find best match numeric sequence in sequence array - algorithm

Assume I have these two arrays:
float arr[] = {40.4357,40.6135,40.2477,40.2864,39.3449,39.8901,40.103,39.9959,39.7863,39.9102,39.2652,39.2688,39.5147,38.2246,38.5376,38.4512,38.9951,39.0999,39.3057,38.53,38.2761,38.1722,37.8816,37.6521,37.8306,38.0853,37.9644,38.0626,38.0567,38.3518,38.4044,38.3553,38.4978,38.3768,38.2058,38.3175,38.3123,38.262,38.0093,38.3685,38.0111,38.4539,38.8122,39.1413,38.9409,39.2043,39.3538,39.4123,39.3628,39.2825,39.1898,39.0431,39.0634,38.5993,38.252,37.3793,36.6334,36.4009,35.2822,34.4262,34.2119,34.1552,34.3325,33.9626,33.2661,32.3819,35.1959,36.7602,37.9039,37.8103,37.5832,37.9718,38.3111,38.9323,38.6763,39.1163,38.8469,39.805,40.2627,40.3689,40.4064,40.0558,40.815,41.0234,41.0128,41.0296,41.0927,40.7046,40.6775,40.2711,40.1283,39.7518,40.0145,40.0394,39.8461,39.6317,39.5548,39.1996,38.9861,38.8507,38.8603,38.483,38.4711,38.4214,38.4286,38.5766,38.7532,38.7905,38.6029,38.4635,38.1403,36.6844,36.616,36.4053,34.7934,34.0226,33.0505,33.4978,34.6106,35.284,35.7535,35.3541,35.5481,35.4086,35.7096,36.0526,36.1222,35.9408,36.1007,36.7952,36.99,37.1024,37.0993,37.3144,36.6951,37.1213,38.0026,38.1266,39.2538,38.8963,39.0158,38.6235,38.7908,38.6041,38.4489,38.3207,37.7398,38.5304,38.925,38.7249,38.9221,39.1704,39.5113,40.0613,39.3602,39.8689,39.973,40.0524,40.0025,40.7584,40.9714,40.9106,40.9685,40.6554,39.7314,39.0044,38.7183,38.5163,38.6101,38.2004,38.7606,38.7532,37.8903,37.8403,38.5368,39.0462,38.8279,39.0748,39.2907,38.5447,38.423,38.5624,38.476,38.5784,39.0905,39.379,39.4739,39.5774,40.7036,40.3044,39.6162,39.9967,40.0562,39.3426,38.666,38.7561,39.2823,38.8548,37.6214,37.8188,38.1086,38.3619,38.5472,38.1357,38.1422,37.95,37.1837,37.4636,36.8852,37.1617,37.5051,37.7724,38.0879,37.7197,38.0422,37.8551,38.5688,38.8388};
float pattern[] = {38.6434,38.1409,37.3391,37.5457,37.7487,37.7499,37.6121,37.4789,37.5821,37.6541,38.0365,37.7907,37.9932,37.9945,37.7032,37.3556,37.6359,37.5412,37.5296,37.8829,38.3797,38.4452,39.0929,39.1233,39.3014,39.0317,38.903,38.8221,39.045,38.6944,39.0699,39.0978,38.9877,38.8123,38.7491,38.5888,38.7875,38.2086,37.7484,37.3961,36.8663,36.2607,35.8838,35.3297,35.5574,35.7239};
Ives uploaded this example graph:
As you can see in the graph pattern almost fits in the array at index 17
Whats the best and fastest way to find this index? And is there a way to have a confidence for there match fuse the values are not equal as you can see?

If the starting index is your only degree of freedom, you can just try each index and calculate the sum of squared errors for each of the data points. In Python this could look like this:
data = [40.4357,40.6135,40.2477,...]
pattern = [38.6434,38.1409,37.3391,37.5457,37.7487,...]
best_ind, best_err = 0, 1e9999
for i in range(len(data) - len(pattern)):
subdata = data[i : i + len(pattern)]
err = sum((d-p)**2 for (d, p) in zip(subdata, pattern))
if err < best_err:
best_ind, best_err = i, err
>>> print best_ind, best_err
17 21.27929269

The straightforward algorithm is to chose a measure of convergence ( how you describe similarity, this might be average of errors, or their squared values or any other function suitable for your purposes) and apply steps
Let i = 0 be an integer index, M be a container of size = length(data) - length(pattern) + 1 to store the measurings
If i < size then shift your pattern by i, otherwise go to step 5
Calculate the measure of similarity and store into M
i = i + 1, go to 2 and repeat
Chose the index of minimum value in M

It's a one-liner in Python, using the fact that tuples are sorted lexicographically:
In [1]:
import numpy as np
arr = np.array( [ 40.4357,40.6135,40.2477,40.2864,39.3449,39.8901,40.103,39.9959,39.7863,39.9102,39.2652,39.2688,39.5147,38.2246,38.5376,38.4512,38.9951,39.0999,39.3057,38.53,38.2761,38.1722,37.8816,37.6521,37.8306,38.0853,37.9644,38.0626,38.0567,38.3518,38.4044,38.3553,38.4978,38.3768,38.2058,38.3175,38.3123,38.262,38.0093,38.3685,38.0111,38.4539,38.8122,39.1413,38.9409,39.2043,39.3538,39.4123,39.3628,39.2825,39.1898,39.0431,39.0634,38.5993,38.252,37.3793,36.6334,36.4009,35.2822,34.4262,34.2119,34.1552,34.3325,33.9626,33.2661,32.3819,35.1959,36.7602,37.9039,37.8103,37.5832,37.9718,38.3111,38.9323,38.6763,39.1163,38.8469,39.805,40.2627,40.3689,40.4064,40.0558,40.815,41.0234,41.0128,41.0296,41.0927,40.7046,40.6775,40.2711,40.1283,39.7518,40.0145,40.0394,39.8461,39.6317,39.5548,39.1996,38.9861,38.8507,38.8603,38.483,38.4711,38.4214,38.4286,38.5766,38.7532,38.7905,38.6029,38.4635,38.1403,36.6844,36.616,36.4053,34.7934,34.0226,33.0505,33.4978,34.6106,35.284,35.7535,35.3541,35.5481,35.4086,35.7096,36.0526,36.1222,35.9408,36.1007,36.7952,36.99,37.1024,37.0993,37.3144,36.6951,37.1213,38.0026,38.1266,39.2538,38.8963,39.0158,38.6235,38.7908,38.6041,38.4489,38.3207,37.7398,38.5304,38.925,38.7249,38.9221,39.1704,39.5113,40.0613,39.3602,39.8689,39.973,40.0524,40.0025,40.7584,40.9714,40.9106,40.9685,40.6554,39.7314,39.0044,38.7183,38.5163,38.6101,38.2004,38.7606,38.7532,37.8903,37.8403,38.5368,39.0462,38.8279,39.0748,39.2907,38.5447,38.423,38.5624,38.476,38.5784,39.0905,39.379,39.4739,39.5774,40.7036,40.3044,39.6162,39.9967,40.0562,39.3426,38.666,38.7561,39.2823,38.8548,37.6214,37.8188,38.1086,38.3619,38.5472,38.1357,38.1422,37.95,37.1837,37.4636,36.8852,37.1617,37.5051,37.7724,38.0879,37.7197,38.0422,37.8551,38.5688,38.8388] )
pattern = np.array( [ 38.6434,38.1409,37.3391,37.5457,37.7487,37.7499,37.6121,37.4789,37.5821,37.6541,38.0365,37.7907,37.9932,37.9945,37.7032,37.3556,37.6359,37.5412,37.5296,37.8829,38.3797,38.4452,39.0929,39.1233,39.3014,39.0317,38.903,38.8221,39.045,38.6944,39.0699,39.0978,38.9877,38.8123,38.7491,38.5888,38.7875,38.2086,37.7484,37.3961,36.8663,36.2607,35.8838,35.3297,35.5574,35.7239 ] )
min( ( ( ( arr[i:i+len(pattern)] - pattern ) ** 2 ).mean(), i ) for i in xrange(len(arr)-len(pattern)) )
(0.46259331934782588, 17)
where 0.46 is the minimal mean squared error, and 17 is the position of the minimum in arr.


Randomly Generate a set of numbers of n length totaling x

I'm working on a project for fun and I need an algorithm to do as follows:
Generate a list of numbers of Length n which add up to x
I would settle for list of integers, but ideally, I would like to be left with a set of floating point numbers.
I would be very surprised if this problem wasn't heavily studied, but I'm not sure what to look for.
I've tackled similar problems in the past, but this one is decidedly different in nature. Before I've generated different combinations of a list of numbers that will add up to x. I'm sure that I could simply bruteforce this problem but that hardly seems like the ideal solution.
Anyone have any idea what this may be called, or how to approach it? Thanks all!
Edit: To clarify, I mean that the list should be length N while the numbers themselves can be of any size.
edit2: Sorry for my improper use of 'set', I was using it as a catch all term for a list or an array. I understand that it was causing confusion, my apologies.
This is how to do it in Python
import random
def random_values_with_prescribed_sum(n, total):
x = [random.random() for i in range(n)]
k = total / sum(x)
return [v * k for v in x]
Basically you pick n random numbers, compute their sum and compute a scale factor so that the sum will be what you want it to be.
Note that this approach will not produce "uniform" slices, i.e. the distribution you will get will tend to be more "egalitarian" than it should be if it was picked at random among all distribution with the given sum.
To see the reason you can just picture what the algorithm does in the case of two numbers with a prescribed sum (e.g. 1):
The point P is a generic point obtained by picking two random numbers and it will be uniform inside the square [0,1]x[0,1]. The point Q is the point obtained by scaling P so that the sum is required to be 1. As it's clear from the picture the points close to the center of the have an higher probability; for example the exact center of the squares will be found by projecting any point on the diagonal (0,0)-(1,1), while the point (0, 1) will be found projecting only points from (0,0)-(0,1)... the diagonal length is sqrt(2)=1.4142... while the square side is only 1.0.
Actually, you need to generate a partition of x into n parts. This is usually done the in following way: The partition of x into n non-negative parts can be represented in the following way: reserve n + x free places, put n borders to some arbitrary places, and stones to the rest. The stone groups add up to x, thus the number of possible partitions is the binomial coefficient (n + x \atop n).
So your algorithm could be as follows: choose an arbitrary n-subset of (n + x)-set, it determines uniquely a partition of x into n parts.
In Knuth's TAOCP the chapter 3.4.2 discusses random sampling. See Algortihm S there.
Algorithm S: (choose n arbitrary records from total of N)
t = 0, m = 0;
u = random, uniformly distributed on (0, 1)
if (N - t)*u >= n - m, skip t-th record and increase t by 1; otherwise include t-th record in the sample, increase m and t by 1
if M < n, return to 2, otherwise, algorithm finished
The solution for non-integers is algorithmically trivial: you just select arbitrary n numbers that don't sum up to 0, and norm them by their sum.
If you want to sample uniformly in the region of N-1-dimensional space defined by x1 + x2 + ... + xN = x, then you're looking at a special case of sampling from a Dirichlet distribution. The sampling procedure is a little more involved than generating uniform deviates for the xi. Here's one way to do it, in Python:
xs = [random.gammavariate(1,1) for a in range(N)]
xs = [x*v/sum(xs) for v in xs]
If you don't care too much about the sampling properties of your results, you can just generate uniform deviates and correct their sum afterwards.
Here is a version of the above algorithm in Javascript
function getRandomArbitrary(min, max) {
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
function getRandomArray(min, max, n) {
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0, l = n; i < l; i++) {
arr.push(getRandomArbitrary(min, max))
return arr;
function randomValuesPrescribedSum(min, max, n, total) {
var arr = getRandomArray(min, max, n);
var sum = arr.reduce(function(pv, cv) { return pv + cv; }, 0);
var k = total/sum;
var delays = { return k*x; })
return delays;
You can call it with
var myarray = randomValuesPrescribedSum(0,1,3,3);
And then check it with
var sum = myarray.reduce(function(pv, cv) { return pv + cv;},0);
This code does a reasonable job. I think it produces a different distribution than 6502's answer, but I am not sure which is better or more natural. Certainly his code is clearer/nicer.
import random
def parts(total_sum, num_parts):
points = [random.random() for i in range(num_parts-1)]
ret = []
for i in range(1, len(points)):
ret.append((points[i] - points[i-1]) * total_sum)
return ret
def test(total_sum, num_parts):
ans = parts(total_sum, num_parts)
assert abs(sum(ans) - total_sum) < 1e-7
print ans
test(5.5, 3)
test(10, 1)
test(10, 5)
In python:
a: create a list of (random #'s 0 to 1) times total; append 0 and total to the list
b: sort the list, measure the distance between each element
c: round the list elements
import random
import time
TOTAL = 15
def random_sum_split(parts, total, places):
a = [0, total] + [random.random()*total for i in range(parts-1)]
b = [(a[i] - a[i-1]) for i in range(1, (parts+1))]
if places == None:
return b
c = [round(x, places) for x in b]
c.append(round(total-sum(c), places))
return c
def tick():
if info.tick == 1:
start = time.time()
alpha = random_sum_split(PARTS, TOTAL, PLACES)
end = time.time()
log('alpha: %s' % alpha)
log('total: %.7f' % sum(alpha))
log('parts: %s' % PARTS)
log('places: %s' % PLACES)
log('elapsed: %.7f' % (end-start))
[2014-06-13 01:00:00] alpha: [0.154, 3.617, 6.075, 5.154]
[2014-06-13 01:00:00] total: 15.0000000
[2014-06-13 01:00:00] parts: 4
[2014-06-13 01:00:00] places: 3
[2014-06-13 01:00:00] elapsed: 0.0005839
to the best of my knowledge this distribution is uniform

Better random "feeling" integer generator for short sequences

I'm trying to figure out a way to create random numbers that "feel" random over short sequences. This is for a quiz game, where there are four possible choices, and the software needs to pick one of the four spots in which to put the correct answer before filling in the other three with distractors.
Obviously, arc4random % 4 will create more than sufficiently random results over a long sequence, but in a short sequence its entirely possible (and a frequent occurrence!) to have five or six of the same number come back in a row. This is what I'm aiming to avoid.
I also don't want to simply say "never pick the same square twice," because that results in only three possible answers for every question but the first. Currently I'm doing something like this:
bool acceptable = NO;
do {
currentAnswer = arc4random() % 4;
if (currentAnswer == lastAnswer) {
if (arc4random() % 4 == 0) {
acceptable = YES;
} else {
acceptable = YES;
} while (!acceptable);
Is there a better solution to this that I'm overlooking?
If your question was how to compute currentAnswer using your example's probabilities non-iteratively, Guffa has your answer.
If the question is how to avoid random-clustering without violating equiprobability and you know the upper bound of the length of the list, then consider the following algorithm which is kind of like un-sorting:
from random import randrange
# randrange(a, b) yields a <= N < b
def decluster():
for i in range(seq_len):
j = (i + 1) % seq_len
if seq[i] == seq[j]:
i_swap = randrange(i, seq_len) # is best lower bound 0, i, j?
if seq[j] != seq[i_swap]:
print 'swap', j, i_swap, (seq[j], seq[i_swap])
seq[j], seq[i_swap] = seq[i_swap], seq[j]
seq_len = 20
seq = [randrange(1, 5) for _ in range(seq_len)]; print seq
decluster(); print seq
decluster(); print seq
where any relation to actual working Python code is purely coincidental. I'm pretty sure the prior-probabilities are maintained, and it does seem break clusters (and occasionally adds some). But I'm pretty sleepy so this is for amusement purposes only.
You populate an array of outcomes, then shuffle it, then assign them in that order.
So for just 8 questions:
answer_slots = [0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3]
print answer_slots
To reduce the probability for a repeated number by 25%, you can pick a random number between 0 and 3.75, and then rotate it so that the 0.75 ends up at the previous answer.
To avoid using floating point values, you can multiply the factors by four:
Pseudo code (where / is an integer division):
currentAnswer = ((random(0..14) + lastAnswer * 4) % 16) / 4
Set up a weighted array. Lets say the last value was a 2. Make an array like this:
array = [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,3];
Then pick a number in the array.
newValue = array[arc4random() % 13];
Now switch to using math instead of an array.
newValue = ( ( ( arc4random() % 13 ) / 4 ) + 1 + oldValue ) % 4;
For P possibilities and a weight 0<W<=1 use:
newValue = ( ( ( arc4random() % (P/W-P(1-W)) ) * W ) + 1 + oldValue ) % P;
For P=4 and W=1/4, (P/W-P(1-W)) = 13. This says the last value will be 1/4 as likely as other values.
If you completely eliminate the most recent answer it will be just as noticeable as the most recent answer showing up too often. I do not know what weight will feel right to you, but 1/4 is a good starting point.

Select k random elements from a list whose elements have weights

Selecting without any weights (equal probabilities) is beautifully described here.
I was wondering if there is a way to convert this approach to a weighted one.
I am also interested in other approaches as well.
Update: Sampling without replacement
If the sampling is with replacement, you can use this algorithm (implemented here in Python):
import random
items = [(10, "low"),
(100, "mid"),
(890, "large")]
def weighted_sample(items, n):
total = float(sum(w for w, v in items))
i = 0
w, v = items[0]
while n:
x = total * (1 - random.random() ** (1.0 / n))
total -= x
while x > w:
x -= w
i += 1
w, v = items[i]
w -= x
yield v
n -= 1
This is O(n + m) where m is the number of items.
Why does this work? It is based on the following algorithm:
def n_random_numbers_decreasing(v, n):
"""Like reversed(sorted(v * random() for i in range(n))),
but faster because we avoid sorting."""
while n:
v *= random.random() ** (1.0 / n)
yield v
n -= 1
The function weighted_sample is just this algorithm fused with a walk of the items list to pick out the items selected by those random numbers.
This in turn works because the probability that n random numbers 0..v will all happen to be less than z is P = (z/v)n. Solve for z, and you get z = vP1/n. Substituting a random number for P picks the largest number with the correct distribution; and we can just repeat the process to select all the other numbers.
If the sampling is without replacement, you can put all the items into a binary heap, where each node caches the total of the weights of all items in that subheap. Building the heap is O(m). Selecting a random item from the heap, respecting the weights, is O(log m). Removing that item and updating the cached totals is also O(log m). So you can pick n items in O(m + n log m) time.
(Note: "weight" here means that every time an element is selected, the remaining possibilities are chosen with probability proportional to their weights. It does not mean that elements appear in the output with a likelihood proportional to their weights.)
Here's an implementation of that, plentifully commented:
import random
class Node:
# Each node in the heap has a weight, value, and total weight.
# The total weight,, is self.w plus the weight of any children.
__slots__ = ['w', 'v', 'tw']
def __init__(self, w, v, tw):
self.w, self.v, = w, v, tw
def rws_heap(items):
# h is the heap. It's like a binary tree that lives in an array.
# It has a Node for each pair in `items`. h[1] is the root. Each
# other Node h[i] has a parent at h[i>>1]. Each node has up to 2
# children, h[i<<1] and h[(i<<1)+1]. To get this nice simple
# arithmetic, we have to leave h[0] vacant.
h = [None] # leave h[0] vacant
for w, v in items:
h.append(Node(w, v, w))
for i in range(len(h) - 1, 1, -1): # total up the tws
h[i>>1].tw += h[i].tw # add h[i]'s total to its parent
return h
def rws_heap_pop(h):
gas = h[1].tw * random.random() # start with a random amount of gas
i = 1 # start driving at the root
while gas >= h[i].w: # while we have enough gas to get past node i:
gas -= h[i].w # drive past node i
i <<= 1 # move to first child
if gas >= h[i].tw: # if we have enough gas:
gas -= h[i].tw # drive past first child and descendants
i += 1 # move to second child
w = h[i].w # out of gas! h[i] is the selected node.
v = h[i].v
h[i].w = 0 # make sure this node isn't chosen again
while i: # fix up total weights
h[i].tw -= w
i >>= 1
return v
def random_weighted_sample_no_replacement(items, n):
heap = rws_heap(items) # just make a heap...
for i in range(n):
yield rws_heap_pop(heap) # and pop n items off it.
If the sampling is with replacement, use the roulette-wheel selection technique (often used in genetic algorithms):
sort the weights
compute the cumulative weights
pick a random number in [0,1]*totalWeight
find the interval in which this number falls into
select the elements with the corresponding interval
repeat k times
If the sampling is without replacement, you can adapt the above technique by removing the selected element from the list after each iteration, then re-normalizing the weights so that their sum is 1 (valid probability distribution function)
I know this is a very old question, but I think there's a neat trick to do this in O(n) time if you apply a little math!
The exponential distribution has two very useful properties.
Given n samples from different exponential distributions with different rate parameters, the probability that a given sample is the minimum is equal to its rate parameter divided by the sum of all rate parameters.
It is "memoryless". So if you already know the minimum, then the probability that any of the remaining elements is the 2nd-to-min is the same as the probability that if the true min were removed (and never generated), that element would have been the new min. This seems obvious, but I think because of some conditional probability issues, it might not be true of other distributions.
Using fact 1, we know that choosing a single element can be done by generating these exponential distribution samples with rate parameter equal to the weight, and then choosing the one with minimum value.
Using fact 2, we know that we don't have to re-generate the exponential samples. Instead, just generate one for each element, and take the k elements with lowest samples.
Finding the lowest k can be done in O(n). Use the Quickselect algorithm to find the k-th element, then simply take another pass through all elements and output all lower than the k-th.
A useful note: if you don't have immediate access to a library to generate exponential distribution samples, it can be easily done by: -ln(rand())/weight
I've done this in Ruby
require 'pickup'
pond = {
"selmon" => 1,
"carp" => 4,
"crucian" => 3,
"herring" => 6,
"sturgeon" => 8,
"gudgeon" => 10,
"minnow" => 20
pickup =, uniq: true)
#=> [ "gudgeon", "herring", "minnow" ]
#=> "herring"
#=> "gudgeon"
#=> "sturgeon"
If you want to generate large arrays of random integers with replacement, you can use piecewise linear interpolation. For example, using NumPy/SciPy:
import numpy
import scipy.interpolate
def weighted_randint(weights, size=None):
"""Given an n-element vector of weights, randomly sample
integers up to n with probabilities proportional to weights"""
n = weights.size
# normalize so that the weights sum to unity
weights = weights / numpy.linalg.norm(weights, 1)
# cumulative sum of weights
cumulative_weights = weights.cumsum()
# piecewise-linear interpolating function whose domain is
# the unit interval and whose range is the integers up to n
f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(
numpy.hstack((0.0, weights)),
numpy.arange(n + 1), kind='linear')
return f(numpy.random.random(size=size)).astype(int)
This is not effective if you want to sample without replacement.
Here's a Go implementation from geodns:
package foo
import (
type server struct {
Weight int
data interface{}
func foo(servers []server) {
// servers list is already sorted by the Weight attribute
// number of items to pick
max := 4
result := make([]server, max)
sum := 0
for _, r := range servers {
sum += r.Weight
for si := 0; si < max; si++ {
n := rand.Intn(sum + 1)
s := 0
for i := range servers {
s += int(servers[i].Weight)
if s >= n {
log.Println("Picked record", i, servers[i])
sum -= servers[i].Weight
result[si] = servers[i]
// remove the server from the list
servers = append(servers[:i], servers[i+1:]...)
return result
If you want to pick x elements from a weighted set without replacement such that elements are chosen with a probability proportional to their weights:
import random
def weighted_choose_subset(weighted_set, count):
"""Return a random sample of count elements from a weighted set.
weighted_set should be a sequence of tuples of the form
(item, weight), for example: [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]
Each element from weighted_set shows up at most once in the
result, and the relative likelihood of two particular elements
showing up is equal to the ratio of their weights.
This works as follows:
1.) Line up the items along the number line from [0, the sum
of all weights) such that each item occupies a segment of
length equal to its weight.
2.) Randomly pick a number "start" in the range [0, total
weight / count).
3.) Find all the points "start + n/count" (for all integers n
such that the point is within our segments) and yield the set
containing the items marked by those points.
Note that this implementation may not return each possible
subset. For example, with the input ([('a': 1), ('b': 1),
('c': 1), ('d': 1)], 2), it may only produce the sets ['a',
'c'] and ['b', 'd'], but it will do so such that the weights
are respected.
This implementation only works for nonnegative integral
weights. The highest weight in the input set must be less
than the total weight divided by the count; otherwise it would
be impossible to respect the weights while never returning
that element more than once per invocation.
if count == 0:
return []
total_weight = 0
max_weight = 0
borders = []
for item, weight in weighted_set:
if weight < 0:
raise RuntimeError("All weights must be positive integers")
# Scale up weights so dividing total_weight / count doesn't truncate:
weight *= count
total_weight += weight
max_weight = max(max_weight, weight)
step = int(total_weight / count)
if max_weight > step:
raise RuntimeError(
"Each weight must be less than total weight / count")
next_stop = random.randint(0, step - 1)
results = []
current = 0
for i in range(count):
while borders[current] <= next_stop:
current += 1
next_stop += step
return results
In the question you linked to, Kyle's solution would work with a trivial generalization.
Scan the list and sum the total weights. Then the probability to choose an element should be:
1 - (1 - (#needed/(weight left)))/(weight at n). After visiting a node, subtract it's weight from the total. Also, if you need n and have n left, you have to stop explicitly.
You can check that with everything having weight 1, this simplifies to kyle's solution.
Edited: (had to rethink what twice as likely meant)
This one does exactly that with O(n) and no excess memory usage. I believe this is a clever and efficient solution easy to port to any language. The first two lines are just to populate sample data in Drupal.
function getNrandomGuysWithWeight($numitems){
$q = db_query('SELECT id, weight FROM theTableWithTheData');
$q = $q->fetchAll();
$accum = 0;
foreach($q as $r){
$accum += $r->weight;
$r->weight = $accum;
$out = array();
while(count($out) < $numitems && count($q)){
$n = rand(0,$accum);
$lessaccum = NULL;
$prevaccum = 0;
$idxrm = 0;
foreach($q as $i=>$r){
if(($lessaccum == NULL) && ($n <= $r->weight)){
$out[] = $r->id;
$lessaccum = $r->weight- $prevaccum;
$accum -= $lessaccum;
$idxrm = $i;
}else if($lessaccum){
$r->weight -= $lessaccum;
$prevaccum = $r->weight;
return $out;
I putting here a simple solution for picking 1 item, you can easily expand it for k items (Java style):
double random = Math.random();
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
val = items[i];
sum += val.getValue();
if (sum > random) {
selected = val;
I have implemented an algorithm similar to Jason Orendorff's idea in Rust here. My version additionally supports bulk operations: insert and remove (when you want to remove a bunch of items given by their ids, not through the weighted selection path) from the data structure in O(m + log n) time where m is the number of items to remove and n the number of items in stored.
Sampling wihout replacement with recursion - elegant and very short solution in c#
//how many ways we can choose 4 out of 60 students, so that every time we choose different 4
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int group = 60;
int studentsToChoose = 4;
Console.WriteLine(FindNumberOfStudents(studentsToChoose, group));
private static int FindNumberOfStudents(int studentsToChoose, int group)
if (studentsToChoose == group || studentsToChoose == 0)
return 1;
return FindNumberOfStudents(studentsToChoose, group - 1) + FindNumberOfStudents(studentsToChoose - 1, group - 1);
I just spent a few hours trying to get behind the algorithms underlying sampling without replacement out there and this topic is more complex than I initially thought. That's exciting! For the benefit of a future readers (have a good day!) I document my insights here including a ready to use function which respects the given inclusion probabilities further below. A nice and quick mathematical overview of the various methods can be found here: Tillé: Algorithms of sampling with equal or unequal probabilities. For example Jason's method can be found on page 46. The caveat with his method is that the weights are not proportional to the inclusion probabilities as also noted in the document. Actually, the i-th inclusion probabilities can be recursively computed as follows:
def inclusion_probability(i, weights, k):
Computes the inclusion probability of the i-th element
in a randomly sampled k-tuple using Jason's algorithm
if k <= 0: return 0
cum_p = 0
for j, weight in enumerate(weights):
# compute the probability of j being selected considering the weights
p = weight / sum(weights)
if i == j:
# if this is the target element, we don't have to go deeper,
# since we know that i is included
cum_p += p
# if this is not the target element, than we compute the conditional
# inclusion probability of i under the constraint that j is included
cond_i = i if i < j else i-1
cond_weights = weights[:j] + weights[j+1:]
cond_p = inclusion_probability(cond_i, cond_weights, k-1)
cum_p += p * cond_p
return cum_p
And we can check the validity of the function above by comparing
In : for i in range(3): print(i, inclusion_probability(i, [1,2,3], 2))
0 0.41666666666666663
1 0.7333333333333333
2 0.85
In : import collections, itertools
In : sample_tester = lambda f: collections.Counter(itertools.chain(*(f() for _ in range(10000))))
In : sample_tester(lambda: random_weighted_sample_no_replacement([(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')],2))
Out: Counter({'a': 4198, 'b': 7268, 'c': 8534})
One way - also suggested in the document above - to specify the inclusion probabilities is to compute the weights from them. The whole complexity of the question at hand stems from the fact that one cannot do that directly since one basically has to invert the recursion formula, symbolically I claim this is impossible. Numerically it can be done using all kind of methods, e.g. Newton's method. However the complexity of inverting the Jacobian using plain Python becomes unbearable quickly, I really recommend looking into numpy.random.choice in this case.
Luckily there is method using plain Python which might or might not be sufficiently performant for your purposes, it works great if there aren't that many different weights. You can find the algorithm on page 75&76. It works by splitting up the sampling process into parts with the same inclusion probabilities, i.e. we can use random.sample again! I am not going to explain the principle here since the basics are nicely presented on page 69. Here is the code with hopefully a sufficient amount of comments:
def sample_no_replacement_exact(items, k, best_effort=False, random_=None, ε=1e-9):
Returns a random sample of k elements from items, where items is a list of
tuples (weight, element). The inclusion probability of an element in the
final sample is given by
k * weight / sum(weights).
Note that the function raises if a inclusion probability cannot be
satisfied, e.g the following call is obviously illegal:
Since selecting two elements means selecting both all the time,
'b' cannot be selected twice as often as 'a'. In general it can be hard to
spot if the weights are illegal and the function does *not* always raise
an exception in that case. To remedy the situation you can pass
best_effort=True which redistributes the inclusion probability mass
if necessary. Note that the inclusion probabilities will change
if deemed necessary.
The algorithm is based on the splitting procedure on page 75/76 in:
Additional information can be found here:
:param items: list of tuples of type weight,element
:param k: length of resulting sample
:param best_effort: fix inclusion probabilities if necessary,
(optional, defaults to False)
:param random_: random module to use (optional, defaults to the
standard random module)
:param ε: fuzziness parameter when testing for zero in the context
of floating point arithmetic (optional, defaults to 1e-9)
:return: random sample set of size k
:exception: throws ValueError in case of bad parameters,
throws AssertionError in case of algorithmic impossibilities
# random_ defaults to the random submodule
if not random_:
random_ = random
# special case empty return set
if k <= 0:
return set()
if k > len(items):
raise ValueError("resulting tuple length exceeds number of elements (k > n)")
# sort items by weight
items = sorted(items, key=lambda item: item[0])
# extract the weights and elements
weights, elements = list(zip(*items))
# compute the inclusion probabilities (short: π) of the elements
scaling_factor = k / sum(weights)
π = [scaling_factor * weight for weight in weights]
# in case of best_effort: if a inclusion probability exceeds 1,
# try to rebalance the probabilities such that:
# a) no probability exceeds 1,
# b) the probabilities still sum to k, and
# c) the probability masses flow from top to bottom:
# [0.2, 0.3, 1.5] -> [0.2, 0.8, 1]
# (remember that π is sorted)
if best_effort and π[-1] > 1 + ε:
# probability mass we still we have to distribute
debt = 0.
for i in reversed(range(len(π))):
if π[i] > 1.:
# an 'offender', take away excess
debt += π[i] - 1.
π[i] = 1.
# case π[i] < 1, i.e. 'save' element
# maximum we can transfer from debt to π[i] and still not
# exceed 1 is computed by the minimum of:
# a) 1 - π[i], and
# b) debt
max_transfer = min(debt, 1. - π[i])
debt -= max_transfer
π[i] += max_transfer
assert debt < ε, "best effort rebalancing failed (impossible)"
# make sure we are talking about probabilities
if any(not (0 - ε <= π_i <= 1 + ε) for π_i in π):
raise ValueError("inclusion probabilities not satisfiable: {}" \
.format(list(zip(π, elements))))
# special case equal probabilities
# (up to fuzziness parameter, remember that π is sorted)
if π[-1] < π[0] + ε:
return set(random_.sample(elements, k))
# compute the two possible lambda values, see formula 7 on page 75
# (remember that π is sorted)
λ1 = π[0] * len(π) / k
λ2 = (1 - π[-1]) * len(π) / (len(π) - k)
λ = min(λ1, λ2)
# there are two cases now, see also page 69
# CASE 1
# with probability λ we are in the equal probability case
# where all elements have the same inclusion probability
if random_.random() < λ:
return set(random_.sample(elements, k))
# CASE 2:
# with probability 1-λ we are in the case of a new sample without
# replacement problem which is strictly simpler,
# it has the following new probabilities (see page 75, π^{(2)}):
new_π = [
(π_i - λ * k / len(π))
(1 - λ)
for π_i in π
new_items = list(zip(new_π, elements))
# the first few probabilities might be 0, remove them
# NOTE: we make sure that floating point issues do not arise
# by using the fuzziness parameter
while new_items and new_items[0][0] < ε:
new_items = new_items[1:]
# the last few probabilities might be 1, remove them and mark them as selected
# NOTE: we make sure that floating point issues do not arise
# by using the fuzziness parameter
selected_elements = set()
while new_items and new_items[-1][0] > 1 - ε:
new_items = new_items[:-1]
# the algorithm reduces the length of the sample problem,
# it is guaranteed that:
# if λ = λ1: the first item has probability 0
# if λ = λ2: the last item has probability 1
assert len(new_items) < len(items), "problem was not simplified (impossible)"
# recursive call with the simpler sample problem
# NOTE: we have to make sure that the selected elements are included
return sample_no_replacement_exact(
k - len(selected_elements),
) | selected_elements
In : sample_no_replacement_exact([(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')],2)
Out: {'b', 'c'}
In : import collections, itertools
In : sample_tester = lambda f: collections.Counter(itertools.chain(*(f() for _ in range(10000))))
In : sample_tester(lambda: sample_no_replacement_exact([(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(4,'d')],2))
Out: Counter({'a': 2048, 'b': 4051, 'c': 5979, 'd': 7922})
The weights sum up to 10, hence the inclusion probabilities compute to: a → 20%, b → 40%, c → 60%, d → 80%. (Sum: 200% = k.) It works!
Just one word of caution for the productive use of this function, it can be very hard to spot illegal inputs for the weights. An obvious illegal example is
In: sample_no_replacement_exact([(1,'a'),(2,'b')],2)
ValueError: inclusion probabilities not satisfiable: [(0.6666666666666666, 'a'), (1.3333333333333333, 'b')]
b cannot appear twice as often as a since both have to be always be selected. There are more subtle examples. To avoid an exception in production just use best_effort=True, which rebalances the inclusion probability mass such that we have always a valid distribution. Obviously this might change the inclusion probabilities.
I used a associative map (weight,object). for example:
peek a random number between 0 and 'total' and iterate over the keys until this number fits in a given range.

Algorithm for fair distribution of numbers into two sets

Given a set of n numbers (1 <= n <= 100) where each number is an integer between 1 and 450,we need to distribute those set of numbers into two sets A and B, such that the following two cases hold true:
The total numbers in each set differ by at most 1.
The sum of all the numbers in A is as nearly equal as possible to the sum of all the numbers in B i.e. the distribution should be fair.
Can someone please suggest an efficient algorithm for solving the above problem ?
Thank You.
Since the numbers are small it is not NP-complete.
To solve it you can use dynamic programming:
Make a three-dimensional table of booleans
where true at t[s, n, i] means that the sum s can be reached with a subset of n elements below index i.
To compute the value for t[s, n, i] check t[s, n, i-1] and t[s - a[i], n-1, i-1].
Then look through the table at second index n/2 to find the best solution.
Edit: You actually don't need the complete table at once. You can make a two dimensional table t_i[s, n] for each index i and compute the table for i from the table for i-1, so you only need two of these two-dimensional tables, which saves a lot of memory. (Thanks to Martin Hock.)
This is a constrained version of the Number Partioning Problem. Usually the goal is to find any 2 disjoint subsets that minimize the difference of the sums. Your problem is constrained in the sense you only consider 1 possiblity: 2 sets of size N/2 (or 1 set of N/2 and one set of N/2+1 if the total number if uneven). This dramatically reduces the search space, but I can't thnk of a good algorithm at the moment, I'll think about it.
If the numbers are sequential then you just alternate assigning them between A and B.
I suspect they are not, in which case...
Assign the largest unassigned number to the group with the lowest sum unless the difference in size of the the groups is less than or equal to count of unassigned numbers (in which case assign all of the remaining numbers to smaller group).
It won't find the best solution in all cases, but its close and simple.
Never mind, I thought the numbers were sequential. This looks kind of like the Knapsack Problem, which is NP hard.
The numbers are sequential?
Put the largest number in A
Put the next largest number in B
Put the next largest number in B
Put the next largest number in A
Repeat step 1 until all the numbers are assigned.
After every multiple of 4 numbers has been assigned, A and B both contain the same number of items, and the sum of the items in each group are the same because
(n) + (n - 3) == (n - 1) + (n - 2)
In the last iteration we are at Step 1 above and we have either 0, 1 1, 2 [1,2], or 3 [1,2,3] numbers remaining.
In case 0, we are done and the groups are equal in count and weight.
In case 1, we assign the number 1 to group A. Group A has one more item and one more weight. This is as fair as we can get in this situation.
In case 2, we assign the number 2 to group A and the number 1 to group B. Now the groups have the same number of items and group A has one extra weight. Again, this is as fair as we can get.
In case 3, assign the number 3 to group A, and assign numbers 2 and 1 to group B. Now the groups have the same weight (3 == 2 + 1) and group B has one extra item.
First, find a solution to the problem without the first constraint (i.e. - making sums as close as possible). This problem can be solved using DP approach (you can read more about DP here, and the first problem - about coins - is very similar to yours).
Once you can solve it, you can add one more state to your DP - the number of persons selected to the subset already. This gives you a N^3 algorithm.
I have an algorithm for you. It is using a lot of recursive and iterative concepts.
Assuming you have n number Xn with 1 <= n <= 100 and 1 <= Xn <= 450.
If n < 3 then distribute numbers and stop algorithm,
If n > 2 then sort your list of number in ascending order,
Compute the total sum S of all numbers,
Then divide the previous total S by (n - n%2)/2 and obtain the A value,
Now we will create couple of numbers which addition will be as near as possible as A. Get the first number and find a second number in order to obtain a sum S1 as near as possible than A. Put S1 in a new list of number and keep in memory how the sum was computed in order to have the base numbers later.
Execute 5. until numbers in the list is < 2. Then put the remaining numbers to the sum list and restart algorithm to point 1. with new list.
Assuming: n = 7 and numbers are 10, 75, 30, 45, 25, 15, 20
Pass 1:
Since n > 2 so sort the list : 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 75
Sum S = 220
A = 220 / ((7-1)/2) = 73
10 & 75 => 85
15 & 45 => 60
20 & 30 => 50
Remaining numbers are < 2 so add 25 in the sum list : 85(10,75), 60(15,45), 50(20,30), 25(25)
Pass 2:
n = 4 and numbers are 85, 60, 50, 25
List count is > 2 so sort list : 25(25), 50(20,30), 60(15,45), 85(10,75)
Sum S is still the same (S=220) but A must be recompute : A = 220 / ((4-0)/2) = 110
25 & 85 => 110
50 & 60 => 110
The Sum list is : 110(25(25),85(10,75)), 110(50(20,30),60(15,45))
Pass 3:
n = 2 and numbers are 110, 110
n < 3 so distribute numbers:
A = 25, 10, 75
B = 20, 30, 15, 45
This works on each scenario I have tested.
your requirement in #2 needs clarification, because:
"The sum of all the numbers in A is as nearly equal as possible to the sum of all the numbers in B" is clear, but then your statement "the distribution should be fair" makes everything unclear. What does 'fair' exactly mean? Does the process need a random element in it?
#ShreevatsaR notes that the algorithm below is known as the greedy algorithm. It does not do very well with certain inputs (I tried 10 different sets of randomly generated sets of inputs of size 100 and in all cases, the sums were very close which led me to think sorting the input was enough for the success of this algorithm).
See also "The Easiest Hard Problem", American Scientist, March-April 2002, recommended by ShreevatsaR.
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw( sum );
my #numbers = generate_list();
print "#numbers\n\n";
my (#A, #B);
my $N = #numbers;
while ( #numbers ) {
my $n = pop #numbers;
printf "Step: %d\n", $N - #numbers;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
if ( sum(#A) < sum(#B) ) {
push #A, $n;
else {
push #B, $n;
printf "A: %s\n\tsum: %d\n\tnum elements: %d\n",
"#A", sum(#A), scalar #A;
printf "B: %s\n\tsum: %d\n\tnum elements: %d\n\n",
"#B", sum(#B), scalar #B;
sub generate_list { grep { rand > 0.8 } 1 .. 450 }
Note that generate_list returns a list in ascending order.
I assume the numbers are not sequential, and you can't re-balance?
Because of constraint 1, you're going to need to switch buckets every other insertion, always. So every time you're not forced to pick a bucket, pick a logical bucket (where adding the number would make the sum closer to the other bucket). If this bucket isn't the same one as your previous bucket, you get another turn where you're not forced.
Any dual knapsack algorithm will do (regardless of distribution of numbers).
Simulated Annealing can quite quickly find better and better answers. You could keep 1. true while improving the nearness of 2.
If you need the perfect answer then you have to generate and loop through all of the possible sets of answers. If a pretty good answer is all you need then a technique like simulated annealing is the way to go. Heres some C code that uses a very primitive cooling schedule to find an answer.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXPAR 50
#define MAXTRIES 10000000
int data1[] = {192,130,446,328,40,174,218,31,59,234,26,365,253,11,198,98,
} ;
int data2[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 } ;
// What does the set sum to
int sumSet ( int data[], int len )
int result = 0 ;
for ( int i=0; i < len; ++i )
result += data[i] ;
return result ;
// Print out a set
void printSet ( int data[], int len )
for ( int i=0; i < len; ++i )
printf ( "%d ", data[i] ) ;
printf ( " Sums to %d\n", sumSet ( data,len ) ) ;
// Partition the values using simulated annealing
void partition ( int data[], size_t len )
int set1[MAXPAR] = {0} ; // Parttition 1
int set2[MAXPAR] = {0} ; // Parttition 2
int set1Pos, set2Pos, dataPos, set1Len, set2Len ; // Data about the partitions
int minDiff ; // The best solution found so far
int sum1, sum2, diff ;
int tries = MAXTRIES ; // Don't loop for ever
set1Len = set2Len = -1 ;
dataPos = 0 ;
// Initialize the two partitions
while ( dataPos < len )
set1[++set1Len] = data[dataPos++] ;
if ( dataPos < len )
set2[++set2Len] = data[dataPos++] ;
// Very primitive simulated annealing solution
sum1 = sumSet ( set1, set1Len ) ;
sum2 = sumSet ( set2, set2Len ) ;
diff = sum1 - sum2 ; // The initial difference - we want to minimize this
minDiff = sum1 + sum2 ;
printf ( "Initial diff is %d\n", diff ) ;
// Loop until a solution is found or all are tries are exhausted
while ( diff != 0 && tries > 0 )
// Look for swaps that improves the difference
int newDiff, newSum1, newSum2 ;
set1Pos = rand() % set1Len ;
set2Pos = rand() % set2Len ;
newSum1 = sum1 - set1[set1Pos] + set2[set2Pos] ;
newSum2 = sum2 + set1[set1Pos] - set2[set2Pos] ;
newDiff = newSum1 - newSum2 ;
if ( abs ( newDiff ) < abs ( diff ) || // Is this a better solution?
tries/100 > rand() % MAXTRIES ) // Or shall we just swap anyway - chance of swap decreases as tries reduces
int tmp = set1[set1Pos] ;
set1[set1Pos] = set2[set2Pos] ;
set2[set2Pos] = tmp ;
diff = newDiff ;
sum1 = newSum1 ;
sum2 = newSum2 ;
// Print it out if its the best we have seen so far
if ( abs ( diff ) < abs ( minDiff ) )
minDiff = diff ;
printSet ( set1, set1Len ) ;
printSet ( set2, set2Len ) ;
printf ( "diff of %d\n\n", abs ( diff ) ) ;
--tries ;
printf ( "done\n" ) ;
int main ( int argc, char **argv )
// Change this to init rand from the clock say if you don't want the same
// results repoduced evert time!
srand ( 12345 ) ;
partition ( data1, 31 ) ;
partition ( data2, 9 ) ;
return 0;
I would give genetic algorithms a try, as this seems a very nice problem to apply them.
The codification is just a binary string of length N, meaning 0 being in the first group and 1 in the second group. Give a negative fitness when the number of elements in each group differs, and a positive fitness when the sums are similar... Something like:
fitness(gen) = (sum(gen)-n/2))^2 + (sum(values[i]*(-1)**gen[i] for i in 0..n))^2
(And minimize the fitness)
Of course this can give you a sub-optimal answer, but for large real world problems it's usually enough.

What is the correct algorthm for a logarthmic distribution curve between two points?

I've read a bunch of tutorials about the proper way to generate a logarithmic distribution of tagcloud weights. Most of them group the tags into steps. This seems somewhat silly to me, so I developed my own algorithm based on what I've read so that it dynamically distributes the tag's count along the logarthmic curve between the threshold and the maximum. Here's the essence of it in python:
from math import log
count = [1, 3, 5, 4, 7, 5, 10, 6]
def logdist(count, threshold=0, maxsize=1.75, minsize=.75):
countdist = []
# mincount is either the threshold or the minimum if it's over the threshold
mincount = threshold<min(count) and min(count) or threshold
maxcount = max(count)
spread = maxcount - mincount
# the slope of the line (rise over run) between (mincount, minsize) and ( maxcount, maxsize)
delta = (maxsize - minsize) / float(spread)
for c in count:
logcount = log(c - (mincount - 1)) * (spread + 1) / log(spread + 1)
size = delta * logcount - (delta - minsize)
countdist.append({'count': c, 'size': round(size, 3)})
return countdist
Basically, without the logarithmic calculation of the individual count, it would generate a straight line between the points, (mincount, minsize) and (maxcount, maxsize).
The algorithm does a good approximation of the curve between the two points, but suffers from one drawback. The mincount is a special case, and the logarithm of it produces zero. This means the size of the mincount would be less than minsize. I've tried cooking up numbers to try to solve this special case, but can't seem to get it right. Currently I just treat the mincount as a special case and add "or 1" to the logcount line.
Is there a more correct algorithm to draw a curve between the two points?
Update Mar 3: If I'm not mistaken, I am taking the log of the count and then plugging it into a linear equation. To put the description of the special case in other words, in y=lnx at x=1, y=0. This is what happens at the mincount. But the mincount can't be zero, the tag has not been used 0 times.
Try the code and plug in your own numbers to test. Treating the mincount as a special case is fine by me, I have a feeling it would be easier than whatever the actual solution to this problem is. I just feel like there must be a solution to this and that someone has probably come up with a solution.
UPDATE Apr 6: A simple google search turns up a many of the tutorials I've read, but this is probably the most complete example of stepped tag clouds.
UPDATE Apr 28: In response to antti.huima's solution: When graphed, the curve that your algorithm creates lies below the line between the two points. I've been trying to juggle the numbers around but still can't seem to come up with a way to flip that curve to the other side of the line. I'm guessing that if the function was changed to some form of logarithm instead of an exponent it would do exactly what I'd need. Is that correct? If so, can anyone explain how to achieve this?
Thanks to antti.huima's help, I re-thought out what I was trying to do.
Taking his method of solving the problem, I want an equation where the logarithm of the mincount is equal to the linear equation between the two points.
weight(MIN) = ln(MIN-(MIN-1)) + min_weight
min_weight = ln(1) + min_weight
While this gives me a good starting point, I need to make it pass through the point (MAX, max_weight). It's going to need a constant:
weight(x) = ln(x-(MIN-1))/K + min_weight
Solving for K we get:
K = ln(MAX-(MIN-1))/(max_weight - min_weight)
So, to put this all back into some python code:
from math import log
count = [1, 3, 5, 4, 7, 5, 10, 6]
def logdist(count, threshold=0, maxsize=1.75, minsize=.75):
countdist = []
# mincount is either the threshold or the minimum if it's over the threshold
mincount = threshold<min(count) and min(count) or threshold
maxcount = max(count)
constant = log(maxcount - (mincount - 1)) / (maxsize - minsize)
for c in count:
size = log(c - (mincount - 1)) / constant + minsize
countdist.append({'count': c, 'size': round(size, 3)})
return countdist
Let's begin with your mapping from the logged count to the size. That's the linear mapping you mentioned:
max |_____
| /
| /|
| / |
min |/ |
| |
/| |
0 /_|___|____
0 a
where min and max are the min and max sizes, and a=log(maxcount)-b. The line is of y=mx+c where x=log(count)-b
From the graph, we can see that the gradient, m, is (maxsize-minsize)/a.
We need x=0 at y=minsize, so log(mincount)-b=0 -> b=log(mincount)
This leaves us with the following python:
mincount = min(count)
maxcount = max(count)
xoffset = log(mincount)
gradient = (maxsize-minsize)/(log(maxcount)-log(mincount))
for c in count:
x = log(c)-xoffset
size = gradient * x + minsize
If you want to make sure that the minimum count is always at least 1, replace the first line with:
mincount = min(count+[1])
which appends 1 to the count list before doing the min. The same goes for making sure the maxcount is always at least 1. Thus your final code per above is:
from math import log
count = [1, 3, 5, 4, 7, 5, 10, 6]
def logdist(count, maxsize=1.75, minsize=.75):
countdist = []
mincount = min(count+[1])
maxcount = max(count+[1])
xoffset = log(mincount)
gradient = (maxsize-minsize)/(log(maxcount)-log(mincount))
for c in count:
x = log(c)-xoffset
size = gradient * x + minsize
countdist.append({'count': c, 'size': round(size, 3)})
return countdist
what you have is that you have tags whose counts are from MIN to MAX; the threshold issue can be ignored here because it amounts to setting every count below threshold to the threshold value and taking the minimum and maximum only afterwards.
You want to map the tag counts to "weights" but in a "logarithmic fashion", which basically means (as I understand it) the following. First, the tags with count MAX get max_weight weight (in your example, 1.75):
weight(MAX) = max_weight
Secondly, the tags with the count MIN get min_weight weight (in your example, 0.75):
weight(MIN) = min_weight
Finally, it holds that when your count decreases by 1, the weight is multiplied with a constant K < 1, which indicates the steepness of the curve:
weight(x) = weight(x + 1) * K
Solving this, we get:
weight(x) = weight_max * (K ^ (MAX - x))
Note that with x = MAX, the exponent is zero and the multiplicand on the right becomes 1.
Now we have the extra requirement that weight(MIN) = min_weight, and we can solve:
weight_min = weight_max * (K ^ (MAX - MIN))
from which we get
K ^ (MAX - MIN) = weight_min / weight_max
and taking logarithm on both sides
(MAX - MIN) ln K = ln weight_min - ln weight_max
ln K = (ln weight_min - ln weight_max) / (MAX - MIN)
The right hand side is negative as desired, because K < 1. Then
K = exp((ln weight_min - ln weight_max) / (MAX - MIN))
So now you have the formula to calculate K. After this you just apply for any count x between MIN and MAX:
weight(x) = max_weight * (K ^ (MAX - x))
And you are done.
On a log scale, you just plot the log of the numbers linearly (in other words, pretend you're plotting linearly, but take the log of the numbers to be plotted first).
The zero problem can't be solved analytically--you have to pick a minimum order of magnitude for your scale, and no matter what you can't ever reach zero. If you want to plot something at zero, your choices are to arbitrarily give it the minimum order of magnitude of the scale, or to omit it.
I don't have the exact answer, but i think you want to look up Linearizing Exponential Data. Start by calculate the equation of the line passing through the points and take the log of both sides of that equation.
