CMFCPropertSheet with wizard mode - visual-studio-2010

I'm trying to give some modernized look to a old MFC application. I have changed all the CPropertSheet and CPropertPages to CMFCPropertSheets and CMFCPropertPage.
I was success when using SetLook(CMFCPropertySheet::PropSheetLook_List); in normal mode.
Can I use CMFCPropertSHeet and CMFCPropertPages to get wizard mood looks as follows

use the CMFCPropertySheet::SetLook method with CMFCPropertySheet::PropSheetLook_List or whatever you want it to be,
since CMFCPropertySheet derives from CPropertySheet you can follow these instructions to do what you wanna achieve:
MSDN link: CPropertySheet
To create a wizard-type dialog box, follow the same steps that you would follow to create a standard property sheet, but call SetWizardMode before you call DoModal. To enable the wizard buttons, call SetWizardButtons, using flags to customize their function and appearance. To enable the Finish button, call SetFinishText after the user has taken action on the last page of the wizard.


NSIS Uninstall Feedback Dialog with Radio Buttons

I am trying to show a simple dialog before uninstall in NSIS. It consists of several predefined radio buttons (reasons for uninstalling), none of them checked initially. Uninstallation cannot continue until a user selects one of the radio buttons.
As a bonus, ideally I would like to have a custom reason text field too (toggle-able via last radio button). As well as 2 more text fields for custom text and email.
Then I need to take selected value(s) (checked radio button) as well as text fields data and either append it to my predefined URL to which I make a GET request using InetC or similar plugin before uninstaller exits; or laternatively construct a POST request to a predefined URL using InetC or similar plugin. I cannot figure out how to create such a dialog page. Any help would be appreciated.
What I am looking for:
First, you should get familiar with nsDialogs to create the interface according to your needs. Since nsDialogs is a function, you would then can call it as a custom page.
You can use my tool Visual & Installer ( for Visual Studio 2005 - 2015 to fast write the NSIS code.
(If you are "writing" the installer - I assume you have some experiences with nsDialogs).
Also there are some other tools like NSIS Dialog Designer ( which can help you and generate lot of code for you.
This tool is GUI based - designer similar to Visual Studio designer - but remember: the result is still the scripts!

! Simulating a button click - dealing with objects/classes/events

I have a python module which has numerous class and some class inherting from another classes. The entire file has classes that are connected to each other with objects/instantiation.
The function calls are all based off of GUI button clicks. So, functions get called in, when buttons are clicked.
I need to write a script which does exactly the same function of button clicking, but without me clicking on the actual GUI - you can imagine it automated.
The issue is, the button on the GUI, when clicked, an event is triggered and the button is associated with a function call "def button_press" which takes (self, event) as parameters.
How would I pass it self and event? I want to use the classes/functions in the module "" as is and also simulate the button click.. Could you give me some pointers on how I could do this?
You can either:
Create an appropriate event, fill it with your test data and call self.button_press(your_test_event), from within your gui.
As above but from outside your gui call, app.topframe..button_press(your_test_event),
If your event handler does not use any data from the event then if you def button_press(self, evt=None) you can do a or b without creating an event first,
you can use any one of the excellent python GUI Test tools available - some are listed here.
You'll probably want to look at wx.PostEvent to send events to a button. Or if you're using wxPython 2.9.2 or better, then you can use the new UIActionSimulator, which you can read about here:
I've heard a number of people who use sikuli for GUI testing. There's also COBRA, which I keep seeing listed on the Tested in Python user's group as a tool for GUI testing, although I'm not entirely sure if you can use it on a wxPython app.

Creating a GUI in MATLAB using guide is not updating the m-file?

I am trying to create a GUI. I try and add 3 radio buttons to the GUI and when I hit save the m-file doesn't change...
I can add other entities and the m-file is edited and changed like normal.
Am I missing something?
If you delete a function that GUIDE creates it wont automatically add it back for you. You need to use the INSPECTOR tool in GUIDE and click the box next to the function to make GUIDE add the function back into your m-file.
GUIDE stores the GUI between a FIG-file with the figure data and an M-file with the callback functions. You may need to add some callbacks for the radio buttons before it will modify the M-file.

Deploying CRM solution

Using the crm 2011 sdk samples I've written a C# routine in Visual Studio to deactivate all active records in a custom entity. Now I'd like to wire this routine to a custom button on ribbon (figured that one out using RibbonDiffXml) However I'm unsure how to go about deploying. Am I creating a dll to register with the plugin registration tool? Any guidance would be appreciated!
As I see it, you have two options:
Rewrite your code to use the Organization Service from JavaScript. You can put the code completely inside the button this way. However, this requires manually constructing the SOAP calls to the API. The SDK has a walkthrough for this.
Include your code in a plugin, create a custom entity that you can register this plugin against, and create an instance of that entity from the JavaScript that will fire when clicking your ribbon button. This is detailed in an answer to a similar question.
Here are even more alternative solutions:
Create a workflow plugin and trigger that workflow (that runs async in the background). Triggered manually, on an event or from a javascript.
Create a javascript but use the REST API or even better, use the CrmRestKit to deal with the REST-part and keep your scripts clean and easy to read and maintain.
Create an ASP.NET page (or silverlight control) that displays a dialog that shows a progress bar while the process is running.

lazarus gui main menu using forms?

i need to make a form where when a button is clicked then another form/page opens and from that for you can return to the original form in a similar fashion a main menu/sub menu works.
sorry im new to object pascal
Simply add the second form, and then in the button handler do a
Don't forget to add the unit where "Secondform" is in to the uses clauses of the first unit.
At the FreePascal Wiki you will find a tutorial on how to use Lazarus. You can read it in several different languages.
You can also see this Developing a GUI Application tutorial.
