Range of doubles in Swift - xcode

I am currently writing a Swift application and parts of it require making sure certain user inputs add up to a specified value.
A simplified example:
Through program interaction, the user has specified that totalValue = 67 and that turns = 2. This means that in two inputs, the user will have to provide two values that add up to 67.
So lets say on turn 1 the user enters 32, and then on turn 2 he enters 35, this would be valid because 32 + 35 = 67.
This all works fine, but the moment we verge into more than one decimal place, the program cannot add the numbers correctly. For example, if totalValue = 67 and then on turn 1 the user enters 66.95 and then on turn 2 he enters .05 the program will return that this is an error despite the fact that
66.95 + .05 = 67. This problem does not happen with one decimal place or less (something like turn 1 = 55.5 and turn 2 = 11.5 works fine), only for two decimal spots and beyond. I am storing the values as doubles. Thanks in advance
Some example code:
var totalWeights = 67
var input = Double(myTextField.text.bridgeToObjectiveC().doubleValue)
/*Each turn is for a button click*/
/*For turn 1*/
if inputValid == true && turn == 1 && input < totalWeights
myArray[0] = input
//show error string
/*For turn 2*/
if inputValid == true && turn == 2 && input == (totalWeights - myArray[0])
myArray[1] = input
//show error string

If you want exact values from floating point then the float/double types will not work, as they are only ever approximations of exact numbers. Look into using the NSDecimalNumber class from within Swift, I'm not sure what the bridging would look like but it should be simple.

Here is an example of how this could work:
var a = 0
for num in numlist {
a += num
var result = false
if a == targetnum
result = true
I haven't tested this out, but if numlist is an array of double then it should work for any input that is a valid number.
One problem I just realized is that there is an issue with doing an equals with doubles, as rounding will cause problems for you. I am not going to show it, but if, while reading in the inputs you keep track of how many numbers to the right of the decimal place, then multiply all of the values by that number of tens, so 66.95 * 100 to get it all as an integer, then add, then do the comparison, after multiplying the targetnum by the same value (100).

Unfortunately there is no ideal solution to this. We must use approximation type comparison.
For example, instead of checking:
if val1 == val2
we must try something like:
if val1 > (val2 - .0005) && val1 < (val2 + .0005)


How to return-7-6-5-4-3-2-1012345678910111213

Code below is in Objective C in Xcode. I am trying to return -7-6-5-4-3-2-1012345678910111213 as the method is expecting that response. number = -7 and otherNumber = 13 How do I return the series of numbers? I tried the method below but with no success...
while (number < otherNumber) {
return number;
Another thing to look out for is how your parameters are getting passed in to the method. Since we dont know if "number" is always going to be less than "otherNumber" you should check to find out which of the two numbers being passed in is lower before using them in your while loop.
this is very similar to the previous post but it might make it a tad clearer:
//find which number is low and which is high and set it accordingly
while (low <= high){
//then append low to end of string
//return your string
And this handles the case when the numbers are equal
In Objective-C, methods can only have one return value.
If your method returns an array, something like this would work:
// Create an NSMutableArray
while (number < otherNumber) {
// Add the number to the array
// Return the array
Or, similarly, if your method returns a string:
// Create an NSMutableString
while (number < otherNumber) {
// Append the number to the end of the string
// Return the string
A few notes:
your conditional, number < otherNumber, won't capture the case where number == otherNumber. Since in your example otherNumber is 13, and you want that included, you may want to use number <= otherNumber.
you can only compare scalar numbers (like NSInteger or CGFloat) with the inequality operators (like < and >). However, you can only add objects to NSMutableArray and NSMutableString. So you'll need to convert between the scalar numbers and NSNumber as appropriate.
Since it looks like you're learning Objective-C, note that this is different from Swift, which does allow methods to return multiple values.

Random iteration to fill a table in Lua

I'm attempting to fill a table of 26 values randomly. That is, I have a table called rndmalpha, and I want to randomly insert the values throughout the table. This is the code I have:
rndmalpha = {}
for i= 1, 26 do
rndmalpha[i] = 0
valueadded = 0
while valueadded = 0 do
a = math.random(1,26)
if rndmalpha[a] == 0 then
rndmalpha[a] = "a"
valueadded = 1
while valueadded = 0 do
a = math.random(1,26)
if rndmalpha[a] == 0 then
rndmalpha[a] = "b"
valueadded = 1
The code repeats itself until "z", so this is just a general idea. The problem I'm running into, however, is as the table gets filled, the random hits less. This has potential to freeze up the program, especially in the final letters because there are only 2-3 numbers that have 0 as a value. So, what happens if the while loop goes through a million calls before it finally hits that last number? Is there an efficient way to say, "Hey, disregard positions 6, 13, 17, 24, and 25, and focus on filling the others."? For that matter, is there a much more efficient way to do what I'm doing overall?
The algorithm you are using seems pretty non-efficient, it seems to me that all you need is to initialize a table with all alphabet:
local t = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"}
and Then shuffle the elements:
for i = 1, #t*2 do
local a = math.random(#t)
local b = math.random(#t)
t[a],t[b] = t[b],t[a]
Swapping the elements for #t*2 times gives randomness pretty well. If you need more randomness, increase the number of shuffling, and use a better random number generator. The random() function provided by the C library is usually not that good.
Instead of randoming for each letter, go through the table once and get something random per position. The method you're using could take forever because you might never hit it.
Never repeat yourself. Never repeat yourself! If you're copy and pasting too often, it's a sure sign something has gone wrong. Use a second table to contain all the possible letters you can choose, and then randomly pick from that.
letters = {"a","b","c","d","e"}
numberOfLetters = 5
rndmalpha = {}
for i in 1,26 do
rndmalpha[i] = letters[math.random(1,numberOfLetters)]

Conditional Count inside of Group in .rdlc?

I have a .rdlc report, grouped.
Inside each group, I have an Id. Some of them will be positives, and others will be negative.
I need the difference between de quantity of positives Id's and negatives Id's
Something like
=CountDistinct(Fields!Id.Value) where Fields!Id.Value > 0 - CountDistinct(Fields!Id.Value) where Fields!Id.Value < 0
How Can I do that ? I'm thinking on a function, but I want to know if there is a simply way
Edit: An Id can be more than once time in each group, that's why I use CountDistinct
You can try this:
CountDistinct(IIf(Fields!Id.Value > 0, Fields!Id.Value, Nothing))
create 2 global variables. one for positive and one for negative.
Then create a new formula that counts them like the following:
IF (GroupName ({your_group_name}) > 0) THEN
Positive var = Positive var + 1;
Negative var = Negative var + 1;
You can actually look for your group in the formulas and drag it to the editor while writing the formula.
Since its a operation in group level, the records should be read first. Thats why we use whilePrintingRecords rather than whileReadingRecords.
Hope I understood your question right.

Making a list of integers more human friendly

This is a bit of a side project I have taken on to solve a no-fix issue for work. Our system outputs a code to represent a combination of things on another thing. Some example codes are:
The max number in one of the slots I've seen so far is about 150 but they will likely go higher.
When the system was designed there was no requirement for what this code would look like. But now the client wants to be able to type it in by hand from a sheet of paper, something the code above isn't suited for. We've said we won't do anything about it, but it seems like a fun challenge to take on.
My question is where is a good place to start loss-less compressing this code? Obvious solutions such as store this code with a shorter key are not an option; our database is read only. I need to build a two way method to make this code more human friendly.
1) I agree that you definately need a checksum - data entry errors are very common, unless you have really well trained staff and independent duplicate keying with automatic crosss-checking.
2) I suggest http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huffman_coding to turn your list of numbers into a stream of bits. To get the probabilities required for this, you need a decent sized sample of real data, so you can make a count, setting Ni to the number of times number i appears in the data. Then I suggest setting Pi = (Ni + 1) / (Sum_i (Ni + 1)) - which smooths the probabilities a bit. Also, with this method, if you see e.g. numbers 0-150 you could add a bit of slack by entering numbers 151-255 and setting them to Ni = 0. Another way round rare large numbers would be to add some sort of escape sequence.
3) Finding a way for people to type the resulting sequence of bits is really an applied psychology problem but here are some suggestions of ideas to pinch.
3a) Software licences - just encode six bits per character in some 64-character alphabet, but group characters in a way that makes it easier for people to keep place e.g. BC017-06777-14871-160C4
3b) UK car license plates. Use a change of alphabet to show people how to group characters e.g. ABCD0123EFGH4567IJKL...
3c) A really large alphabet - get yourself a list of 2^n words for some decent sized n and encode n bits as a word e.g. GREEN ENCHANTED LOGICIAN... -
i worried about this problem a while back. it turns out that you can't do much better than base64 - trying to squeeze a few more bits per character isn't really worth the effort (once you get into "strange" numbers of bits encoding and decoding becomes more complex). but at the same time, you end up with something that's likely to have errors when entered (confusing a 0 with an O etc). one option is to choose a modified set of characters and letters (so it's still base 64, but, say, you substitute ">" for "0". another is to add a checksum. again, for simplicity of implementation, i felt the checksum approach was better.
unfortunately i never got any further - things changed direction - so i can't offer code or a particular checksum choice.
ps i realised there's a missing step i didn't explain: i was going to compress the text into some binary form before encoding (using some standard compression algorithm). so to summarize: compress, add checksum, base64 encode; base 64 decode, check checksum, decompress.
This is similar to what I have used in the past. There are certainly better ways of doing this, but I used this method because it was easy to mirror in Transact-SQL which was a requirement at the time. You could certainly modify this to incorporate Huffman encoding if the distribution of your id's is non-random, but it's probably unnecessary.
You didn't specify language, so this is in c#, but it should be very easy to transition to any language. In the lookup you'll see commonly confused characters are omitted. This should speed up entry. I also had the requirement to have a fixed length, but it would be easy for you to modify this.
static public class CodeGenerator
static Dictionary<int, char> _lookupTable = new Dictionary<int, char>();
static CodeGenerator()
private static void PrepLookupTable()
public static bool TryPCodeDecrypt(string iPCode, out Int64 oDecryptedInt)
//Prep the result so we can exit without having to fiddle with it if we hit an error.
oDecryptedInt = 0;
if (iPCode.Length > 3)
Char[] Bits = iPCode.ToCharArray(0,iPCode.Length-2);
int CheckInt7 = 0;
int CheckInt3 = 0;
if (!int.TryParse(iPCode[iPCode.Length-1].ToString(),out CheckInt7) ||
!int.TryParse(iPCode[iPCode.Length-2].ToString(),out CheckInt3))
//Unsuccessful -- the last check ints are not integers.
return false;
//Adjust the CheckInts to the right values.
CheckInt3 -= 2;
CheckInt7 -= 2;
int COffset = iPCode.LastIndexOf('M')+1;
Int64 tempResult = 0;
int cBPos = 0;
while ((cBPos + COffset) < Bits.Length)
//Calculate the current position.
int cNum = 0;
foreach (int cKey in _lookupTable.Keys)
if (_lookupTable[cKey] == Bits[cBPos + COffset])
cNum = cKey;
tempResult += cNum * (Int64)Math.Pow((double)31, (double)(Bits.Length - (cBPos + COffset + 1)));
cBPos += 1;
if (tempResult % 7 == CheckInt7 && tempResult % 3 == CheckInt3)
oDecryptedInt = tempResult;
return true;
return false;
//Unsuccessful -- too short.
return false;
public static string PCodeEncrypt(int iIntToEncrypt, int iMinLength)
int Check7 = (iIntToEncrypt % 7) + 2;
int Check3 = (iIntToEncrypt % 3) + 2;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.Insert(0, Check7);
result.Insert(0, Check3);
int workingNum = iIntToEncrypt;
while (workingNum > 0)
result.Insert(0, _lookupTable[workingNum % 31]);
workingNum /= 31;
if (result.Length < iMinLength)
for (int i = result.Length + 1; i <= iMinLength; i++)
result.Insert(0, 'M');
return result.ToString();

What is the best way to check the strength of a password?

What is the best way of ensuring that a user supplied password is a strong password in a registration or change password form?
One idea I had (in python)
def validate_password(passwd):
conditions_met = 0
conditions_total = 3
if len(passwd) >= 6:
if passwd.lower() != passwd: conditions_met += 1
if len([x for x in passwd if x.isdigit()]) > 0: conditions_met += 1
if len([x for x in passwd if not x.isalnum()]) > 0: conditions_met += 1
result = False
print conditions_met
if conditions_met >= 2: result = True
return result
Depending on the language, I usually use regular expressions to check if it has:
At least one uppercase and one
lowercase letter
At least one number
At least one special character
A length of at least six characters
You can require all of the above, or use a strength meter type of script. For my strength meter, if the password has the right length, it is evaluated as follows:
One condition met: weak password
Two conditions met: medium password
All conditions met: strong password
You can adjust the above to meet your needs.
The object-oriented approach would be a set of rules. Assign a weight to each rule and iterate through them. In psuedo-code:
abstract class Rule {
float weight;
float calculateScore( string password );
Calculating the total score:
float getPasswordStrength( string password ) {
float totalWeight = 0.0f;
float totalScore = 0.0f;
foreach ( rule in rules ) {
totalWeight += weight;
totalScore += rule.calculateScore( password ) * rule.weight;
return (totalScore / totalWeight) / rules.count;
An example rule algorithm, based on number of character classes present:
float calculateScore( string password ) {
float score = 0.0f;
// NUMBER_CLASS is a constant char array { '0', '1', '2', ... }
if ( password.contains( NUMBER_CLASS ) )
score += 1.0f;
if ( password.contains( UPPERCASE_CLASS ) )
score += 1.0f;
if ( password.contains( LOWERCASE_CLASS ) )
score += 1.0f;
// Sub rule as private method
if ( containsPunctuation( password ) )
score += 1.0f;
return score / 4.0f;
1: Eliminate often used passwords
Check the entered passwords against a list of often used passwords (see e.g. the top 100.000 passwords in the leaked LinkedIn password list: http://www.adeptus-mechanicus.com/codex/linkhap/combo_not.zip), make sure to include leetspeek substitutions:
A#, E3, B8, S5, etc.
Remove parts of the password that hit against this list from the entered phrase, before going to part 2 below.
2: Don't force any rules on the user
The golden rule of passwords is that longer is better.
Forget about forced use of caps, numbers, and symbols because (the vast majority of) users will:
- Make the first letter a capital;
- Put the number 1 at the end;
- Put a ! after that if a symbol is required.
Instead check password strength
For a decent starting point see: http://www.passwordmeter.com/
I suggest as a minimum the following rules:
Additions (better passwords)
- Number of Characters Flat +(n*4)
- Uppercase Letters Cond/Incr +((len-n)*2)
- Lowercase Letters Cond/Incr +((len-n)*2)
- Numbers Cond +(n*4)
- Symbols Flat +(n*6)
- Middle Numbers or Symbols Flat +(n*2)
- Shannon Entropy Complex *EntropyScore
Deductions (worse passwords)
- Letters Only Flat -n
- Numbers Only Flat -(n*16)
- Repeat Chars (Case Insensitive) Complex -
- Consecutive Uppercase Letters Flat -(n*2)
- Consecutive Lowercase Letters Flat -(n*2)
- Consecutive Numbers Flat -(n*2)
- Sequential Letters (3+) Flat -(n*3)
- Sequential Numbers (3+) Flat -(n*3)
- Sequential Symbols (3+) Flat -(n*3)
- Repeated words Complex -
- Only 1st char is uppercase Flat -n
- Last (non symbol) char is number Flat -n
- Only last char is symbol Flat -n
Just following passwordmeter is not enough, because sure enough its naive algorithm sees Password1! as good, whereas it is exceptionally weak.
Make sure to disregard initial capital letters when scoring as well as trailing numbers and symbols (as per the last 3 rules).
Calculating Shannon entropy
See: Fastest way to compute entropy in Python
3: Don't allow any passwords that are too weak
Rather than forcing the user to bend to self-defeating rules, allow anything that will give a high enough score. How high depends on your use case.
And most importantly
When you accept the password and store it in a database, make sure to salt and hash it!.
The two simplest metrics to check for are:
Length. I'd say 8 characters as a minimum.
Number of different character classes the password contains. These are usually, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and punctuation and other symbols. A strong password will contain characters from at least three of these classes; if you force a number or other non-alphabetic character you significantly reduce the effectiveness of dictionary attacks.
Cracklib is great, and in newer packages there is a Python module available for it. However, on systems that don't yet have it, such as CentOS 5, I've written a ctypes wrapper for the system cryptlib. This would also work on a system that you can't install python-libcrypt. It does require python with ctypes available, so for CentOS 5 you have to install and use the python26 package.
It also has the advantage that it can take the username and check for passwords that contain it or are substantially similar, like the libcrypt "FascistGecos" function but without requiring the user to exist in /etc/passwd.
My ctypescracklib library is available on github
Some example uses:
>>> FascistCheck('jafo1234', 'jafo')
'it is based on your username'
>>> FascistCheck('myofaj123', 'jafo')
'it is based on your username'
>>> FascistCheck('jxayfoxo', 'jafo')
'it is too similar to your username'
>>> FascistCheck('cretse')
'it is based on a dictionary word'
after reading the other helpful answers, this is what i'm going with:
-1 same as username
+0 contains username
+1 more than 7 chars
+1 more than 11 chars
+1 contains digits
+1 mix of lower and uppercase
+1 contains punctuation
+1 non-printable char
import re
import string
max_score = 6
def score(username,passwd):
if passwd == username:
return -1
if username in passwd:
return 0
score = 0
if len(passwd) > 7:
if len(passwd) > 11:
if re.search('\d+',passwd):
if re.search('[a-z]',passwd) and re.search('[A-Z]',passwd):
if len([x for x in passwd if x in string.punctuation]) > 0:
if len([x for x in passwd if x not in string.printable]) > 0:
return score
example usage:
import pwscore
score = pwscore(username,passwd)
if score < 3:
return "weak password (score="
+ str(score) + "/"
+ str(pwscore.max_score)
+ "), try again."
probably not the most efficient, but seems reasonable.
not sure FascistCheck => 'too similar to username' is
worth it.
'abc123ABC!#£' = score 6/6 if not a superset of username
maybe that should score lower.
Well this is what I use:
var getStrength = function (passwd) {
intScore = 0;
intScore = (intScore + passwd.length);
if (passwd.match(/[a-z]/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 1);
if (passwd.match(/[A-Z]/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 5);
if (passwd.match(/\d+/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 5);
if (passwd.match(/(\d.*\d)/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 5);
if (passwd.match(/[!,##$%^&*?_~]/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 5);
if (passwd.match(/([!,##$%^&*?_~].*[!,##$%^&*?_~])/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 5);
if (passwd.match(/[a-z]/) && passwd.match(/[A-Z]/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 2);
if (passwd.match(/\d/) && passwd.match(/\D/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 2);
if (passwd.match(/[a-z]/) && passwd.match(/[A-Z]/) && passwd.match(/\d/) && passwd.match(/[!,##$%^&*?_~]/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 2);
return intScore;
I don't know if anyone will find this useful, but I really liked the idea of a ruleset as suggested by phear so I went and wrote a rule Python 2.6 class (although it's probably compatible with 2.5):
import re
class SecurityException(Exception):
class Rule:
"""Creates a rule to evaluate against a string.
Rules can be regex patterns or a boolean returning function.
Whether a rule is inclusive or exclusive is decided by the sign
of the weight. Positive weights are inclusive, negative weights are
Call score() to return either 0 or the weight if the rule
is fufilled.
Raises a SecurityException if a required rule is violated.
def __init__(self,rule,weight=1,required=False,name=u"The Unnamed Rule"):
except AttributeError:
self.rule = re.compile(rule) # If a regex, compile
self.rule = rule # Otherwise it's a function and it should be scored using it
if weight == 0:
return ValueError(u"Weights can not be 0")
self.weight = weight
self.required = required
self.name = name
def exclusive(self):
return self.weight < 0
def inclusive(self):
return self.weight >= 0
exclusive = property(exclusive)
inclusive = property(inclusive)
def _score_regex(self,password):
match = self.rule.search(password)
if match is None:
if self.exclusive: # didn't match an exclusive rule
return self.weight
elif self.inclusive and self.required: # didn't match on a required inclusive rule
raise SecurityException(u"Violation of Rule: %s by input \"%s\"" % (self.name.title(), password))
elif self.inclusive and not self.required:
return 0
if self.inclusive:
return self.weight
elif self.exclusive and self.required:
raise SecurityException(u"Violation of Rule: %s by input \"%s\"" % (self.name,password))
elif self.exclusive and not self.required:
return 0
return 0
def score(self,password):
except AttributeError:
return self._score_regex(password)
return self.rule(password) * self.weight
def __unicode__(self):
return u"%s (%i)" % (self.name.title(), self.weight)
def __str__(self):
return self.__unicode__()
I hope someone finds this useful!
Example Usage:
rules = [ Rule("^foobar",weight=20,required=True,name=u"The Fubared Rule"), ]
score = 0
for rule in rules:
score += rule.score()
except SecurityException e:
print e
print score
DISCLAIMER: Not unit tested
Password strength checkers, and if you have time+resources (its justified only if you are checking for more than a few passwords) use Rainbow Tables.
With a series of checks to ensure it meets minimum criteria:
at least 8 characters long
contains at least one non-alphanumeric symbol
does not match or contain username/email/etc.
Here's a jQuery plugin that reports password strength (not tried it myself):
And the same thing ported to PHP:
What is the best way of ensuring that a user supplied password is a strong password in a registration or change password form?
Don't evaluate complexity and or strength, users will find a way to fool your system or get so frustrated that they will leave. That will only get you situations like this. Just require certain length and that leaked passwords aren't used. Bonus points: make sure whatever you implement allows the use of password managers and/or 2FA.
