BIRT- converting table to grid - birt

Currently I'm working over a birt report with a table to display data. Now, i want to convert the same thing to grid, which provides better viewing and analysing capability. So, is there any easy way (in editing the XML or something) to convert the whole table to grid? Meanwhile, the complete data remains the same.
NB: I havn't yet used a bit with grid, never ever! Also m bit newbie to birt. So pardon me if I'm spiting out anything rubbish.

A table is a different element from a grid. There is not a button to push that will convert one to the other. You would need to add a grid element to your report and set it up like you want it to look.
I seriously doubt you want to do this though. a grid will only display the first record returned, unlike a table that will display all the records returned.

A related, but more reasonable question is how to convert a single-column table to a list or vice-versa.
I often need this table-to-list conversion for optimizing master-detail reports for (our customized version of) the WordEmitter, because this prevents superfluous nested tables in the Word output.
Fortunately, for tables without grouping this is relatively easy by editing the XML:
Change the corresponding opening and closing tag to a tag, remove the elements and the elements (but keep theirs contents).
Apart from that, James' is right: There is no reason to convert a table to a grid item, mainly because a table will display all records (while a grid displays only the first) while the table has all features of a grid (and more, like grouping).


Use hierarchical tables in SlickGrid

We have a request from our designers to build tables something like this, with rows that expand to show essentially another sub-table underneath. In KendoUI documentation, this is called "Hierarchy."
We use SlickGrid v2.3 with a few additional plugins. We currently have tables with a similar row expand/collapse like this: . That does not allow for a completely different set of columns in the sub-table.
The question is, can this be done in SlickGrid or not?
It might be hard to do with current SlickGrid, there's no code that handles the hierarchical part itself so that would be lot of work to implement in SlickGrid. However it is implemented in Slickgrid-Universal, which is a wrapper on top of SlickGrid. You can see Example 5 and Example 6 which shows 2 types of Tree Data grids (hierarchical or parentId refs). We use it in production for a project that we have. Also note that this is not a grid within a grid, it's rather an expand/collapse the same as what you found in example5-collapsing.html, the only differences with SlickGrid is that Slickgrid-Universal has the code to deal with hierarchical data (filtering/sorting) while SlickGrid itself doesn't and also another nice to know thing is that expand/collapse is actually using data filtering behind the scene and you can see that in the total items displayed when you have the footer enabled.
Please note that I'm the author of Slickgrid-Universal and also a major contributor to SlickGrid as well
At the moment, it can't be done. In order to achieve its speed, Slickgrid enforces a fixed row height and a single scrolling canvas. It's just a different approach than used by HTML display grids.
You could put together a workaround using mutiple slickgrids or an embedded slickgrid in a group row, I suppose, but it would be messy.
One thing I have done is develop a SlickCombo, which is essentially a grid presented as a multi-column dropdown. It's a full grid and can offer editing.
That's probably as close as you'd get.
A comment: the MLeibman repo is long dead - you should be using:

WCAG - should a table (row) with dynamically populated data be included in the tab order?

For an app a table, that is dynamically populated with data, is important.
How should I do the tab order for tables of data? I searched for guidelines, but could not find a good one so far.
Possibilities I see are:
Only include the table itsef using a 'tabindex=0' attribute in the 'table' tag.
Include the table rows in the tab order with a 'tabindex=0' attribute in the 'tr' tag.
I guess using the arrow keys will allow for detail navigation.
What do you advice?
The table itself and the rows themselves are generally not keyboard focusable because they're not interactive elements. If the row was selectable or expandable, then maybe it could be focusable but it's usually an element in the table row (or more accurately, an element in a the table cell) that is selectable or expandable.
Without more details on the behavior you're trying to achieve, it's hard to give exact advice, but my initial thought is that none of the table elements proper (<table>, <tr>, <td>) should be focusable.
Regarding arrow keys for navigation, that's the pattern for a grid, which is a type of table that has editable cells (similar to a spreadsheet). Again, I don't have enough info on your situation to know if a grid is what you're trying to create.
For screen reader users, they already have a way to navigate to the table and navigate within the table using the screen reader shortcut keys, so don't worry about trying to make things focusable for screen reader users.
Lately I heard another suggestion from an expert.
Generally speaking, all interactive elements should be included in the tab index, such as buttons, form fields and links. If the entire table row can be clicked, this should be in the tab flow by means of a tab index 0.

Changing columns order on export to CSV from SSRS 2008

We have a report developed in another tool that the user exports to Excel to manipulate the data. In the old tool, the columns are being saved in the same order as the dataset returned by the stored procedure. But in SSRS the columns sort is changed to the order that they are displayed on the screen. The user is a nut case and can't convince her to change the order of the columns on the screen report to match her old report sort, but on the other hand does not want to adapt to the new column order. Unfortunately the easiest solution (i.e. replacing the user :-)) is not implementable. Is there a property that I can use to change the sorting on the columns when they are exported. Without knowing much about it, I imagined ZIndex would have done something like that. But it is set to 0 and disabled, so I can't change it's value.
I know it's years later but for the benefit of anyone who is in this predicament, a similar idea: in the same report, you create another tablix that will be your "output" tablix, where you arrange things as you please using the same dataset. Make this tablix with visibility hidden, and set it to "output" as necessary. Turn off all outputs from the first tablix. So you have basically a ghost tablix that only works when you export to csv.

Gwt: display Table faster

I have the problem, that my program is too slow in displaying a flexTable. I've searched how to display the table faster and I think with a cell table it might be faster. The problem now is, there are different objects displayed in the table and I don't know how to do that with a celltable. I have a list<DTOEmployeeWithTask> and each dTOEmployeeWithTask has a list<TaskRelation>. First there's displayed a row with the employee and then each taskRelation for the employee, like this:
Now to my questions: what is the fastest way to display such a table? If it's with a cellTable, how would I do that in a CellTable?
If you need some code just say what you need.
FlexTable is a no go anyway as it's known to be slow. What would be a good solution is a Custom DataGrid, which can display rows with sub rows as in your screenshot. The GWT showcase page has a nice example including source code which should help you further:!CwCustomDataGrid

DataGrid column header with a text box for filtering

I'm having a bit of problems creating a DataGrid with a header label AND a text box (at this point I'm not even entirely sure this is possible).
Here's what I want to do:
I need to dynamically create a table (the number of columns can and will change, so the grid needs to be created dynamically and cannot use bindings specified in the XAML code or similar). All the columns however will always be text columns.
Because those will be text columns, I'd like to add a text box to each header to enable simple filtering of the data in the DataGrid. I don't want to add extra text fields to OTHER parts of the Silverlight page, as I want to keep things as compact as possible. Also, since the number of columns is dynamic, adding a large number of text boxes above the DataGrid wouldn't look too good either. ;)
Also, if possible, I'd like to keep a label in each header to display the names of the columns as well.
So far I've tried adding the a TextBox as the Header of a DataGridTextBoxColumn but when I do that in a very simple Silverlight project, the whole DataGrid won't show up.
Please help.
I saw the answer to this question: placing a text box inside the silverlight data grid column header
However, the answer itself didn't give me much to go on (the example is too short, and I'm not too good with XAML yet), and the code on CodePlex just adds extra fields to the Silverlight page. None of it tackles the problem of dynamically creating the DataGrid.
OK, here's what I did that solved my issue...
I had to use a Style to achieve the functionality of having an extra text box inside each column header and filling out the Tag property of each thus created TextBox to later find out which column has been changed.
