Magento- how to replace menu text with menu image - magento

In magento how to add a icon in menu like home icon contact us
i need to replace the text with an image am not good in magento please help me to find a solution

This is unfortunately not built into Magento but depends entirely on the theme that you are using. Some themes do offer icons in the menu.
You can do it in the code however but that needs some html and css skills


Change texts in Magento

I need to change text on our Magento homepage, but I can't do it. When I go to CMS -> pages -> homepage -> content, the thing I want to change isn't there. This is our website: Could anybody tell me how I can change the text in the blue boxes beneath the slider?
You can try editing the text in the 'CMS -> Static Blocks' menu of the admin panel of your Magento store. You can try editing 'Homepage Image Carousel' entry from the list appears under this menu.
In case you are not able to edit the text in above menu then we can only say that the text you want to change is not a part of default Magento installation, but it is a part of your theme, we can only suggest you search for that particular text in your theme's PHTML files. Search for 'Professional Cleaning Solutions' in your case.

Magento navigation menu but not added as Category

I am very new in Magento.Actually we have a client who has purchased a Magento theme and top navigation of theme is displaying some menu links like delivery,Contact Us and these are not added as Categories.May be hard coded in the theme.Can anyone tell from which file these links are appearing so that i can edit them.
Use template path hints to find out where they are.

How to use Wysiwyg upload files for my button in magento

I want add a custom button in admin form, use files manager of Wysiwyg editor. But i can’t find anything sad about that.
Please give me any solutions if you have.

Plone 4.2 - how can I change the logo in a diazo theme?

I have just installed a theme in Plone called beyondskins.responsive. Now I want to change the logo so that it uses the logo for my site and not the default Plone logo. I've spent an hour googling this problem and I have not found a solution.
One of the places I looked was here: This site tells me "You can modify a theme by clicking Modify theme underneath a theme in the Themes tab of the Theming control panel." However, I don't know how to find the "Theming control panel" that they are speaking of. When I go to "Site Setup" after logging in as admin I see an option called "Diazo theme" and another option called "Themes" (just the fact that there are two annoys me...) but neither of these options has a "Modify theme" option.
Another place I looked was here: These guys have separate tutorials for each of about 30 different themes (one tutorial for customizing the Estate theme, another tutorial for customizing the Estate Classic theme, another tutorial for customizing the Coral theme, and so on...) The theme I am interested isn't listed, but all the tutorials seem to be similar and the first thing they address is how to change the logo. For instance, here are the instructions for changing the SkyCream theme logo:
They tell me: "You can replace this logo with yours via ZMI. Open portal_skins -> sunburst_images folder, there is logo.png image. To set your own logo press Customize button." However, my system, which is running Plone 4.2 does not have a Customize button at this location. Perhaps these tutorials are aimed at Plone 4.1.
I'm starting to feel like I could have written my own theme from scratch faster than figuring out how Plone works. Please help.
UPDATE: Ok, so if I go to: mysite:8080/manage_main I get a list of the stuff at the Zope root. From there I click on my Plone site. From there I click on "Portal Skins". From there I click on "Sunburst Images". I then see a page with links to logo.png and pb_close.png. I then click on "logo.png". At the bottom of that page there is a button called "Customize". I click on it and it takes me to a page with the title "Image at /myplonesite/portal_skins/custom/logo.png" and gives me an option to choose an image file to upload. So I upload the image file that I would like to use as my logo. I then click "Save Changes". Now, my image file is larger than the original Plone logo. So it shows a larger logo, my logo, on this page after I complete the upload. I then go to my site to see my new logo. What I see instead, however, is the original Plone logo, but this time it is blown up much bigger!!! So it didn't change to a new logo -- it just kept the same logo but used the sizing information for the bigger image. I would much prefer to just deal with the HTML/CSS directly as opposed to working through a GUI, but I can't figure out where the html/css files are stored for the theme -- they appear to be packaged in a .egg file.
I'm going to assume that the theme is using the static HTML file (as referenced by the rule in rules.xml) to place the logo, rather than pulling Plone's standard logo through using a rule. In this case, you simply edit the theme HTML file (usually theme.html or index.html) and/or replace the image file it references.
In other words: if you know how to do this with HTML and CSS, you know how to edit the theme.
As a side note: In Plone 4.3, we'll ship with an in-Plone theme editor that should make this even easier. You'll get an option to make a new, in-Plone editable copy of a theme with a rich HTML editor that you can use to modify the markup easily.

Porting a website to Joomla: How do I deal with Javascript menus?

I am porting an existing site to Joomla 1.5. The menus on the existing site use rollover images and inline Javascript. How can I make the menus look the same in Joomla and use the Joomla menus, without rewriting the menu code?
It ended up being rather simple, actually. Joomla renders menus as <UL><LI><A> tags. All I had to do was extract the background from one of the menu images (both in selected and unselected state), set a images as the background in each of the styles in the Joomla CSS, and voila, it almost looks exactly like the old site (minus a slightly different font, since the text is no longer part of the image).
To show a menu item as an image, edit your menu item and select an image under the Parameters (System) heading (This list automatically populates with the images in the images/stories folder).
You will also need to set the module for the menu to display the images you set. Go to Extensions > Modules, then select the module for your menu (for instance, Main Menu). From there, select Other Parameters and then set Show Menu Images and Menu Image Link to Yes.
The rollovers will be a bit trickier. You won't be able to add inline JavaScript, but you might be able to use JavaScript to find your menu and assign rollovers to each item. Joomla ships with MooTools, or you can use jQuery if you're more comfortable wit hit. Use the Menu Tag ID field under Advanced Parameters to give your menu ul element an HTML id.
