Optional values from Steam Web API - steam-web-api

How can I get the optional result data values from the Steam Web API?
For example, from GetPlayerAchievements I also want the name and description.
So far I use this URL: http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetPlayerAchievements/v0001/?appid=MYAPPID&key=MYKEY&steamid=MYSTEAMID

You need to add &l=en to the end of your URL. This adds the language dependent fields of name and description to the results.
en can be substituted for other supported languages
Example for a player's Team Fortress 2 stats:
URL: http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetPlayerAchievements/v0001/?appid=MYAPPID&key=MYKEY&steamid=MYSTEAMID&l=en
Returns a JSON result that has this block in the ['playerstats']['achievements'] array
"achieved": 1,
"name": "Head of the Class",
"description": "Play a complete round with every class."


MS Flow: How to achieve something like `_.find()` (lodash/JS)

How can I use MS Flow to select an individual object, by value for a specified property, from an array?
Example array:
item_id: '1234'
item_id: '4567'
In the example above, I may only want to work with the first object and the rest of its available properties.
Happy to use the Workflow Definition Language and/or any of the Data Operations actions.
I solved this by using the "Data operations - Filter" action.
Ignore the error in red - it is an array.
My left-hand expression for "item_id" is:
And then I statically enter the item ID I wish to access in the right-hand input.
DocumentNo Item will then be an array itself with only 0 or 1 elements and can be used like so:

How to use openWhisk forwarder combinator to forward parameters around a cloudant action

I have this scenario where I want to check if user's email is already been used when trying to signup and throw an error “user already exists” in that case.
here’s what my sequence looks like:
Input action -> CloudnAnt EXE QUERY-Find -> Validate email action -> CloudnAnt create User/Throw user already exists error action
my json payload looks like this :
{email: 'blahblah#domain.com', pass: "pass"}
the problem is that I have no control over the output of the cloudnant predefined actions, and by that I lose the payload after the 2nd action "CloudnAnt EXE QUERY-Find User with email action"
Is there a way to keep my input all the way through the sequence? and could the forward combinator be the solution for this issue?
I'd try /whisk.system/combinators/forwarder, which lets you pass arguments to an action and then specify arguments that get sent to the next one. Ie, I've got 5 arguments, let's pass 1 and 2 on to the next item in the sequence, and when done, pass 3, 4, 5 to the next one. I believe the output from the first item goes along as well.
The solution is very simple, just replace the cloudant action with a forward combinator which will invoke the cloudant action and forward the parameters around it.
to invoke a cloudant action you need get the full path for your action and that includes the namespace and the database name like the following:
in my case it was /sansan/users/exec-query-find
so if you want to check whether the email exists or not in your cloudant db, and keep the original params just pass the following payload to your cloudant action
"data":{...},// some data you want to keep after the cloudant query
"query": {
"selector": {
"email": "email#domain.com"
"$actionName": "/sansan/users/exec-query-find",
"$forward": [// list of params you want forward
"$actionArgs": [ // list of params you want to feed the action
after running the sequence, the output should look like this:
"data": {...}, // your data
"docs": [...]// cloudant query results
the forward combinator is poorly documented, but you can find more details about it in Raymond Camden's blog post
look at Raymond's answer here too

Custom data search within an array

Is it possible to search an account's custom data to find a value contained in an array?
Something like:
The Stormpath docs don't mention array searching.
Yes, with Stormpath it is totally possible to search for custom data even if the values are stored as an array!
Please note that the field names are simple names, and the values are what are different data types like array, map, string etc... so the query is not as complex as one would think :-)
For example, if I want to store custom data called favoriteColors, which is an array like
"favoriteColors": [ "red", "black", "blue", "white" ]
Notice the field name is just like any other field name. The value is the array.
To search for accounts which have a value red in the favoriteColors array, you just need the normal query syntax:
The full request (if searching a Directory of accounts), might look like this:
You could also do the same search on the Tenant resource to search tenant-wide (across all accounts):
This query would match an account that contains red in the favoriteColors array. If I changed the query to ?customData.favoriteColors=yellow it would not match unless yellow was also added to the array.
Searching for custom data in an array can definitely be done. The syntax is: customData.{fieldName}\[{index}\]=value where {index} can be the specific index you are looking for, or * if you want to find it anywhere in the array. (Note that the [] characters are escaped with a backslash or the query interpreter gets it confused with a range query.)
If you leave off the index entirely, then \[*\] is implied. More precisely, Stormpath will check for either the value in the fieldName or the value as an element in an array of fieldName. However, syntactic sugar can only work if the array field is the last element in your search. Since you can put literally any JSON object into your custom data, Stormpath cannot check every single possibility. Imagine something like customData.foo.bar.baz.qux=bingo. Stormpath would not try to guess that maybe foo is an array, maybe bar is an array or not, maybe baz is an array or not - only maybe qux is an array or not. So, if you want to search an array of objects, you cannot leave out the \[*\].
Here is an example. I have an account with the custom data:
"favoriteThings": [
"thing": "raindrops",
"location": "on roses"
"thing": "whiskers",
"location": "on kittens"
"thing": "snowflakes",
"location": "on my nose and eye lashes"
"favoriteColors": [
The following queries will yield the following results:
customData.favoriteColors=blue will include this account.
customData.favoriteColors\[1\]=blue will not include this account because blue is not at index 1.
customData.favoriteThings\[*\].thing=whiskers will include this account
customData.favoriteThings\[*\].thing=ponies will not include this account because it does not list ponies as one of his favorite things, but may include other accounts with custom data in the same structure.
customData.favoriteThings.thing=whiskers would not include this account or any other accounts with the same custom data structure because in that case, Stormpath would be looking for a single nested JSON favoriteThings object, not an array.

API blueprint MSON to define valid Attribute values?

Consider this excerpt from https://github.com/apiaryio/mson#example-1 ...
Example 1
A simple object structure and its associated JSON expression.
- id: 1
- name: A green door
- price: 12.50
- tags: home, green
Let's say I would like to define valid values for the name attribute. Consider a context of API testing with a tool such as Dredd. We may need to define what are the expected/valid name values in response to GET'ing this resource, or else something is probably broken and this test step should fail.
And/or, if creating/updating a resource of this type, we may need to define what name values are valid/accepted. Is this currently possible to define in MSON?
(I believe this can be done in a JSON schema, which makes me hopeful for MSON support.)
Following is an example API Blueprint resource to illustrate how this would be used...
# Thing ID [/api/thing/id]
# List Thing ID attributes [GET]
+ Response 200
+ Attributes
+ href (string)
+ make (string)
+ model (string)
+ version (string)
+ Body
In the above example, there are 3 known/accepted/valid values for the model attribute: CoolThingy, AwesomeThingy, and MLGThingy
Can we represent this resource in MSON, such that...
Apiary (or other rendered) API documentation consumers can easily know what model values to expect?
Dredd processes and passes/fails the model value in the response to a GET to this resource?
In MSON you can use enum, see the example below.
name (enum[string])
joe (default)

Blueprint API show all possible values for Enum in Response Body

When writing an API-Deocumentation for an rest-service I came across an problem where I wanted to list all the possible Values which could be returned as a response.
In the case below it would be the "state" field which could contain any possible value of a enumeration and I wanted to sum up which possible states there are.
I could not find an easy and nice way to do it with apiblueprint. Is there a way to display sections collapsed by default and expand them when additional information is needed?
Here is the Sample code I have:
## Sample [/Sample?{id}]
Get all the information for the sample
+ Parameters
+ id = `0` (Integer, optional) ... The Id of the resource to get
+ Model (application/json)
+ Body
"name": "Name of the Resource",
"state": "deleted"
### Retrieve the sample data of the system [GET]
+ Response 200
I need something like "Values" for the parameters section but for the Body part to describe the state in the Body section e.g.
+ state (EnumType) ... current state of the sample object
+ Values
+ `active`
+ `inactive`
+ `deleted`
Unfortunately, this is not yet possible with API Blueprint. However, it's planned - see https://github.com/apiaryio/api-blueprint/issues/25 and https://github.com/apiaryio/mson.
