Ruby 2: Recognizing decomposed utf8 in XML entities (NFD) - ruby

Problem is simple: I have XML containing this value
This appears to be valid XML format for representing a u with an umlaut, like this.
But all the parsers we have tried so far result in u¨ -- two distinct characters.
This form of unicode (UTF-8) uses two codepoints to represent a single character; and is called Normalized Form Decomposed or NFD, and in binary is \303\274.
Most characters can also be represented as a single codepoint and entity, including this case. The XML could also have included ü or ü or ü and in binary is \195\188. This is called Normalized Form Composed. Any of these would work fine.
Getting Right to the Question
So I think the question is one of:
Is there a parser (doesn't seem to be nokogiri) that can detect and normalize to our preferred form?
Is there a reasonable way for us to reliably detect entities in the NFD form and convert them to the NFC form (or is there something that will do that out there?)

The character you’re using, U+00A8 (DIAERESIS) isn’t a combining character – it is distinct from U+0308 (COMBINING DIAERESIS). (I’ve only just discovered this myself – I don’t know what the use for the non-combining diaeresis is).
It looks like in this case this behaviour is correct and your XML is wrong (it should be using ̈ and not ¨).


Find and replace non utf8 character

I have a process that inserts data into PDFs that eventually loads into a system that gets searched based on that inserted data. The inserted data looks something like:
<< /Private
/DOB (05031983)
/YEAR (2020)
However, there are instances where the data in the FULL_NAME field contains non UTF8 characters and then users are unable to search the data. Specifically apostrophes come over from Microsoft Word and then gets interpreted like this:
/FULL_NAME (JERRY OÃ<83>¢ââ<80><9a>‰â<80><9e>¢CONNELL)
In this case I am looking to strip out the apostrophe that is represented as Ã<83>¢ââ<80><9a>‰â<80><9e>¢ and replace it with a white space.
There are several complexities here, but in general I would say that the only reliable way to deal with it is to figure out the text encoding of the incoming document and converting it to the target encoding.
Ã<83>¢ââ<80><9a>‰â<80><9e>¢ is 34 characters (that is, at least 34 bytes), and no single encoding ever used that much space for a single character. What’s probably happening is multiple levels of encoding, such as HTML entities, base64, UTF-8/16/32 or escape characters like %% to represent % in SQL or \\ to represent \ in Bash. Reversing all these levels of encoding manually is going to involve quite a lot of reading the huge docx standard. The simpler alternative is to use a library which can just convert the entire text into a known character encoding for you, at which point you have to do at most a single conversion into UTF-8.
Another argument for this is that the “apostrophe string” does contain otherwise harmless characters like “a” and “e”. Without at least some understanding of the encodings you’re unlikely to be able to separate encoded characters from non-encoded ones, which would make the resulting text full of invalid text.

Can I treat all domain names as being IDNs without any ill effects?

From testing, it seems like trying to convert both IDNs and regular domain names 'just works' - eg, if the input doesn't need to be changed punycode will just return the input.
This looks great, but is it specified anywhere? Can I safely convert everything to punycode?
That is correct. If you look at how the procedure for converting unicode strings to ascii punycode, the process only alters any non-ascii character. Since regular domains cannot contain non-ascii characters, if your conversor is correctly implemented, it will never transform any pure-ascii string.
You can read more about how unicode is converted to punycode here:
Punycode is specified in RFC 3492:, and it clearly says:
"Basic code point segregation" is a very simple and
efficient encoding for basic code points occurring in the extended
string: they are simply copied all at once.
Therefore, if your extended string is made of basic code points, it will just be copied without change.

Why 'аnd' == 'and' is false?

I tagged character-encoding and text because I know if you type 'and' == 'and' into the rails console, or most any other programming language, you will get true. However, I am having the issue when one of my users pastes his text into my website, I can't spell check it properly or verify it's originality via copyscape because of some issue with the text. (or maybe my understanding of text encoding?)
If you copy and paste the following line into the rails console you will get false.
'аnd' == 'and' #=> false
If you copy and paste the following line into the rails console you will get true even though they appear exactly the same in the browser.
'and' == 'and' #=> true
The difference is, in the first example, the first 'аnd' is copied and pasted from my user's text that is causing the issues. All the other instances of 'and' are typed into the browser.
Is this an encoding issue?
How to fix my issue?
This isn’t really an encoding problem, in the first case the strings compare as false simply because they are different.
The first character of the first string isn’t a ”normal“ a, it is actually U+0430 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A — the first two bytes (208 and 176, or 0xD0 and 0xB0 in hex) are the UTF-8 encoding for this character. It just happens to look exactly like a “normal” Latin a, which is U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A.
Here’s the “normal” a: a, and this is the Cyrillic a: а, they appear pretty much identical.
The fix for this really depends on what you want your application to do. Ideally you would want to handle all languages, and so you might want to just leave it and rely on users to provide reasonable input.
You could replace the character in question with a latin a using e.g. gsub. The problem with that is there are many other characters that have similar appearance to the more familiar ones. If you choose this route you would be better looking for a library/gem that did it for you, and you might find you’re too strict about conversions.
Another option could be to choose a set of Unicode scripts that your application supports and refuse any characters outside those scripts. You can check fairly easily for this with Ruby‘s regular expression script support, e.g. /\p{Cyrillic}/ will match all Cyrillic characters.
The problem is not with encodings. A single file or a single terminal can only have a single encoding. If you copy and paste both strings into the same source file or the same terminal window, they will get inserted with the same encoding.
The problem is also not with normalization or folding.
The first string has 4 octets: 0xD0 0xB0 0x6E 0x64. The first two octets are a two-octet UTF-8 encoding of a single Unicode codepoint, the third and fourth octets are one-octet UTF-8 encodings of Unicode code points.
So, the string consists of three Unicode codepoints: U+0430 U+006E U+0064.
These three codepoints resolve to the following three characters:
The second string has 3 octets: 0x61 0x6E 0x64. All three octets are one-octet UTF-8 encodings of Unicode code points.
So, the string consists of three Unicode codepoints: U+0061 U+006E U+0064.
These three codepoints resolve to the following three characters:
Really, there is no problem at all! The two strings are different. With the font you are using, a cyrillic a looks the same as a latin a, but as far as Unicode is concerned, they are two different characters. (And in a different font, they might even look different!) There's really nothing you can do from an encoding or Unicode perspective, because the problem is not with encodings or Unicode.
This is called a homoglyph, two characters that are different but have the same (or very similar) glyphs.
What you could try to do is transliterate all strings into Latin (provided that you can guarantee that nobody ever wants to enter non-Latin characters), but really, the questions are:
Where does that cyrillic a come from?
Maybe it was meant to be a cyrillic a and really should be treated not-equal to a latin a?
And depending on the answers to those questions, you might either want to fix the source, or just do nothing at all.
This is a very hot topic for browser vendors, BTW, because nowadays someone could register the domain (with one of the letters switched out for a homoglpyh) and you wouldn't be able to spot the difference in the address bar. This is called a homograph attack. That's why they always display the Punycode domain in addition to the Unicode domain name.
I think it is eccoding issue, you can have a try like this.
irb(main):010:0> 'and'.each_byte {|b| puts b}
=> "and"
irb(main):011:0> 'аnd'.each_byte {|b| puts b} #copied and
=> "аnd"

Error with utf8 encoding

When I get data from some website, sometime the data is encode in utf8 but look like this:
Thỏ , Nạt
The accent mark is seperated from character when in fact these string must be:
Thỏ, Nạt
I don't know what is the problem here and how to correct it. Can someone help me with this
The first sample string contains two Vietnamese characters in decomposed form. The first one of them is “ỏ”, consisting of simple letter “o” followed by U+0309 COMBINING HOOK ABOVE.
The second sample string has those characters in precomposed form. The first one of them is “ỏ” U+1ECF LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HOOK ABOVE.
The decomposed and precomposed form are defined to be “canonical equivalent” and are normally expected to result in the same rendering (though this does not always happen). They are not identical, however; in programmatic comparison of characters and strings, they are very much different.
Mostly Latin letters with diacritics, such as “é” and “ä”, are used in precomposed form only, since that’s what keyboard drivers, online keyboards, character picking utilities, etc., normally produce. However, Vietnamese keyboard drivers often work so that some diacritic marks are entered after entering a base character, and the diacritic is thus produced as a combining character, i.e. the letter (like “ỏ”) is then in decomposed form.
One way of dealing with this issue, recommended in many contexts, is to convert your strings to Normalization Form C (NFC). This would put these characters into precomposed form. Note, however, that conversion to NFC removes some other distinctions, too (but this is not relevant if the text is in Vietnamese only and does not contain special symbols).
It remains a mystery why the first sample string has a space character before the comma.

ISO-8859-1 characters treated as UTF-8 in XSLT attributes

The ¬ character (0xAC in ISO-8859-1) works for normal text if I ensure that ISO-8859-1 is always used as the encoding throughout. However, when using it in attributes it is escaped to: %C2%AC. I understand that it needs to be escaped for urls, but not why it escapes it in the same way as it would for UTF-8, rather than just %AC as I'd expect it to for ISO-8859-1.
Since the escapes are in the output html file the only conclusion is that the xslt processor is the cause.
Which for me generates:
Output was generated using xsltproc, compiled against libxml 20707, libxslt 10126 and libexslt 815. This was on #! Linux (amd64). I have also tried: xmlstarlet tr (also uses libxml), xalan and google chrome (by adding an <?xml-stylesheet ... >, see input_ss.xml tag) with the same result.
Opera doesn't escape it at all, and it allows ¬ to be used literally in the url and attribute.
Is this standard behaviour for xslt or is this a bug in the way the attributes are escaped? And either way, is there a solution other than replacing %C2%AC with %AC bearing in mind it is almost certainly the same for other characters that are valid ISO-8859-1 and invalid in UTF-8.
There are 3 different text-based technologies in use here, XML, HTML and URIs.
All of these have escape mechanisms - that is to say, ways to use text to indicate other text that it is impossible or difficult to indicate in a given context.
The not-sign character ¬ (U+00AC) could be escaped in the first two as ¬ or ¬ perhaps with some leading zeros, in both XML and HTML (¬ would also work in HTML). This escape would be used no matter what encoding the XML or HTML was in, because it relates to the character ¬, not to its set of octets in a given character encoding - indeed, we would generally only use it in the case where there was no such set of octets in the encoding being used.
In this case, this is unnecessary, since the output is in a character encoding in which there is no need to escape it, and so in the source you can see The ¬ character unescaped.
This HTML includes the text of a URI. The encoding of the HTML has nothing to do with this, because the encoding is how we get the text of the HTML from one machine to another, but when the HTML is being parsed to read this URI we're past that point and are dealing with some text at the level of text - that is to say, it doesn't have an encoding any more.
Now, URIs have their own escape mechanisms. This must be used in the case of ¬, as it is not a character allowed in URIs (as opposed to IRIs). Sadly, unlike the escapes in XML and HTML, these escapes are based on octets in a given encoding rather than the code-point of the character itself.
It's easy to see this as a mistake now, but URIs were specified in 1994 and that formalised work going back to 1989/1990 while Unicode 1.0 was released in 1991 and didn't have the ground-breaking 2.0 until 1996, so hindsight has considerably more benefits than URI's inventors. (HTML had the same problem many years ago, but the format of its encodings made it much easier to fix this without as many backwards-compatibility issues).
So, what encoding should we use for those octets? The original specs left this undefined, but really the only possible choice is UTF-8. It's the only encoding that gives those escapes commonly used for chracters special to URIs their escapes in the range 0x20 - 0x7F while also covering all of the UCS.
There's also no way to indicate another choice could be more appropriate. Remember, we're working at the level of text, so your use of ISO-8859-1 is completely irrelevant. Even if we kept track of the encoding while parsing the HTML, the URI is going to be made use of in a way that is nothing to do with the document, so we still couldn't use it. In all, if we have to make use of an octet-based encoding, and we have to keep characters in the ASCII range matching the octets they'd have in ASCII, the only possible basis for the encoding is UTF-8.
For that reason, the escape in any URI for ¬ must always be %C2%AC.
There can be some legacy systems that expect URIs to use other encodings, but the solution is to fix the bit that's broken, not the bit that works, so if something expects ¬ to be %AC then catch it close to that by converting %C2%AC close to its use (and if it outputs %AC itself then of course you'll need to fix it to %C2%AC before it hits the outside world).
The XSLT spec says that when serializing URI-valued attributes, all non-ASCII characters are escaped using the %HH-escaping of the UTF-8 octets that represent the character. Although %HH-escaping of other encodings has been used in the past, it is no longer used today. This is quite independent of the encoding of the document itself.
