Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 kills cshtml performance in large solution - visual-studio-2013

I have just moved an Asp.Net MVC project into our main solution, straight away the performance in cshtml files is incredibly slow, you can see each character appear after a 1 second delay. Also switching between .cs files also takes 1 second.
Outside of this solution performance is fine, this solution holds a number of projects which my solution references.
The problem occurs on 2 machines which have Update 2 present, a machine that doesn't have Update 2 present doesn't get the problem
Neither my machine nor the others use any plugins
Obviously I have a workaround, just do my coding outside of the main solution but has anyone else experienced this?

I have had similar issue with performance of some files and found it to be Plugin related. For my setup the issue was Web Essentials 2013 needed to updated.
If that doesn't work, try disabling all of your plugins, especially and large ones like Resharper (and Resharper plugins!), restart VS and see if the problems are resolved. Then renable plugins until you have found the culprit.

I can make it freeze simply by putting a debugger keyword in a ts file, as soon as it hits it it freezes VS for a good minute, there are other problems all seemingly related to .ts files.
I went up to RC3, no change. Uninstalled and went back to VS2013 without any updates and it now works fine
NB RC3 did -not- help it at all
Just to be clear, I have never installed Web Essentials and this is now VS2013 with ""; installed


IISExpress Starting/Stopping Many Times in VS 2015 Update 3

When I run a console app in the debugger in VS 2015 Update 3, it takes 1-2 minutes to start and I see IIS Express starting/stopping many times (blinks in and out in the system tray). IIS Express is not started when the debugger finally gets into my code.
This happens with other project types as well such as MVC apps.
Has anyone seen this and fixed it?
I just provide some solution, if possible, you could test it in your side:
(1) Just create a new blank solution, and then add all projects to this new blank solution.
(2) Please make sure that whether all web projects have the same issue in your previous solution, if just the specific web project in this solution has this issue, maybe you could remove it and add a new one directly.
(3) Just reset your VS settings:, and then re-debug your project, view the result.
(4) Since you set the property "Always Start When Debugging=False", like my previous suggestion, please make sure that you don't set several projects as the start up project in your side.
Deleting .vs folder (or especially .vs/config/applicationhost.config file) at the solution folder worked for me.
Note that .vs folder is hidden

Can't run a VS Universal Windows App project

I'm very new to Visual Studio and Universal Windows Apps Development. As a part of the course, I have this codeSHOW project provided.
I've cloned it successfully in VS 2015, but I can't run the project using the .sln file. Error:
Here's the error log:
I have no clue how to fix it, and the issues on github go unanswered so I can't expect much from there.
This is an known issue in Visual Studio 2015.
The problem is with files with the exact same name under different folders in a Shared project, which in your case is "resources.resjson".
The only workarounds are either to make the file names unique and if that is not an option, to duplicate the files in the projects instead of sharing them out of the Shared project.
This is a VS2015 specific bug, the solution loads just fine on VS2013. You can get some insight into what is going wrong. First note that your got two message boxes that announced this error. Barely visible in your screenshot.
The failure.txt file gives more hints, you can see the stack traces of the two AggregateException that are raised when the solution is loaded. You'll see that two tasks are trying to load the same resources.resjon project item. Not correct of course, quacks like a standard concurrency bug.
Nothing actually goes wrong, Visual Studio can handle the exception and declares it "Recoverable", the projects are still loaded correctly. And compile just fine. Only other thing you need is the Bing Maps SDK, you can download the correct version here.
If you have VS2013 then prefer that version, it doesn't have this bug and loads the solution without any complaint. And minimizes the odds that you'll run into other quirky problems. Given the current stability of VS2015, not great, it is the best way to avoid losing time. Otherwise just ignore the mishap and close the message boxes, some future Update will no doubt fix the bug. You can report it at if you wish. Not actually necessary I think, it looks like VS is phoning home.

Make Visual Studio auto reload solution when project files change

On the current project I am working on, there is, at the moment, a large churn of code, which means updating from source control can mean at times many csproj file changes. As we all know, VS2010 doesn't have a "Reload all" button, but you must reload each project and confirm each reload.
Is there a method where either the project is auto-reloaded or the IDE can detect this and ask for a solution reload?
Finally found a solution:
Quoting from the site:
Quite often I’ll find myself working
in situations where multiple projects
have changed, and Visual Studio asks
to reload them, one at a time. This
happens when I’m working a lot with
source control, and doing things like
switching branches, performing merges,
or just integrating upstream changes.
I have to click “Reload” a million
times for each project that changed on
disk, and it’s quite annoying. On top
of that, VS forgets which files I have
open, so every file that I was working
on gets closed.
I may be the last VS user to find out
about this, but a free lite version of
the VSCommands plugin is available on
the Visual Studio Gallery that does
just what I need – reload all changed
projects at once, preserving which
files I had open:
It's a pain, but the best option I've found is to Close the solution before Getting the latest source code.
If there are more than two changed projects, it is faster to manually unload&reload the entire solution than it is to Get and wait for it to unload&reload the affected projects only - reloading projects is achingly slow (even disregarding having to click the OK button for every project that changed).
(In my mind the real question is: Why does it ask that question at all??? If you Get the latest source code, there is absolutely no sane reason why you would want to only use part of it. It's like a petrol station attendant saying "You've bought some fuel. Would you like me to now actually put it in your car, or shall I just pour it out on the ground?")
Well, that doesn't work if your references paths changed in the csproj file and your using something like the sysinternals junction tool to change a symlink. E.g. tool switches D:\Projects symlink from D:\Baselines\1.0\Prjects to D:\Baselines\2.0\Projects , and because someone changed the folder structure between 1.0 and 2.0, your .csproj file suddenly points the dll path from ....\References\some.dll to ....\References\3rd-Party\some.dll . I know that is a special case, but happens (e.g. in my company).
There is an alternative solution though, one which I highly recommend as it has other benefits, too: the not-so-well-known VS 2010 Extension Solution Load Manager. It defers loading of Projects to the background, or until manually loaded, improving solution load time a lot for large solution files. It has this "reload solution" button in it's menu (unfortunatlely there seems to be no shortcut) which then reloads all solutions from scratch, skipping/backgroundloading the solutions you set. A Microsoft guy commented on his blog that they wanted to include something similar into VS 2010, but the feature didn't quite make it.
Sure, it may take longer then "just" one click and updating 100 documents, but it solved my problem of (relative) reference path changes, and gives a nice speed boost every time I open an at least medium sized solution.
Edit as of Oct 2013
VS2012 includes this functionality by default. At least the async loading stuff. The "don't load at all" functionality is unfortunately only possible by using manual "unload project" in VS2012. But as pr-project memory consumption did go down with VS2012, it's not that big of a deal anymore.
If you have checked the option "detect when file is changed outside the environment" in the "Documents" section of options, projects and files are reloaded when changed. It works for me when switching branches in git.

Visual Studio locking files while debugging

I have a VS solution containing several projects. While debugging a particular project all the source files are locked by VS. I would like to unlock sources that the debugee doesn't have dependency on. Is there any way to do this within one solution?
I'm using Win XP SP3 32bit. Visual Studio 2010, C#. Edit and Continue is enabled. The solution contains 6 projects (number in not important actually), 5 of them depend on the data access layer project which uses Entity Framework. None of the 5 have any mutual dependencies. They are WinForms and Console applications. I would like to be able to run one of the projects and make changes to others without stopping the first. The problem is starting and stopping the project take considerable amount of time.
The Edit and Continue feature is preventing you from editing files if the debugger hasn't stopped the program. The simple workaround is Debug + Break All, you should then be able to edit the files, your changes will be immediately effective provided your changes do not violate the restrictions imposed by E+C. This is the most efficient work flow.
The heavy-handed approach is to disable Edit and Continue. Tools + Options, Debugger, Edit and Continue, uncheck the Enable check box.
I don't think that there is a way to avoid that. While debugging Visual Studio lock all files to prevent any change on them, including those on other projects.
You can try to open the project which you are interested on with another Visual Studio instance to make changes to your files or open files singularly with another editor.
This doesn't quite answer the OP's question per se, but for anyone who has stumbled upon this page in the same (very frustrated) boat as I am, this might help.
The solution: start without debugging.
It was driving me absolutely crazy that Visual Studio would not let me edit files while the app was running. My typical workflow is:
Make some changes
Run the app to see the effects of those changes
Based on the results, make more changes, etc. etc.
The problem is Visual Studio was preventing me from step 3. It demands that you STOP running the app before you can even make any changes (including to a XAML file or adding a file to the project), which also means that you can't go back to the app to double-check something while you are actually programming it at the same time (which is how I work, bro).
Thank god I finally discovered if I run without debugging it doesn't impose this ridiculous limitation. It's still a pain in the butt if you actually need to debug something you have to re-run the app in debug mode, but it sure beats having to kill the app before it will even let you edit a file.

Visual Studio 2008 Painfully Slow Under SVN

I have recently been through the pain of converting an legacy WebSite project to a (C#)Web Application Project. During this time I also migrated the code from VSS control to Subversion on a dev server.
When debugging the application under VS2008 the project can literally take 4/5 minutes to completely load up. The majority of this time the Output Window states that it is loading symbols from Temp ASP.NET directory.
Figuring this may be an issue that it is under SVN control, I exported the project and began debugging without source control and this resolved the issue.
Can anyone suggest why this could be happening, ie. why under source control is it taking such a long time to debug?
Symbol loading shouldn't have anything to do with .svn. If moving your project solved the problem, I'd guess it's something to do with the difference between your actual copy and the exported one. Particularly, I'd say it would be to do with a file unlikely to be committed, like a ".user" file. The ".user" file probably has a lot of extra junk that VS is trying to load, and moving it means they got reset.
Check for any files missing (after a clean export...they'll have been re-created after you open the solution 1x) and you'll probably find the culprit.
You could try the TortoiseSVN client
The more plugins (Resharper etc) you have for VS the slower things tend to get.
