How to reinstall system Ruby? - ruby

Unfortunately I’ve managed to delete my system Ruby on OS X Yosemite and I'm struggling to re-install it.
I've read through the answers detailed here:
However, when I use Pacifist to try and bring back Ruby.framework the app just hangs like so:
Are there any other means to get hold of Ruby 2.0 for OS X Yosemite and re-install it? Any help would be much appreciated.

What about reinstalling Yosemite without formatting the hard drive? I'm sure that will fix it without deleting any of your personal files.


Anaconda Navigator not launching on OSX

I recently installed Anaconda 4.3.0 on my Macbook, running OSX EL Capitan 10.11.1. I tried to launching the 'Anaconda Navigator' but it crashes upon launching it. I tried online help and nothing really works. Users tell me to update my bash profile file, but i really have no idea on where to find this bash profile file. Please explain in layman's terms
Had the same trouble and I couldn't do something to change the situation except reinstalled Anaconda navigator on mac(OS EL Capitan 10.11.6). BTW, symptoms the same as you described "it crashes upon launching it". Try reinstalling the Anaconda Navigator; hope someone will give you more reasonable answer. Good Luck

How do i get Genymotion not to crash on start in OSX?

My Genymotion hasn't been opening since i updated it a few weeks ago. I'm on OSX 10.11.5. From what i can skim from the apple crash log is its saying "Illegal instruction: 4" and according to this guy its a generic problem with my binaries.
I have uninstalled multiple times, and read Genymotion's docs for removing, and reinstalled the .apps from thier latest version, but it still crashes. Even reinstalled virtualbox to see if that would help.
So i think the problem is with apple or with some settings file that was not documented that stayed behind and keeps messing it up.
Does anyone know of how i can completely remove everything Genymotion related so i can do a fresh clean install?
This has been ongoing for a few weeks now and i have not heard anything back from their support. Thanks.
See this Question in SO, which has the same issue.
No solutions yet, but install the 2.6.0 this still works.

GTK InitError in Ruby

Trying to install and get some Ruby gems working on OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks. Currently getting this error, any help? No idea what's going on... Thanks!
.rbenv/versions/2.1.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/gtk2-2.2.2/lib/gtk2.rb:13:in `init': Cannot open display: (Gtk::InitError)
Your problem is here:
On (or around) line:
Error: Cannot open display:
Reason for this error? Most likely the Gtk gem/library is not properly installed, or you are not instantiating the Gtk object properly or both.
You should update your question to include the content of gtk2.rb and we will be able to further assist you.
Ruby/GTK2 requires X Window System. Please install (XQuartz).
About X11 and OS X

Start a terminal in OSX Lion in order to upgrade OS from dock

i want to upgrade my OSX Lion to Mavericks and install from USB dock.
I found this article that explain how to do that but since i am not familiar with OSX i don't know even how to open terminal.
The Terminal is located in /Applications/Utilities/, however do beware that this is a very powerful tool that you shouldn't mess around with too much if you don't know what you are doing. The easiest and recommended way to install Mavericks is still through the App store.

Xcode DMG for Snow Leopard consistently not mounting

I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and attempting to install Xcode 4.2 for Snow Leopard. (This one, the blue download link from the dev center).
However, the DMG always gives this error (not recognised) when I try to open it.
Does anyone have any experience with this problem? It seems odd that all other DMGs should work apart from this one. Could this mean my computer is incompatible with Xcode 4.2? Or, am I downloading the wrong one?
I hope this is an acceptable question for SO, as I hope someone has had and solved this problem. General Googling for an unrecognised DMG has yielded nothing but 'redownload DMG', which I have done three times already.
Many, many thanks.
Despite downloading the DMG three times, I tried in Safari instead of Chrome as I had been doing and it working perfectly.
If anyone else has this similar 'DMG not recognised' error and finds their way here: try another browser.
