Random iteration to fill a table in Lua - random

I'm attempting to fill a table of 26 values randomly. That is, I have a table called rndmalpha, and I want to randomly insert the values throughout the table. This is the code I have:
rndmalpha = {}
for i= 1, 26 do
rndmalpha[i] = 0
valueadded = 0
while valueadded = 0 do
a = math.random(1,26)
if rndmalpha[a] == 0 then
rndmalpha[a] = "a"
valueadded = 1
while valueadded = 0 do
a = math.random(1,26)
if rndmalpha[a] == 0 then
rndmalpha[a] = "b"
valueadded = 1
The code repeats itself until "z", so this is just a general idea. The problem I'm running into, however, is as the table gets filled, the random hits less. This has potential to freeze up the program, especially in the final letters because there are only 2-3 numbers that have 0 as a value. So, what happens if the while loop goes through a million calls before it finally hits that last number? Is there an efficient way to say, "Hey, disregard positions 6, 13, 17, 24, and 25, and focus on filling the others."? For that matter, is there a much more efficient way to do what I'm doing overall?

The algorithm you are using seems pretty non-efficient, it seems to me that all you need is to initialize a table with all alphabet:
local t = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"}
and Then shuffle the elements:
for i = 1, #t*2 do
local a = math.random(#t)
local b = math.random(#t)
t[a],t[b] = t[b],t[a]
Swapping the elements for #t*2 times gives randomness pretty well. If you need more randomness, increase the number of shuffling, and use a better random number generator. The random() function provided by the C library is usually not that good.

Instead of randoming for each letter, go through the table once and get something random per position. The method you're using could take forever because you might never hit it.
Never repeat yourself. Never repeat yourself! If you're copy and pasting too often, it's a sure sign something has gone wrong. Use a second table to contain all the possible letters you can choose, and then randomly pick from that.
letters = {"a","b","c","d","e"}
numberOfLetters = 5
rndmalpha = {}
for i in 1,26 do
rndmalpha[i] = letters[math.random(1,numberOfLetters)]


Convert structure fields to arrays efficiently matlab

I have a structure called s in Matlab. This is a structure with two fields a and b. The structure size is 1 x 1,620,000.
It is a very large structure (that probably takes half of the ram of my machine). This is what the structure looks like:
I am looking for an efficient way to concatenate each of the fields a and b into two separate arrays that I can then export to csv. I built the code below, to do so, but even after 12 hours running it has not even reached a quarter of the loop. Any more efficient way of doing this?
a = [];
b =[];
total_n = size(s,2);
count = 1;
while size(s,2)>0
if size(s(1).a,1)
a = [a; s(1).a];
if size(s(1).b,1)
b = [b; s(1).b];
s(1) = []; %to save memory
if mod(count,1000) == 0
fprintf('Done %2f \n', [count/total_n])
count = count+1;
s(1) = []; %to save memory
ah, but such huge misunderstanding that comment is.
if size(s) is 1 x 1,620,000, you just suddenly forced the loop to do (under the hood, you dont see it)
snew=zeros(1,size(s,2)-1) # now you use double memory
snew=s(2:end) # now you force an unnecesary copy
So not only does that line make your code require double the memory, but also in each loop, you make an unnecesary copy of a large array.
Just replace your while for a normal for loop of for ii=1:size(s,2) and then index s!
Now, you can see hopefully then why the following is equally a big mistake (not only that, but any modern MATLAB version is currently telling you this is a bad idea in your editor)
In here in each loop you are forcing MATLAB to make a new a that is 1 bigger than before, and copy the contents of the old a there.
instead, preallocate the size of a.
As you don't know what you are going to put there, I suggest using a cell array, as each s(ii).a has a different length.
You can then, after the loop, remove all empty (isempty) cells if you want.
Managed to do it efficiently:
s= struct2cell(s);
s= squeeze(s);
a = a(1,:);
a = a';
a = vertcat(a{:});
b = a(2,:);
b = b';
b = vertcat(b{:});

Generate increasing random number rails

I've a random number generator code:
5.times.map { [*0..9].sample }.join.to_i
It gives me random numbers like 63832, 42337, 34998. As you can see that they are completely random, but how to make than I would get only in an increasing way? Not 63832, 42337, 34998, but 34998, 42337, 63832 (this is just an example, Ideally I would get smth like 00[number] => 0025, where 25 is a random number which was generated.
Hope my explanation is understandable :)
If you have the current / last random number, you can generate a larger one by simply adding a random number to it, e.g:
def generate(base = 0)
base + rand(1_000..10_000)
number = generate #=> 9635
number = generate(number) #=> 17761
number = generate(number) #=> 22082
number = generate(number) #=> 31061
Each number is 1,000 to 10,000 larger than its predecessor.
An alternative approach, if you want to generate all random numbers within a known range:
# => [602, 5608, 7912, 8384, 8714]
However, this only works if you want to fetch all random numbers upfront, rather than continuously being able to generate new ones which are larger.
It's also not a good approach if your upper limit is very big - e.g. this will freeze your system and need to be cancelled:
...But in that case, since the numbers are so huge, you can surely get away with the tiny risk of having a collision:
5.times.map{ rand(1..10000000000) }.sort
# => [460188573, 555213355, 3576967759, 3994239233, 9570165205]

Lua - Create a nested table using for loop

I'm a very new to lua so am happy to read material if it will help with tables.
I've decoded a json object and would like to build a table properly using its data, rather than writing 64 lines of the below:
a = {}
a[decode.var1[1].aId] = {decode.var2[1].bId, decode.var3[1].cId}
a[decode.var1[2].aId] = {decode.var2[2].bId, decode.var3[2].cId}
a[decode.var1[3].aId] = {decode.var2[3].bId, decode.var3[3].cId}
Because the numbers are consecutive 1-64, i presume i should be able to build it using a for loop.
Unfortunately despite going through table building ideas I cannot seem to find a way to do it, or find anything on creating nested tables using a loop.
Any help or direction would be appreciated.
Lua for-loops are, at least in my opinion, pretty easy to understand:
for i = 1, 10 do
This loop inclusively prints the positive integers 1 through 10.
Lua for-loops also take an optional third argument--which defaults to 1--that indicates the step of the loop:
for i = 1, 10, 2 do
This loop prints the numbers 1 through 10 but skips every other number, that is, it has a step of 2; therefore, it will print 1 3 5 7 9.
In the case of your example, if I understand it correctly, it seems that you know the minimum and maximum bounds of your for loops, which are 1 and 64, respectively. You could write a loop to decode the values and put them in a table like so:
local a = {}
for i = 1, 64 do
a[decodevar.var1[i].aId] = {decode.var2[i].bId, decode.var3[i].cId}
What you can do is generating a new table with all the contents from the decoded JSON with a for loop.
For example,
function jsonParse(jsonObj)
local tbl = {}
for i = 1, 64 do
a[decodevar.var1[i].aId] = {decode.var2[i].bId, decode.var3[i].cId}
return tbl
To deal with nested cases, you can recursively call that method as follows
function jsonParse(jsonObj)
local tbl = {}
for i = 1, 64 do
a[decodevar.var1[i].aId] = {decode.var2[i].bId, decode.var3[i].cId}
if type(decode.var2[i].bId) == "table" then
a[decodevar.var1[i].aid[0] = jsonParse(decode.var2[i].bId)
By the way, I can't understand why are you trying to create a table using a table that have done the job you want already. I assume they are just random and you may have to edit the code with the structure of the decodevar variable you have

Input to different attributes values from a random.sample list

so this is what I'm trying to do, and I'm not sure how cause I'm new to python. I've searched for a few options and I'm not sure why this doesn't work.
So I have 6 different nodes, in maya, called aiSwitch. I need to generate random different numbers from 0 to 6 and input that value in the aiSiwtch*.index.
In short the result should be
aiSwitch1.index = (random number from 0 to 5)
aiSwitch2.index = (another random number from 0 to 5 different than the one before)
And so on unil aiSwitch6.index
I tried the following:
import maya.cmds as mc
import random
allswtich = mc.ls('aiSwitch*')
for i in allswitch:
print i
S = range(0,6)
print S
shuffle = random.sample(S, len(S))
print shuffle
for w in shuffle:
print w
mc.setAttr(i + '.index', w)
This is the result I get from the prints:
aiSwitch1 <-- from print i
[0,1,2,3,4,5] <--- from print S
[2,3,5,4,0,1] <--- from print Shuffle (random.sample results)
1 <--- from print w, every separated item in the random.sample list.
Now, this happens for every aiSwitch, cause it's in a loop of course. And the random numbers are always a different list cause it happens every time the loop runs.
So where is the problem then?
aiSwitch1.index = 1
And all the other aiSwitch*.index always take only the last item in the list but the time I get to do the setAttr. It seems to be that w is retaining the last value of the for loop. I don't quite understand how to
Get a random value from 0 to 5
Input that value in aiSwitch1.index
Get another random value from 0 to 6 different to the one before
Input that value in aiSwitch2.index
Repeat until aiSwitch5.index.
I did get it to work with the following form:
allSwitch = mc.ls('aiSwitch')
for i in allSwitch:
mc.setAttr(i + '.index', random.uniform(0,5))
This gave a random number from 0 to 5 to all aiSwitch*.index, but some of them repeat. I think this works cause the value is being generated every time the loop runs, hence setting the attribute with a random number. But the numbers repeat and I was trying to avoid that. I also tried a shuffle but failed to get any values from it.
My main mistake seems to be that I'm generating a list and sampling it, but I'm failing to assign every different item from that list to different aiSwitch*.index nodes. And I'm running out of ideas for this.
Any clues would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a somewhat Pythonic way: shuffle the list of indices, then iterate over it using zip (which is useful for iterating over structures in parallel, which is what you need to do here):
import random
index = list(range(6))
allSwitch = mc.ls('aiSwitch*')
for i,j in zip(allSwitch,index):
mc.setAttr(i + '.index', j)

Optimizing Array Memory Usage

I currently have a very large array of permutations, which is currently using a significant amount of RAM. This is the current code I have which SHOULD:
Count all but the occurrences where more than one '1' exists or three '2's exist in a row.
arr = [*1..3].repeated_permutation(30).to_a;
count = 0
arr.each do |x|
if not x.join('').include? '222' and x.count(1) < 2
count += 1
print count
So basically this results in a 24,360 element array, each of which have 30 elements.
I've tried to run it through Terminal but it literally ate through 14GB of RAM, and didn't move for 15 minutes, so I'm not sure whether the process froze while attempting to access more RAM or if it was still computing.
My question being: is there a faster way of doing this?
I am not sure what problem you try to solve. If your code is just an example for a more complex problem and you really need to check programatically every single permumation, then you might want to experiment with lazy:
[*1..3].repeated_permutation(30).lazy.each do ||
# your condition
Or you might want to make the nested iteratior very explicit:
[1,2,3].each do |x1|
[1,2,3].each do |x2|
[1,2,3].each do |x3|
# ...
[1,2,3].each do |x30|
permutation = [x1,x2,x3, ... , x30]
# your condition
But it feels wrong to me to solve this kind of problem with Ruby enumerables at all. Let's have a look at your strings:
I suggest to just use enumerative combinatorics. Just look at the patterns and analyse (or count) how often your condition can be true. For example there are 28 indexes in your string at which a 222 substring could be place, only 27 for the 2222 substring... If you place a substring how likely is it that there is no 1 in the other parts of the string?
I think your problem is a mathematics problem, not a programming problem.
NB This is an incomplete answer, but I think the idea might give a push to the proper solution.
I can think of a following approach: let’s represent each permutation as a value in ternary number base, padded by zeroes:
1 = 000..00001
2 = 000..00002
3 = 000..00010
4 = 000..00011
5 = 000..00012
Now consider we restated the original task, treating zeroes as ones, ones as twos and twos as threes. So far so good.
The whole list of permutations would be represented by:
(1..3**30-1).map { |e| x = e.to_s(3).rjust(30, '0') }
Now we are to apply your conditions:
def do_calc permutation_count
(1..3**permutation_count-1).inject do |memo, e|
x = e.to_s(3).rjust(permutation_count, '0')
!x.include?('111') && x.count('0') < 2 ? memo + 1 : memo
Unfortunately, even for permutation_count == 20 it takes more than 5 minutes to calculate, so probably some additional steps are required. I will be thinking of further optimization. Currently I hope this will give you a hint to find the good approach yourself.
