dolly (zoom is FOV change).
You can rotate the camera by changing its position. See the code I pasted here:
As others are saying OrbitControls.js is an intuitive way for users to manage the camera.
I tackled many of the same issues when building I used Morphing Geometries since I found mapping 3d math functions to a UV surface to require v little code and it allowed an easy way to implement different coordinate systems (Cartesian, spherical, cylindrical).
You could use particles instead of a mesh I suppose but a mesh seems best. The lattice material is not too useful if you're trying to understand a surface mathematically. At this point I'm thinking of drawing my own X,Y lines on the surface (or phi, theta lines etc) to better demonstrate cross-sections.
Hope that helps.
You can use trackball controls by which you can zoom in and out of an object,rotate the object,pan it.In trackball controls you are moving the camera around the object.Object still rotates with respect to the screen or renderer centre (0,0,0).
