How to test two interacting browsers (e.g. chat app) - casperjs

I want to test the interaction between two users, communicating through a remote server, using CasperJS. My app is not a chat app, but that is an easy way to illustrate what I want to do.
So I'll login browser window A, then login to browser window B, then back in browser window A I'd input the chat message, call click() on the send button, and then back in browser B I'd wait for the message to appear. Then write a message, and go back to browser A to make sure it arrives.
I found this discussion on parallel browsing, which turns out to be serial. Serial is fine for me, but it appears doing more than one action in each browser is going to get very messy. It'd be something like this:
//and so on
(I've not actually tested that will work; I started writing it that way and thought there must be a better way?!)

and let each of them run asynchronously from the commandline
I would do it that way :
Two scripts :
script A with A login
script B with B login
Then script A first step (after login) : writing in the chat.
Script B first step : waiting for A text then sending its answer.
Script A second step : waiting for B answer etc...
You launch these two scripts in parallel using node (child process) and they will interact with the wait() statements.
There is just one delicate point : wait for the two pages to be rendered -or to login- at the same time (approximatively), because if one of them freeze a little, you could get the timeouterror... So maybe increase the waitTimeout; to be safer. (though for me the 5sec default timeout should be sufficient).
You could also use an external file to 'synchronize' it, but I don't see how it could be helpful, because you would have to wait for the data to be updated in this file anyway.
So this solution it's asynchronous, but it works.

This will not work because of the step/scheduling nature of casperjs. See also Running multiple instances of casperjs.
In your code example the B instance is only started when A is finished, because the execution begins with the call to run.
The easiest would be to write two separate casperjs scripts (or one script, but invoked with different data for the two sides) and let each of them run asynchronously from the commandline. On linux I would use nohup ... & for this.
As for the specific test steps. I think it is easier to let your application handle the events that are needed for the synchronization of the two casperjs clients. If it is a chat app and you want to let the two caspers chat, you would write a dialog beforehand, which includes at what step a client says what.
You can then synchronize the clients using waitForText:
A sends some fixed/known text while B waits for this fixed text to appear
B receives this fixed text while A is in the next step and waits for B's response (also known text)
B sends the next fixed text and A is still waiting
Of course you would need to play around with wait timeouts.


How to send "Is Typing" notifications until response task completed?

How to send Is Typing notification from bot application until bot process another response. I can see currently it is limited to 3 seconds, but I want to extend it until the next response come back from Bot.
Can anyone help me with this? I have seen a couple of approaches where they recommend showing recursively until your task finish its execution but not sure how to Implement this.
Currently, this is not a feature of bot framework. You cannot control the length of time of which the typing indicator is displayed for. Your best bet is to try to resend the typing indicator as many times as needed until you long-running task is completed. This will be a custom solution that there may already be examples of out there.
You can send the typing activity every couple seconds while your processing runs asynchronously. This uses a bit of extra bandwidth, so your call. e.g.
var search = searchclient.Documents.SearchAsync(query);
var typing = turnContext.Activity.CreateReply();
typing.Type = ActivityTypes.Typing;
do {
} while (!search.Wait(2000));
var results = search.Result.Results;
Or set the wait to 4 seconds, or a random number between 2 and 5 seconds, so it looks like the bot is typing a little, thinking, then typing more...
Virtually all chats employ forms of faking the "real time" presence of the typing indicator. You are best to not even try, instead letting it vary randomly at the client side, and heuristically altering to your own logic, and have any end event cancel it. Especially if your API footprint is part of your operating cost.

Phones won't stop ringing with Twilio Taskrouter

I've been trying to implement a call centre type system using Taskrouter using this guide as a base:
Project location is Australia, if that affects call details.
This system dials multiple numbers (workers), and I have run into an issue where phones will continue to ring even after the call has been accepted or cancelled.
ie. If Taskrouter calls Workers A and B, and A picks up first they are connected to the customer, but B will continue to ring. If B then picks up the phone they are greeted by a hangup tone. Ringing can continue for at least minutes until B picks up (I haven't checked if it ever times out).
Similar occurs if no one picks up and the call simply times out and is redirected to voicemail. As you can imagine, an endlessly ringing phone is pretty annoying, especially when there's no one on the other end.
I was able to replicate this issue using the above guide without modification (other than the minimum changes to set it up locally). Note that it doesn't dial workers simultaneously, rather it dials the first in line for a few seconds before moving to the next.
My interpretation of what is occurring is that Taskrouter is dialling workers, but not updating them when dialling should end, and simply moving on to the next stage of the workflow. It does update Worker status, so it knows if they've timed out for instance, but that doesn't update the actual call.
I have looked for any solutions to this and havent found much about it except the following:
How to make Twilio stop dialing numbers when hangup() is fired?
These don't specifically apply to Taskrouter, but suggest that a call that needs to be ended can be updated and completed.
I am not too sure if I can implement this however, as it seems to be using the same CallSid for all calls being dialled within a Workflow, makes it hard/impossible to seperate each call, and would end the active call as well.
It also just seems wrong that Taskrouter wouldn't be doing this automatically, so I wanted to ask about this before I tinker too much and break things.
Has anyone run into this issue before, or is able/unable to replicate it using the tutorial code?
When testing I've noticed the problem much more on landline numbers, which may only be because mobiles have their own timeout/redirects. VOIPs seem to immediately answer calls, so they behave a bit differently.
Any help/suggestions appreciated, thanks!
Current suggestion to work around this is to not issue the dequeue instruction immediately, but rather issue a Call instruction on the REST API when the Worker wishes to accept the Inbound Call.
This will create an Outbound Call to bridge the two calls together and thus won’t have many outbound calls for the same inbound caller at once.
Your implementation will depend on the behavior that you want to achieve:
Do you want to simul-dial both Workers?
Do you want to send
the task to both Workers and whoever clicks to Accept the Task first
will have the call routed to them?
If it's #2, this is a scenario where you're saying that the Worker should accept the Reservation (reservation.accepted) before issuing the Call.
If it's #1, you can either issue a Call Instruction or Dequeue Instruction. The key being that you provide a DequeueStatusCallbackUrl or CallStatusCallbackUrl to receive call progress events. Once one of the outbound calls is connected, you will need to complete the other associated call. So you will have to unfortunately track which outbound calls are tied to which Reservation, by using AssignmentCallbacks or EventCallbacks, to make that determination within your app.

How to handle multiple asynch downloads

I recently moved my background synch downloads to a view controller and need some advice on how to best handle them asynch. I have written all the code to show a progressview as the download occurs but as you might have guessed it's not that simple. Here's how it works.
user sees a tableview with two entires one for each database. they can press a button to download the database and when the download starts that fires off the asynch URL connection,etc. This works to a certain extent however it's not that simple.
here's what i want it to do.
download the main update URL (works ok)
then download a secondary URL.
then apply the first URL content to the sqlite store (code written for that)
then apply the 2nd URL content to the sqlite store (code written for that)
(All the while showing progress to the user)
when the downloads were synch it was easy as i just waited for them to finish in order to fire the next activity off but when using the asynch method i'm struggling with how to get them to wait. Step 3 depends upon step 1 finishing and step 4 depends on step 2 finishing and overall success relies on all finishing. step 4 needs to wait for step 3 to finish otherwise the database locks will cause a clash.
the second complication is that if the user presses the second button while the first is downloading then steps 3, 4 will clash if they execute at the same time as the first row is accessing the database.
Has anyone done anything similar and if so what was the strategy you used to manage the flow of events.
Also i wanted to wrap this all up in a backgroundTask with ExpirationHandler so it would survive the user pressing the home button... but the delegate methods don't get called when i do that.
Ok Here is what i did to fix the problem.
Created an NSOperationQueue
Added the URL operations as NSURLInnvocationOperations
3.waited until the URL operations were complete (waituntilalloperationsarefinished).
Then set the max concurrent count to 1 which forced the subsequent database operations to execute in series one after the other and thus prevented SQLite from locking it's self out.

Developer2000 OPEN_FORM built-in

I am a newbie in Developer2000.
I have an Oracle pl/sql procedure (say, proc_submit_request) that fetches thousands of requests and submits them to dbms_job scheduler. The calling of dbms_job is
coded inside a loop for each request fetched.
Currently, i have a button (say, SUBMIT button) in oracle forms screen clicking which calls proc_submit_request.
The problem here is... the control does not return to my screen untill ALL of the requests fetched are submitted to the dbms_job (this takes hours to complete)
The screen grays out and just the hour-glass appears untill the completion of the procedure proc_submit_request.
proc_submit_appears returns a message to screen telling "XXXX requests submitted".
My requirement now is, once the user clicks the SUBMIT button, the screen should no longer gray out. The user should be able to navigate to other screens and not just struck with the submit screen untill the called procedure is completed.
I suggested running listeners (shell scripts and perl stuff) that can listen for any messages in pipe and run requests as back-ground process.
But the user is asking me to fix the issue in the application rather running listeners.
I've heard a little of OPEN_FORM built-in.
Suppose, I have two forms namely Form-1 and Form-2. Form-1 calls Form-2 using OPEN_FORM.
Now are the following things possible using OPEN_FORM?
On calling open_form('Form-2',OTHER-ARGUMENTS...), control must be in Form-1 (i.e. USer should not know that another form is getting opened) and Form-2 should call proc_submit_request.
User must be able to navigate to other screens in the application. But Form-2 must still be running until proc_submit_procedure is completed.
What happens if the user closes (exits) Form-1 ? Will Form-2 be still running?
Please provide me answers or suggest a good solution.
Good thought on the Form-1, Form-2 scenario - I'm not sure if that would work or not. But here is a much easier way without having to fumble around with coordinating forms being hidden and running stuff, and coming to the forefront when the function actually returns...etc, etc.
Rewrite your function that runs the database jobs to run as an AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION. Have a look at the compiler directive PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION for more details on that. You must use this within a database function/package/procedure - it is not valid with Forms (at least forms 10, not sure about 11).
You can then store the jobs result somewhere from your function (package variable, table, etc) and then use the built-in called CREATE_TIMER in conjunction with the form level trigger WHEN-TIMER-EXPIRED to go and check your storage location every 10 seconds or so - you can then display a message to the user about the jobs, and kill the timer using DELETE_TIMER.
You could create a single DBMS_JOB to call proc_submit_request. That way your form will only have to make one call; and the creation of all the other jobs will be done in a separate session.

How can I call a long-running external program from Excel / VBA?

What is the best way to run an external program from excel. It might run for several minutes. What's the best-practice about how to to this. Ideally,
A model dialog box that let's the user know that the process is executing.
If the executable fails, the user should receive a notification.
A timeout should be enforced.
A cancel button should be on the dialog box.
But any best-practices are welcome. I'm interested in solutions with calling either a .dll or an .exe. Preferably something that works with Excel '03 or earlier, but I'd love to hear a reason to move to a later version as well.
You should check out these two Microsoft KB articles
How to launch a Win32 Application from Visual Basic
How To Use a 32-Bit Application to Determine When a Shelled Process Ends
They both quickly give you the framework to launch a process and then check on its completion. Each of the KB articles have some additional references that may be relevant.
The latter knowledgebase article assumes that you want to wait for an infinite amount of time for your shell process to end.
You can modify the ret& = WaitForSingleObject(proc.hProcess, INFINITE) function call to return after some finite amount of time in milliseconds--replace INFINITE with a positive value representing milliseconds and wrap the whole thing in a Do While loop. The return value tells you if the process completed or the timer ran out. The return value will be zero if the process ended.
If the return value is non-zero then the process is still running, but control is given back to your application. During this time while you have positive control of your application, you can determine whether to update some sort of UI status, check on cancellation, etc. Or you can loop around again and wait some more.
There are even additional options if the program you are shelling to is something that you wrote. You could hook into one of its windows and have the program post messages that you can attach to and use as status feedback. This is probably best left for a separate item if you need to consider it.
You can use the process structure to get a return value from the called process. Your process does need to return a value for this to be useful.
My general approach to this kind of need is to:
give the user a non-modal status dialog at the start of the process with a cancel button, which when clicked will set a flag to be checked later. Providing the user with any status is most likely impossible, so giving them an elapsed time or one of those animated GIFs might be helpful in managing expectations.
Start the process
Wait for the process to complete, allowing cancellation check every 500ms
If the process is complete close the dialog and continue along.
If the process is not complete, see if the user hit cancel and if so send a close message to the process' window. This may not work and terminating the process might be required--careful if you do this. Your best bet may be to abandon the process if it won't close properly. You can also check for a timeout at this point and try to take the same path as if the user hit cancel.
Hope this helps,
