Efficient data-structure to searching data only in documents a user can access - caching

Problem description:
The goal is to efficiently query strings from a set of JSON documents while respecting document-level security, such that a user is only able to retrieve data from documents they have access to.
Suppose we have the following documents:
Document document_1, which has no restrictions:
"id": "document_1",
"set_of_strings_1": [
"set_of_strings_2": [
"isPublic": true
Document document_2, which can only be accessed by 3 users:
"id": "document_2",
"set_of_strings_1": [
"set_of_strings_2": [
"isPublic": false,
"allowed_users": [
Now suppose user Bob (has access to both documents) makes the following query:
user_id: "Bob",
set_of_strings_id: "set_of_strings_1"
The correct response should be the union of set_of_strings_1 from both documents:
["the", "quick", "brown", "lazy"]
Now suppose user Dave (has access to document_1 only) makes the following query:
user_id: "Dave",
set_of_strings_id: "set_of_strings_1"
The correct response should be set_of_strings_1 from document_1:
["the", "quick", "brown"]
A further optimization is to handle prefix tokens. E.g. for the query
user_id: "Bob",
set_of_strings_id: "set_of_strings_1",
token: "t"
The correct response should be:
Note: empty token should match all strings.
However, I am happy to perform a simple in-memory prefix-match after the strings have been retrieved. The bottleneck here is expected to be the number of documents, not the number of strings.
What I have tried:
Approach 1: Naive approach
The naive solution here would be to:
put all the documents in a SQL database
perform a full-table scan to get all the documents (we can have millions of documents)
iterate through all the documents to figure out user permissions
filtering out the set of documents the user can access
iterating through the filtered list to get all the strings
This is too slow.
Approach 2: Inverted indices
Another approach considered is to create an inverted index from users to documents, e.g.
document_1, document_2, document_3
document_1, document_4
This will efficiently give us the document ids, which we can use against some other index to construct the string set.
If this next step is done naively, it still involves a linear scan through all the documents the user is able to access. To avoid this, we can create another inverted index mapping document_id#set_of_strings_id to the corresponding set of strings then we just take the union of all the sets to get the result and then we can run prefix match after. However, this involves doing the union of a large number of sets.
Approach 3: Caching
Use redis with the following data model:
Then we perform prefix match in-memory on the set of strings we get from the cache.
We want this data to be fairly up-to-date so the source-of-truth datastore still needs to be performant.
I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Is there a data structure or some off-the-shelf system that does what I am trying to do?


Elasticsearch: search word forms only

I have collection of docs and they have field tags which is array of strings. Each string is a word.
"id": 1,
"tags": [ "man", "boy", "people" ]
}, {
"id": 2,
"tags":[ "health", "boys", "people" ]
}, {
"id": 3,
"tags":[ "people", "box", "boxer" ]
Now I need to query only docs which contains word "boy" and its forms("boys" in my example). I do not need elasticsearch to return doc number 3 because it is not form of boy.
If I use fuzzy query I will get all three docs and also doc number 3 which I do not need. As far as I understand, elasticsearch use levenshtein distance to determine whether doc relevant or not.
If I use match query I will get number 1 only but not both(1,2).
I wonder is there any ability to query docs by word form matching. Is there a way to make elastic match "duke", "duchess", "dukes" but not "dikes", "buke", "bike" and so on? This is more complicated case with "duke" but I need to support such case also.
Probably it could be solved using some specific settings of analyzer?
With "word-form matching" I guess you are referring to matching morphological variations of the same word. This could be about addressing plural, singular, case, tense, conjugation etc. Bear in mind that the rules for word variations are language specific
Elasticsearch's implementation of fuzziness is based on the Damerau–Levenshtein distance. It handles mutations (changes, transformations, transpositions) independent of a specific language, solely based on the number if edits.
You would need to change the processing of your strings at indexing and at search time to get the language-specific variations addressed via stemming. This can be achieved by configuring a suitable an analyzer for your field that does the language-specific stemming.
Assuming that your tags are all in English, your mapping for tags could look like:
"tags": {
"type": "text",
"analyzer": "english"
As you cannot change the type or analyzer of an existing index you would need to fix your mapping and then re-index everything.
I'm not sure whether Duke and Duchesse are considered to be the same word (and therefore addresses by the stemmer). If not, you would need to use a customised analyzer that allows you to configure synonyms.
See also Elasticsearch Reference: Language Analyzers

Elasticsearch performance impact on choosing mapping structure for index

I am receiving data in a format like,
status: "good",
datapoints: [{
paramType: "ABC",
batch: [{
time:"timestamp1<epoch in sec>",
value: "123"
time:"timestamp2<epoch in sec>",
value: "123"
paramType: "XYZ",
batch: [{
time:"timestamp1<epoch in sec>",
value: "123"
time:"timestamp2<epoch in sec>",
value: "124"
I would like to store the data into elasticsearch in such a way that I can query based on a timerange, status or paramType.
As mentioned here, I can define datapoints or batch as a nested data type which will allow to index object inside the array.
Another way, I can possibly think is by dividing the structure into separate documents. e.g.
name : "index_name",
status: "good",
time:"timestamp<epoch in sec>",
value: "123"
which one will be the most efficient way?
if I choose the 2nd way, I know there may be ~1000 elements in the batch array and 10-15 paramsType array, which means ~15k documents will be generated and 15k*5 fields (= 75K) key values pair will be repeated in the index?
Here this explains about the advantage and disadvantage of using nested but no performance related stats provided. in my case, there won't be any update in the inner object. So not sure which one will be better. Also, I have two nested objects so I would like to know how can I query if I use nested for getting data between a timerange?
Flat structure will perform better than nested. Nested queries are slower compared to term queries ; Also while indexing - internally a single nested document is represented as bunch of documents ; just that they are indexed in same block .
As long as your requirements are met - second option works better.

Relative Performance of ElasticSearch on inner fields vs outer fields

All other things being equal, including indexing, I'm wondering if it is more performant to search on fields closer to the root of the document.
For example, lets say we have a document with a customer ID. Two ways to store this:
"customer_id": "xyz"
"customer": {
"id": "xyz"
Will it be any slower to search for documents where "customer.id = 'xyq'" than to search for documents where "customer_id = 'xyz'" ?
That's pure syntactic sugar. The second form, i.e. using object type, will be flattened out and internally stored as
"customer.id": "xyz"
Hence, both forms you described are semantically equivalent as far as what gets indexed into ES, i.e.:
"customer_id": "xyz"
"customer.id": "xyz"

Indexes for mongodb

I have a mongo db collection for restaurants.
{_id: uniquemongoid,
rank: 3,
city: 'Berlin'
Restaurants are listed by city and ordered by rank (an integer) - should I create an index on city and rank, or city/rank compound? (I query by city and sort by rank)
Furthermore there are several fields with booleans e.g. { hasParking:true, familyFriendly:true } - should I create indexes to speed up queries for these filters? compound indexes? Its not clear for me if I should create compound indexes as the queries can have only one boolean set or more booleans set.
The best way to figure out whether you need indexes is to benchmark it with "explain()".
As for your suggested indexes:
You will need the city/rank compound index. Indexes in MongoDB can only be used for left-to-right (at the moment) and hence doing an equality search on "city" and then sorting the result by "rank" will mean that the { city: 1, rank: -1 } index would work best.
Indexes on boolean fields are often not very useful, as on average MongoDB will still need to access half of your documents. After doing a selection by city (and hopefully a limit!) doing an extra filter for hasParking etc will not make MongoDB use both the city/rank and the hasParking index. MongoDB can only use one index per query.
1) create index { restaurant:1, rank: 1} which will serve your purpose.
You will avoid 2 indexes
2) Create a document in following format and you can query for any no of fields you want.
info: [{hasParking:true}, {familyFriendly:true}],
db.restaurants.ensureIndex({info : 1});
db.restaurants.find({ info :{ hasParking:true}})
Note MongoDB don't use two index for the same query (except $or queries). So, in the (2) case, if you want to add addition filter over the (1) query, then this (2) option won't work. I am not sure of your (2) requirement, so posting this solution.

How can I query/filter an elasticsearch index by an array of values?

I have an elasticsearch index with numeric category ids like this:
"id": "50958",
"name": "product name",
"description": "product description",
"upc": "00302590602108",
"**categories**": [
"price": "15.95"
I want to be able to pass an array of category ids (a parent id with all of it's children, for example) and return only results that match one of those categories. I have been trying to get it to work with a term query, but no luck yet.
Also, as a new user of elasticsearch, I am wondering if I should use a filter/facet for this...
I ended up using a terms query (as opposed to term). I'm still interested in knowing if there would be a benefit to using a filter or facet.
As you already discovered, a termQuery would work. I would suggest a termFilter though, since filters are faster, and cache-able.
Facets won't limit result, but they are excellent tools. They count hits within your total results of specific terms, and be used for faceted navigation.
