couchdb view query based on multiple fieds - view

I'm new to couchdb and stuck with one scenario. I have the following data.
firstName: "John",
lastName: "John"
I am writing a view to return documents where firstName="John" or lastName="John" and have the following map. So, the query will be /view/byName?key="John"
function(doc){emit(doc.firstName, doc);emit(doc.lastName, doc);}
I can filter out the duplicates in reduce, however I am searching for a way to filter the documents in map.

If by filter you mean get all unique values then reduce is the right way to do it. Couchdb the definitive guide suggests this as well. Just create a dummy reduce
function(key,values){return true;}
and call your view with ?group=true and you will have all the unique results.

If I understand you correctly, you want to have both documents in case of "John Smith" and "John Black", but "John John" should be reported once.
Couch gives you the unique set of keys with respect to keys ("John" in your example). Just emit the pair of name and document id ([doc.firstName, doc._id] and [doc.lastName, doc._id]) and reduce will do what you want.
["John", "ID_OF_SMITH"] != ["John", "ID_OF_BLACK"]
["John", "ID_OF_JOHNJOHN"] == ["John", "ID_OF_JOHNJOHN"]


Efficient data-structure to searching data only in documents a user can access

Problem description:
The goal is to efficiently query strings from a set of JSON documents while respecting document-level security, such that a user is only able to retrieve data from documents they have access to.
Suppose we have the following documents:
Document document_1, which has no restrictions:
"id": "document_1",
"set_of_strings_1": [
"set_of_strings_2": [
"isPublic": true
Document document_2, which can only be accessed by 3 users:
"id": "document_2",
"set_of_strings_1": [
"set_of_strings_2": [
"isPublic": false,
"allowed_users": [
Now suppose user Bob (has access to both documents) makes the following query:
user_id: "Bob",
set_of_strings_id: "set_of_strings_1"
The correct response should be the union of set_of_strings_1 from both documents:
["the", "quick", "brown", "lazy"]
Now suppose user Dave (has access to document_1 only) makes the following query:
user_id: "Dave",
set_of_strings_id: "set_of_strings_1"
The correct response should be set_of_strings_1 from document_1:
["the", "quick", "brown"]
A further optimization is to handle prefix tokens. E.g. for the query
user_id: "Bob",
set_of_strings_id: "set_of_strings_1",
token: "t"
The correct response should be:
Note: empty token should match all strings.
However, I am happy to perform a simple in-memory prefix-match after the strings have been retrieved. The bottleneck here is expected to be the number of documents, not the number of strings.
What I have tried:
Approach 1: Naive approach
The naive solution here would be to:
put all the documents in a SQL database
perform a full-table scan to get all the documents (we can have millions of documents)
iterate through all the documents to figure out user permissions
filtering out the set of documents the user can access
iterating through the filtered list to get all the strings
This is too slow.
Approach 2: Inverted indices
Another approach considered is to create an inverted index from users to documents, e.g.
document_1, document_2, document_3
document_1, document_4
This will efficiently give us the document ids, which we can use against some other index to construct the string set.
If this next step is done naively, it still involves a linear scan through all the documents the user is able to access. To avoid this, we can create another inverted index mapping document_id#set_of_strings_id to the corresponding set of strings then we just take the union of all the sets to get the result and then we can run prefix match after. However, this involves doing the union of a large number of sets.
Approach 3: Caching
Use redis with the following data model:
Then we perform prefix match in-memory on the set of strings we get from the cache.
We want this data to be fairly up-to-date so the source-of-truth datastore still needs to be performant.
I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Is there a data structure or some off-the-shelf system that does what I am trying to do?

how to breakdown seearch result with elasticsearch?

I have documents in my elasticsearch that represent suppliers, each document is a supplier and each supplier have branches as well, it looks like this:
"id": 1,
"supplierName": "John Flower Shop",
"supplierAddress": "107 main st, Los Angeles",
"branches": [
"branchId": 11,
"branchName": "John Flower Shop New York",
"branchAddress": "34 5th Ave, New York"
"branchId": 12,
"branchName": "John Flower Shop Miami",
"branchAddress": "56 ragnar st, Miami"
currently I exposed api to allow search in fields: supplierName, supplierAddress, branchName and branchAddress.
the use case is a search box in my website, that perform a call to the backend, and pur the result in a dropdown for the user to choose the supplier.
my issue is, given the example document above, if you search for "John Flower Shop Miami", the answer will be the whole document, and what will be presented is the top level supplier name.
what I want is to present "John Flower Shop Miami", and im not sure how to understand what part of the result is what hit the search....
does someone had to do something like this before?
Handling relationship in elasticsearch is a bit of work but you can do it. I recommend you to read the ES guide's chapter handling relationships to have the big picture.
Then my advice is to index your branches as nested documents. Thus they will be stored as distinct documents in your index.
It will require you to change your query syntax to use nested queries that can be a pain in the a... but in exchange, you will be granted with inner_hits functionality.
It will allow you to know which subdocument ( nested document ) matched your query.

ElasticSearch / Lucene query strict matching child fields

Say I have an Elastic search index of songs, and the artist field can contain multiple artists.
I want to find Michael Jacson songs, so I might use a query like this:
artist.first_name: Michael AND artist.last_name: Jackson
However I recently noticed that might return me a result like this:
title: 'Some Janet Jackson Song feat. Michael Bublé',
artist: [
{first_name: 'Michael', last_name: 'Bublé'}
{first_name: 'Janet', last_name: 'Jackson'}
Note I have one artist with the first name "Micheal" and another with the the last name "Jackson" so technically this song matches my query.
I don't know the right words to search for this issue. Is this a problem with how my search index is structured? Can I formulate my query a way to avoid this? Ideally I don't want to have a full_name field with these values concatenated or anything like that.

Elasticsearch - query primary and secondary attribute with different terms

I'm using elasticsearch to query data that originally was exported out of several relational databases that had a lot of redundencies. I now want to perform queries where I have a primary attribute and one or more secondary attributes that should match. I tried using a bool query with a must term and a should term, but that doesn't seem to work for my case, which may look like this:
I have a document with fullname and street name of a user and I want to search for similiar users in different indices. So the best match for my query should be the best match on fullname and best match on streetname field. But since the original data has a lot of redundencies and inconsistencies the field fullname (which I manually created out of fields name1, name2, name3) may contain the same name multiple times and it seems that elasticsearch ranks a double match in a must field higher than a match in a should attribute.
That means, I want to query for John Doe Back Street with the following sample data:
"fullname" : "John Doe John and Jane",
"street" : "Main Street"
"fullname" : "John Doe",
"street" : "Back Street"
Long story short, I want to query for a main attribute fullname - John Doe and secondary attribute street - Back Street and want the second document to be the best match and not the first because it contains John multiple times.
Manipulation of relevance in Elasticsearch is not the easiest part. Score calculation is based on three main parts:
Term frequency
Inverse document frequency
Field-length norm
the often the term occurs in field, the MORE relevant is
the often the term occurs in entire index, the LESS relevant is
the longer the term is, the MORE relevant is
I recommend you to read below materials:
What Is Relevance?
Theory Behind Relevance Scoring
Controlling Relevance and subpages
If in general, in your case, result of fullname is more important than from street you can boost importance of the first one. Below you have example code base on my working code:
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "john doe",
"fields": [
In this example result from fullname is ten times (^10) much important than result from street. You can try to manipulate the boost or use other ways to control relevance but as I mentioned at the beginning - it is not the easiest way and everything depends on your particular situation. Mostly because of "inverse document frequency" part which considers terms from entire index - each next added document to index will probably change the score of the same search query.
I know that I did not answer directly but I hope to helped you to understand how this works.

How can I query/filter an elasticsearch index by an array of values?

I have an elasticsearch index with numeric category ids like this:
"id": "50958",
"name": "product name",
"description": "product description",
"upc": "00302590602108",
"**categories**": [
"price": "15.95"
I want to be able to pass an array of category ids (a parent id with all of it's children, for example) and return only results that match one of those categories. I have been trying to get it to work with a term query, but no luck yet.
Also, as a new user of elasticsearch, I am wondering if I should use a filter/facet for this...
I ended up using a terms query (as opposed to term). I'm still interested in knowing if there would be a benefit to using a filter or facet.
As you already discovered, a termQuery would work. I would suggest a termFilter though, since filters are faster, and cache-able.
Facets won't limit result, but they are excellent tools. They count hits within your total results of specific terms, and be used for faceted navigation.
