Joomla 2.5 Template Configuration Error - joomla

This is my first experiment with Joomla (2.5) and I am having trouble figuring out what is not configured correctly between the two.
I started with the template and all was good but then as I was configuring / adding content I must have changed something.
The two areas in question is the "top movies" section at the bottom and the "Latest News", Recent News tabs.
Looking at the html in developer tools I can clearly see the difference but I can't figure out what to do / change / look at in the Joomla admin.
The original template is here:
The one I eventually want to go live with is here:
I'm not sure what else to post but if you'll just educate me more on what I can provide I'll be happy to update / edit.
Thank You
Elin you were most helpful pointing me in the right direction. What I found was that another module I was using Code 7 Responsive Slider jquery was colliding with the templates jquery. If I disable the Code 7 slider the jquery carousel and jquery tabs are back to the original.
So now I am off to figure out how to get them to play nice...including using another slider if needed. FWIW I need the images to be href links and that was not readily available using the default slider that came with the template so I grabbed another slider.
Put your comment in some form of an answer and I will mark it for you.
Thanks again.


Joomla articles and modules not showing on small screens

I'm really quite new to Joomla and I've encountered a problem. On my homepage the article is showing just fine, but all the other modules (except for the menu bar) disappear when I switch to a smaller screen size. On my other pages the article doesn't even show anymore, just the menu bar. I'm using the purity III template. I have no idea what's going on since the settings in the layout of the template indicate that all modules that are showing on a desktop should also be displayed on a mobile device, and I've found no difference in settings in the articles itself. My site.
Thanks for your help!
It sounds like the responsive design hides them on purpose.
Just from a quick peek at your code using inspect element I can see that the class "slideshow hidden-xs" gets a display:none on smaller screen sizes and all of your main content is wrapped in that element. If all of your content is not supposed to be wrapped in that element (which I'm guessing it's not) you're most likely missing a closing tag on a div or something.
Find the missing closing tag (ie: /div, /a, etc) and it will probably solve your problem.
You can update the latest version of Joomla and check again that some problem is coming or not. I yes then download new theme for your website which is compatible with your theme.

How to create a single page vertical scrolling site in Joomla

I can create a standard Joomla template in my sleep, but recently I had a client come to me who wants a vertically scrolling, single page site. I whipped up an HTML/CSS mockup that functions beautifully but I have a question re: converting it to a Joomla template:
Do I just create a single article in Joomla that contains all of the content for the single page, and then create menu items that link to the section divs?
Many thanks,
yes I think that good , also you can make all items in "index.php" in template folder and make menu items link to divs by "#" plus ID .
you can add all items you want as module and you can use component in modules plugin lik :
Hope that help you
You'd be better to insert the content via creating a bespoke module or component - putting code in the WYSIWYG area kind of defeats the point of using a CMS at all - someone with no coding skills has to be able to update the site and not accidentally delete the layout.
I'd perhaps question why it needs it to be in Joomla at all, though. It doesn't sound like it will be benefiting from many of its features.

No horizontal navigation showing on Magento custom theme

I have decided to sit down and build my first custom theme in Magento and I'm using this tutorial:
However I cant for the life of me find a way to include horizontal navigation (Home | Shop | Contact etc.) along the top of my website!
I tried all the suggestions I could find including placing everything in the root category and enabling all cats in the navigation.. refreshing the cache etc.
I've been working at this for hours now and been searching everywhere for an answer. I've pretty much followed the tutorial step by step but I can't see any way to enable the Nav - can someone please point me in the right direction with this?
(I'm kind of assuming Magento have a way to do this to add categories automatically - I'm aware I could hard code the navigation bar but I'm trying to avoid this.)
Looking at the screenshot on the tutorial, it doesn't actually have the menu anyway.
I'd recommend you check out leveluptuts magento theming tutorials, who actually take the base theme and manipulates it into the desired theme. I think you'll have much more luck that way as most of the templates and layout files are already built.
For the top menu, the default theme pages call the "header.phtml" template for the header block (app/design/frontend/base/default/template/page/html/header.phtml), which in turns calls the "topmenu.phtml" template (app/design/frontend/base/default/template/page/html/topmenu.phtml) where the menu code is.
The layout files is page.xml
Hope this helps!

Ajax permalink in wordpress Pluto Theme

Having an issue with a wp theme and creator can't seem to help. It's Ajax driven and doesn’t support custom permalink...
So as soon as the website appeared on Google all link referred send to some black page which seem to be out of the website:
Link appearing in Google: (black page)
Compared to the real webpage:
I start to have an idea of solution with: AJAX navigation in Wordpress - Trouble with Permalinks and tried it on the contact page which doesn't redirect to the black page anymore but it's still not perfect compared to
Any idea would be really welcome.
Thanks a lot,
Your site does not provide an appropriate fallback for non–JS browsers (e.g. most Google bots to my knowledge). This seems a (serious) shortcoming of the theme without knowing it any further.
If built properly, an “AJAX–enhanced” site like this should allow access to all content through basic HTML requests. If Javascript is available in a client, preferably the same content should be loaded using AJAX requests, allowing e.g. for faster page loads and nice transitions.
Another problem comes from a missing sub navigation. Since your sub menu (fly-out) is not available without Javascript, you would need to provide an alternative way to reach pages two levels deep and deeper.
Here's an example on how this page could/should work without Javascript:
1. Visit homepage
2. Click “Menus” in navigation
3. Opens “Menus” page, showing what the “black page” currently shows
+ proper header/footer
+ main navigation
+ sub navigation for all elements in “Menus” fly–out (“Potages, Entrées, …”)
4. Click “Potages”
5. View “Potages” page, again with proper
+ main navigation
+ sub navigation for all elements in “Menus” fly–out
I know, you’re looking probably for a quick solution, maybe a snippet of code or a plugin to resolve your situation. Unfortunately — unless your theme provides you with some help — such a silver bullet doesn’t exist. The current implementation simply approaches the topic of an “AJAX site” in a fairly reckless way IMHO (you will be “happy” to know, that most screen readers won’t be able to access your content either) and until you re–build the theme or fix the structure you’re pretty much stuck with an unaccessible site.

Making a different type of home page in Orchard

I've just started with the Orchard CMS and I can see that I can create a page and have different widgets on them, but I need the homepage to have a different layout.
I'd like to have some sort of different cshtml file for the homepage, but I can't seem to work out how to do it from the documentation. I also need to have four text areas on the home page that aren't on the main page.
Can someone who has done this point me in the right direction?
You should use designer tools module if you are using Orchard 1.1 +. Just search for Shapes in the admin and install the tools. Then you can create Alternates by reviewing the shapes in-browser.
In your case you should be able to create a view with the name: Content-url-homepage.cshtml
This may help you, it's a post I found about making your own themes and is a fairly simple example but covers what you are looking for:
I wanted to display the content on my
homepage slightly differently than
other pages. My homepage has an ID of
11 so I was able to reference it with
a file called Content-11.cshtml. I
could also have created a template for
all blog post content using a file
called Content-BlogPost.cshtml had I
needed to do so.
You can try this to vary the homepage layout:
Orchard 1.1 will also give you a homepage alternate out of the box.
