How can I split a view into x number of columns? - obiee

I have a view in OBIEE that is sectioned and returning groups as intended. My question though, is can I make the sections return in more than 1 column? Right now there are 8 sections all in a long line. I would prefer to split them into two columns of 4 sections each, in the same view.
Is this possible?
*It will be used in a dashboard at some point.

Since this will be used on a dashboard, you could consider using a compound layout.
The compound layout button is on the results page in the toolbar. Click on it, name it to something that will help you identify it later, then break your data apart into two sections (using filters, creating two different tables within the same report, or some other means. This is the part where I don't know your data or its format so it makes it difficult to answer). One section of data will go on one compound layout, and another section will go on the other compound layout. So in the report, the data will be on two tabs, but since it is intended for a dashboard, this is not a problem.
Make two side by side columns on the dashboard, and drag the same report into both. In the properties, select "show View", and select the different compound views (one for each column).
Now when you run the dash, the results will display in different columns at the same time.


Telerik Reporting: Repeat a page containing 2 graphs and a table

I need to build a report (in Visual Studio) that takes an ObjectDataSource, and groups the data into separate pages. Each page needs to contain 2 graphs and a table that deal with that particular group of data.
How can I approach this? There is some documentation on page breaks on groups in a table, but my pages need to contain charts as well. Is there a demo that shows how to build what I need?
Eventually I will also need to add this report into a ReportBook, but first things first.
If I understand your question correctly this should be straightforward:
Create a new report
Add a group definition to group the data into the two distinct groups that you want to display. [Careful here because if you don't define your groups correctly, you could end up with more than 2 pages] Use a Boolean or "greater than" and "less than or equal" (or vice versa) are your best bets.
Size the Group Details section to be the size of the page you want (8.5"x11" or whatever fits on "one page")
Insert a Panel into the Group Details section and expand it to be the same size as the Group Details section
Anchor the panel to all sides, and set the CanGrow and CanShrink properties to "false"
Inside the Panel add your Graphs and Table and bind to the grouped data
Set the Page Break property of the Group Footer to: "After" to separate the data into two pages

Multiple detail rows and page breaks on report

I have a problem with a rdlc page breaking and table with multiple detail rows. Tried everything that crossed my mind, none works.
As you can see on the picture below, the table has 7 detail rows.
Now, when report is rendered, the page gets spitted between, for example, rows 2 and 3 which is bad.
I wish to keep all of detail rows (that belong to one record) on the same page. How can I accomplish this?
I think you should create a group based on whatever joins the one record together, let's call it PlaceID. So right click, Add Group, choose what to group by.
Then, under the row groups you should have a group by PlaceID, and underneath that, a row marked "Details". Highlight Details in the lower section, which should highlight in the report the rows involved. Set the KeepTogether property of that section to True, should keep details on the same page.
If you don't want to use the Group option mentioned by Jerry, this option in the Table Properties may help...

BIRT- converting table to grid

Currently I'm working over a birt report with a table to display data. Now, i want to convert the same thing to grid, which provides better viewing and analysing capability. So, is there any easy way (in editing the XML or something) to convert the whole table to grid? Meanwhile, the complete data remains the same.
NB: I havn't yet used a bit with grid, never ever! Also m bit newbie to birt. So pardon me if I'm spiting out anything rubbish.
A table is a different element from a grid. There is not a button to push that will convert one to the other. You would need to add a grid element to your report and set it up like you want it to look.
I seriously doubt you want to do this though. a grid will only display the first record returned, unlike a table that will display all the records returned.
A related, but more reasonable question is how to convert a single-column table to a list or vice-versa.
I often need this table-to-list conversion for optimizing master-detail reports for (our customized version of) the WordEmitter, because this prevents superfluous nested tables in the Word output.
Fortunately, for tables without grouping this is relatively easy by editing the XML:
Change the corresponding opening and closing tag to a tag, remove the elements and the elements (but keep theirs contents).
Apart from that, James' is right: There is no reason to convert a table to a grid item, mainly because a table will display all records (while a grid displays only the first) while the table has all features of a grid (and more, like grouping).

How to insert multiple rows into embedded view from a subform? Lotus Notes

I have a section that contains a subform ( containing 3 editable fields for the user ).
Then I have an embedded view categorized having two actions: Add and Trash.
What i want to do: After the user complete the 3 fields and then press Add, the first row in the embedded view will appear. ( This easy thing I did ). But then after the first click on Add, I want that all the 3 fields to be refreshed, all of them to have as their value: "".
After, if the user wants to add another row into the embedded view (with different values), in my case it is overwrited on the 1st row. I want to be separate rows in order.
I tried something with #Command(ViewRefreshFields) into the Add action code but I didn't make it to work. Please help, J. U.
Jazir, I'm guessing that you also go by the names "Florin G Mihalache", "Josh Mitchell" and "Yveniss Ltoreau", and I've been following the development of your application along with many other professional Notes developers.
I really think you need to go back to the very first basics, and work out the difference between forms, subforms, documents, views, embedded views, and other important components of Lotus Notes databases.
I strongly suspect that for a couple of weeks you have been trying to use a form to create other documents, via a subform, to be displayed in an embedded view in that form, when what you should be using is just a view, and documents. Perhaps you might need to use pages, outlines and framesets. It is very important that you understand these basic concepts before confusing the people who have tried to help you, to whom you may have lied.
I have voted your question down, not just because you have shown a lack of research, but because you appear to keep switching ID when people lose patience with you. I will undo that vote if I become convinced that you are not Florin.
The documents displayed in an embedded view are controlled by the view's selection formula. You haven't shown that. You haven't shown your code in the Add button. You haven't shown what properties you have set on the embedded view -- e.g., show single category. So you're not giving us quite enough info to diagnose your problem and help you.
But in general, I think that if you want to control the order of insertion of individual documents into an embedded list, perhaps using an embedded folder would be a better idea than an embedded view.

How can I avoid to get the rows of two different sections alternated?

First of all, I'm really a newbie in Cystal Reports, so please have patience with me on this.
So, I've got to display two lists, independant, one below the other. To accomplish this, I manage to insert two detail sections, both with properties from different commands.
But the preview is not showing what I would expect...
As you may see from the highlighted rows, both lists are mixed, which is not what I'm looking for.
Could anyone tell how can i do this?
This is default behavior of crystal report.
Add two linked sub reports in detail sections respectively.
If you want to display two unlinked datasets your best option is to use (a) subreport(s).
Place one command in the main report to return your first dataset which you can display in detail section.
Place a subreport with your second command in one of the report footer sections (inside the subreport you can place the dataset fields in the detail section).
