Mediawiki - a quick link to template editor - syntax

Wikipedia's navbox templates have v·t·e (view, talk, edit) links in upper left corner.
Now I have my own MediaWiki installation and want to be able to edit templates quickly (to have an edit link near each template or more advanced - near each template of certain type).
How to do this?
P.S. I am not sure whether this is the right place to ask such questions, but saw mediawiki tag on stackoverflow.

The links in navboxes are there, because a navbox template is created using Template:Navbox, which in turn uses Template:Navbar, which actually creates the links.
If you want something similar on your wiki, you can copy Navbar from Wikipedia, create your own version of Navbox (or whatever) and then use that in the specific templates that you create.


Joomla 2.5 Template Configuration Error

This is my first experiment with Joomla (2.5) and I am having trouble figuring out what is not configured correctly between the two.
I started with the template and all was good but then as I was configuring / adding content I must have changed something.
The two areas in question is the "top movies" section at the bottom and the "Latest News", Recent News tabs.
Looking at the html in developer tools I can clearly see the difference but I can't figure out what to do / change / look at in the Joomla admin.
The original template is here:
The one I eventually want to go live with is here:
I'm not sure what else to post but if you'll just educate me more on what I can provide I'll be happy to update / edit.
Thank You
Elin you were most helpful pointing me in the right direction. What I found was that another module I was using Code 7 Responsive Slider jquery was colliding with the templates jquery. If I disable the Code 7 slider the jquery carousel and jquery tabs are back to the original.
So now I am off to figure out how to get them to play nice...including using another slider if needed. FWIW I need the images to be href links and that was not readily available using the default slider that came with the template so I grabbed another slider.
Put your comment in some form of an answer and I will mark it for you.
Thanks again.

How would i edit this vertical navigation menu - MAGENTO

Ok. all i am trying todo now is add an image to the top of the navigation bar.
I photoshopped a picture of what i have now and what i am trying to achieve.
here is my site
and here is a link to the naviation module in magento
Thanks guys you are always helpful here!
I find this question a bit specific, because it's related to specific plugin.
I suggest you to use template path hints to find out what file you have to edit. You could enable template path hints for specific store view in System/Configuration/Developer/Debug/Template Path Hints. This option will appear only when you enable specific store view in Current Configuration Scope on the top of left column. It will display hints around blocks on frontend.
You might also find useful official magento design guide:

Where to find the tags used in theme short codes? As well as the general tags used in pyroCMS?

I was wondering where to find the tags to type to take advantage of shortcodes programmed in themes. Many themes have them, such as the one below. However I can never find the information required to make use of them in the read me's or on site documentation. Which makes using them impossible for me. Is there a specific html, css, or php file that is consistent to each theme and shows them?
Given the lack of write ups on what tags to use suggests that theme creators expect people to know which file to find them in.
On a more PyroCMS rather than theme specific note, is there a list of all tags and their uses? Such as {{ settings:site_name }}, or the page body tag. Every link I have found to a list says that the list has been moved.
Thank you for your time once again.
Open up your file directory and navigate to:
Each one you can use is listed here along with an example in the function description. Each plugin in this folder is lined out the same way (files, session, asset, etc). You should be able to view each one and play with how to incorporate them into your project.
Edit: Also, you can find more information here:
Notice that this is specific to version 2.1. If you are not using 2.1, in the top navigation add click on documentation and then select your version.

display custom attributes on Virtuemart browse page

I need the browse page to show quantity box, custom attributes, and Add to Cart button all together.
It doesn't show it at all. Only when you go to the product page, you can see them.
Any solutions?
Thanks, Ahmed.
Ahmed, you'll have to modify the template directly to do something like that. VM uses a large number of template files written in PHP. If you're using the default template, you can find them here:
From there, it takes a little looking around to figure out exactly which template you need to edit. If you need to edit a browse template, my recommendation is go to your VirtueMart Administration in Joomla backend and look at Admin | Configuration | Site | Layout to get an idea of which files you're using. It will probably say "Default" in the dropdown, with a Configuration link directly below. Click that link and look at the very first item, Product List Style. From the description of your layout desires, you might be using Flat Product List.
The main file for editing that layout is:
If you're a programmer, you should be able to look thru the code and correctly guess which code elements are being used to display VM product details. If you're not a programmer, you can still fake it by commenting out sections to see what "goes away" on the actual product page. Use what you learn to strip out useful code and move it around.
Another useful file to pull VM product code from is:
This is the actual product view (unless it's been changed in VM config), and contains pretty much all the common code elements that extract product details. You should be able to lift some of that code and place it where it needs to go in other forms.
Good luck with all of this. I find VM coding painful, and community support in the VM forums can be... sparse...

How to make a site-lookup addon for Firefox?

I'd like to create an addon for Firefox that would enable me to search a particular site by selecting text on one site and choosing to search another site by selecting that option in the context menu.
I already have an extension like that in my browser - the Wikipedia Lookup extension. Basically, I want the exact same functionality but which will send the search text to a different site.
I'm completely new to Firefox addons, so can somebody tell me what's involved in this? Or point me at a site with a list of instructions to do a plugin like this? I can see examples on how to make a Hello World kind of plugin but I can't see how to extend that example into what I need. Thanks.
Have you considered opening the Wikipedia extension source and modifying the pointer from to the other search site? This is assuming you're using Windows Vista or higher. The source code should be located at:
You would then have to modify the source code inside to change the pointer, and the POST variables string to match that of the site you will be using.
I hope this at least points you in the general direction!
